Whitepill thread
WTF I love Mika's dad now
genetic sequencing + genetic engineering + artificial wombs + synthetic breastmilk + making egg/sperm cells out of stem cells + cloning
Can I genetically engineer my kids to be white?
t. shitskin
Already have one here
don't think that's how it would work. I'm thinking that the genomes of a few thousand white people of various nationalities with good genes would be sequenced and from that point could be cloned or genetically engineered into unique people
Transhumanism is just some Jewish nonsense.
It's bullshit that will never work, just like how Frankenfoods never turn out right. If you have inferior genetics, you can contribute to society simply by not having any children.
I get depressed a lot just due to the sheer stress of knowing how evil the Jews are, how powerful they are, and how they are trying to ruin humanity by mixing up the various races of man. It often helps me to remind myself that the gentiles around the world are more and more waking up to the Jewish menace.
post whitepill memes
if you breed with a shitskin girl and have 1 child that's fine because 1+1=1 is a net negative in number of shitskins
Just adopt little shitskins, instead of breeding, so at least the numbers go down.
The coming USA financial collapse will send a massive wave of people toward the far right, I'm not really an accelerationist but I am optimistic about this.
inb4 incels and Hasbara kvetch over a positive thread
>Trudeau is killing any positive feelings towards (((neolibs))) by existing
Why do you think that?
If you can flush the poo out of your genome, by all means do it. Everyone wins.
im thankful for:
the wall
ending birthright citizenship
stopping the war in afghanistan
cutting h1b’s for the worst people on earth
potus standing behind our guys when they defend him and his supporters in the streets
The problem is that we still don't know how genetics work exactly. We don't even know how genes work together in the big picture (i.e. we might know that gene A causes trait A, but we don't know how gene A affects all other genes and traits). There are pieces of DNA that control how a certain gene gets activated. If a mutation occurs in the DNA that controls how a gene gets activated, the phenotype can change dramatically. Also, there is a lot of DNA outside the genes: there are areas in the genome that contain seemingly random DNA and DNA areas that can migrate to another location, for example. The functions of DNA that doesn't code any genes, are largely unknown atm (at least to my knowledge).
The best solution to your problem is to get 1-2 biological children and then adopt more, if you want to.
Audiobook was better.
This is true. 1.2% of DNA is coding sequence, the rest is non-coding. And its the non-coding DNA which we still know very little about.
A lot of is is regulatory, some of it is structural and the rest, nobody really understands. But if its there, it obviously does something.
Polite sage for off topic.
No you dont get it. Everyone is waking up, even lefties are starting to finally see the truth. Everyone is just talking about the jq… they just havent quite put it together yet..
This is a black pill user.
its ok, nukes will go off. It is written.
Good news guys, human beings will be genetically engineered to be good cattle-slaves for their autistic Sino-Jew overlords !
Isn't that great !
Transhumanists are trannies, they are the only group of people even lower than Jews.
OP go do some agriculture - the only thing you low IQ right wingers can do.
Homosexuals are the lowest group, lower than anything else.
Always remember there will be enough whites to bring it all crashing down. All the kike resources and allies and faggotry doesn't matter if an EMP goes off at the right altitude.
Not in France they aren't. They've been slowing down.
Ok (((user)))
Homosexuals defile their reproductive system and the nature of intimacy.
Transsexuals defile their bodies through their self-mutilation.
Transhumanists defile the very nature of humanity itself.
They're all essentially part of the same family, a delusional and sad broken people who wish to defile everything around them. But transhumanists are by far the most dangerous, as their victory would signal the end of humanity itself.
Yes, theoretically. I can’t see it happening any time soon, especially if the jews keep doing their damndest to stop all forms of gentic engineering they don’t have complete control over. That is why they are so anti-CRISPR, it threatens to destroy the all the social engineering they have been doing for decades.
That's not even close to accurate, nigger.
Transhumanism is the melding of humans and technology.
Where those white women at?
Pills have no emotion. There is truth, there are lies. That’s it. IF TRUTH HURTS YOUR FEELINGS, THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM, NOT ANYONE ELSE’S.
And yet you do NOTHING to stop them.
And being beaten down and defeated. The protesters are communists and want MORE white genocide.
We don’t need to be. Whites are being exterminated all over the planet. Nuclear war would SAVE HUMANITY, because it would ensure that the only surviving whites are right-wing, and 60% of nonwhites wouldn’t be able to survive without the Western world’s infrastructure and aid.
Transhumanism is a jewish conception and involves both the “merger” of man and machine as well as genetic engineering for… unnatural purposes. Things such as extra limbs or digits, cat ears, horns, or even purposely engineering an entire group of people to be stupider, more subservient, weaker, smaller, etc.
The white race’s only hope, amusingly enough, is the rapid development of SENS technology. We’re the last generation that can win if we fight back, so we have to live long enough TO fight back. We need life extension tech.
while youre waiting for that
old-school life enhancement & extension tech
Fuck off moshe.
Shabbat ends shitposting begins, you can't explain that.
the way I see it, whites are doomed to become a hated, persecuted minority everywhere and we will be miscegenated out of existence. the only way for us to survive in some capacity is via the inevitable genetic sequencing technology. genomes capable of cloning pure white people could be stored on hard drives as binary code so we could always be genetically engineered into unique individuals and grown in cloning vats. at least then we won't go extinct, that's the only scenario where I can envison that happening
western governments are never going to stop trying to get rid of white people and they're never going to be changed by election or by force. it's impossible, IMO. yeah if literally everybody that cares just ran outside at the same time and went to war, there would be some hope, but that's not going to happen
Whitepill thread?
You know about 4 months ago I was really blackpilled on everything. I saw how any change within the system was impossible, how the ol' "let's all move to a single city" plan would result in being surrounded, and opting out of society and building communities innawoods wouldn't be allowed (just ask Vicky Weaver and her child). Most of all, I saw just what was being planned. And I was filled with dread and hopelessness.
You know what gave me hope and has been returning more and more strength to my soul every week? I found out that there was a way. A model with historical backing that could work. The more I thought about it, and the more I realized that it was a working model. Just knowing that it is possible to save ourselves has given me my hope back and a direction in life. I know it'll attract all manner of shills, blackpillers and the usual detractors but here goes:
I first heard about the Northwest Front from an user who mentioned that their system is based on independent cells that don't know each other, so if one cell is infiltrated the rest keep fighting. I thought "Huh, that's clever. I'll have to look into these guys" and then I forgot about them. A few months later the main NF organiser Harold Covington died, and there was a big thread on it, and this finally got me to look into them.
Their plan is to get 1000 "Class A" fighting men in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and western Montana. There they will recruit and wage a propaganda campaign until the USA begins to fragment and break up Soviet Style. When America's military has been hiring niggers that can't swim and diversity hires in leadership for years (already happening) and their economy starts to show stress, then the cells strike. The object is not to take back the entire USA, but to make the Northwest too expensive to govern, until to save its own hide the USA is convinced to let go of a piece of unprofitable backwater.
This is how colonial wars are won, and that is exactly the model the NF is following. One idea you must grasp is that in a colonial war it's not the generals that surrender, it's the accountants.
The decentralised cell structure is based heavily on the IRA and the Cosa Nostra, two organisations that were nigh impervious to infiltration. The IRA is a big inspiration, due to the fact that they fought a mechanized first world army with tanks and helicopters and a nuclear arsenal to a standstill until they achieved independence well, sorta. They cucked out at the last second and achieved partial independence but they could have kept going It has happened before and it'll happen again. The American system is being held together with duct tape, 1000 men in mobile three man "trouble trios" can grind that federal machine to a halt until the USA will be willing to saw off its leg to save the rest of the body.
If you want to know more, read the book attached. It's 1 part training manual (if you read between the lines) and 1 part hilarious and exciting story. And most importantly, it shows you what kind of men you have to be if you want to win.
I know reading books is hard and you'll "get around to it" but please download and read it right now. It opens immediately on a group of men plotting to kill a couple raging feminist dykes to save a man and his children from prison and adoption, if that helps motivate you.
Possible but unlikely, it would be preferable if you just edited your DNA to the point where you have the mental faculties of whites while still maintaining your cultural identity/improving it and making a new one of your own design. I appreciate the multi-racial white supremacy sentiment though.
they wouldnt be your kids anymore then…
wtf guess we should all give up now, thank you for your invaluable wisdom, demoralization shill.
Thanks for sharing the PDF here user, glad i'm not the only one here shilling out of my own accord for it.
You can find all the books as free pdfs on their site under the "Northwest Novels" section.
The reading order is
Of those The Brigade is the most important for summing it all up and containing the most valuable information, but anybody who gets "hooked" on the first novel will want to binge all the others. They have everything from valuable instructions on being a revolutionary (A Distant Thunder has a valuable tip on a mental trick to resist torture) and things only somebody who actually fought a revolution would know, which makes sense since Covington was on the ground observing the IRA and actually fought in Rhodesia.
Also, the Northwest Front has their own draft constitution, which you can read here:
It's somewhat like the original American constitution, but it makes race the central foundation of everything and solves the flaws in the original constitution. For example, there's a bill of rights but there's also a bill of responsibilities. The whole constitution is set up around the idea of rights being awarded for responsibilities and duties rendered. There's mandatory labor and military service (just labor service for women, although military service can be opted in to for those exceptional handful) and there's even a Code Duello because "in the old America there was no penalty for being an asshole. There needs to be." The draft Constitution was also built out of a coalition of racialist thinkers including David Lane, not just something the NF thought up themselves. And of course it's just a draft, the little details can be hammered out once victory has been achieved.
The NF says they're "the only ones with a plan" and I'd say that's pretty accurate. How many other organizations have not only a solid plan to achieve their goal but also a precise plan for the new state to be implemented? Freedom's Sons also goes into a potential way the future Northwest American Republic might be set up, and the reasons why it might be set up that way so read that one if you have further nitpicks and questions.
The NF is also about as "hardcore" or "extreme" as you could get
They're very much opposed to the whole Alt-Kike idiocy and rejecting the old "let's all move to a single city" or "let's change the system within" or "let's form our own buildiberger group" that has been proposed, tried and failed for the past 60 years. There is no more time, collapse will be upon us in a couple decades. The only hope is violent revolution. Understandably, this upsets Anons and "movement people" who just want to sit and complain and whine endlessly but dare not get up off their ass and do something. I remember one NF thread that unfortunately spawned a screencap that argued the NF is doing it all wrong and should be like the Golden Dawn. The user in the thread seemed to be arguing against the NF yet espousing their exact plan, it was infuriating. And that screencap gets shared all the damn time now. There also seems to be some kind of feud between Harold and the leftovers of the Pierce's NA, compounded by the fact that Harold criticized the way Pierce did things (although he called Pierce himself "one of the best intellectual white racialist minds of the last generation").
Honestly, any user that listens to Pierce's amazing talks should also listen to Covington's podcasts on Radio Free Northwest.
I'm quite excited about the NF. I was holding off promoting them for a while because after Harold's death they seemed pretty dead and Radio Free Northwest was just playing reruns, but after the Dec 6th broadcast it looks like they're back in the saddle, and possibly beginning for the first time. Harold apparently tried to keep things a one-man-show due to nebulous legal and federal baggage, but now it's been handed over to an "HQ group" that includes some very motivated people and some very high tech talent. Harold did pretty well with technology considering his age, but he was still an old codger that didn't trust these newfangled devices. Now the HQ group is focusing on upgrading their tech, revamping recruiting efforts and apparently dodging some federal sharks that have started to circle. So now that it appears they're not dead, I'm going to start shilling them. If just one user sees it and gets involved, we're that much closer. It saved me from depression and despair, hopefully it can save our race.
Dammit, forgot to include a link.
because then you're frankenstein's monster