This is a response to the two threads calling for a peaceful approach to conflict resolution via 'love' and 'voting' both ideologically sound in an undefiled system but no longer applicable today in European and European stock nations (DNA defines the nation; not borders, so take that for what it really means; niggers and subhumans are NOT part of European nations).
As I have mentioned many times on Zig Forums before, I am a fan of observing riots and watching the 'crowd mind' function without guidance or proper structure. Also the viability of decentralized action with specific goals that promote traditionalism (non-degeneracy) and the greater welfare of society (so an examination of a surgical approach to parasite removal rather than traditional 'War Engagement' process; this is probably an ongoing effort that will span a few decades while we are eugenically purging humanity of degenerate behavior).
First, I would like to address the inability of the 'crowd mind' to actually select worthwhile targets (while suggesting actual viable and worthwhile targets) and second we should address the qualities of leadership that effectively weld humanity into a weapon or force. There is some ineffable 'leadership' quality that allows humanity to subvert their own ego and become a tool within a masters (legitimate leaders) hand? I would like to have a discussion on the character of this particular quality and examples of situations where people have either experienced this quality in another or expressed it themselves. My goals with this OP would be not only learning to select appropriate targets (rather than harming your neighbors or their resources; food supply lines and resources; medicinal supplies and critical infrastructure) but to help Zig Forums learn to express these ineffable qualities in themselves, in small insurgent groups and in larger scale interventions.
What denotes a 'worthwhile target' in the War for Humanity? Anything (person, organization, institution or government agency) that promotes degeneracy and the destruction of humanity and works to undermine society is a legitimate and worthwhile target (so the IRS and all its branches; certain corporations like Monsanto; banking and credit interests).
While observing riots I have noticed that as an undirected force they are a real and present danger to such dangerous things as trash bins, doorways, TV stores, random poor and working class motor vehicles, convenience stores [we all know how 'dangerous' these are as well], a wide variety of bus shelters, paving and barricades are also dangerous public enemies). We need to identify legitimate targets and isolate methods of dealing with them, understand the qualities of leadership and responsibility within the mob mentality and expunge degeneracy from our societies, if necessary one organization at a time.
Not gonna happen people actually want to be victims because then they always have someone to blame. You're only here and opposing it because you're bored not because it all truly makes your blood boil. People do things when they are actually enraged. This is all a form of entertainment with a few delusional outliers.
Ayden Rivera
OP here. People make mistakes when they are enraged. I will give you that. I am interested in thoughtful selection of targets which are surgically extracted from our societies. More than this I want anons to feel empowered to select those targets on their own recognizance.
Robert Robinson
People just want to feel important in their miserable insignificant lives but nobody actually wants to be a martyr because when real damage happens? Real punishments happen.
Ok, but in the meantime they are doing the same thing that they always have in wars and other 'parasite' manipulation of the masses. They are destroying themselves and their property and nations (which of course leads to the enrichment of the parasitic class when they have to be rebuilt). This is the time for a distributed surgical incursion that removes what NEEDS to be removed from society without touching what is productive or neutral.
Asher Turner
You're that "I watch riots as an hobby, let me tell you how the french society works because I'm an american genious" guy, aren't you? why don't you try to shit up the french threads some more and make an ass of yourself before suck starting a shotgun?
Daniel Jenkins
For example, I was listening to someone last night who was talking about Nero's selective burning of parts of Rome during peacetime to allow 'developments and reconstruction to happen' that benefited the parasitic class. They laughed and mentioned that this had been happening long before Nero. Ok, so I am a fan of Nero because he defended the Republic against ZOG, but if this is a technique that is employed against us (war, selective destruction and burning of our people and neighborhoods) shouldn't we return the favor and selective excise the parasites and their degeneracy within our nations?
Look at the reaction that the idea of murdering the judge, clinic doctor and social workers who wanted to mutilate that little boy against his fathers wishes got on Zig Forums…the FED's were horrified that someone would TARGET THEIR AGENTS OF DESTUCTION within our societies rather than engage THEM using their own mastered techniques of destruction.
Remove the degenerates and heal society.
Josiah King
I don't just watch the lame as fuck French. I watch all humanity to gain a greater understanding of their weakness and lack of ability to enact real and lasting change. The first and foremost step in breaking humanity of their dependence on 'the LORDS' is to dispel the myth of their leadership. Part of this is coming to an understanding of human dynamics and fixing the incorrect behavioral systems so that mankind can take control of their own future.
Jose Anderson
1) police: without foot soldiers, the enemy is castrated
2) media: without propaganda, the enemy is silenced
Disclaimer: I'm not advocating violence.
Logan Watson
Silenced but not REMOVED. This OP is about the selective removal of degenerates and their agents on a global scale by surgically targeting them within their environment rather than engaging in 'war' operations which only benefit the 'parasitic classes'. If we are going to eugenically alter humanity from the state of a 'beast' to the state of a HUMAN we can't allow degeneracy to exist alongside humanity. I posted a lot in the teacher fucking student thread advocating for the death and eugenic REMOVAL of people who rape or commit adultery. We need to selectively remove these deviants from society but we need to remove the agencies from within society as well or we will have engaged in a meaningless bloodshed. Rapist teachers need a bullet to the brain, both males and females. We are not going to go to the effort of raising humanity up from animal behavior without every individuals personal knowledge and power to REMOVE what is degenerate from society without 'permission' from anyone but their own HUMANITY as a guide. This is the underlying goal of this OP…to get people to stop thinking that they need 'permission' from authority to extricate filth from their society.
Jordan Green
Day of the rope soon, when the day Comes lock down those communites asap before they know what happened!
Colton Lewis
Also, "not advocating violence" is not working for humanity any longer. We are either going to rise above this limiting and 'control paradigm' society or we are going down with the ship forever. It should seem patently obvious to people at this point that "not advocating violence" is not working for the vast majority of human expirience. IT IS TIME FOR WIDE SPREAD SELECTIVE AND PURPOSEFUL VIOLENCE WORLDWIDE REMOVING WHAT IS NOT HUMAN
Juan Ross
1 strike is all you need if you know what you're doing
Strike meaning 'refusal to work' or strike meaning effective violent murder of what is degenerate?
Jonathan Turner
The latter
Brayden Cooper
One of the most underappreciated elements of our society is just how reliant it is upon crime and grey area industries. Drugs and degenerate porn are more or less necessary in placating people and hard drugs are being used as a form of population control. Keeping people doped up and sexually dysfunctional keeps them from getting angry, or, even if they do get angry, their brains are too scrambled to effectively do anything. There's some pretty incredible research about the connections between the CIA and organized crime, and it's not hard to discern the reasons for these connections.
What's most interesting about this is that it's the weakest pillar of the entire system. The system can't openly provide these elements with protection the way they can with other 'above board' parts of their system of control. What's even more interesting is just how lucrative these industries are, and how cash-heavy they are. They're basically money pinatas just waiting to be robbed, and that money can be used to fund further operations. One of the big mistakes of the 'white revolutionary vanguard' of the 70s and 80s is they tried to fund their OPs with bank robbery and other such crime. Many others went directly after targets like cops and federal buildings. This is a terrible idea, the goal of guerilla warfare is to hit soft targets of opportunity, take supplies from those soft targets and gradually escalate and grow in strength while depriving the enemy of strength in a specific area that you can dominate. Drug dealers, pornographers, club owners, pimps, etc. are all among the major pushers of degeneracy in our society, but are also often flush with cash that can be incredibly useful for a fledgling revolutionary group. If you ~prank~ the fuck out of a drug dealer and 'punk' him, worst case scenario is he tries to retaliate (most of these guys are all talk, they won't really do anything unless you're going after real high-level guys), but its unlikely you'll have to do any jailtime. An added bonus is that if you do this often enough you can strangle the supply of drugs in your community. Going after pimps and their ilk is also another service to the community, as these guys regularly import illegal immigrant women to act as their supply of fresh women.
Stop thinking about the obvious targets. The system is more than just the government and honestly, the government is such an incredibly hardened target you won't even succeed at scratching the surface.You'll just get yourself killed, caught, and run through the system and do nothing but create a media spectacle than only tightens the noose tighter around our necks.
Disclaimer: This is all in a videogame though, videogame strats.
Dylan Nelson
Screw your optics, I'm going in to spread more love.
Isaiah Moore
I still think that the biggest catalyst for a new revolution in this day and age is the destruction of the Bread&Circuses sources, i.e., go after communication lines and start breaking the net for a medium sized city and watch how all hell gets loose. Also just for the fun of it, jam phone signals with aluminium antennas to make it even harder for people to browse their social media.
James Parker
The CIA is a gang. In Canada CSIS literally hires bikers and drug dealers, and no, not just with a Huggy Bear arrangement, to do their dirty work they want distance from.
Pic related is a special problem for the current government as they also had a Missing Indian Women commission that just put out more tips that local cops and politicians were killing prostitutes at the Pickton farm, not just one patsy retard.
I don't see any problem going after communications. The vast majority of communication is corrupted and worthless selfish pleasure inducing.
Good point about drug dealers and pimps. Everyone knows who these people are in every community and they are easy targets, money not being the issue as it too is a control paradigm within the larger system (however short term the motive is the longer term removal of filth from humanity on a more systematic basis). I was pointing out in the 'Let me tell you the story of Claire' thread that it was indeed her parents fault for what happened in their nation. Too long have good men turned a blind eye and permitted violent people 'government' and activities in their nation.
I suppose the real question is whether we are going to permit humanity to be turned over to animal tendencies. One of us could easily come up with a way of dealing with this entire Pickton farm. The problem is not locating the degenerates it is permitting and approving of their presence in society at large. It is an issue of turning over your responsibility to 'government' to manage rather than forming mafia that handle subhuman behaviors and regulate society for HUMANITIES interests.
Noah Ward
The problem with your idea of 'love' is that it is actually a form of the deepest hatred that can be conjured against humanity and your own people. Love cannot be present without justice and justice has been turned over to corrupt subhumans and subhuman institutions rather than personal responsibility of a man and woman to their community.
If you 'spread love' but do this by allowing minors to be sliced and diced by faggots, sexual predators and mentally ill people: WHO ARE YOU SHOWING LOVE TO? You are showing love to the faggots, sexual predators and mentally ill who want to genitally mutilate their own children (so the destroyers of society). To the children who you leave utterly at their mercy you are not showing 'love' at all but a hatred so profound and visceral that it can't be gauged in a normal manner. In the case of James, the state sponsored sex change boy, you are destroying his life by refusing to take responsibility and congratulating yourself that 'muh optics' are correct when in fact they are the most evil things that humanity has ever endured.
Parker Robinson
Just a random observation from an off-topic Russian bot: here is Bernard Friedman, the judge who shoved aside unamibiguous standing law to legalize the mutilation of little girls.
To obvious that we need to stand up, take personal responsibility in our nations and begin to solve our own problems and protect our own people. Too long have we been reliant on FOREIGNERS for our own welfare and the welfare and interest of our children.
Daniel Moore
Ok… you want to know how this gets done by professionals? Research what is known as a CARVER matrix. That may help you get your mind around such topics for your academic interest only.
Julian Thomas
I'd advocate that very violent defence should be the default setting for all of us facing the coming tribulations.
Back in the 1980s you could have a proper fight in a pub where many punches were thrown and plenty of people got bloodied but literally even the dudes who got the shit kicked out of them eventually got up and walked away or were dragged off by their mates. It seemed to me, judging from local headlines from the 1990s onward, fuckers started killing punters with single punches to the head. I don't know if there was more concrete to bounce a head off after the 1980s or if something in the air/water has affected the strength of mens legs but dudes began hitting the deck and dying on what seemed like a weekly basis. Maybe people simply forgot how to hit the ground properly. Maybe it was kinghits, which we generally frowned upon as very cowardly.
I began carrying a knife some time ago, and a range weapon in case someone pulls a knife on me and I can't easily get away. I don't have it in me to ever initiate an assault on another human minding his own business but it is a different story if I'm directly dragged into some other fucker's drama. Queensbury rules be fucked, anons, these following words can stand as my warning to every human of any colour on the planet (for some reason I believe it is fair to warn people of danger and I am 100% serious, I won't allow anyone to kill me without working for it) if anyone gets in my face and I haven't done something stupid to deserve it I will be trying to damage you so badly you never forget our meeting, I've always been scared by the violence lurking under my skin, soon it may be given free rein. Hopefully, I have many like-minded brothers out there thinking the same way. Remember, if there is a foot on your neck you must sever the achilles tendon. Amen.
Oliver Allen
Now that is going to be some fruitful reading. Thank you user.
Bentley Powell
OP is a pure and wonderful, saintly and wholesome upstanding citizen of the Republic of Bridge Auctioneering.
Ian Roberts
Give me a break already…no one is reading the OP except the dedicated. You kikes have all the flashy attention you need to drive you agenda of chaos in other threads… FUCKING KIKES…SMH…
John Morris
The way you type is why the right loses.
Tyler Hernandez
The right loses because they refuse to take personal responsibility for their own people and nations, not because of my typing skills or lack thereof.
Ethan Perez
I like these little 1" & 2" for rimfire out to about 100 yards.
If that is what it takes to help you sleep at night user. I really wish that you were correct because I might actually get somewhere instead of just spinning my wheels on Zig Forums trying to get a bunch of wanna be niggers not to act like they were the fucking dregs of the Earth and instead like they were intelligent, responsible and thoughtful. I would LOVE it if I was a CIANigger…something productive MIGHT get done for once.
Brody Allen
You're neglecting to account for the years of black propaganda directed against American whites. Before you shift mass public perception any insurgency work only cement the "evil white man" image even many of our fellow whites have. You're jumping straight into field work without forming a propaganda plan. Why?
Jayden Cook
Members of groups like Pueblos sin Fronteras, down to the individual donor, are legitimate targets. They have openly declared war on the citizens of the United States and as such are fair game.
Charles Lopez
Because the enemy is too numerous for me to combat alone. I have tried and tried for years. I have watched them use think tanks to counter my points…watched them observe and destroy my propaganda using false flags and anything they could at their disposal. They have THOUSANDS of people and bots to counter every thoughtful or meaningful moment of dialog. I am making progress, but it is happening to slowly and the longer it takes the tighter the noose gets around my peoples neck.
Josiah Thompson
user you have a poor sense of timing. Any revolution scenario requires a number a things, the most important being support from the People. Second, because Americans are so brainwashed and complacent, Civil War should be forced by the enemy, not started by us. So make good propaganda, support those in Government and the Intelligence Community who aren't traitors (few as they are), build resources, wait for the enemy to mis-step, and hope Civil War isn't our future.
Matthew Roberts
The enemy has no plans on misstepping. They have revolution planned out to the umteenth degree. The protests in France are nothing more than 'arab spring 2.0'. It is completely inane and the only thing that is happening is destruction of personal property and in the future FURTHER tightening and militarization of the citizens.
This whole thing is planned. There isn't time to 'wait to see how bad it can get' because it can get VERY BAD. I mean extremely bad…world destroying bad…eternal slavery bad. Technology has far outsripped anything we know and understand in the public and it is only speeding up its advancement. Without a thoughtful and well aimed revolt people are doomed. There will never be any popular support because the control systems that are going in place are going to be able to target kill any citizen for just THINKING about revolution. All the parasites are doing is bidding time until the point of no return when the whole Earth is enslaved forever.
Trump is losing white support from across the spectrum: young and old, educated and uneducated. These same whites are now beginning to support Democrats because at least they oppose Israel. Dems. are coming into power. They will open our borders, promote anti-white propaganda, and force whites to realize both Right and Left are the enemies. Only then will they be open-minded enough for a third position. And, if the enemy's propaganda is so great the American-European majority actually embraces Communism, then we will have the moral advantage while fighting to save our Republic.
Chase Martin
LOL fucking what, is that you moarpheus?
Nicholas Phillips
We're all anonymous here, user. Did you not see Democrats win the House?
Actually I would be excited if it was Moarpheus…I don't agree with everything he says and I have some real reservations about some of his personal affairs but at least he has a good head on his shoulders and makes interesting and thoughtful points.
Are you only in this for the US? Or do you have any larger concerns?
Liam Miller
LMAO I haven't seen that one yet…MDE was banned wasn't it?
Ryder Morris
I'm an American and concerned first with my Country. America is still the world leader. Once revolution happens here it will carry into Europe and Scandinavia.
Aiden Martin
gas yourself yid
Liam Morgan
OP, this doesn't really solve anything. What you are suggesting is masturbatory work. It doesn't actually do that much. French people revolt due to a petrol dependence, any civilization would, black, white, chink etc. To make a real change, and to cut the heart out of the israel lobby/mafia/drug/pedo/organ/extortion engine, you need to cripple them where it hurts them the most. It can be done via one simple, one headed system.
'No debt'
Those words are meaningless to a normie. What it really means is, no national debt 'with' profiteers from external sources. When you take away a foreign entity's ability to bankrupt, suffocate and depolarize your nation, and, setup the means to criminalize it. jews will explode in fury, but they can't do anything about it.
The only way this can come into effect is by political action. Riots won't do much, they only solve short term needs. However, solidarity is the most important thing, and the willingness to show it.
Remove foreign owned debt to a nation, it gains back it's independence and future.
Ok, fair enough. I tend to be concerned with all descendants of European stock rather than one 'nation' since to me the nation is the DNA (tree of life) that is carried in its people. But I also recognize that the USA is in a unique position historically due to its constitution. I can't help but wonder if this was what the founders had in mind when they thought that America would export itself and be a beacon of freedom to the entire Earth. SMH…I will think about your words. I still love my nation despite the fact that it is almost completely overthrown and shitted up with subhumans (I watched this happen with my own eyes and it enrages me).
Dylan Hall
Glad you love your Nation. New American Order soon.
Joseph Taylor
The major malfunction with normies is they actually still think their leaders want the best form them. Until they understand the system exists for their slavery and death, they will continue to express their anger in the ways that have been programed into them with the TV. Mainly, street fires, rocks, looting, and "protesting."
It is not that simple though…look at what happened to Gaddafi. I watched that extremely closely. The problem is the fiat system itself or the idea of imposing a currency on people in order to skim off them. The Rothschilds don't care about money…why would you ever care about money when you can snap your fingers and generate a cool billion or trillion out of thin air on a whim. This allows profiteering no matter what 'currency' you decide on as a substitute for labor. Of course, all the fiat 'bit' currencies are the absolute kings of FIAT…
We need something different and better to help humanity, Europeans shift into a Fourth Reich that will be eternal and self sustaining.
Jeremiah Johnson
It is less about Fiat and more about who controls it.
Because their whole system actually runs incredibly smoothly and is a rather ingenious way of facilitating trade.
However, the fact they are allowed to steal wealth via inflation and maintain themselves permanently at the top and then use that permanent status to brainwash the masses to be self-destructive is the problem.
If you handed over the current system to someone benevolent everything would be good with minimal changes.
Jaxon Morales
Fiat is debt.
Govt bonds are where internal peoples profit from the generation of currency. A method of utilizing this with common currency is best.
Rothschilds, jew, random extortionists all profit from fiat. This is what cripples entire nations, financially, legally, militarily, etc.
The internal countrymen need to profit from debt, which auto-stimulates the economy.
No debt. The only real solution, for removing foreign parasites.
And who do you think in this world cares nothing for money and loves people FIRST caring for them and their continued growth/development and also taking a gentle approach to the Earth and her creatures? I wish I could find someone who loved (yet exercises good judgment) like that, but those people don't exactly go into politics and if they did go into politics that alone would prove them unfit. ;) It is actually my pipe dream too so I hear you.
Alright, I suppose I could go with the 'no debt' idea for right now…but I haven't really had time to analyze it for its weakness so I can't commit wholeheartedly…I tend to favor chucking the entire system as TRASH and something irreparably damaged and having damaged the entire Earth beyond repair…at least a billion people have been slaughtered (my personal count) on the altar of Fiat Currency…so I really hate it with a passion right now…if I find a better system I am definitely going to advocate for it and drop kick the shit out of the very idea of Fiat currency.