4Chan is dead, Zig Forums have to carry on about pic related

I think the last time I was at Zig Forums was 2 - 4 months ago and it just worsened … I also wasn't many times around here lately, but the hate and outing for shills and jews is much greater. So, I think I could try a thread and see if you are interested in it. Would travel around if I was American to investigate alone and further. Tfw russ-germane.

So yeah guys, can we elaborate this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry for bad english

4cuck dies every other week fuck off nigger we're full
try reddit

This. 99% of the 'breadcrumbs' shit is just bullshit to lead you down the wrong rabbit hole and waste your time and energy.

If we want to understand the jew, we have to investigate it. What's your problem?

How does this look fake to you? I would verify it if I had a car and were in America. Gettin' heart attacks, but would worth it

You. Are. Still. Kvetching. About. Hilary. Clinton's. Fucking. Emails. Nigger.

Or, you know, the fact that the events at the Bohemian Grove take place in the midsummer.

Trumpnigger conspiracy theories are somehow worse than the old nigger jewtube videos about how all the rappers were in the Illuminati.

And before you get too interested in the Bohemian Grove, keep in mind, it's mainly Republikikes there. I'm sure you faggots are capable of the mental gymnastics and pilpuling to explain how "/ourguys/" engaging in those rituals isn't actually a bad thing, but it's probably something you don't want to deal with.

Attached: judge x thread.png (400x344, 164.68K)

Fuck you Jew kike mother fucker
Reported this slide thread.
It's months old.

/X/ Zig Forums AND Zig Forums ARE ONE

So … you don't believe that the ebil joos are child raping and eating satanists?

Your nose is showing.

sorry that you treat me like an asshole and assuming I am a kike

How small brained are you that you came to an understanding that is the complete opposite of what I implied?
Learn to read nigger.

Let's say OP is a faggot, but what arguments you have to not going deeper into

This thread is gay. Fuck off. There are no dumb coded messages to decode, there are no secret truths. There's a clear as day problem, right in front of you, at all times. Jews control far too much shit, and America is full of blacks and Mexicans who need to fuck off. Fuck all of the spooky owl shit.

Ucultured swine and you don't say

America is lost anyway, we need to save Europe

Fuck you OP, people like you give this place the schizo reputation. Go drink bleach boomer cunt.

Nobody denies jewish malfestation ,but I don't see a reason why wouldn't there be more actors on the stage.
If masons are anything more than bunch of larpers their existence has to be researched and evaluated. One has to judge whether their interests are same as ours and either use them as ally or put them to ground.

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Fucking kill yourself yid.

Well, what I got from Masons is that they are heathens obeying a really weird and almost unknown "god". They don't even talk about them, it's a mix of three names. Their rituals involves much gay shit, I mean it ain't kidding, and probably the typical cannibalism like Hillary and other Elites.

Sorta interesting. I hate to give shills credit but after 5 years of multiple groups attempting to overtake half Zig Forums and infinity Zig Forums, I think they’ve finally done it. Threads like this that used to thrive and cause media attention and Jew panic (gamergate/pizzagate?) are now either instantly deleted, banned and if they manage to stay up, they become so filled with shills arguing whether the OPs thread is relevant that it derails the entire thread. I’ve been watching closely for this for almost a month now and I’m suprised nobody has made threads on how to combat this type of shilling. I guess mods are compromised. At least in the past, all the posts of concern shills and “don’t look at this” would be deleted. Now they just use our own tactics and muddy up any productive conversation by using the Zig Forums equivalent mainstream media word for conspiracy theory, and that is “Jew”.
I wish someone would compile all the threads where this takes place. It’s identical each time it happens In a thread. I can start capping threads but idk if I’m autistic enough to make beautiful infographics like the one in OPs post.

This very site is owned and administered by a powerful Mason. Delete your account NOW.

Jim only has power over pigs


Attached: FUCKING BASED!.mp4 (1280x720, 1.36M)

According to my own perception of them, masons are a continuation of esoteric apostates to whatever hidden orders were created thousands of years ago and have been in bed with the jews since some indefinite time. They probably serve the same entities as the jews. They hoard knowledge for themselves, more than is actually necessary when it comes to esoterics and that in my opinion is a great evil. They probably exist to absord whatever curious/successful/open minded spirit arises from europeans and other non-jews into their kiked net of control. They are just another instrument of the apostate gods and entities. How wrong am I, Zig Forums?

I'd say you got healthy logical mind, got similar picture.
What's interesting is relevance of masonic symbolism in prime american architecture, it'd seem that most talented and desired archtiects, artists, politicians, bankers all belonged to same larp club.
I wonder if they still try to recruit people like in the old days, I'd say society full of cynicism and nihilism is not interested in old larping clubs. Their ranks surely have gone thin.

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As I understand it modern day free masonry is literally judaism for goyim

The mods are complicit, there's bots running wild, it's a trying time to sift through everything


this. halfchan died because of it's own userbase

The owl of minerva restaurant is a korean restaurant. Could it have something to do with the Goddess Cult in S.Korea?

Also, one of the locations is on Yonge and Finch street. I know that these bastards place their buildings where it has significance. In greek myth, Acanthis who is the daughter of Hippodamia ("she who masters horses" and was the Queen of Pisa) and Autonous(He with a mind of his own), was changed into a thistle finch by Zeus and Apollo after horses attacked and devoured her brother due to her father's inefficiency at husbandry. Autonous is the son of Melaneus, who is the son of Apollo.

As for Yonge Street, it was named after Sir George Yonge. He was a British Secretary of War, and was initially interred in the Hampton Court Palace in 1812, but was later exhumed and moved to Colyton of Devon, England. The re-burial was reputed to have taken place by night in fear that his creditors may seize the body. He also served as a member of Parliament for the "rotten borough" of Honiton. There's a lot more here too. Pics related.

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Yep, jews on the sidelines, in office, in jew groups blatantly stating their White genocide agenda, blatantly carrying it out, no need for super secret special decipher club shennanigans to work out who and what.

The board has been taken over. As shit as kikey was, it being taken away and (((globalized))) because he banned "too many" people and banned cuckmonkey himself led it to its current state of death. Just look at this shit, if it's (((LITERALLY FUNDING THE FUCKING ZIONIST GOVERNMENT UNDER THE GUISE OF "BEE TEE EFF OOOOING THOSE DAMN WHITE GIRLS"))), it gets a fuckton of attention. Pizzagate, Vegas, Charlottesville, revolution in France? Fucking ignored or barely looked at. This place is completely compromised, completely taken over.

Only in the Unity lodges. The rest of the lodges seem to still be mostly sane still.

Source: I have met members from hundreds of different lodges over the past year. You can tell the difference after the first few sentences.

The main restaurant used to be on Bloor Street, which was named after Joseph Bloor.

For all of his faults, Kampfy was still good enough to let dig threads go relatively unmolested. He would also sticky the important shit. Frankly, I can smell the smear job from here, and shills have made it a point to do everything they could to demonize him. They only focus on the Trump threads, and blatantly ignore the many dig threads that allowed people unearth what they did in regards to pizzagate.

Attached: Joseph Bloor.png (1109x938, 119.5K)

Bloor looks like he sold his soul to devil.
Is there any relevance in trying to make reality less chaotic? I see that there are pieces of puzzle thrown around, seemingly waiting to be discovered. A mystery with clues deep in our culture, slightly hinting towards immortal values and virtues, what are we searching exactly ?

lmao I love how easily threads gets derailed on this shithole now.


Article in question. Note the correction at the bottom. Also, there's no mention as to who the customer was that was targeted, and it was a nigger hit-job.

It's well-known that Hillary is a Priestess of Minerva, another name for Athena. The last image that Illumanon posted is a series of five buildings arranged in a star shape. What I'm looking at personally is information regarding the shooting that took place at the same moment. Getting a background of the location and what the significance is. Things never happen for no reason. And since there isn't any mention of who the victim was of the shooting, it looks pretty weird overall.

I also forgot to mention that she was also named an Honorary member of the 8 Goddess Cult. President Park of South Korea was recently deposed, and she was an initiate. I have the Korean user's posts here somewhere in my pizzagate folder, I just gotta dig it up.

Okay, I tried to check out Aries being star of minerva claim that one user made. It seems to be invalid.
What I found on Aries is first zodiac sign, it seems to have little to do with what Minerva represents, it's quite the opposite. Aries has strong connection to Mars, god of war. He's also symbol of rebirth. Fun thing, Aries is 'tied' to Germany,Poland,Japan.

I found interesting piece of astrological shittalk tho

This is where shit just delves into the realm of speculation honestly. There is fucking physical evidence of kikes being kikes but 4chan is more interested on pretending they're /x/ instead of Zig Forums. I wish 4chan was still up, because it means keeping all you fucking idiots in one place.

Gas yourself
I do use 4/biz/ though, to bad our biz is so slow

t. fed

This shit is some regular tavistock crap

Good find!


Here's something. The Aries Cafe is closed. But, it offered free wifi, and I guarantee one could have accessed it next door. Also, you can see spirals on the wall in the background.

Attached: freewifi.png (612x612 51.68 KB, 71.73K)

This isn't anything substantive. There's nothing new here. All of this shit just circles around to Lilith and Moloch and the same pizzagate child sacrifice symbolism that anyone paying attention already knows about. If this was a building where kids were seen entering but not leaving marked with a white rabbit, it'd be worth the time and energy, but this is just them mocking you for not knowing their symbols.

tl;dr luck the fuck more retard

Damn, all of the shills came out of the woodworks to shut this thread down.
Keep digging

Gonna leave this here, pertinent audience

Attached: The Culture 2018.png (1863x1641, 3.21M)

Cuckchan is like when you flush your goldfish down the toilet and it survives and joins the other goldfish and theres a whole ecosystem in the sewers who have never seen the light of day. You fine out about it one day and you go huh i thought only poop was down here

What kind of deep dark fantasies does this smile hide
Could it be that it was Aries barista who killed Minerva's customer? Could this door to door coffee shop competition be actual continuation of eternal Ares and Athena struggle ?
Could it be that Aries wanted to put Minerva out of business through methods god of war knows most?
I know not

But for real my guess would be that if Owl of Minerva holds any significance,it's neutral ground for larpers, place they meet with people they use ,seemingly secure and under their control. That day they met somebody who {opposing side} wanted gone.

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Not at all. The false dichotomy of the republican versus democrat party is a cover for the real dichotomy: zionist versus bolshevik.

Jews throughout their history have always worked together, but they have always disagreed over methods. Zionists and bolsheviks sometimes get in each other's way, but they always agree that they must find ways to control whites. This ends up manifesting in the controlled opposition dynamic. The faux-conservative party or just conservativism in general is instructed to take the fall and fail to stop the party that most of the jews rally behind. Conservative parties are routinely the ones with the most zionists and calls for zionism.



Accidentally hit Post.

Republicans exemplify the controlled opposition model. Time and time again they pledge to stop the democrats, but strangely the democrats constantly get their way even when the republicans have the most "power." The false advocate that the republican poses as is set up to diffuse anything that would serve white interests. Whites are constantly tricked into believing that the republicans will represent them.

Instead, the republicans stall, absorb and waste all energy the opposition to the democrats would manifest as, and basically form a way to demoralize the opposition to the party the jews want representing their interests. This is how jews carry out the illusion of democracy. It's the same as believing that you can win a casino game, but the game is rigged and the winner was always chosen beforehand.

So some may ask, what about when someone like Trump wins? The answer is simple. As stated before, diffusal is an important facet of the controlled opposition party. Trump was allowed to win, because the jews saw that the tension against them was too high. Hillary was still upset, but Trump's term is mainly a delay tactic. They saw immediate results with whites relaxing. Now that tensions are rising again, Trump will occasionally say something to comfort whites, but then the next week pledge for more zionism.

Therefore, Trump completely fits the model of a zionist president. Whites feel like they won a reprieve, but in reality they won a stay of execution. Trump will stall, delay, and postpone anything whites want like all past republican presidents and the democrats will continue to win as they usually do. Even when caught red-handed, the republicans do nothing like they're supposed to.

No idea, satan. Minerva apparently won though as it's simply a meat shop now while the cafe was turned into a barber shop. There's also a hakata shoryuken ramen shop across the street too. kek

It could be that the mason poster was doing so from there, and got shot for it. No clue.

Attached: owlmeatshop.png (1516x760, 1.27M)

Stop whining about Trump, and dig you dumb nigger.

well, that's a way to out yourself quickly.

user, the shilling is from the OP. Just like the Q larp was a shill tactic that actually fucked over a lot of anons and retards, this is going to fuck over another batch of anons and retards. There's nothing substantial to hold on to, frankly anyone can just start posting esoterically about the masonic references in washington dc and achieve the same fucking result as in the screencaps. Fuck off claiming everyone who isn't buying into blind faith is a shill.

Minerva is dead and owl has been devoured by Ares. Our friendly pals masons had to turn temple of intellectual and coffee delight into a meat shop aka body utilization hideout.
Dark times when enlighten have to pick up axes

Jim Goad is literally the only one on that entire list I give two shits about. The rest can die in a fire.

Aries turned into a sugary faggot too apparently.

Attached: sugarmarmalade.png (1518x758, 1.35M)

Have bugmen gone too far?

gotta love koreans

Ron Unz has published some good works on the Holohoax, but I agree about the rest. In fact, quite a few of them should die for their treachery.

I was a 32 degree Mason, before I gave it up, because there was no reason to continue except paying dues.
You don't really have to be indoctrinated into any "secrets" to reach 32. They simply ask you if you want to progress, because they have a quota of degrees to fill. They raised an entire group of us to 32 in 3 days, in the Scottish Rite. We simply had to watch plays being put on in the auditorium by other Masons, that supposedly told the history of the different masonic organizations.

If anything nefarious is being done at the 33 degree level, we were not privy to it.

Probably a wild goose chase to fill some boredom. Alternatively a very long winded description of the following:

Of course I skipped the NWO failures and setbacks but that's basically the history of the US and the only thing worth revealing as a Mason.
Americans are bread to be shepherd dogs and sadly there is no hope. Sorry if you find this to be a blackpill.


4chan Zig Forums has become a total cesspool of shills.


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So the culture going forward is jews and philosemitism? What's the difference from 2017?

Reminder that Illuminati and Masonic stuff was all made up by people who were rejected by and rejected the Roman Catholic Church. Nothing more. Nothing is more ancient than like the 18th century. It was just a bunch of buthurt faggots upset that they weren’t included in the sacred mystery so they were all “we can mystery too! And you’re not invited to our club.”

It’s all fantasy for people who can’t into real mystery. In other words, it’s literally all fake and gay. It’s a waste of time to try to “decode” it because they just made it up. It’s not a real mystery. It’s literally just a bunch of riddles. Zero substance. All code for “try to learn stuff and don’t tell people how you learned it.”

who put that list together, faith goldy is on that, tommy robinson, literal zog stooges. wtf

/x/ Zig Forums is best Zig Forums

I see no point to this thread. Digging into masonry? Why? Assuming this isn't just a hoax what do we gain by that?
Sage for pointless thread.

More Red herring faggotry.

Jews are pagans??

They also hoard wealth, resources, access, etc.

It really sucks. What reprobate criminals they are. After arguably 10,000 years of fighting led us to create civilized 1st world cultures, segregation basically, now we (again) have to mobilize against Oligarchs, with jews as their front-men, working against us. I can't lie, I'm pretty BTFO after 32 years in the labor force.
Complain about it, get labelled an anti-semite, racist, or white extremist… clever ruse, dirt bags.

The rich have an effective tax rate of 15%. My tax rate is 35%. The French are being taxed at 47%. The Yellow Vest protests are based and totally justified.
In theory, I support Capitalism… but that's not what we have now. Global corporations use cheap, foreign labor. We pay for their cheap labor's gibs. As a percentage of their income, the rich pay nothing…. a marginal rate, with the premise being they're 'reinvesting' it, thus enriching them further. Taxation is like locking your doors… it only discourages honest people. A criminal knows they can kick your door in.

This is why I think we will ultimately win.

Because the rich are so greedy and fat that they have lost the support of the common man.

Reminds me of The Matrix. As long as we're asleep, we're just batteries. Sustaining (((them))).

Once we're awake… we fight back.

Parasites eventually kill their hosts, unless the host takes a few drops of poison and kills the parasite. A little arsenic on a sugar cube, according to boomers… that used to be the "cure" for tapeworms, roundworms, etc.

They lived like dogs at the turn of the 20th century. Worse than dogs. Even dogs get Heartgard and Frontline in the 21st century.

Remember. The parasite can't survive without us. Our goal is to exterminate them before they kill us. I'm an optimist.

I firmly believe 99% of us can overwhelm the 1%.

EMP incoming. That's my guess. Be prepared.

Attached: Hitler on phony jewish schism.png (800x480, 40.05K)

pagan comes from pagani which is latin for gentile

4cuck posting should be insta-ban

Wow I didn't know the Pres of Ukraine had crucified owls in his backyard. What the actual fuck?

Jews only serve themselves, its not Saturn, its not a volcano demon, just themselves.

How can you have pro-white discussion when you can’t even tell who is or is not white?

OP here from my computer, not lap, not sure if the IP changes

Anyways, I see the therad is up and we are digging while chaimsels are kvetching here. I have a american friend with a weird ass family of which one uncle (can't rememberproperly) is/was a freemason. He was asked to join, but he neglected it. I will show him the three pics and this thread he will research with us.

Attached: 1544199794426.jpg (1615x1062 1.31 MB, 144.68K)

Go away.

Global report.

It's in the talmud fagtard. It's part of their fucking RELIGION.

what?! how the fuc…ok yeah dude yeah. ok.

reported for shilling Jordan Peterson and Tommy robinson

Speak for yourself fool

the problems you see stem from problems with capitalism - blaming it on jews is very shallow and fails to see the bigger picture; that the game is rigged & there is an ownership class that rules your town, your county, your state, your country and the world. some might be jews but even more are not jews….

people probably call you an anti-semite because you make jews the focus of your frustrations stemming the current socio-economic order that is global capitalism.

You are a fag and you don't belong here.
I see you (yes, I know it's you) shitting up every single thread.

Attached: lgbtbbq.png (2502x1460, 1.36M)

Link it then fagtard. Prove it. Because according to your kikepedia, the word isn't an entry.

Attached: kikepedia.png (816x696, 22.63K)

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There is some strange energy around Bloor and Yonge.

Yeah, it's called Q.




"late 14c., from Late Latin paganus "pagan," in classical Latin "villager, rustic; civilian, non-combatant" noun use of adjective meaning "of the country, of a village," from pagus "country people; province, rural district," originally "district limited by markers," thus related to pangere "to fix, fasten," from PIE root *pag- "to fasten." As an adjective from early 15c.

Religious sense is often said to derive from conservative rural adherence to the old gods after the Christianization of Roman towns and cities; but the word in this sense predates that period in Church history, and it is more likely derived from the use of paganus in Roman military jargon for "civilian, incompetent soldier," which Christians (Tertullian, c.202; Augustine) picked up with the military imagery of the early Church (such as milites "soldier of Christ," etc.). Applied to modern pantheists and nature-worshippers from 1908."

