I like making the left look bad and am curious if you guys have pics or articles about how the far left is all white soyboy shitheads and the right is more diverse than they are at this point.
Call this an open request.
Proof of right wing groups being diverse
Haha yeah fuck those weak wh*toids, us on the right love us some based niggers, kikes, and faggots.
Any Zig Forums meetup
Why do they have to be diverse? Why is diversity a quality being expressed as validation here?
The answer is no bitch, I will not plunder your boy toy.
I'm distinctly remembering at least one article that actually highlighted how white everyone at one of those was with a pic that flat out had like 2 browns, a black and at least one Asian.
Fuck no I just like pissing them off
Fuck off. We're not shitskins.
This is not a helpful attitude. Making your enemies laugh will take the piss out of them. After that it is conversion time. Violence, either physical or emotional is not conducive to our cause.
The picture that says 2 black boy torture white girl, that occurred in 2012, it's was on the news, there was no torture, one strangled her while the other was in his own room upstairs-nothing to do with the murder- the girl and guy knew each other she was going over to his house so he could put parts onto her bike, she said she would pay$10, she didn't have it with her he refused to let her take the bike- then according to him she started hitting him and he choked her. Yes it's awful but your propaganda for racewar is also awful and I'd consider worse. It's blatantly false, encourages more violence between whites and blacks meaning more white deaths and increasing aggression from blacks, additionally you use this girls murder to push propaganda.
yeah no
don't prove your enemies' values
This is what we are up against, people that will excuse a grown nigger murdering a little white girl.
And then they'll turn around and whine about people like Fields, Bowers, and Roof.
I have been frogged how many times here now? The Jews are the girls running you faggots out.
I am German.
You are pathetic.
speak for yourself
If this thread goes where I think it's going, I might end up leaving the right and joining the left just to be around more, unudulterated white people.
Kys kike
look up the 4chan pol meet
the 4chan pol meetup made them really mad, it was more diverse than any leftist meeting ever
dubs of truth
it's time to subvert Antifa and bring about NAZBOL UPRISING
back to reddit, (((magapede)))
death to diversity
You didn't learn that from hwndu?
Shut up dune coon. You are not white
Right Wings groups being more diverse is just proof that the Right Wing is anti-white. How does this help us?
Pic related.
Though implying the diversity of the right even matters means OP is trying to play by the left's rules, which is always a massive waste of time and energy.
Go away.
Top lel, this board really is dead at this point. Celebrate niggers, goy
I still have the flier thing that black guy was handing out, I am fucking convinced he was a CIA op somehow, I recall diggers found evidence that he had done a pizza party for 500,000$. Fucking literal glow in the dark niggers
have you had your daily dose of nigger worship yet goys?
Look up HWNDU. (the time before it was a flag hunt)
Niggers will never realize jews aren't White. They are so dumb.
The leaders of the left have no ethics - but leftists include many good people. Throw out the leadership. Bring them down for their sins, their lies, their scapegoats and worthy sacrifices, their manipulations of others. Defend progress - for we all live in one world and rise or fall together.
If ever you are a father whose son kills himself - do not scapegoat strangers for your failure!
get the fuck out
You're a cuckold.
But that's not true.
The red pill: all those guys are liberal and liberals are leftists, hence their appreciation for multiculti which is progressive. But only if they're based and are "integrated" coz muh conservative principles.
Seriously, we gotta stop call conservatives, libertarians, etc. rightwing. They simply aren't. At best they're racist leftists, at worst they're principle-less idiots.
Disregard the game they're trying to construct entirely and forge on ahead towards the ethnoglobe.
What about nonwhites that support the movement of nonwhites out of white countries?