Female teachers fucking students

Yet another article came out today about yet another teacher fucking her student (Allyson Brittany Moran). This time the blame was attempted to be shifted to her husband who she claims didn't "comfort" her during her miscarriage. This got me thinking about previous investigations but one we have brought up several times but never legitimately went full bore into. The subject of just how many of these events have occurred recently which, honestly, appear to occur every fucking day with a female teacher fucking some kid and the media doing all they can to keep the total number hidden.

So I decided to look into it and what I found is fucking despicable and truly appears to be epidemic levels at this point. In just an hour I found over 400 (402) women since 2015 (I limited the search to not get swamped initially). That doesn't even include non American countries as I saw a huge amount going on abroad but didn't add them in yet as I wanted to focus initially on the US.

Some sites have tried to begin the work on putting lists together but they only add about 10-15 and then just leave it at that. Example:




In fact the issue seems so common that I rarely saw cross overs between articles in terms of the same women repeated between articles. It is literally epidemic level at this point and I think it is long past the time that Zig Forums finally follows up on this since we have been mocking it and hinting at wanting to try to find the actual totals for years now. Hell, if memory serves I think the first Zig Forums investigation I ever took part in was the Debra Lafave issue which was the first to bring this big problem up to the public.

Women teachers are, by large numbers at this point, indoctrinated, fucking, poisoning and abusing their male students in the school system and there is not a fucking peep about this epidemic from the media and yet the continued outcry is how men are fucking abusers and "metoo" bullshit fests. Long story short Zig Forums, we complete this investigation and it completely obliterates the "men are bad" narrative and shifts the attention to who are truly harming kids in schools. This issue needs attention. I will add more later as I continue to tally lists but I know my fellow fucktard autists would want in on this particular action so let's get to work with some "niiiiceee" slapping of these depraved "teachers".

Attached: convictedteachers.png (579x374, 389.32K)

The first column is the best. I wish I had teachers like that when I was in school.

Asian waifu for sure.

Wow! Women having sex with horny young adults? That has literally never happened over the course of history! Men should be based soyboy negrophiles who must crush those evil nazis! BASED

Fuck, kill, fuck, kill, fuck, kill, fuck, kill, fuck, fuck, fuck, kill.

Is that row major order or column major order?

Kill yourself jew.

He's clearly going left to right, top row first to bottom.
Otherwise his choices wouldn't make any sense.

Fuck off, Kike!

I'm still trying to understand why women do this when you consider hypergamy.
Are they lusting after the alpha in the class? I've read reports of normal-rank kids meeting up with a teacher for weed, booze and sex at her place, so I doubt it's that.

The best conclusion is that they are whores and feel that it's easier to manipulate a younger male, males which are notorious for their virile energy at that age compared to the dopey losers on Tinder.

Attached: 49ACE33000000578-5447051-Stephanie_Peterson_26_has_been_arrested_for_an_alleged_sexual_re-m-57_1519851585500.jpg (634x793 128.78 KB, 82.19K)