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Anti-slide bump.
So all jewish propaganda. After all, homosexuality is a jewish tradition. Ban the gays, ban the jews.
Russian bots did this
Unfortunately, Poland is extremely philosemitic.
Poland's government is. The people, not so much.
Average Poles just naturally hate anyone who is not Polish and from their home town. This is the Slavic mindset.
That is the mindset of everyone who hasn't been infected with Jewish brainwashing. See Japs and Chinks. They have open signs in many parts of their cities that say 'No foreigners'.
I wouldn't call it hate.
And actually Poland is quite welcoming of people…. who come as guests.
Wanting to leave here is something else though, but it's not hate. You will be rather hated when you support Germany(destroying your culture) or Russia (endorsing Putin)
Fine by me
Henlo frens. I live in Chile and I will be getting married next week. My wife and I have never left the country before, but we will be in Krakow Poland once we leave Helsinki. Any decent places I should check out there? Also, are Roman salutes at concentration camps illegal in any way?
Try diving to the bottom of the Vistula. Very popular tourist destination.
There are whites in Chile retard
There are whites in China and Somalia too. What's your point?
'An autosomal DNA study from 2014 found that the mean Chilean’s ancestry percentages were 44.34% (± 3.9%) Native American, 51.85% (± 5.44%) European and 3.81% (± 0.45%) African.[19][20] About one in two Chileans having Sub-Saharan African ancestry,[20] and 99% of the population has Native descent.[21] A 2015 study analyzing hundreds of thousands of SNPs yielded similar results – around 55% European, 43% Native, and 2% African.'
Nie powiedziałem, że wszyscy Chilijczycy są biali kurwazjebie
Oh look, Schlomo can use google translate!
projektuj hardziej ułomku
Why are you telling me to 'design a more shapely one'?
Fun fact, Moishe; Google translate is shit. Try again.
Ok, you don't speak polish i got it.
oh fuck me my sides
Filtered, though.
Since this nigger filtered me, i'm just gonna say i didn't mean to say that ALL chileans are white
That's not very nice at all. I'm visiting your beautiful country for a few days because your history is very admirable. I don't want to live in Poland, I very much like living in Chile.
I'll admit, my wife and I aren't White. We have some Amerindian genes. I know to you guys I am a subhuman because of my 25% Indian heritage, but I am merely a visitor and I don't want to stay in Europe. I'm literally just trying to be a polite tourist and I have hostile morons telling me to kill myself for just wanting to visit the beautiful continent of Europe. Pretty gay tbh
Sorry for this Seba, but yeah, you're a mutt man
My friend, you're expecting people on Zig Forums to be polite. That's your first mistake.
Pretty 'gay' until you consider that subhuman 'visitors' just like yourself are raping murdering and chopping up our children and putting them IN FOOD to dispose of their bodies. If you can't understand why we want to kill all foreigners at this point, you lack a fucking brain or something.
Chile is literally Prussia.
cool strawman
"we hate everyone"
I know I'm a mutt. I'm not delusional. I know I am not White.
No, most of the invaders in Europe are immigrants coming in legally, not well off tourists who are only staying for a few days to enjoy your culture
Here in Poland, we have a lot of shitskin (((students))) and (((tourists))) who stay. Unfortunately
strawman? I see no strawman.
Only man of steel.
'as scouts we have a duty to respect persons who are homosexual or bisexual. And such people are also involved in the scout movement,’ their statement said. ‘We should oppose hatred and contempt for them, because our task is to see our neighbor in everybody.’
I don't necessarily hate a gay who keeps it to them self, but the is an evolutionary imperative for the marginalization of abnormal or harmful behaviors. I'm not saying do a stiffy test while while forcing people to watch gay porn and hang the queers, but it must not be normalized. It is a fringe thing and must remain so, and children must be made aware pf this. Boys play with trucks and sports, girls play dress up and have tea parties. Simple.
don't listen to that fag, Zig Forumslocks always welcome
That's shitty and that sucks, but if it makes you feel any better, I can relate because even Chile is not safe from Shlomo's plan to flood every country with the shittiest type of immigrant imaginable. Also, it's not like I'm some dude trying to get with your women. I am coming with my wife, and after a few days we will be in Italy to enjoy a wonderful Latin Christmas mass.
rozważ następujące
inb4 wykopowa nazwa pliku
kill yourself for not being white tbh
k*rcze ale boomer lmao
Wykurwiaj na tą grupkę klasową z której przyszedłeś Oski
STFU boomer go back to reddit
Poland will be best country to live in 10 years. If you're speaking english and not retarded you can make like 5k pln in warsaw (which is above 80% of poles) and have good life here. If you have a degree it's even better.
Pozzhole. don't do this
Yeah like 2 mudslimes in the kebab stall. Over time immigration will surely be reduced, I'll stay in my country fucking my white wife meanwhile muhamad will blast your ass to the orbit in some crowd. Good luck.
Quick get the kikes in there to remind them of the holohoax.
what the fuck are you talking about
Poland is the new capiotol of kikes.
But what about the FEELZ of faggots in Poland? You know, lots of queers are kikes, and don't the poor dears have a right to special privileges in Poland due to the … well, the holocaust?
Slava Polska
also nice gay fantasy jew
That is where the kikes are RUNNING too to save their asses. Look to any European nation or Eastern European nation that doesn't have 'immigration' problems and there you will find the kikes fleeing from Europe. They need to be surgically extracted from these 'safety nets' they have manufactured for themselves and slaughtered.
There was a video on JewTube with kikes discussing return to Poland and making vietnamese second official language, but it got shut down
You mean this?
It is still there in various places on YT…but if I point it out to you, the channel will get another strike.
yes, this one
also saved
Thats footbal hooligans, and i bet its some footbal rivarly with other teams supporters.
Oh, god, YES Poland!
I love you so very much!
Will you marry me?
Almost worth moving there for.
If you could read minds, crowds would cause you unnecessary stress.
ok, for real, who the fuck are these people? have they got any control over poland? this looks like some movie promo/movie ad campaign for me tbh
Does the fact that what they 'discussed' became the reality for Poland tell you whether they have control and power over the Polish government? We could say that they were just a 'think tank' but if the things they say become a reality and the kikes flood Poland pillaging it for 'gibs, massa, gibs' (like the 1/2 niggers they are) and reparations and land and property; stealing to enrich themselves then for all practical purposes they are in perfect control and pillaging Poland in the same way as they are destroying the rest of Europe.
The Polish people need to MAKE IT COUNT with their riots and marches…so far they are lashing out at nothing. They need to begin TARGETING THEIR OPPRESSORS and the people who are stealing from their children and pillaging their nation.
As a pole I see literally nothing that was said in this video in my country
Nope, our politicians are too woke, it was po that wanted this shit
Uhh… wat?
Neverhappenedandneverwill.jpg because Poles are too lazy
o…k… i see… couple weeks ago there was this film named "Kler" that pushed muh Catholic=pedophile agenda and allegedly "separated Poles"
So I kinda see this happening…
Wtf, these are some cuck thoughts, never will happen in Poland, we are too Racist (a good thing) and shit
The only way to stop it is if you literally start dragging kikes out of their homes and killing them. Ensuring that you make 100% clear that they are not going to be doing this in your nation. I would THINK that you would have enough experience from watching the USA and the rest of Europe destroyed to know that this will happen to you if you don't stop them NOW. They are going to bring financing…to soften the blow of having them in your nation…they bring wealth in and then cheat, steal and rob until you HAVE NOTHING LEFT…NOTHING, they take everything all that can be taken and carry it off to the next 'host nation' that they are going to pillage. If you don't do something now, you will not escape just like the rest of us did not escape. They have already told me their plans for Eastern Europe and Russia and you will end up like us or worse if you continue down this road of permissiveness and 'tolerance'. They will take EVERYTHING from you and then turn over your nation to shitskins you will be HOMELESS in the lands of your ancestors, niggers/shitskins will replace you and rape your children and wives.
That's cool you sound exactly like the US before 1960.
Poland is male, fag.
Hey jaon
troll level? 8/10. Almost had it, but the complaints about hostility on Zig Forums were a step too far
What, you think they instantly went from 0 to 100 in the UK and US?
It's called incrementalism, and it must be opposed.
Anyone have that picture of the fag pride rainbow in Warsaw? The poles kept setting it on fire every time the organizers tried to put it back up. Could've sworn I had a picture showing the installation and it on fire but I can't find it.
Cejrowski czy to ty?
underrated post.
Of course it's the scouts who oppose it…
dont worry about it, go right ahead
take pictures
t. CBŚ
Not that bad tbh, but I would definitely order more lynching to local kebaberies so local muds won't relax too much. Although for life, I'd rather live in Closer Fuckknowswhere, for several reasons, one being real estate (((prices))).
I heard Wrocław and Katowice are hardly salvageable though.
From my experience, vietnamese are much less shit, and real plagues are niggers (and tbh coalburning whores as well, as they are nigger enablers), arabs and fucking chinks. If I could only choose 3, I would execute every motherfucker of those three races and stop coming for people.
God fucking damnit, I love that retarded meme so much, more T I G E R S please
Thank god
Whoa, he forgot who holds his leash, and someone ommited that US state department funded pedophile grooming classes in 200 primary schools as "pride week"
Problem with (((kornhauser)))'s husband is that he says a lot but does very little.
4.5 of which you'll spend on a cuckshed sized flat due to inflation of housing prices
Thanks to zognald who signed JUST act S447 like a good zionist stooge.
One of them owns a magazine called "krytyka polityczna" which is a rag in which leftists blame capitalism for not earning billions, or at least being kolhozniks of equality after their worthless college courses.
Others are loteral whos.
English doesn't have gender, but in Polish, Poland is feminine, due to it ending with "a".
Fun fact, thanks to locust-like mining operations done by the soviets (Poland rejected claims to WWII reparations just so they'd stop mining) most of real estate in that region is on a timer of anywhere between 5-50 years before it collapses on its own.
There's only 8,000 kikes in Poland, maybe at best double that if you want to include mischlings. Not that many to expel.
Pinochet looked pretty White.