We're getting some great videos for negative optics for French police. Any frogs able to translate?
Put some more effort into your thread, nigger
have a k&m free first post bump,
Not enough. If they caved his head in then maybe.
Will share any way as it shows what they are like, and opens boomer eyes to what it going on.
Police: Look if you don't get out of the street I won't get my shekels, and my boyfriend won't marry me.
Ironside: Aaaargh! Me fuckin' legs ya cunt.
Lul close enough
Thanks for the laugh.
Copy paste and translate the contents you lazy bastard.
Macroni with no cheese is just a wet noodle
good post
this guy experienced the red pill in its true form
I was watching this live stream yesterday and didn't get to see this part, I wondered what was gonna happen to him.
Should have got up at the last second and stabbed someone in the throat with the flagpole
Death of France, guess the zog bots and the endless africans finally did it. If there are any real men in France right now, you have 2 choices:
1. Get exterminated like cowardly rats by zog bots and shit skins
2. Die fighting back, die like humans not rats.
From what I seen it looks like the majority is choosing 1, good night white france.
Man in a wheelchair talking trash at cops get a heavy dose of BTFO. One of the few times I feel no sympathy for a cripple. He should learn to shut the fuck up
Why are some of the riot police in blue jeans?
Gotta hav dat swag
perhaps, but the cops should have more discipline than a nigger.
This is symbolic to me, that maybe he should raise a new flag.
Not enough gore to screw macoroni over. This is standard american zogbot treatmeant
Faggot kike
poor guys in wheelchairs. To defend this Jewish-financial republic
Kikemedia is televising nothing about this in the English-speaking world
"Some" of the protesters have expanded their wish-list of talks to include the UN migration policies being changed against the will of the people
While law&order is always appreciated by LEO's, they have failed miserably and are squarely Zogbots playing handmaiden to the evil fucks eroding nations for their globalist shitopian nightmare
This is a great opportunity to move towards a Western tax revolt and to "shut it down" in a global goycott
the losers at TYT again are giving Kikemedia a pass as the pathetic lunatics they are blaming the chanz for the inclusion of other issues not mentioned by the initial organizers of the YJM
Macron has made every mistake in the book so far. First, he made concessions to a violent rioting mob, and then he used excessive police force without using enough police force to decisively crush them. If he keeps this up he has a pretty good chance of losing his head in the next few weeks. One day Ceaușescu was the president of Romania, the next day his personal guard executed him and his wife by firing squad.
Good, I hope they will slay the jewish Macronstein.
that cop nigga cold lmao but ive seen way worse here in states
Pretty poignant.
I guarantee if they fight back, they'll win.
The problem is that the average Frenchman, just like the average American, does not know (or won't accept) who their real enemies are.
Whites need to leave the cities, stay with sympathizers, and take down the grid. When the trash in the cities get desperate, and try to escape, gun them down (or use knives, axes, whatever). Anyone trying to repair the grid gets firebombed or shot.
This is how it will go down in the U.S., only we're armed, which makes things easier. Our whites have already, for the most part, left the cities.
If you work for the enemy, you ARE the enemy. Cops and other "law enforcement" officials, as well as military, need to understand this.
You cannot just "do your job" when you know what you're doing is wrong.
There are no excuses in working for evil men.
This is some cartoonish evil, I mean, throwing people out of wheelchairs and beating them is the kind of thing deranged jews accuse Nazis of doing. Do the French gendarmes have any idea why they're even there? What are they protecting? Macron? The Euro? The most cynical explanation would be that they're out in the streets to protect their pensions. But they're also low IQ ZOGbots who don't seem to realize their pensions are denominated in Euro and that currency is a sinking ship just like every other hyper-leveraged, hyper-indebted fiat. The French can win this but they have to keep up the pressure, but if they go home because it's winter, there's no telling when they'll get another opportunity like this. **Destroy the power substations feeding the no-go zones.
EU mercenaries.
My blood is fucking boiling. Just another reminder that zogbots are not your fucking friends. They only see money in their eyes not their brothers.
They understand that full well, just look at the video. The only reason a man would topple a cripple over for some harsh words is because fundamentally he is a man-child, and doesn't care for abstractions like morality or justice. The police have functioned like this in the majority of Western Nations since the '60s at least. The prime examples being the forced integration of niggers in the southern states. Recent examples being the Londonistan white working class riots and now the French whites rioting in Paris. It's a pretty clear picture - they're not on 'our' side, they're as Judas was, purely materialistic faggots just looking to make an easy dime.
Imagine how powerless the powerful will be without power
Where he run to when the SHTF situation effects him/his family personally? Will Zog give hime shelter from the storm?
Not an argument. He’s right.
They won’t fight back, though.
How did we attain such power?
They must think we're pretty dangerous guys…
Let's see if they're right.
This whole thing has been the most effective mass red pill in forever
You're too busy sucking jew cock to even realize it
In what way? What’s being redpilled here. What’s the message. Which side is in the right and which is in the wrong. What should normalfags who see this come away supporting.
Their paycheck
Do you have any idea who the fuck you're talking to? Care to substantiate that comment in any way or was that just a low IQ drive-by?
If you're not spreading this webm and the others in this thread to every frog/white person you can get ahold of, you're wrong.
W imię Boga za Naszą i Waszą Wolność
No one cares fag
watch out fellas, we got ourselves an e-celeb here
Go fuck a cactus, nigger.
The message is that cops don't care how high the taxes get, and cops are not on your side.
The people most disproportionately affected by the policies that ignited this whole thing are your "fellow" pure stock european whites, and these same people are responsible for most of the movement's momentum. Meanwhile you're appealing for the state to crack down on it so jew-run lobbies can keep getting away with ripping them off
Lol, was that one cop wearing jeans and sneakers?
Yeah, it's easier for them to switch to a rioter-breaker uniform
I hate these pigs but for once I smile when I see a woman getting a dose of equality. Based french cop is red pilled on women. Show them no mercy
Actually what I'm suggesting is armed revolution targeting state infrastructure, especially power substations. But you have to analyze your opponent too. What's good for them, what's bad for them, do their actions actually line up with their goals and are there exploitable weaknesses? Macron could win by decisively crushing the protests as Bahrain crushed its Shia uprising. If the entire EU project is in danger, how much force is he willing to use to save it? Thus far the answer has been not enough to crush the protestors, but enough to further inflame tensions, which is exactly the most beneficial outcome to us if the French will continue to riot.
then what's the point of cops from the POV of the state?
user, roughing up the weak, and those that cannot match your fighting abilities is not honorable, no matter what their gender.
Sure, if they attack you, wreck them. But if you can get them out of the way with less violence, then excessive violence, just because you can, is not "manly" or impressive.
When I kill a chicken for the pot, I don't beat it up first, I just cut it's head off.
I doubt Macaroni has the stones to just command a full out annihilation of the protesters, or the loyalist needed to carry it out. He would need the support of the police forces, military, etc to actually crush a real rebellion. At this point, the rebellion has the police and the military on its side. If anything, a violent military coupe of Macaroni is more possible, than Macaroni actually crushing the rebellion.
You're not welcome here, horsefucker.
Didn't say it was honorable. Sometimes poetic justice has no honor. I only said it was nice to see a woman getting a dose of equality no matter the source
Whose side have the ZOGbots been on so far? Don't assume you'll be greeted as liberators just because you're right. Any defection by the bots should be considered a happy accident, not the foundation of your plan.
Who knows, maybe this was the end goal all along?
Get rid of Macaroni, throw in a new Muslim leader to unite the shitskins and take France as the new Caliphate.
He's a Kike, not an user.
kek. You white knights are pathetic. You have no idea how our ancestors treated their women before equality and feminism and it all went to dogshit
What is being slid? More news of the French riots? Clinton investigation stuff?
We live in a world where people, our people, are literally genocided every fucking day and I'm supposed to cry over some dude in a wheelchair falling over. What bunch of newfaggots have invaded this board?
He didn't "fall out" you jew, the gendarmes threw him to the ground and beat him.
I got your original intent completely wrong, sorry about that
RAPE!!! RAPE!!!!
Look kiddo, I'm sorry, but no amount of shilling is going to help you. You want a revolution, but believe me buckwheat, it's going to have to get a LOT worse before that happens. What's on table for us is that Macron resigns, everything goes back to normal. He gets replaced with a new globalist POS who will be more subtle.
But keep calling me and everyone who disagrees with you a jew you low IQ peasant. It's all you're good for.
My biggest fear is they replace him with Le Pen. The French must not accept that as an outcome, they must demand the complete dissolution of their government.
Smells like somebody needs a shower.
Woman getting dragged in lyon by red arm band "cops". Assorted cops acting like pigs. Macron needs his head on public display.youtube.com
It's obvious that you're the jew here. If you ever learn to grow a brain maybe you'll debate me one day. But until then, keep posting images and outraging like a useless peasant. The dumb person in the mob holding the pitchfork, not realizing why he's holding it.
Even worse is that you think this will turn into an ACTUAL revolution with globalist heads rolling. This is a NEET fantasy on tier with katana wielding weeb faggots.
Real people overwhelmingly only care about themselves. Nobody is talking about the Jews, or the Muslims, they're protesting excessive taxes. Everyone knows this. They want to achieve that goal, and they will, since they are grinding the economy to a halt, and then they will go home, happy with themselves. Because the bottom line is THEMSELVES. They have no clue what mortal danger Western Civilization is in, and they don't care.
It'll be years before they get the picture. Now go home and LARP like a good little NEETcuck, just hoping that maybe your doomporn (aka revenge) fantasies actually come true one day.
An expert in gorillia warfare?
Enjoy your cognitive dissonance when this amounts to nothing as with the rest of your happenings.
Fuck, that takes me back.
What the fuck is this?
This video is not just an event that happened. It is the greatest and deepest art I have seen in my lifetime. This video belongs in our schools, museums, and galleries.
Christ, shows you how much loyalty to France those frogbots have. Bet they're not even French.
So how many conservatives in France are doing Cop Worship now?
Imagine being such a shitty troll that instead of making good pastas you are only capable of spamming shitty image macros.
Pleb-tier troll tbh.
Live protests
I couldn't agree more and I've been spreading it as far as I possibly can. Everyone should do the same.
French qt lost an eye. The French must demand Macron's head.
Checked, but use a French song, damn it.
Shit-tier troll
repeatedly posts (((facebook))) memes
Schlomo is doing his best, okay? He has to earn his 0.001 shekels per post somehow.