Why are lefties so obsessed with space exploration? How about we just figure out a way to keep asteroids, meteors, and comets from impacting Earth? Asteroid mining in space is as far as I’d go, but terraforming and colonizing otherwise inhospitable and barren hellscapes beyond Earth is legitimately retarded. I don’t even feel sorry for anyone that got fried in the Challenger explosion. Space niggers don’t deserve oxygen.
Why are lefties so obsessed with space exploration? How about we just figure out a way to keep asteroids, meteors...
They don't have a genuine reason for wanting to go to space. They just want to sound like they "IFLS".
it's vegan colonialism
no savages to kill or enslave
Faggots, the whole lot of you
A planet where I can’t ride a horse and rope cows on an open range is no planet for me, pardner.
Earth First !!
We'll mine the other planets later.
The people who claim they would use DoD funding for NASA are lying through their teeth.
Look at this outrage over somebody directly contributing than giving their money to the government that even they whine about scamming the public with the SLS program.
Extension of the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE atheist crowd. Christians have their Judgement Day, golden age ushered in by Christ and Heaven, atheist communist/liberals have equality, space exploration.
I'd prefer we send them to fend for themselves on some useless rock or even better, straight to the sun. Earth is glorious, Earth is beautiful and Earth is our home. I don't want to leave my home, my home nation and this extends to my home planet.
The people 'working' on space and physics projects get billions for no results.
Probably believes Earth is flat as well.
Imagine being such a dyel incel faggot that you would rather live on a barren hellscape alone and lightyears away from any other sentient being.
Because they think it will be like Star Trek and not the first half of Alien.
Because despite screeching about colonization they want to colonize shit.
Dude, If I were to leave the earth it would be after leaving a super virus to wipe the earth humans out. Then come back to save the animals and plants.
would you not type like a woman thank you very much
They’ll be fine without u coming back m8 just drop the simian influenza on these bastards already. Just let me know beforehand so I can go innabush in bumfuck nowhere and live the rest of my life as an oonga boonga caveman while civilization collapses far away, I promise I’ll produce practically no carbon footprint.
Humanity was a mistake, I really don’t want to be in charge of reversing its mess.
The funny thing is most of these space fans are the types of people that hunger for the stimulation of living in big metropolitan areas teeming with restaurants, and theaters and other entertainments. But somehow in their minds living in some inflatable hut tending to hydroponic food production tanks 14 hours a day in a place that's a million miles more remote and inhospitable than than the Gobi Desert is really going to be a cool thing to do.
Fuck off you DnC prick. Back to your boiling vat of shit, demon-spawn. You have no power here.
Never having to read another faggot-assed post like yours again for the rest of my life? That sounds amazing, sign me up. Also, checked. Not because your dubs mean anything for you, but because your dubs mean I will get to die far away from terrestrially-bound niggers like you.
Appeal to the younger, imaginative voters. Leftism requires two key components: Narcissism and Uninformed Youth and Urban voters who are promised little conveniences.
If I recall there are special quarantined research labs for diseases, that's where one would strike.
So long, space nigger. You won’t be missed.
Jesus fucking Christ, user. Even exploration of local space (the Solar System) would yield immeasurable results.
The universe is ours to claim, if we would just step foot outside of the cradle.
Says the retard who thinks humanity was a mistake. Fuck off. I know you're all jaded and "tired" because you browse reddit all day, but some of us enjoy risk and adventure.
Space talk about gravitational lensing (((autocorrect: "gravitational lending"))) lets English majors show off how smart they are by paraphrasing something they read in a Carl Sagan book. Like everything else about them, it's purely an exercise in ego projection because their souls are empty and corrupt.
We, on the other hand, are actively plotting the Space Imperium because our white spirits yearn to build the impossible and create new ways of being alive. Only space remains to be filled up with our white children, who will first crowd around our parent star, but will someday migrate between rogue comets in the twilight void until the heat death of creation, whose embers will be our 1-degree-Kelvin funeral pyres. We find this extinction, with all the matter in the universe, trillions of millennia after the niggers return to being apes on Earth, a fitting farewell to the lives we were blessed to hold in trust for our posterity.
You'd know this if you weren't a Mexican. Get out.
Imagine going on the most boring roadtrip ever where there is literally nothing but the vacuum of space for several lightyears and the destination is a barren hellscape that won’t even show signs of hospitability towards life outside for a minimun of a few millenia.
"We gotta fix our planet first before space, you guys"
The infinite increase in entitlement spending shows that there is no limit to "fixing" our planet, you fuck.
Cue "fat-negress-protestting-space.jpg".
Gotcha covered, fam.
thanks m8
I keep them in my ready-bag.
You know, I work a trade. Not like you, you type like a faggot-assed college boy. In my trade, I have to take pressure readings, I have to get material temperature readings, and I have to calculate and project temp/pressure increases and decreases in order to ensure the well-being of the equipment I maintain. The lives of my co-workers are dependent on my vigilance, and my life is dependent on theirs. I enjoy the sense of camaraderie we have. We know that our efforts are critical to each other as well as to county services, and by extension the taxpayers in our district. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel a sense of duty because I am entrusted with responsibilities, whereas you don't because you aren't. You're a toddler in an adult's body.
Refer to
Quit pretending you’re an astronaut, you egotistical bipedal ape. You just want to throw the tax dollars of people who work for a living at resultless government programs. Go ahead, explore space. I just want to ride my horse.
Imagine sending nuclear powered drones to go out and do recon for exactly this sort of shit and phone home when they find something.
Yes, yes.
Hey, remind me again, can't quantum entangled particles transmit over any distance?
People make money with this stuff is the problem. When we get the time machine, going back and shooting Henry Kaiser in his ugly face.
Very maybe. They collapse potentials simultaneously, regardless of distance, but as yet we have no way to cause them to spin one way or the other, which would count as sending information. In short, we can do it, but it's literally random static.
Of course, when we do figure it out, the Jews will direct R&D capital to figuring out how to transmit football faster than light, rather than something noble, like galaxy-wide poetry contests.
More like
Right, so how long before we actually get to the point where we can mine raw resources from beyond our planet? Not including the trash you space niggers left in our orbit.
The space race was a bigger dick context between communists and capitalists and the capitalists won. Nothing more. You’re a moron if you think otherwise.
They make a lot of money right now. Here's a decent target:
Stay as a prisoner to planet of the apes vs creating white aryan clone colonies. Hmm
In other words, not quite there yet (publicly, we all know how R&D shit works).
Still, we're not so far off that it's an impossible thing.
Oh, for sure.
But that doesn't mean it won't get used to upgrade our space stuff. Toss in those microwave-style engines they're developing and you've got the potential for, if not FTL, then faster than anything we've ever had before. We could launch a probe and have it catch up to and pass the ones sent out by our grandfathers.
And again, toss in some nuclear powered drones and 3D printers and you've got remote research and construction for potential colonization or, failing that, resource collection if used locally.
We're there now. We have advanced enough 'AI' to program drones to mine things with some checkins from Earth.
Jesus Schlomo, your nose is glowing. It must be that time of year. Let me guess, you're one of the
i just laugh at libcucks who believe Star Trek is real and who also believe their ancestors who colonized America and explored and domesticated the Western Frontier were White Supremacists.
these Shitlibs don't stand a chance to colonize other planets and solar systems because they are now too pussified to stake a claim on an Alien planet and then defend their territory against Grey Injuns with Plasma Laser Rifles.
if the Bolshevik soy boys can no longer even defend their own borders and deny that their own race exists and allow themselves to become slaves to kikes and muzz and chinks, then what hope do these faggots have when facing an Alien race of hyper intelligent beings who may not even be Carbon based life forms?
none, that's what chance they stand. i don't think the soy boys trully want to colonize other planets and make a fraction of Star Trek into reality. sci-fi is just escapism for these blue haired soy grimacing cucks which they immerse themselves in to fantasize about reclaiming their forefather's successes as they cry in their Soylent from their cuck shed while they listen to their thicc wise Latina waifus get the train run on them by their wife's boyfriends Deshon Wakanda and Hot Nigga.
They Nazis were too. What's wrong with it? Nothing. OP will get the rope for holding back ultimate Aryan destiny.
What the fuck did this have to do with anything you replied to lmfao
Yeah I’m sure you can relate a lot to astronauts as a professional woodworker, idiot.
Don't be an ignorant nigger, OP. The galaxy belongs to the Aryans.
They're not. Why are YOU not? It's the only way for humanity to survive.
How about we kill the fucking kikes and keep the white race alive FIRST? Okay? THEN we can worry about anything else.
Because EVENTUALLY the Sun will die and we'll have to move off of Earth. We have to think long-term. Nonwhites can't do that.
YOU are legitimately retarded.
i would also add the same reasons why i think modern woke shitlib faggots will never colonize space are also the same reasons why i think if us National Socialists can stick around long enough that we will be able to do what the cucks cannot.
the distant future of 1000 years and beyond which is see is a National Socialist future, if we can survive through the current speed bumps.
Show me this readily available mass produced asteroid gold for electronics use I apparently haven’t heard of, rabbi. It has been a literal half century since we landed on the moon. People hardly even believe we went to the moon anymore. There’s no excuse for a lack of result.
It's as strange as peoples who want to climb a mountain. It's is simply here
…user, to be fair, we're making Star Trek real. Hopefully not Space Communism, but so far we've got:
And I'm sure there's a list.
Fact is, a lot of our tech was developed based on shit we dreamed up as 'science fiction.'
Hell, they're even talking about transparent aluminum soon.
We can't do multiple things at once?
This is the same argument feminists love to use.
Again. People don’t even believe we landed on the moon anymore. Where are the results?
People don't believe we landed on the moon because the internet is full of trolls and the public education system was dumbed down for niggers.
The results are a missed generation (from 1988ish through 2010 or so) who have no real skills, no life experience, and no critical thinking skills.
This is why the current generation are getting progressively more right wing and somehow, against all odds, smarter than their parents.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that sending things out into space to do our work for us and collect valuable resources would be the biggest boon we can give to our children.
It would kick off a new industrial revolution.
What a great (((future))), I'll stick to the original plan of reclaiming western nations and, eventually, all of earth for my people
you think this now but if i idea comes along you may change you mind. imagine what nanites could do.
can you do more than one thing?
Because exploration, colonization and technological advancement are white traits. The only lefties that give a shit about it are, in fact, still white ones that have not taken the nigger mentality on that one subject. A broken clock is still right twice a day. With that said, if you think that stagnation as a species is fine you are probably a nigger. If you think a full on parasitic approach is best, you are a kike.
OP's an anti-intellectual faggot confirmed. Jesus christ, what next, why are libcucks obsessed with not turning schools into gun ranges? GTFO.
you cant live without the earth so its worth giving a damn about
The lefty I was married to (and his family) did not like the idea of nothing after death. The idea is to expand humans into space, hence preserving our species since Earth is clearly a polluted wasteland. The idea of humans dying out actually scares them.
Set course to Aldebaron.
Tits or GTFO
Tell them, billions of humans have done it before. Everyone who has existed has done it. If there is "nothing" afterwards then you wont feel time. If that's the case then all the stars and galaxies will burn out and wither but you wont feel that. Everything from matter, energy, particles, and human legacy will wither and disappear. Eventually and it's theorized that the universe will restart like a heart expanding after a contraction. So then what's the worry.
You are a legitimate idiot.
The Third Reich's greatest ambition was to take the Aryan race to the stars.
people like you are the anathema of greatness
No. We can't. How are you going to restore western culture when the people who destroyed it are still alive? There hasn't been one lick of technological progress since the early 1960s, and the reason for that is total jewish control over the Western world–the only place on Earth that has ever had technological progress. EVERYTHING we have today is a direct DERIVATIVE of 1960s technology. We have to be free before we can grow, because we're shrinking now.
Also, kikes interest in space is all for being able to kill remotely. It's the reason for planes, for nukes and for ICBMs.
Yes, we can and you have to. You will have to do multiple things in a war, i.e. logistics, battle, keeping up morale, keeping law and order wherever you are in control.
You kill them, obviously.
You have to grow in order to be free.
That's not an interest exclusive to the kikes.
Nigger, do you even know what that meme is about? Don't answer.
what he said demonstrates one thing. if i was on the USS Space Boat on a mission to boldly go where no man has gone before, i'd want a crew mate who demonstrates basic character and competance to work towards preserving our team's lives. as for Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill faggot Nye and Cuck Carl Sagan and faggy college boy's who's only skills are writing, i would have court martialed them for dereliction of duty and throw them out of the airlock and left them floating in the inter stellar void
Do you?
The Third Reich failed, you giblethead.
It didn't fail if the ideology prevails.
Space Colonisation also makes sense from a libertarian and certainly separatist perspective.
Yes, nigger, I do. It's a dismissive reaction to an invocation of female privilege during a losing internet argument, not a catchall rebuke to someone incidentally mentioning having a husband. If you have to infer the poster's gender, they aren't using it to fuck with you. So shut up and hang yourself with your own intestines, Sambo.
wtf i love neoliberal globalism now
No, you don't. It means if you're a female you show your fucking tits or you get the fuck out.
Then get out for being a faggot
on which planet? On Earth they have a fake interest in science and space exploration, because when it comes down to it, they always choose to give niggerbux to worthless eaters instead of funding a space program to make mankind reach the stars. libniggers and conservacucks have no foresight to see a future beyond feeding them keeeids. thats the world bug people see, just more food, sex, and a warm place to sleep, and keep themselves entertained. anything beyond that is a "waste".
to liberals the act of reaching space and its subsequent implication of infinite resources represents the ultimate retreat into pleasure, comfort, and a transcendence beyond nature in a strictly material sense. What is eternal
life, the ultimate welfare? Once we reach this point, "progress" for knowledge will only be for its own sake, as there will be no material benefit because human welfare is satisfied. This can be seen in its infant stages to
day as the masses try to derive purpose from entertainment and social media, all distractions but an inadequate substitute to our first purpose, to survive. In this age, every urge can be met without conflicting with others desires, and most will be satisfied but never content, think of the rain going through sand, then rich soil. When we all survive survival doesn't exist. That's not to say technology should not exist but we must live a life with
purpose that's meaningful to the physical body that makes it struggle. hedonism to the unsettled leads to nihilism and nihilism is existence without purpose whose solution is death. To stop the downward spiral hedonism must be prevented, to do that luxury must be eliminated.
This is literally the same as saying communism woks.
Get on my level.
You're supposed to spread the seed of Earth to other worlds, increasing the dominion of Western civilization and our race. Earth is where we begin, nothing more. But yeah, as others in this thread have said, it's extremely important that we resolve Earthly matters first. We were too premature in going to space in the 1960's when the Jew brought us right back down to Earth to flood our countries with apes, tax us to oblivion, and distract us with bread and circuses.
There's this idea called the Great Filter, where civilizations have to solve one big problem before becoming a space-faring civilization. I believe that big problem is a merchant class of lifeforms which leech off and paralyze a much more capable civilization, preventing it from expanding. Halfway across the galaxy, I guarantee there are alien versions of Jews leeching blood from alien versions of Aryans.
They worship man, and believe we as a species are so fucking clever and special. They hate even the idea of God.
My thinking is that they know the path they walk down is a self destructive/wasteful one. If you know that information, then looking for more shit to plunder is a tempting idea as it may let them keep up their act without needing to really change anything.
People like pushing boundaries. Gives them something to shoot for and drives the progress of our tech at the same time. The unknown is vast and near infinite in potential, so it is no shock that people would be fascinated by it.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
As opposed to metaphorically saying the same thing? Communism failed when left all by itself, national socialism had to be brought down by an alliance of capitalists and communists militarily. The difference is that if there was a Cold War with Capitalist America and a Nationalist Socialist Europe then it would have never ended because it's economically and socially more viable then Communism. The left-wing and the right-wing are not equally reasonable point of views.
The New Testament is Marx before Marx.
they want to feel like they are doing something important and were told that space is important cause science its really all just an ego trip
Slide thread, "lefties!"
Just over $3 billion.
Space exploration is one of the few things I can agree on with the "left," as it's called.
Why stay doomed to this rock if the technology can be developed to travel to other stars?
Scientific advancement is real progress, not the silly sjw shit
This seems like an anti-intellectualism thread.
If national socialist Europe is sustainable, where is it? Checkmate, Aryancuck.
is Zig Forums officially dead?
Outside of sci-fi I didn't realize they were. I've never met a more anti-science group of people than lefties.