They also hoard wealth, resources, access, etc.
It really sucks. What reprobate criminals they are. After arguably 10,000 years of fighting led us to create civilized 1st world cultures, segregation basically, now we (again) have to mobilize against Oligarchs, with jews as their front-men, working against us. I can't lie, I'm pretty BTFO after 32 years in the labor force.
Complain about it, get labelled an anti-semite, racist, or white extremist… clever ruse, dirt bags.
The rich have an effective tax rate of 15%. My tax rate is 35%. The French are being taxed at 47%. The Yellow Vest protests are based and totally justified.
In theory, I support Capitalism… but that's not what we have now. Global corporations use cheap, foreign labor. We pay for their cheap labor's gibs. As a percentage of their income, the rich pay nothing…. a marginal rate, with the premise being they're 'reinvesting' it, thus enriching them further. Taxation is like locking your doors… it only discourages honest people. A criminal knows they can kick your door in.
This is why I think we will ultimately win.
Because the rich are so greedy and fat that they have lost the support of the common man.
Reminds me of The Matrix. As long as we're asleep, we're just batteries. Sustaining (((them))).
Once we're awake… we fight back.
Parasites eventually kill their hosts, unless the host takes a few drops of poison and kills the parasite. A little arsenic on a sugar cube, according to boomers… that used to be the "cure" for tapeworms, roundworms, etc.
They lived like dogs at the turn of the 20th century. Worse than dogs. Even dogs get Heartgard and Frontline in the 21st century.
Remember. The parasite can't survive without us. Our goal is to exterminate them before they kill us. I'm an optimist.
I firmly believe 99% of us can overwhelm the 1%.
EMP incoming. That's my guess. Be prepared.