She is obsessed with Trump's brain:
She worked on Riker's Island, with the most violent niggers in Africa and even wrote articles about violence, yet is extremely focussed on the dangers of whites and the mental state of Brumpf.
She is obsessed with Trump's brain:
She worked on Riker's Island, with the most violent niggers in Africa and even wrote articles about violence, yet is extremely focussed on the dangers of whites and the mental state of Brumpf.
Other urls found in this thread:
I immediately disregard everything somebody has to say if they think they are Harry Potter and can go "Buzzword is buzzword!" .
Sensationalized click bait bullshit is sensationalized click bait bullshit . Nothing else needs to be said about it. The answer is raising the bar and that already happened.
Cult of the Magdalene, 5 Goddesses, and/or Order of the Eastern Star propagandist working out of Yale with Bonesman handlers. Follow the funding.
We should've given the Nips all the oil they wanted to genocide the chinks
A chink women telling me I have a mental disorder, now that is funny.
As usual all leftists and kike shill can do is write an article length definition of projection.
Man, look at that tight azn pussy. Fuck white women am i rite.
She's projecting because she wants my aryan cock, but she can't have it because I'm fucking her daughter
She's right
Their booming economy (if you want to call it that) is the product of white nations surrendering their wealth and borders to racial aliens so naturally they fear a great awakening on the part of whites.
So she's saying that fascism is an evolutionary adaptation to communal decline? Can't agree more.
Never take advice nor guidance from any group/group member that has a shit-tier government with one of the worst modern-day human rights records. Chinka has taken "copying" to an entirely new dimension with their theft of all things US to include our anglo-kike (((financial system))). They play 2nd string to the US … for the time being
It is probably safe to say that of the flavors of Fascism, the one we live under is Left-leaning, not necessarily 'Liberal Fascism'. With the lions share of Corporate/Government relationships using Marxism/Maoism/Leninism as its motive force, it (this form of Fascism we are under) is far more a Globalist utopian ideal than anything resembling a National political ideology; which BTFO her entire argument
So Blacks and Jews?
I've actually talked with at length just shooting the shit with "doctors" like this. I can tell you right now that 99% of this board probably has a higher IQ than the average diversity hire anything in any field of whatever you can think of
Another one that applies only to angry white males.
Welp, the modern West is left-lined to an unprecedented degree in recorded human history, including the USSR, it's to be expected that none in it can be truly rightwing in any meaningful degree, even those among us with the most extremist genocidal views are mostly just barking since you need an actual community to belong to and if you actually act right you are marginalized, imprisoned and buried away.
Lol isn't she supposed to actually explain why she thinks fascism is a mental disorder? Nowhere does she do that. She just says
How are those related to fascism? Is all mental illness then fascism?
Anyway, sage because this is a low quality article even for a harpy chink who's way past her 'best by' date, and stuff like this is just distraction from things that actually matter like the Yellow vests.
Except it isn't.
1. Group force.
Many US seals display such symbols.
Putting together a collage of the casualties of the culture wars as we speak, user. Some time ago, somewhere at some "important globalist meeting", the decision was made to use the tactics of Marxism/Maoism/Leninism to destroy all recognizable characteristics of once stable Western nations, and thus far, they've been successful in achieving their goals. Successful enough, that one has to wonder, "Why the rush?'. They've used incrementalism and gradualism to achieve inroads in their millennial quest for world domination. All they had to do was be patient a little longer, until the Nationalistic problem children were dead, gone and forgotten.
Don't you know goy? Any reaction means you are "reactionary", and scared of blacks, Jews, gays, and especially porn. Real men don't react, they accept their fate and societies' decision to destroy itself.
fascism is not a political idea u retard. its a control method. so wut the logo is on things, ppl have always been retarded and fucked dogs and horses, that shit is on pottery too.
This is extremely insidious Soviet-tier brainwashing. In fact in the old Soviet days after the Gulag times they dealt with just as many dissidents and problem people, but instead of sending them to starve in Siberia on a bowl of fish head soup a week, they labeled them insane and confined them to mental institutions. Remember they've been trying that with Trump for years, too. It's a window into the soul of the commie leftist rat, the same type who shill up the board here and use this same type of accusation to attempt to silence and demean people. It's dehumanizing, another window into their souls.
This is also in fact what China does today. Harvard and Yale have both been captured by Marxists, this much should be obvious to even the clinically brain dead. China isn't fighting a war with nukes and rods from god, they're just slowly getting their agents into place and moving them up in the social strata one generation at a time. People like this bitch are what make one xenophobic, not mental disorders or fear, but a justified, reasoned response to her callous assault on our Enlightenment ideals. Maybe Asians really are soulless and therefore the enemy.
What point are you trying to make?
Let's not go the "antifas are the real fascists" tralalaland please.
ur reply makes no sense at all, whatever you are thinking is wrong.
Do not overextend definitions.
Fuck off nigger.
whatever u are saying is still wrong and its vague. either stop being dumb or be concrete.
Shills don't like this thread one tiny bit.
based and redpilled, fuck the chinks
wont happen, then they EU will die instantly
Funny how that works.
u must be retarded because china does a lot of shit and its fucking up the urth. why are u even awake, go to sleep for like 1 year
I don't listen to bugmen.
It's funny, some of these people, like Richard Spencer, derive the majority of their attention from places like Zig Forums, which largely dislike them. You idiots will coax yourselves into believing a person is massively influential, give them unending attention, and create a sort of faux aura of influence based upon the attention you've given them, which then further convinces you that you're doing good because they're incredibly influential and growing more so. I'm sick of the stupidity. I don't need to know what someone on CNN said. I don't need to know what some slant-eyed monkey thinks. I don't care what Richard Spencer thinks is best for the right. None of it matters.
Oh christ… Go back, nigger.
Pic related.
Fascism is just civic nationalism in a nice uniform tbh.
ur reply doesnt make sense
ok so what, i dont care about that fat head spencer, he looks fucked up.
theres the proof u stupid faggot. its like ur looking at the sun and saying oh what u gay u think the sun is real theres no fucking heat
You could find 10 Asian girls opposite of her that will sieg heil, gleefully, and know exactly what it means.
(((Education))) is the problem.
i'm ok with all this, this zipperhead only further discredits her profession with her clearly bought off "ideas", by all means, continue to turn the "social sciences" into more of a laughing stock than it already is.
Not accidental, she is a PRC plant meant to appeal to avg IQ whitoids
She also needs a ration of big white cock and that's not a meme
Yeah that's great nigger, go back to 4chan.
Its called man up pussy.
Source and context?
Honestly the only way to deal with psycho women like this (or most women for that matter) is by ignoring them and giving them a good fucking.
Very unprofessional, you witch.
It is an enforcement system, to be more specific, and it is part of a political ideology about how to enforce the resource management system.
The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism
and everything by Alfredo Rocco, Giovanni Gentile, and Benito Mussolini if you haven't already.
Huh. So societies that created Cathedrals, Temples, Pyramids, high art, statues, science, actual universities, empires and general happiness and wealth for their citizens (Rome, Greece, Spain, Britain, Germany, USA were all fascist by today's standards) were actually mentally ill, and the only sane society in history is today's one, that creates massive rates of suicide and loneliness, ugly, soulless people and buildings, mass degeneracy and hedonism. Because she says so. I guess thats cleared up then, now I can leave Zig Forums forever and go stick some injection moulded plastic up my ass and smoke weed all day with no consequences.
Fascism is a worldview not a control method you absolute retards
Why do you bunch of retards like to shoot yourselves in the foot and give people reason to dismiss you as laughable social rejects by confusing correlation with causation?
I bet some of you can't even correctly decipher what I mean by this.
Tl;dr Orange man crazy!!!
Words are just fucking sounds. We could call them butterflies and you'd cry muh pr because the MSM told you that was a meany word. It's OUR FUCKING LANGUAGE. Any word that becomes 'offensive' is literally just someone's attempt to control your thoughts.
Yeah in clown world it is.
What a brainlet, "she" doesn't even have a fucking clue what Fascism is
you're right, nobody gets what you mean because not only are you being deliberately abstruse in order to tip your fedora, but your point is retarded and ineffectual too. you're not as smart as you think you are.
muh racism. What's with the influx of votingcucks and nonwhites all of a sudden
when we get our countries back, we're declaring total war on china and spraying these bugs
Remove the word Nationalist and you have a description of the modern left.
What the fuck am I reading?
Undiagnosed schizofrenia.
I sent her this. Hope she likes it. I'll post the answer if she replies back.
Let her know user said she can stick it up her yellow cooch.
She must be some kind of Chinese spook, not gonna lie. Not even libtards are this retarded.
This, it's primarily a philosophical doctrine, which can be applied on a society wide level by political means.
We aren't living under fascism, fascism is not any authoritarian system. Fascism is a worldview applied to politics "I.e The belief in hierarchy, race, struggle, nation, some form of higher order, ect" National Socialism, Italian Fascism, Romanian Legionnairism, British Mosleyism, Spanish Falangeism, all of these separate movements had different policies, strategies, and they represented different races, and nations. But when push came to shove they all banded together because they all shared the same worldview, in opposition to the modern world.
Hah. The editor of that article, whom Goldwater successfully sued? Ralph Ginzburg. Of COURSE.
cant trust a christcuck
That first pic accurately describes the lgbtq community, but with some words changed out. Irony.
at least I'm not a brain dead cocksucking unoriginal ant-person gook
Dumb bitch defined fascism wrongly.
It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.
Yet underneath all this mess there does lie a kind of buried meaning. To begin with, it is clear that there are very great differences, some of them easy to point out and not easy to explain away, between the régimes called Fascist and those called democratic. Secondly, if ‘Fascist’ means ‘in sympathy with Hitler’, some of the accusations I have listed above are obviously very much more justified than others. Thirdly, even the people who recklessly fling the word ‘Fascist’ in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.
But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway. To say why would take too long, but basically it is because it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any colour, are willing to make. All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword.
national socialism isn't facism though
all bugmen and women are genetic trash by default
So is that how they're funding this place? The farm was just a farm of porcine lies this whole time?
The fuck are you talking about?
The fuck are 'you talking about? You said Goldwater sued a jew, so didd they sew a jew or not?
Barry Goldwater sued a jew. Do you not know who Barry Goldwater is?
What about the right wing Zionists in Israel? Do they fit her description of this "mental illness?" Or what about the "proud to be black" niggers who commit violence against whites? They're militant nationalists
like "Totally not real Communism: Chinatown Wars"?
like every single Chink in power since the "cultural revolution"? Which includes Xi Chinkpink?
Clearly based in research and facts.
Nope and I really don't care since it's probably just a nother yid.
Daily reminder that this dumb azn commie whore and all of her peers will never understand what Fascism is, that it will always be an empty spook word to them, because they can never understand or admit that Fascism is nothing more than a Marxist slur applied to turn of the century Catholics joining forces with each other and other European leaders across the continent to make a last stand against Communist aggression and Capitalist subversion.
I'm not a Catholic and I don't like the church, but you will never understand World War I or II without acknowledging that WWI was going to be a small skirmish at best until Jews and their Freemason shabbos goyim realized they could escalate the conflict and use it to break the back of European Monarchy forever, and that WWII was 100% a holy war between mostly kingless Christian leaders pushing for a return to Monarchy against the Freemasonic leaders of Capitalism and Communism, which both sprang from the same semitic intellectual roots and had a shared motivation to snuff out genuine Christianity and European Nationalism forever. And by and large, they have mostly succeeded in accomplishing both of those things. We are the last and final vanguard defending the dregs of a guttering flame.
Removing the religious element, the Christianity, the Freemasonry, and the Jews from the World Wars makes nearly a hundred years of European history completely inexplicable and incomprehensible. "Fascism" is a meaningless ghost word to these people because it's a word their own predecessors invented to describe a context they a priori rule out today. They have no choice but to write long-winded dissertations about the politics of Mussolini or the percieved neuroses of Hitler, because they are trying to understand falling leaves by ignoring the tree and instead groping at handfuls of the soil around its base. Faith, Folk, and Fatherland all look like mental illnesses to upstate Jews and loft apartment feminist mongrels.
Most of you understand that "Nazi" is a slur and a commie meme against National Socialists. One day, when you've read enough on the subject from the hands of the men who fought the world for our sakes and lost, you'll understand why we shouldn't be calling ourselves Fascists either.
First, the chinese subversive quoted in OP is just another lying genocide supporter.
Reminder that race denial is genocide.
Reminder that opposing White genocide is morally imperative for White people. It is the "right thing" and the "good thing" and "what good people do," regardless of how much the marxist/ globalist/ jewish lying press claims otherwise.
Reminder that "diversity," "multiculturalism," "globalism," and almost all forms of immigration are genocide and to support them is to support genocide.
Second, Fascism, exemplified by Italian Fascism, and National Socialism are not the same thing.
Fascism is centered on the creation of a strong central state and a "cult of state" among the people and the use of said state apparatus to build a powerful and orderly society. In such a system the "people exist to serve the state." Also, Italian Fascism was weak on race and supported a form of "civic nationalism," especially early on.
National Socialism is centered on the preservation of the genetic and cultural distinctiveness of their own people (AKA Volk). It seeks to create a strong state and a "cult of unity among the Volk." It aims to use that strong state to support and cultivate strength, greatness, and health among the Volk. In such a system the "state exists solely to serve the Volk." The concept of the Volk is deeply racial and ethnic (both together). As in, both shared closeness of blood as well as closeness of culture and heritage are needed.
Both systems oppose foreign influence (economic, media, political, and so forth), but for slightly different reasons. Italian Fascists want to build up the strength of the cult of state and remove competition, whereas National Socialists want to remove those things which are not of the Volk (IE, foreign elements).
The Italian Fascists had some support from the Catholic Church, but the National Socialists did not. Indeed, the Catholic Church was one of the largest opponents of National Socialism and Hitler. Many of the National Socialists were not supportive of Christianity. "Positive Christianity," which was the "version" of Christianity supported by the National Socialists, was essentially "Christianity without the Bible or priests." There is substantial evidence that one of the long term plans of the German National Socialists was to "de-Christianize" Germany and build a new religion based upon Volkism and German traditions and values.
Reminder that Christianity is a universalist creed.
Reminder that the vast majority of Christian organizations oppose racial Nationalism and support White genocide (via "diversity" and racemixing, so long as they are Christians).
Powerful Christian groups could have chosen to oppose White genocide at any point in the last 100 years. Instead it has supported the invasion of White countries by non-Whites and opposed racial solidarity among White peoples.
Also, WW2 was mostly about the Germans trying to remove foreign elements from their racial homeland and take back control of their future. (((Certain groups))) refused to allow that to stand, so they pulled the ignorant masses into war.
Why do the Chinese have to be communist spies and infiltrators all of the sudden? Why can't it be like the good old days when they had inter gang warfare in San Francisco?
My question is when did society become so irredeemably fucked up that pieces of paper and gender pronouns become more valuable than logic and critical thinking?
Surely literally all the great advances in science were made by people who would now be considered uneducated. Surely there are SOME PEOPLE out there that still have reason in this world.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
How about you expound upon that answer instead of jerking me off with some jargon bullshit that every halfwit on here has said already.
How about you tell me WHY.
Don't you mean when the Federal Reserve started?
Correct answer
Jewish answer
Of course we have high iqs
When I was tested as an 8 year old I had an IQ score of 136
Also generation z, 18 year old