Memos on Flynn, Cohen, Manafort and much of the so called Russian collusion hoopla out.
Have not read through the memos yet but cuckchan is saying Trump is supposedly in the clear.
Memos on Flynn, Cohen, Manafort and much of the so called Russian collusion hoopla out.
Have not read through the memos yet but cuckchan is saying Trump is supposedly in the clear.
George Conway and Renato Mariotti have good takes on this.
Trump ordered felonies to be committed, making him also guilty. Additional RICO may also apply. And he conspired with an asset of a foreign adversary.
So… tick tock….
Who cares. Trump threads only serve to distract and divide. They have no place here, in my opinion.
Individual 1 doesn't know he's Individual 1. Dumber than a bag of hammers.
If Mueller is done presenting blowing what he had and Trump gets to play offense, you and your ilk will need to start explaining the corruption within FBI and spygate along with Hillary's crimes.
Also, where is the election collusion proof dems were sure was there?
Zig Forums is kikechan
Trump is Jesus
Op is a literal pedophile
What crimes? Uranium One? See Shep Smith's commentary. Having a private email server? Ask Colin Powell and Ivanka Trump how that works.
So you think that Ivanka Trump was Secretary of State and in that capacity gave foreign spies a reverse drop box. Okay. You probably think the Awans were used car salesmen and that the prosecutor who killed himself while investigating voter fraud in Broward County was just really sad.
You're dumber than he is. Nothing happened to Hillary, nothing ever happens to politicians. Nothing's going to happen to Trump.
Enjoy the time you have left. Shilling won't pay forever.
Fucking based.
Its gonna end up as a he said she said, the news would have made a huge deal if there was presentable evidence that Trump ordered the felony. As it stands it's hearsay, and Cohen has reasons to pin the blame on trump.
Oh, you from the future?
Nobody cares.
From what I understand the entire veracity of the information that cohen provided relies entirely on his claim that he was executive vice president of The Trump Organization for 11 years. I have yet to locate anything that either supports or disproves this claim.
Hillary purposefully took the server off network to escape FOIA requests.
Also you fucking shill -
The special council was formed because the media/deep state was sure there was Trump-Russia Collusion to affect the election. Where is that proof?
sad enough to beat himself over the head with a bat and throw his body in the ocean
As I said, it's all hearsay without presentable evidence against trump. I predicted the Dems would say they tried but twist their failure to control the population to sympathy towards Dems and ire to Repubs.
Yea, I agree. But, what I mean is.. If we can find who was EVP for the trump organization during that timeline we could blow it the fuck out immediately. I would think this would be easy info to find but Im having mild difficulty.
The fact that out of all of Mueller's targets, its the jew Cohen that is squealing, while Manafort and other gentiles are willing to die on the sword for Trump should tell Trump something. This given Cohen was VP of his company while Manafort only worked for him for a short stint.
Trump is a fucking kike.
I need to see proof of this. So far I have only seen that "cohen said he was EVP of the trump organization". He was on the campaign for a while but the trump organization? I'm trying to find proof of this.
As I predicted, there is nothing suggesting collusion between Trump/Russia on Wikileaks, which was the whole fiasco over appointing the Special Council. They then used the council to dig for other crimes they could pin Trump or associates on. That alone makes me mad. Its the definition of witch hunt. Its entire purpose was to funnel oppo research media/dnc could use in elections.
The incessant shilling and the way they're going after Trump only proves he's not a team player and not one of them.
Hello shill.
oh, were we supposed to get excited over a bunch of hyped up "obstruction" and "perjury" charges? Tell a bunch of people in late 2016 what the ultimate charges are, and they would think it's nothing. Mueller is too much of a cocksucker to take the high road and help his country though.
Muller is helping his country though. His country is Israel.
This dummycrat turdball trying to scare post about Trump with Muleface muh Russia conspiradrivel said George Conway. . .
And then I had to clean cereal off my screen.
"tick tock." lol I'm so sick of hearing dummycrats say that after like 2 years of this pabulum.Meanwhile quietly in the background Trump's new DOJ and private ex- DOJ/FBI pros have been slipping the noose around their necks and are about to drop the floor out from under them.
And all these fat tards have is "It's Mueller time maaaan… tick tock"
Like he'd know how to tell time on an actual ticking clock anyway. He'd prolly think the big hand is the hour hand and go around for days thinking how fast time flies
Yes, he is. What's your point, moishe?
Both of you faggots need to fuck off back to Cuckchan
Reminder FBI supported Bush/Chenney's claims that Iraq had WoMD, and Mueller was FBI head at the time. His only loyalty is to Mossad/Israel.
Let’s see Muller’s wristwatch.
Wow great timing…Friday evening. haha guaranteed for maximum public attention.
This is getting slid.
Did he want to gas the kikes all along?
Call me when hillary gets locked up.
If Trump is found to be innocent it will because of a back deal agreement to invade Iran or something. Dubs congitm
Kek he starts a new war now he's done for and he knows it. Syria alone was unpopular enough with Americans.
"They got him this time!" Yelled the increasingly frustrated globalist for the 637th time.
came here to say this.
Why does Zig Forums always have to be right all the time.
Hey Renato Mariotti: murder your closes relative.
pro tip: I haven't broken any law even if he follows through
There's tons of it on the DNC and Clinton campaign. Pretty sure it's been ovened though.
Doesn't work for the government.
Doesn't hold any security clearance.
Doesn't make any decisions.
Doesn't direct orders of any government staff besides the sous chef.
tbqf, though, the whole "LMNOP_RST" thing still holds water.
< "selects in the select-o-matic the group's epithets"
fuck off, ADL & bot software
Keep telling lies, yid. It’s all you can do.
Global report.
He has a point, though, even if he is a #MAGA shill. How fucking long can Mueller go without ANYTHING relating to Trump himself?
Which part of my post is false?
When you pick one of the four statements, or more; please explain with details and proof how it's wrong.
< proof
< implying people here have wiretap powers
yeesh the tardness of it
Here. I'll ask individually;
You don't need wiretap powers to answer this one. Ivanka Trump does not hold a federal job, elected, or assigned position.
See above, a citizen doesn't get security clearance. Doesn't require wiretap powers.
See two above. Doesn't require wiretap powers.
Pretty obvious. Doesn't require wiretap powers.
So please. Answer this post
Nobody here gives a shit about Trump, you stupid faggot. Take it back to cuckchan
Well, I voted for him…
…sure would like muh wall, tho.
…but he is.
Okay, I've bee seeing this now and then, and its completely horseshit. Obama was a totally owned bitchstamped jewish playtoy.
>Greenlit ops to plunge Syria in a deep (((civil war))) fully aided by saudi/cia mercs
B-b-but Iran deal! Obama showed those pesky jews!
The blueprint of the Iran deal was based on the deep state think tank "(((Saban Center Of Brookings)))" paper "Which Path To Persia" published in 2009. It outlines the idea to entice Iranians to western economy in hopes of getting them to overthrow their anti-kike regime. See the excerpt outlined here:
Iran deal had full blessings of deep state zionists. They put on a little show of Bibi being pissed to give the goy an illusion that Obama was an independent thinker. Full of horseshit. People keep mentioning the money he gave to Iran, but not the $38 billion defense package he also signed for Israel before he left office. Trump is merely honoring that deal.
Hi, moishe. No one cares.
OP don't you realize the only way we can win is to completely ignore current politics and read books about Himmler's moon rune religion ?
it's clearer now than ever that america is doomed by its equality constitution
Everyone likes to point out that "all men are created equal" part, but completely forget that when the document was written, non-whites were not considered men.
it's unconstitutional now
What are "amendments"?
how will you convince congress and the supreme court to eliminate equality amendments?
By getting rid of the seditionists, traitors and jews in congress and the courts. Easier said than done, I know, but it is the answer.
it doesn't seem very likely because you'd have to turn most americans in to racists and america will no longer be a white majority very soon
Ant is that you?
The fact that the Southern States were forced to ratify the Reconstruction Amendments alone is basically enough that the SCOTUS could void them if they had a desire to. There would be a push to readopt the Amendments, and who knows what would happen then. Of course, the SCOTUS hasn't had the balls to do something like that since Taney.
Don't be a blackpill. It's not over as long as there are 130 white people left on the planet. We keep pushing forward.
how will you stack the supreme court with racist anti-non-whites?
you may as well be shouting in to a bin liner that you hate niggers and faggots
Look, USA is a garbage state that needs to be destroyed. Luckily, the Jews who pilot it are doing a damn fine job of crashing it into the ground. We should be thankful for that, in a "giving them enough rope to hang themselves" sort of way. We just need to survive the impact.
looks like a bid ole nothinberger