There have been a lot of threads, general posts, and images calling for violence lately. Calls for armed revolution, "white terror", white separatism, Atomwaffen, and other such illogical, counterproductive and otherwise fucking retarded ideas. The reason is clear; Shills. halfchan has become insufferably flooded with these and other low-IQ solutions, luckily, things are somewhat better here but awareness is low.
Optics. If we are ever to succeed we must do so politically. Terror perpetrated by any of you fucks will do immeasurable harm to our ideas, which are perfectly capable, when articulated correctly, of not only standing on their own but rising above the lies which surround it. Think; Those jews got shot up at that synagogue, and public opinion shifts against the right. The media also painted that guy who crashed his car as that unite the right thing as a terrorist perpetrating an attack and the jury just bought it. Or even those """pipe bombs""" that got mailed around to people Trump doesn't like, more awful optics that turn people away from us, regardless of whether or not somebody from here did it. Let's cast our minds back to antifa in 2016. Their violence fucked their optics, and gained us great support in the public mind.
Violence would gain us nothing. Nobody wants to be a terrorist. The political situation is different now than it was in the 1930's. We will see victory through grassroots populism, embracing nationalism and spreading acceptance of the fact that racial unity is beneficial. I remember some user saying that European nations should stick to specific ethno-nationalism while the US, Canada, Australia and others should focus on pan-European thought within their nations.
I apologise if the formatting or writing of this is weird. It's very late at night.
Excellent observation and immediately the shills flock to the thread here and here
Violence and public opinion are inversely related. If we want our ideas to be accepted then, as you put it, are important. There is no point marching on the streets if you don't care about public opinion. If all you seeks is violent overthrow, then just be quiet, plot your game and just do it. There is no point barking about it in the public space
Dominic Nguyen
*ideas to be accepted then, as you put it, optics are important.
Charles Barnes
This is a possibility. In which case the last thing people of that intention should do is to be marching on the streets and shine a spotlight on yourself
Jaxon Gutierrez
Oh, fuck off. We've been trying the poltiical method for 70 fucking years with no success. Quit being a god damn pussy. We're fucking Nazis. You can't get lower than that. There are no optics to protect. You aren't going to hear the phrase "but there are good Nazis and bad Nazid! You can't lump all Nazis together!" rendered by any member of the public.
Alexander Barnes
Zig Forums is a board of peace but you can't control all men sweetie. Zig Forums is not responsible for violent blowback to ZOG policy
Jayden Nguyen
Reminder that the nazis didn't win by using terrorism against their own people.
Nolan Nelson
Reminder that ZOG and the invaders AREN'T our own people. Violence is natural and normal and should be used against these people.
Oliver Perez
The shock and terror of the war, combined with the effects of wartime propaganda are only slowly beginning to fade away. The last thing we need is our people donning swastika armbands and gunning down jew babies.
We just need good people to win the hearts and minds of the people, not openly as LITERALLY HITLERS, but as people. We are seeing a nationalist resurgence in Europe, with that 'Vox' party in Spain triggering kvetching. The madlad Viktor Orban in Hungary is literally cracking down on Soros' institutions as we speak. Who knows how many other Nationalist groups are taking root in Europe alone that I just don't hear about through radio. Bit by bit we can do it if we keep things mellow.
Evan Davis
see ZOG buzzword to turn people off from the ideas of violence as a means to an end. the thing is, antifa beat up anyone right of (((marx))), i.e. their fellow citizens. Nobody is going to care when some gun grabbing senator or some "anti-hate" organization's (((founder))) gets two bullets embedded in their skull. At least, not after they finished virtue-signaling on twitter for 10 minutes. see this quote by Commander Rockwell. We don't need a mass movement, but an esoteric one. Even James Mason concluded that guerilla cells of only 50 natsocs each would be key. America is not Weimar Germany, and different tactics are needed than the original NSDAP. We can't have a mass movement because your average white American is worthless in terms of idealism, and cannot be convinced of anything. ( See Dr. Pierce on "lemmings." )
Isaac Stewart
Friendly reminder that Hitler himself had to build up his storm troops to even speak openly to the public. Only a cudgel kept the communists away. Also organized violence hasn't even been tried for ages in western politics, thanks to fear propaganda, manufactured infighting and seeded mistrust. Then we have the lone wolf attacks…ineffective, free ammunition for the enemy, and a suicide move on top, yet public annoyance towards media manipulation and censorship is continuously rising, forcing the enemy to act out more and more ridiculous, while the Jews are getting blamed more and more aggressively.
Advocating violence here is of course stupid and all the shills should be btfo in the first comment. Easiest way is to nonstop confront them with inconvenient questions. But violence itself is a means to an end that is necessary and unavoidable in the near future and you all should make sure that you and the people you care about are fully prepared for it. Their is no political way to enforce the law against lawless criminals.
you realize only 140 million americans are non-white spic right?
Joseph Lewis
I'm not arguing or condoning lone wolf attacks but you can't say they're ineffective. The threat of random violence to the state and to to the individual, especially if they're the ones being targeted, is incredibly powerful.
Jason Bell
You might be surprised how quick it would be to mass extinct them. They aren't very clever and as these parasites are cleared out of our nations and order and law are restored you might be surprised at how little sympathy the remaining invaders will garner. Just the same way DEW's are being used in California we need to begin to develop and study the advanced weaponry that our governments are planning on using on us so that we can mimic these weapons against the invaders and ZOG (the judges, trannies, homos, libshits, government officials, kikes and assorted foreign filth that we run across). We Americans are the largest standing militia in the world and we need to start acting like it.
Yes, lets fight within the system created by, and totally operated by the enemy.
Cameron White
We don't even have to mass murder them. A few molotov cocktail attacks, a mortar barrage every few hours, and the threat of a sniper can drive an entire spic neighborhood empty and its inhabitants back to Mexico. Just look at the psychological effect of the "D.C. Sniper".
If a highly sophisticated plan like the Breivik scenario only managed put the political machine back a couple of month to refocus, then I don't see how lone wolf attacks can be seen as powerful. I can only hear last screams for help, while throwing themselves into the fire. Sure if you happen to run into some high profile targets…by all means. Otherwise I would rather like to see more specific property damage than civilians getting shot like fish in a barrel.
Nicholas Brown
They will come back just like the kikes if we don't implement the FINAL SOLUTION. Do you want to keep fighting these half niggers forever?
Isaiah Sullivan
Shit thread. Reminder that the US Supreme Court case of Brandenberg vs the State of Ohio makes it legal to discuss overthrow of the US government as long as it's done theoretically and there are no calls for immediate violence; theoretical violence, such as "in the future, we will have to revolt violently" or "here's how we would succeed in ambushing police patrols should such an event ever occur" is legal. that being said, legality doesn't mean shit to the kikes in power who will frame Aryans and send them to jail for no reason, so take it for what you will.
Caleb Walker
I can't believe how stupid this place is. You guys wrack your brains and fight with each other all day over how to popularize nazism, not even realizing it will literally never, ever happen. Nazism was literally a failure. It failed to accomplish it's goals and gave our enemies a powerful propaganda tool. This place will continue to go nowhere until you stop worshiping a literal failure who committed suicide.
It brought Germany from being a pauper state to the foremost world power and succeeded in almost taking on most of the world. It didn't give anyone a propaganda tool, because everything said about nazism is a lie. National socialism and the redemption of Hitler in the public eye is the only way forward. There is no half-measure in this regard. If you don't agree with that statement 100% you are a kike or a kike's useful idiot. Either way you need to kill yourself.
Nicholas Anderson
A final solution can only be enacted with a standing army, and financial and industrial assets to back it up. I'm stating what can be done with a few insurgents. No. They will flee to greener pastures. Why come back to a place where it's clear that you could wind up with a bullet in your skull for just walking out of a Walmart?
Oliver Edwards
It's in violation of the Second Amendment which legally allows citizens to use violence against tyrannical government.
No, I'm not living a fantasy world. Never did I imply it's bad or did nothing good. The reality is they lost, literally, that's what happened. Maybe naizms is the greatest thing in the world but it makes the entire rest of the evil world fight you to stop it. So what? That can be the case it's still a failure.
The enemy invented a new weapon against you. Instead of trying to make a counter weapon, you become cultishly obsessed with the very weapon they created their new weapon to destroy. It's not hard to figure out why you are all so frustrated, you are trying to do something that literally cannot work.
Daniel Johnson
You got that backwards retard. You will get fired for having any opinion right of center meanwhile antifa are tenured professors and members of the boards of fortune 500 companies
Militarily against an alliance of capitalists and communists after taking all of Continental Europe. Ideologically it is the most potent of all three to this day, which is exactly why it is all but illegal.
try contributing something if you want to show politics is more than just enterainment and meming for you
Elijah Long
OP is correct, but so is>>12526218
You have to raise consciousness among our people to the point the Jew can't keep the lid on it, then you have your revolutions. Until then violence is just bad optics.
Nicholas Martin
I don't care if Trump doesn't like it. I'm as loyal to Trump as Trump is loyal to my race. Until he moves against the jews, he can go to Hell.
Do you really think that the kikes will just play fair and voluntarily leave power if they lose an election? They don't care about your rights and the law. The only care about victory. Treason is like grabbing a tiger by the tail. Once you start betraying your nation, there is no going halfway. The elites who kowtow to the jews will never surrender power willingly. And they will use every trick in the fucking book to suppress, censor, and destroy your grassroots movement.
Bump because at least you effort posted.
Hunter Torres
Again, it doesn't matter if your ideology inspires the world to fight you, if you lose that fight, you have to find a new way to perpetuate your views. I don't even understand this logic one bit. Are you actually suggesting you can win by doing the thing that made you lose last time?
I'm not saying they're too powerful you dope, I'm saying you need to use novel ideas to fight them, not the ideas they already defeated 70 years ago.
Gabriel Davis
Democracy don't work. Vote with a bullet, not the ballot.
Colton Hill
see my earlier post
Ethan Moore
Revolutions don't depend on fucking optics, they merely create them through violence. Most of the population sat by and watches regardless. Most British-Americans sat by and watched in the American Revolution.
50 years, 100 years…how long until your descendants FORGET and the disgusting horde comes pouring across your border to rob, steal and murder again? Once the foreign kikes are exterminated we will have a standing army and WE WILL USE IT TO EXTERMINATE ALL DEGENERATE SUBHUMANS ON EARTH. There is nothing beneficial for humanity or the Earth with having them occupy this planet.
Noah Brown
And that wasn't even a racial conlifct, people were willing to kill each other over purely politics
Ryder James
The point being national socialism is the most effective ideology by far. We can learn from Germany's defeat, but that was conditioned on the geopolitical circumstances of the time, not the ideological faults of national socialism. If a nation with nukes adopts national socialsm, it will be unstoppable.
Nicholas Hernandez
6.5 billion people have to die. It's up to us to choose which ones.
I can't believe I read even half of your shitpost. "muh optics" "muh public opinion" "surely everyone sees that panty-fa is the real nazis now!" You're trying to play fairly in a rigged game. Only a board flip can save the white race. Also you're probably a faggot.
Jack Turner
It was a conflict over Americans wanting to conquer America which meant killing redskins which George III wanted protected via the Royal Proclamation Act, Americans who saw themselves as too English for England. There was definitely a racial component to it.
Jayden Nelson
Exactly. The US army is the largest most powerful army in the world. We need to focus on exterminating the KIKE controllers so that we can wield that army for our own purposes. When we are free of the kike central bankers we need to hunt them down in all the nations of the world that they have infiltrated and pull them out of their holes and hiding places and exterminate them. This means that our militia hundreds of millions strong it THE KEY to freeing the entire globe. We need to take the military back under our control and then EXTERMINATE OUR OPPRESSORS.
Parker Ortiz
Jace Mitchell
Is that why the country spent the next century importing niggers?
of course I know the difference, but I'm not going to pretend ideologies are not tools either. Both are. I'm not going to commit to using an ineffective tool.
David Bell
It's not an "ineffective tool", it's just too effective for the racially indifferent CEOs of 500 Fortune Companies who own both political parties.
It's fine if the current circumstances are more favorable to the spread of nazism than Weimar Germany, but I very much doubt that is the case, being that Weimar Germany had a lot more racial homogeneity to exploit.
I know the difference but I'm not a true believer in ideologies, only the unmitigated truth. As such to me, ideologies are tools, not prescriptive systems for my life.
Gabriel Cox
Fuck off, kike.
Nathaniel Collins
Lucas Mitchell
literally talking about a hypothetical. note the "maybe", that word doesn't apply to cemented historical reality, you mong.
David Watson
Be scared kike
Asher Flores
You've already outed yourself, nigger. Go fellate a shotgun.
Nationalsocialism will rise again and there's nothing kikes and opticscucks like you can do to stop it.
Jonathan Wright
Then you can sit in your consumerism and decadence and do nothing. It's plainly evident that all you will do is WAIT for an alternative to what we're proposing to simply "come around."
national socialism is the manifestation of truth and natural being. That's why the jew world order had to crush those who fought for it in WWII. Read Zero Tolerance by Alexander Slavros.
Juan Gonzalez
ah yes, you're correct, we can vote our way out of this. Lol fuck off. When whites as a large group rebel everybody else just backs down instantly.
Julian Robinson
I'm not going to type out "national socialism" when I can just type "nazism" and everyone already knows what I'm talking about. Second, I hope it does rise, but I'm not just going to keep telling myself that in the face of the exact opposite happening, just so I can justify doing nothing and not thinking critically about how to destroy this system. You can if you want, but considering the Fields trial, it should be obvious it's not getting you anywhere.
Cooper Brooks
All the more reason why it was easy to suppress after the Communists took Berlin, the more racially homogeneous the easier it is to be oblivious to multiculturalism.
Yeah, they do for a little while. Until the get tired of living in the filth and squalor that they naturally accumulate with their presence. Then they come back and start murdering, robbing and stealing from our people. We need to implement the final solution for this problem. There can be ONLY ONE RACE in the future because tech is going to advance to the point where one individual can murder the entire planet. We need to have one people ONLY so that they wont' feel animosity and end up murdering all of humanity. See that scientist who used CRISPR in China to steal European genetic markers that inferred AIDS resistance to Europeans and immplanted it into his own people? So he was recruited or murdered but in the near future personal gene editing machines are going to be a household item. WE WON'T BE ABLE TO PERMIT DESTUCTIVE DEGENERATE BEHAVIORS THAT ARE DEVIANT LIKE HOMOSEXUALITY, KIKES and ISLAMIC RAPIST MURDERERS IF HUMANITY IS GOING TO SURVIVE. Can you imagine what it would be like to have someone who HATED the generative principle so much that they took their penis and rubbed it in shit until they were dead having control of a personal gene editor in their home? What horrors would they create in their homes and INFLICT upon the Earth due to their hatred of life? They must be purged and exterminated so that Life on the planet can continue.
Logan Miller
This is projecting. You are the ones literally WAITING for this "day of rope". Are you going to get to together and rush the capital to start it? Nope, you're waiting for some other group to do all the work for you so you can then join in. Guess what, everyone's waiting, so it won't happen, meaning it's not a solution and if you actually care about doing anything more than entertaining yourself with pretend politics, you need to start thinking of other things.
Look, if you're dead set convinced it's the way forward, then I'm all for it. At this point I'm willing to take literally anything other than what we have right now so I'm open to anything that can actually destroy it. But I'd like to see some meaningful advancements. The natsoc political underground has existed for several years but it's not getting anything done. Look at what the French are now doing, which took little to know redpilling or priming. It's entirely possible to fix, but at this point, I'm pretty sure it's not going to be done by advocating for national socialism online. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen anything to indicate and like with Trump, I don't care about meaningless utterances of "well something will happen soon!" anymore.
then you will be a slave to your tools. Actually, that sounds like a perfect description of why you guys can't get anything done, thank you.
Luke Ramirez
I’m that user. I’m glad you agree with me, but I have to disagree on your shilling against violence. There are legitimate reason for it. And remember, everything good in the world has come from some form of violence. No one here is supporting Attomwaffen and voting won’t save us
Benjamin Cooper
Don't be afraid to embrace the other side's tactics as well.
I am not sure why 'violence' is viewed as 'bad' by the majority of Europeans. Who put these thoughts in our heads and where the fuck did they come from? I think it is a gradual programming in school and life since birth that has conditioned us against violence. We need, NO WE MUST, break these ideological chains before we are strangled to death by them.
Jaxon Peterson
You think that's supposed to impress me? If you ever thought that you are fucking stupid. I personally don't care about dogmatic ideological adherence either, it's just a matter of probability that white Americans are going to become increasingly racist and susceptible to a Third Position. If anything "get's done" it will be offline and you won't know about it until it's well under way. Picture related.
The point of violent talk is to foster an atmousphere of revolution in the public.
Camden White
DOTR is a meme that came from the Turner Diaries. That book isn't a how-to manual, it's for shock value to break the ice. read The Brigade by Harold Covington. Your ideas of what a revolution would look like in America are delusional. If we're waiting for anything, it's the "balloon going up." You think the only thing we're doing to prepare is burning time on an image board? Well, maybe you are with your pathetic naysaying.
Jose Russell
Landon Brooks
Of course not, nothing is ever good enough for the bottom of the barrel. I'm not talking about myself moron, you really think not a single person here believes that? What a joke. I'm not even sure you yourself don't believe that. you understand that E. Lee was a main of faith, right?
Wow you are a little pussy. I'm so sick of any criticism of anything being turned into "it's just comedy bro". Ok, so you admit you guys are regular wasting your time on comedy that accomplishes nothing. Says all it needs to about your seriousness. I don't have any ideas of what it will look because I'm not dullard weakling with these endless "I'm gonna rise up set things straight!" power fantasies. Substitute it for whatever tactical maneuver you want, my point is you are not taking the required action, but waiting for someone else to. As usual, you guys are way to stupid too comprehend anything. You are spending time on this image board, correct? So riddle me this: is it better to waste this time on memes or actually brainstorm a way to end this degeneracy? Because it's pretty clear which of these positions you are choosing.
Nathan Evans
You're counting chickens when you don't even own any eggs. user is clearly talking about asymmetric warfare against the invaders that can be accomplished today with what we have. Not what might be possible in the distant future when we have the power of the state behind us.
Jackson Diaz
Jackson Bennett
Oh ok, I guess well vote to turn white genocide around.
David Sanchez
Listen here retards Killing 10 antifa commies accomplishes nothing because another 10 of these abominations are born or being imported into our countries.
You have to figure out a way to cut off the head. Violence for violence's sake is useless. Its just feel good self destructive idiocy. Hitler used violence but it was always part of a well calculated plan with political objectives in mind taking great care to make sure that the volk was with him.
You chucklefucks keep repeating 'muh optics' when optics was an important part of the Fuhrer's grand strategy
Jason Sullivan
Quite the opposite, the bottom of the barrel is more than glad to eat shit. So you are fucking stupid. He was as most military men are, understanding of the value of both giving and receiving orders. You seem to have no sense of humility.
of course they are, that is exactly what you are all doing. but they don't do it proudly. they do it claiming that everything else is shit and not good enough for them, projecting their actions onto everyone else (like you guys). Probably, do you think you are not? Yes, brag more about your humility, as that makes sense. Men of faith do not consider lawful authority to be whatever ideological skin they decide to wear that day. Of course, you likely think faith is just another way to cuck, so it's understandable you make this mistake.
Liam Stewart
It's not though. History repeats itself. We have the same Antifa. We have the same jewish hegemony of government + worldwide media (and social media). We should have the same goals as the NSDAP. That doesn't mean engage in "terrorist activities", but modern parties definitely have been labeled as hate groups by the ADL. Meanwhile, everyone who speaks out against the jew is labeled "CIA" by shills to divert attention. What you do is constantly attract the judenpresse As they insert their foots into their mouths too much and your movement is vastly known throughout whichever continent you live. If you're afraid of attracting attention, you'll never succeed
I agree with your basic stance against political violence. Anglin too cautions against it, saying a traditional kind of "peasant revolution" simply isn't possible in today's high tech 'surveillance society'.
However, I disagree about politics being the only path to success.
In this Brave New World of Biotech that we find ourselves in, the evolution of biological weapons has been facilitated as never before. CRISPR "gene targeting" technology for example recently took possibilities to a whole new level.
The Israelis, for one, have been interested in developing bioweapons for decades already. India and China too are balls deep in the race for bio-weapons - China openly acknowledges their research is happening. Japan has the biggest bio-tech research facility on Earth (in Kyoto) .. and North Korea is actively seeking improved bioweapons, at least according to Seoul.
Remember Japan's "Unit 731" biowar corps during WWII?
Post-modernist Nukes Nukes are the exclusive option of '1st World" nation states because nukes are so expensive and demanding to build. But biotech weapons are dramaticallly different. Nowadays any single microbiology lab with one or two people in it can (on a budget of pennies) develop and deploy just as powerful and history-changing of a strike as a nation state can do.
Any continent can have its population demographics fundamentally changed in a matter of days.
I am not suggesting we do so; indeed I denounce such a course of action. But I am simply pointing out that a rogue lab of Jews or Chinese or Persians or Pakis, etc., will probably sooner or later do so. Now that revolutions or regime changes can't be accomplished by oppressed populations taking up arms, men will find another way to alter the status quo.
That should say "and now social media", in case any nitpicking autist is activated.
Nathan Allen
No they don't, they take pride in how grateful they are to eat shit. They even paint their shit in pretty colors. That depends on what they have faith in but if you are a man of principle you aren't going to be merely wearing an ideology as a "skin".
You're anger is due to your desire to see something happen right now, you are a whiny little child who is having a temper tantrum with anonymous people on the internet. lol
Caleb Reed
Dream big or go home user. We don't need to fit an asymmetric warfare against some subhumans. We need to fight against the people who keep us from using our inventions, our power and our weapons to set the Earth right by our own definition. There are too many fucking subhumans on this planet. They won't control their own breeding and the are SHITTING EVERYTHING UP. There needs to be a lot fewer of the subhuman filth, so few that we never have to worry about things like 'asymmetric warfare' every again. We need to implement THE PURGE because they won't do it by themselves nor will they take responsibility. First, kill the kikes and government agents that are not loyal to their own people. Then take control of the military (once the kikes are gone) and begin to exterminate what will not control ITSELF, the subhuman parasitic filth that slithers all over the planet invading and murdering Life because they have no value for anything other than devouring whatever they can lay their hands on.
Brody Kelly
Many of us are doing BOTH at the same time. Multitasking.
Parker Richardson
Wyatt Bennett
Here is what I hear you saying: Whatever you do anons, don't talk about serious solutions or you will be reported to the mods and they will delete the thread.
Caleb Price
Correct, but mostly. What we need is asymmetric warfare against the BK's the Big Kikes. Any conducted against the lowly mud-colored should be used as a distraction for law enforcement in the area.
Like what, appealing to "le normies"?
Kevin Price
>Just do nothing goy and place all of your faith on the judeo-masonic political system, this time it's going to work unlike the last 70 years Fuck your PR. Fuck your optics. The frogs (although they have been cucking out earlier today) have done more damage to the system with their movement than any other modern (((politician))). Why not follow their example then?