MobTargets EU Headquarters as Yellow Vest Riots Spread to Belgium
"The rebelious spirit rocking France has spilled over to some other countries, including Belgium and especially Belgium's French-speaking region.
"The area housing European institutions including the offices of the European Commission and the European Parliament was sealed off as a precautionary measure.
"Police put up barricades there and vehicles and pedestrians were both denied access. "
It's possible that security barrier was breached.
Report of Attack on EU Complex Disappears from Web' On Saturday Gateway Pundit reported "Yellow Vest Protesters Attack EU Parliament Building in Brussels" and posted a video to support the story, but now it appears the video has been scrubbed from the web. > The attached photo, with EU Parliament complex in the background, is a screen-grab from that video (posted by, but today the video is gone, along with any print copy the original journalist may have published about the attack.
Storming the Bastille - of Today's Tyrants IMO, It's HUGE that so many Europeans wanted to target the Headquarters of the EU VIPs, whether or not the Yellow Vests actually got past ZOG police barricades and vented some rage on the architecture is immaterial.
Maybe the Global Deep State wiped out the story from the web for that reason..
If the mob was carrying farm implements like that - this whole thing would be over tout suite.
Luke Mitchell
It's not about the Gas tax which Trump is trying to make it out to be.
Aiden Clark
If they can meme that into reality they can shut the entire thing down by simply getting rid of the tax - and then it's back to slow boiling white demographics.
Logan Green
Bump for burning EU. Is this the first time that these buildings have been attacked? If so then it will surely not be last.