Hear me out. The welfare users in the United States are disproportionately non-white. Having a system of universal basic income would in fact nullify the impact of non-white welfare users. Instead of Shenequa and her ten illegitimate offspring receiving funding, It would be spread out across demographic lines. We already accept the fact that minorities drain the economy via the tax system, wouldn't it be great if we could mitigate the entire process via UBI? I'm not inherently a socialist, but we might as well use the system against itself, in an innocuous way.
Universal Basic Income
feed me the jew credits habib
QTDDTOT, faggot. Doesn't deserve it's own thread.
inb4 the thread gets deleted despite the fact that this is reasonable discourse. I tried to make this thread a month ago. Apparently meme threads that belong on Zig Forums are more fucking valid. This thread is for actual discourse.
In the last few years, I went from UBI supporter to one who realises that when jews can create money out of thin air, eventually they'll distribute them, too. UBI is a step towards total jewish control.
Good, rightfully so. As I stated, we already have a place for topics like this. Now fuck off.
It does though. The majority of Zig Forums users pretend to be national socialists when in fact they are just edgy libertarians. This topic is evidence of this.
So, I guess actual political discussion isn't allowed then? Retard. You fuck off.
UBI would be a good idea for white youths with part time jobs, men with liveable salaries won't have use for it.
The point is that it could replace the current welfare system, saving the working whites tons of money.
Where do you plan to get the money for UBI ?
Problem with UBI is that there is a shitload of other national problems which are much more important to solve.
Taxes, the same system that funds welfare leaches getting fat off the backs of the working class. It can be repurposed in an egalitarian way and leftists have zero room to moral high ground. It's a win win.
An already shitty catalog isn't an excuse for an even shittier one. I reported that thread as well.
That is true. However another option exists to save white men money, and its simply removing the financial burden of giving gibmedats to niggers all together.
I understand your reasoning, but let me ask you a very simple question:
do you want whites content with the current system?
UBI would make them so
Actually, this is currently the best thread on Zig Forums. Go fuck your mother.
They already are content.
Care to dare to calculate what UBI US can afford right know? Because UBI fags never operate with numbers in hand. I got burgers can afford like $500 per month with their current social budget. Russians would die from happiness if they get $500 UBI but i don't think this would satisfy burgers
This is solution for everything in any system, isn't it? Rise taxes 10 times. White male BTFO.
then why are you here?
Yes, but in lieu of that, this is the best option.
So you want a pointless and ineffective Zig Forums. I understand.
The jews can print as much money as they want or is necessary to keep their system going, I'd rather put pain on Whites to do something than contribute to the NEET lifestyle.
Why are you here?
it already is
I agree.
Subtract the myriad of social services directed towards specific ethnic groups, factor in that UBI is distributed to everyone. I guarantee you have a better system than the current one.
Better than the Yellow Vests thread which is actually doing something to spread useful info instead of this thread which is just larping and will never have any impact on the establishment of universal basic income? Kill yourself, faggot.
And you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective.
perhaps if you're living in a car. You need 1.5k/mo minimum to tread water with rent, school, car, food etc and we can't grow potatoes in our grandmothers truckbed like Ivan to cut food costs.
I guess we aren't allowed to discuss politics now boys.
wouldnt make a difference
This is what i did. Seriously every UBI thread should start like this:
But UBI threads never do real numbers. Guess why?
So you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective?
wouldnt make a difference
Sure OP. Let's just pull out another $40 trillion+/- over the next ten years to pay for it and pretend it won't ratchet up prices, and then we can just spend another $40 trillion+/- to pay for universal healthcare. That's what, 80 trillion give or take? Add in the 5 trillion / year the government is heading towards, and we only need about 13 trillion a year to live high on the hog.
The problem with these bullshit ideas is that nobody seems to want to determine whether or not the cost is remotely feasible, and it's clear that it's not and never will be.
Shits fucked yo, just like this stupid ass thread.
This isn't politics, it's politically incorrect. How exactly do you think your larping will have any impact on the real world in any way?
So you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective?
All Universal Basic Income would do is raise the cost of goods to make up for it so no.
wouldnt make a difference
Just use one id, it will be easier fo you.
The usury banks can keep giving money at will
So you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective?
wouldnt make a difference
So you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective?
wouldnt make a difference
What's the matter, can't reply on your Tor browser and your regular browser at the same time?
Go learn how fraction reserve works. If they didn't create the money out of thin air the entire system would collapse. They aren't giving out shit, they have no choice but to keep pushing that fiat.
So you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective?
Like a girl with hundreds of holes drilled into her and covered in honey so that bees would start a colony inside her.
I am. I don't give a shit.
wouldnt make a difference
So you want Zig Forums to be even more useless and ineffective?
It's not all you, it's just this id I'm replying to and the Tor id.
so you agree? the dollar will never collaspe and the amount of spending is itself irrelevant at this point.
Are you ok?
TOR fucking weirdo spamming the thread. You glow in the dark so hard.
Lol sure.
Just accept socialism goy.. its free money… cmon goy we want a way to control you goy cmon just take it its freeee eeeee
pick one
and there it is, OP's entire thread was just to point out the hypocrisy of being a natsoc and being anti socialism, it had nothing to with UBI beyond that.
Exactly, it's one of the same Zig Forums faggots that was spamming other threads.
Dude, this is just pathetic, it's so obvious that you're trying create some support for your own shitty "thread".
this same topic comes up every now and then, some of us are nationalist, but we don't support socialism, so then everyone gets riled up about whether or not this board is natsoc or not, then all we all agree to disagree because we all hate jews, niggers, and muslims.
fuck off slave
UBI means less control, because it's given to everyone automatically with no strings attached. In my country welfare can be a bureaucratic nightmare where the authorities seem to be intentionally fucking with people out of boredom or spite.
It's not about whether or not we support universal basic income. I think we would all support it (at least some form) if we lived in an all white fascist ethnostate. But as you implied this thread was formed as some kind of "gotcha" for a Zig Forums that needs some attention.
Lol it's too easy.
Yes, I’m Zig Forums because I made an actual political thread.
At least you had enough wisdom to drop the Tor charade.
Yes, Zig Forums is in fact about politics. Did you think Zig Forums stood for /police/ or /politeness/ or something?
Unironically this, raising the minimum wage to meme levels would work too, since spics only work super low-paying jobs that are impossible for tax-paying whites to work. If employers are forced to play retarded amounts like $15 an hour, then they'll just pick whites over spics.
Zig Forums is a board of peace officers
Sending farms to mexico would work, too.
However, the minimum wage is three times lower than it should be if it had tracked the cost of living. It should be $21hr. The cost of living veered off sometime in the late 1960's.
A UBI would cause inflation similar to medical insurance and war where an asprin or soda is 500x the actual market value.
Where do you think UBI comes from? From taxes. So if you want to reduce drain of welfare parasites, do not extend welfare to everyone, just cut taxes. UBI will always be a loss for working man, compared to tax reduction (except corner case, where wins from simpler bureaucracy compared to traditional welfare are larger than losses. So if you have , UBI might work as welfare optimization).
Use extra tax money from top bracket to reduce taxes for lower.
Use natural rent money to reduce taxes.
>but muh
Use to reduce taxes.
That's only valid case for UBI. But it MIGHT work only in
Equal Income;
You eat cup-o-noodles for a month go to Bahamas. Neighbor eats McDonalds for a Month, sees you go to Bahamas, RIOTS IN THE STREET, steals your stuff, rapes your dog, murders your family.
Well, I don't live next to niggers, and I keep to myself.
Take this to leftypol you faggot nigger
That's not how basic income works. Prices for all sorts of things, including trips to the Bahamas would rise dramatically when shiftless losers bid up prices with their baste gibsmedat.
You may very well end up living next to niggers if basic income is implemented. A forced income redistribution system allows them to live in places that they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford if they had to carry their own burden.
Read the board title, newfriend.
It's good to talk about it. Everyone and their dog thinks UBI is a good idea that has no negative consequences whatsoever.
Yeah, you are weren't born a socialist, but years of school, university and talmudvision turned you into one.
You can't have anything good because you still have to pay for shitskins first.
UBI can work in a heavily automated economy when you limit access to citizenship/welfare.
But if you have immigration/asylum. It can't work.
KYS you retarded brainlet shills. UBI will create more shekels for the kikes to inflate debt with. Everything will increase in price to adjust to the new shit leeches can afford. And worst of all it will create more NEETS of our people.
Lurk 2 years you disgusting faggots.
I agree.
I don't need gibs from the government and I have a good amount of money in the bank.
But I have been seriously thinking about how to take advantage of liberal mistakes nd government welfare intended to rob White people.
Since I pay into this useless System, I should be able to get my fucking money back.
Does anyone know where I can get information about welfare gibs? I want my god damn money back. And I want to take just a few hundred (or more) dollars extra from this evil thing that is our government a year.
In otherwords, I'd like to get free money from this evil government and then use it to destroy it.
I'd go into detail on why UBI is retarded, but you made a thread like a nigger, so I'll just resort to calling you a faggot and never returning.
Go sleep in an oven, jew boy
lol No.
At least you are here. Pointing out what a shitty idea this is.
Stupid thread championing a strategy only the most brain-dead leftists propose. It has already failed in Europe and no, I don't want to discuss it.
I'd rather read a thread about how Bitcoin will crush the Central Banks. Marginally moar plausible, yet still quite foolish.
UBI Is just a way to docile the nigger cattle. It will be implemented once there's too many manifestation for gibs like in France. What can you buy is the real question. As soon as everyone have the same income, where they CAN live and what they CAN eat? The freedom to choose will slowly erode away. For sure the only food you can have will be packed whit chemical that will turn you into a fag (oups it's already there whit the soy boy). Now for the habitation, the Nanny-State will decide for you.
One of the main outcome of the implementation of UBI is the massive waves of immigration that will ensue. More immigration more frictions then gang crime and etc we know the drill.
The soylution ? Bend down, arse up and be wellcumming you nasty white peapoe.
I would support universal basic income, if it was a requirement that a universal basic amount of fucking work was required to receive it. Now, hear me out. Niggers and Shitskins in general just want GIBZ. Gibz me dat free universal basic income. I say no. Earn that shit. Get off your collective asses and do something for your community. I don't care if you call it volunteerism. Do something for that "Basic Income". Work at the soup kitchen. Clean toilets. Clean up the roads, shovel your neighbors driveway, do something, even if it is just answer the phone and make cold calls for the Salvation Army, or some shit. Everyone is capable of some minimal amount of effort, in order to earn their "UBI". Those that aren't, should be on Disability and left the fuck alone. But, anyone else, work for your shekels.
Ohi vey. This is what Goyim actually believe.
You might want to look up Kiryas Joel. Jews make up 70% of the Welfare recipients on the East Coast.
Keep believing that niggers and spics are the problem.