Salvini declared persona non grata by Haaretz
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Have this theory since some time:
Pretty stupid, they get dumb goyim killing muds for free since 2001.
This means Salvini isn't a ass kisser, or wall kisser in this case.
Very good.
I'm not necessarily saying that isn't the plan, but if it is then openly supporting the invaders is a very dumb move.
Yeah in your dreams.
If digits, Jews get the Ruspa
Any more like this?
it's actually dumb move to flood EU with mudslimes if their plan is to make europeans to kill mudslimes because that will wake up the masses that the kikes are evil. they want to simultaneously kill europeans and doing great israel project. also, europeans are filled with too much empathy that they won't purge mudslimes.
exactly until the moment food and jobs/handouts are scarce
that's not what's happening
the (normies) who are more redpilled on muslims are less redpilled on kikes
they see it as Islam vs Europe and include Israel in Europe
They see Jewish traditions as European traditions
Why would he be in israel.
Fucking newfags.
Israel has millions of people on their persona non grata list: jews are proud of spying and doxing people worldwide to pass the information to the motherland. It is the official seal of the bad goy.
No it isn't, jews win regardless the outcome, muds destroyed, Whites destroyed, both destroyed.
And who do we have to thank for that?
The kikes running the modern world, you D&C shill.
This. Congratulations to Salvini on his massive accomplishments in blasting kike ass.
No, according to Albert Pike, WW3 = Muslims against Christians/Whites. At the end when the Christians come out victorious but weak, the kikes will destroy them.
This is why I unironically support Muslim expansion in the Middle East. When the kikes are all gone, we can fight the Muslims.
Since Constantine, Europeans see kike traditions as their own. There are the kikes of the modern world, yes. There were also kikes in the ancient world.
What a YUGE honor for Salvini.
That means he's doing something right.
Forza Salvini!
Nah, the behavior of jews is genetic - their actions are the result of natural behavioral genetics.
To search through historic politics - or today's politics - and look for explanations of the jews attacking whatever people they are among during this or that era of history is folly. Those who do so are forced to try to come up with a great variety of "explanations" to describe the exact same behavior by jews in a multitude of societies everywhere across time.
Jews attack everybody else. Period. It's in the genes, in the code, in the DNA.
That's kike mythology, and it's false.
The goal is to create an intolerable situation for European Jewry by being stuck between Muslims and nationalists. Israel wants these Jews to make aliyah, which is what's been happening with Jews in France and Sweden.
False, Christians never gave a fuck about the jews own past. They focus on Jesus and direct all ther hate to his traitors.
It is protestants and evangelicals in particular, who suck up jewish dick because they believe that salvation only comes to jewish derivatives.
Enough with this subversive distraction tactic.
You have your own board. Go back to Zig Forums and stop pushing the state of pissrael as the end boss and pretending jews are enemies of muslims.
We don't have to defend mudslims and jews are the ones to blame, not only israelis. You, Zig Forums, mock us about the jewish question while subvert every subject to focus on pissrael, and the sole reasons for that is you suck mudslim cocks and take pissrael as a puppet to "American Imperialism". You are cancer.
Christians of European blood and culture are the #1 enemies of kikes and they want to destroy us genetically, spiritually and culturally. They want to destroy purity, beauty, intelligence, kindness, virtues and, obviously, Christianity. Muslims are their #1 ally, specially the sunni. And that's true since the very beginning of their sandnigger religion.
Sandniggers took over Palestine from the native converted Christians, then Jews moved in and killed, raped and slaved Christians alongside muslims.
Then they infiltrated nobility and tried to took over Europe by opening the Toledo gates to muslims, their No.1 ally. European Christians managed to overcome this trouble after being killed, slaved and raped for 700 years, the so-called "jewish golden age".
Then they kept infiltrating and destroying our culture and economy, they managed to use protestants to kill Europe Christians and, later, created a masonic rule over the world. They used France, UK, Holland and, finally, the United States of America to accomplish their power goals. They used leftists to subvert everyone's culture even more, as it was weakened by anti-religious liberalism. They created that artificial dialectic of capitalism vs gomunism where they controlled both ends.
Now the kikes have opened the gates of Toledo once again, but in Syria and Libya. Their host was already weakened, they had abandoned religion and embraced materialism and degeneracy. The kikes made sure to institute a culture of suicide and self-hate after Hitler was gone.
Now Europe will become a mutt continent fated to be filled with jewish slaves until the end of times. The religion will be nothing as real Christianity, the same as they did in America, by creating neo-conservatism and nigger-tier churches.
That's the plan of kikes for Europe. Total subjugation of European Christians. Total slavery. Cultural, spiritual, genetic and moral slavery. Until the end of times. The Israel, the Zion, of their dreams can be built anytime as they wish, as long as White Christians are gone.
That Israel we see now, that's a mere detail. Are Christians now trying to reclaim the Holy Land? We are not. So focusing in Israel to give it to filthy muslims, kike's ally, is useless. A diversion Zig Forums loves to push here, so we keep busy with that and forget about degeneracy, leftists and other jewish tactics they embrace.
In conclusion and a tl;dr:
It's Anti-Christianity the end boss. The dirty jews, the Synagogue of Satan, want to destroy Whites and Christians, not sandmutts and muslims. They aim for our destruction, not for the destruction of muslims, their best allies. The Wahhabi and classical muslims love jews. The immigrants colonizing Europe are sunni, the muslims they want to eradicate or control are the shiites.
Zig Forums always try to subvert our narratives. Be careful with them.
Of course Haaretz would never advocate open borders for Israel no matter how much they pretend to be liberal.
(((Léo Taxil))) compiled some shit about Masons a century ago, but didn't try to guess about WW2 or 3. He threw it into Albert Kike's account and did it to mock Catholics and people criticizing Masonry, pretending it was all some kind of """conspiracy theory""".
Some anonymous heroes compiled decent theories about kikes and masons end game and used the same tactic as (((Taxil))), spreading it as if everything from WW1 to the present was foretold a century ago.
Your version has some Zig Forums narratives mixed in, but is way too optimistic, giving us chance to fight against sandniggers before we are truly incapacitated. They want to slowly boil the frog and emasculate us first. They want to make our blood, spirit and culture filthy and ruined so we can't fight them, so we can't even see them. It's not gonna be some epic clash between two macro-groups, at least not if everything goes as the kikes plan it to be.
Do you even oppose White genocide?
Do you oppose muslums because they are non-White, or because they are non-Christian?
Would you be happy if the brown people converted to Christianity? Would that be an acceptable outcome? (That would be White genocide, by the way).
All abrahamic religions are poison, and none of them are White. They are all subversive foreign desert cults.
Hail Godin. Praise KEK.
Hes going to israel soon so I doubt they'll go out of their way to stop him.
The real plan:
Civnats would support this.
I oppose because they are anti-white and anti-Christian. Even when not intentionally, they are part of our enemy plans. And I've made myself clear enough about it, I suppose.
Yes, of course. Brown people stay at brown people's land and now are Christians. They get saved and I will be happy for them.
You know nothing about the history of Europe. Christianity is the best of your culture and is what's created the civilization you live in. It's what's brought Man to our best form. Christianity was created and spread by white people and was an excellent way to fight jewish subversion. Things changed with (((Protestantism))) and (((Enlightenment))), tho.
And I know your kind for more than a decade. You're just an edgy fedora who gets triggered over Christianity and National-Socialism. You pretend to be NS just to fit in and use your edginess to say everyone here is wrong (including Hitler), so you move on in your nihilistic purposeless life while pretending moral superiority in the Internet.
Get converted and thank your ancestors for your blood. Convert and thank the Greeks and Romans for your culture and salvation. Convert and find salvation for you and for mankind.
China is the living example of what awaits us. They have no morality. The institutionalized Mark of the Beast is already upon them. The Whore of Babylon is what will be left of the West. Disfigured by subversion and spread worldwide, taking over the world and institutionalizing immorality, ugliness, lies… In all levels, not only in religion. While kikes rule over the filth and ruins of God's creation.
That's the kikes' plan. That's Satan's plan.
not really. but he's definitely pro-israel.
nobody is perfect, i guess.
Muslims forced on Europe
European Whites vs Muslims
Racemixing dilutes White race
War and strife makes it weaker
EU army eventually takes control
Kikes succeed in making Europe a wasteland
Global hq for JWO is Israel.
yeah in a nutshell.
christian is anti-White.
Cum worshipper
I will never convert back to jewish poisons
There's no political benefit in being a "right winger" and being anti-israel. He has better things to do than answer 10000 questions daily about being the reincarnation of hitler.
Its far more productive to stop their agenda.
Fuck off with your D&C you fucking faggots. This thread is about Salvini, not why atheism and LARPaganism make you smart.
Salvini wasn't declared persona non grata.
This is an opinion piece where the author of the article said he "should be" declared persona non grata.
Salvini and not Trump is right now the best rightist leader, he is flawless.
That would be news to Vladimir Jabotinsky, who actually wore a uniform under Mussolini. But then Haaretz staff probably don't know who Jabotinsky was.
Oh. Should have read.
Nothing was lost then.
sage for double post
This is a shill.
Kallergi plan was to mix euro and negro for the ultimate slave race.
Since Libya african refugees have been flooding, MSM calling them "Syrian" etc. Very few people noticed they were as black as night.
Other poster is right 9/11 got them all the support they needed. This isn't about proxy wars. This is WHITE GENOCIDE.
Indeef, what is it?
Mexicans don't stay in Mexico and they're more Christian than you are.
Kikes and china will be at eachothers throat before then, probably due to china eventually imploding on itself in fear over every other asian country. I honestly could not tell you who could win that fight.