Is this related to the frog revolution?
The jews killed halfchan /BUNKER/ thread
They killed it again.
Currently watching…
How would anyone know for sure?
Can confirm. Expect a massive flood of retards.
Perhaps now /pool/ will take us, Anonymous, seriously. When the racist and bigoted jokes are removed from 4chan we will release your servers and your Moot.
I made a thread too
Just a low effort shitpost to get the thread started, is anyone else watching this? It just went down… looked like the camera guy got run over by a mob
Did we really need yuden in here?
like said there's no way to know for sure but I have no idea what else it could be
fuck 4chan channie trannies.
you halfies better not bring over any cancer or I'll gut you personally. otherwise, make sure to shill for brexit + yellow vest in britain when you get home
You guys claim to hate us, but we're like your go-to bunker.
Tomorrow should be interdasting
like what
Does anyone else think this might be q related. Specifically that his identity might have been leaked, I say that cautiously because I don't want us to suffer the same fate if it gets posted. godspeed gentlemen +++
This is the last thread that was made on 4/pol/.
Use this to judge the visitors.
no, like you faggot
Get ready for this place to look like Sabbath at the Synagogue of Satan
We're in the middle of a revolution here.
oh that's right, halfchan
looks like you outed yourself negroid
Sounds like a nigger
Stihl broken
das rite, this time we're here to stay, yay!
Th-this is ironic… right?
hellow fellow channers how do you do?
praise god emperor Trump praise KEK MAGA God pless you
They will never kill the honeypot completely, they just shut down the ability to post when big stuff happens to stop the spread of news and information contrary to that carried over the official airwaves. Heck last time they shut it off, like 2-3 months ago, the shills hilariously kept posting even though all normal users were choked off and it was some top kekarinos.
If they really shut it down tonight something's happening, count on it.
Q will never be caught.
Trust the plan.
Drain the swamp.
hellow fellow channers how do you do?
praise god emperor Trump praise KEK MAGA God pless you
well this post fucked up I was sure I deleted the previosu message
oh well it makes it even better
FUck they shut it the fuck down hard I came right here, French shit must be more serious then first though
Also to all the spergs, stop trying to bully cuck chan users when they bunker here. We all came from cuck chan and nobody cares. Also stop posting pretending to be a completely new reddit tier user and pretending you're a fresh faced cuck channer. It's an old joke and nobody buys it.
Look I just want to have fun ok. I want to post anime girls and have fun with a bunch of edgelords. And hopefully watch the frogs BTFO Macrotte.
Ma crotte haha nigerrino
Try being more discreet halfgoon.
allof you… dont you belong in reddit before Zig Forums?
Sure thing, (((glowie)))
Do you get a 0 id when you force anonimity in options or is this just some lucky fuckery?
Halfchan is working fine now, go away.
miss 4chan already
Just no Q niggers or christcucks
Lurk for 2 months and you'll know.
The one time I most enjoy pool and they shut it down
Reply to me when it works alright user?
They destroyed the Autistic Zone they don't know that they have done.
Its back online
Burner sail foam
While you faggots are here you may as well do something useful, record all Livestream of the frog riots. The media can't report on it, and police might use this as an opportunity to crush and murder protestors as an example.
save to filestreamlink best -o yourfilename.mp4send to vlcstreamlink best -p vlc
What are the main differences between a halfie and an eightfag?
4kids leave, you ain't hoping /our/ wall faggots.
No it's not. I can't believe you lied to me. This would have never happened on 4chan.
Not for me
No u
you ain't their inside man and / or messiah, they can post here too
q is real btw
I don't know much about this chan shit but I know they treat me like a friend down over at halfchan not getting that here>>12522754
Dragon docking to ISS, habbening live
Quick rundown on q?
I've never been to halfchan for so long
Where the flags at you stupid nigger?
Spece is a hoax
I live here Tonto.
I hope the mods ban every single halfchanner retard just for the keks
You really think this is the moment to be lurking? It's not the fucking 00s anymore, faggot. I don't have time to lurk, if I don't get answers i'm just going to post ignorantly and shit up the board until i figure it out myself.
It's because the frogs are revolting, they're shutting everything down, I had to take the stairs to get in here.
Show your flag, shitskin
Trips for white men in space.
lurk forever
Lol I'll give you guys one thing, you are funnier than we are here.
Slowpoke boy
I already miss my meme flag.
Q posts here. Not halfchan.
Nah we're innundated with shills every day, here is /comfy/
There is only one flag that matters here.
jews ruin everything
FUCK moot and the nip they can suck cocks
It's super /cozy/ in here
Tbh halfchan is more /comfy/ than 8ch, you guys have funthreads, more memes, and are more casual. We've got more hardcore posters with a stronger and harsher reaction to shills to maintain some uniformity and usefulness to our threads. We're shilled just as much as halfchan at this point, but we keep it in line better.
just keep saying q is real when somebody questions it
it's essential to the program
fuck you nigger
Friendly reminder to the Qtards: Israel is gonna burn and Zionist agents are terrified.
Seriously how fucking often has 4chan been down the last few years. It is fucking crazy. I come here more and more. Much more real discussion here and less shills.
Fighting shills is paramount, funthreads are not Zig Forums, I alwaysd try shuttem doen
Gloom Tube has all the chat you need.
there shutting it down boys, we need more livestreams. They're probably trying to murder protestors at this very minute. Remember to use to record videos.
God dammit. The kikes killed the board to stop the flood of Zig Forums memes hitting french social media.
Or something entierely unrelated happened coincidentally as we where warming up for a planned happening. This was the happening that was going to end 2018.
It seems like every time there's something the media is trying to keep a lid on they dos 4chan.
4chan has been uninterrupted for me in Canada
Nevermind it's working for me now.