Ocasio Cortez admits she is a Jew
The video is self explanatory, but that explains the communism thing =)
Ocasio Cortez admits she is a Jew
The video is self explanatory, but that explains the communism thing =)
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anyone got tit pics
If dubs, she's lying like the other New York latinx democrat who got caught pretending to be Sephardic
There were some floating around the other day, could be shoops.
She seems like she could easily be influenced by a viral meme.
Maybe she can be useful
Here is one for you foot fags
go right
God, imagine the smell……..
Those tits look too big to be hers
Under Trump the People have turned against Ashkenazim Jews and Zionism. Under Cortex the People will turn against Sephardim and anti-Zionist Jews. The future is bleak for the Jewish "people," leaving only the Mizrahim. What to do…
It's all falling into place, Samson Option be damned.
Fucking hell, I thought she would do this. But I thought of it as a joke, not something that would actually happen.
I don’t care what Zig Forums has to say about Ocasio-Cortez, she at least offers something for her nonwhite constituency. Tucker is trying to do the same for whites. Fuck Trump. What we need to do is focus on both the workers and our race. They go hand in hand for us just like they do for Ocasio-Cortez.
How many times have you seen Zig Forums "jokes" become reality now?
Maybe take the fucking hint
I don't believe this for a second.
Recently - last few years - politician after politician has come out stating that they're actually jewish. I'm assuming the handlers are convincing them it's the best idea for the backs of their heads.
The memes are materializing again.
That may have something to do with it. decoys.
What things?
The whore can't even go against Israel.
go on twitter, and demand a DNA test
Oh that's good, accuse her of minimizing the jewish plight or some shit
She offers the most important thing to her constituency as a politician: her ethnic and racial background. Ocasio-Cortez is the leading face of a post-racial America. She’s also a solid 7.5/10.
Shut it, you goddamn mutt cuckold.
I don't want to live in a world run by ugly brown people. Diversity is a curse.
Multiculturalism is (((our))) strength.
Her collage nudes will leak before new years
My take on this is that even though she's a Latinx Millennial that she thinks she knows everything about the world because of her college indoctrination course work, it's interesting to see her show the world that she knows that she has to ass kiss a certain tribe to get anywhere in politics.
I knew those were Khazar milkers the first time I saw them.
For example didn't Paul Ryan do exactly that? Claim he just randomly found out he's a jew? Then he said he's running for re-election to the house.
Is Paul Ryan the next POTUS? He's an extremely good goy. He's owned by the Cock family who aren't jewish themselves but I'm sure they're as zionist as can be they're allowed to be worth over a hundred billion and stay alive
Why would you want them?
So pol is ran by the Templar Order, explains the abuse.
It's a Menstrual Bath
I’m just trying to imagine what her feet smell like. I’d suck on those wet toes any given day, fuck having an ethnostate and shit.
So what do we call her then to make it into a meme? Also, how about we get the conservative world excited about having her to do a blood test. Once she does she would destroy the claims that Judaism is just a religion.
Baked bean
I like this, stay away from me.
Some user. Somewhere. Wants to drink that bath water.
Do spics smell as bad as niggers?
I used to be a massive degenerate in my cringe and bluepilled days. Hispanic and black households always smell funny, but Latinas are generally well kempt in comparison to negresses. I wonder if Ocasio-Cortez has a bush……that would just make things better.
I've always known spics to smell of detergent. I wondered if it was to cover a natural stench. Niggers tend to smell like piss.
Latinas are half-white, user. If you want my honest take, all women with a noticeable amount of white DNA can be used as mistresses and harems in the ethnostate.
The stench of a Latina is better than the stench of a white woman since most either smell like wet hot dog eater or like their dogs just fucked them.
Who let the nigger in?
that's true…probably on /b/ though
hoping they are on /b/
That's great.
That's not what I was speaking about.
You weren't talking about it in a wholesome natural way. You were bringing it up in a muh deek way.
Fuck off, incel.
They’re both mutual, though. Why do you think the Spaniards and Portuguese raped their way through the Americas while the French and British hesitated when going through Africa? There’s a “brown fever” for a reason.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Not sure what you’re getting at.
Low hanger now and after some babies will hanging low and really long. btw her muff must be a thing of wild overgrown beauty.
Not extending to Pajeets and abbos though, mercifully.
Nogs esp the very black ones have a really heavy ammonia smell to them. So funny to hear fragrance reviews from nogs on yt. Like describing what it is like to spray some cologne on skin already doused in vinegar. They will still try though. The really black nogs will also wear heavy and vomit inducing perfumes to hide their body smell. Also black males do not like going down on black pussy. Just imagine a fat black female ape unwashed and after her period , and going down on that.
Yeah, we dodged a bullet with those groups. In any case, if you want my opinion, I think nonwhite women belong to white men in some form or another. We certainly don’t need to breed with them and shit on our bloodline, but we can keep them around as mistresses, in harems, etc. That’s all they’re good for. And sometimes, you need a break from (((white women))).
I hate every single one of you who take the Jew's bait and muh dik over women in politics. Women should not be in politics and white men should not give them any attention. I wish you all of you who do an early and painful death.
They have a runner-up / replacement for her who also happens to be jewish.
source: nytimes.com
Dots just do not have the body types and too bony or really small boned. Think Nikki Haley and her big head with tiny bones. Filipino women were popular before as cam girls then turned out many women there have odd body shapes, such as tiny hips, big shoulders and some decent boobs to compensate for the odd body shape. African women must have been just not very friendly or warm to their conquerors. No loss as they mostly stink.
Convenient rip for spreading awareness. :^)
Women esp the Ocasio Cortez types should be on their backs spread out taking it slowly then make a spanish omlette aftewards before ya return to the White wife and kids. Just because you might like Modelo beer does not make you a lover of Mexico.
Arab/Nafri ones can be quite hot imo but there wasn't that much racemixing going on during the colonization for obvious reasons.
That clothing is too white.
Needs to wear something from her cultura.
Get the fuck out of here and never return.
You know what we think of you.
Can’t say I disagree.
You’re thinking of sheboons, Tucker.
Persian ladies can be nice. Some arab chicks are really good with quality perfume. Sub sah chicks are not very attractive in any shape or form. Have to hand it to some top shelf Mexican girls with the super curves like those on the soccer channels are really hot. Braz females are hot but really shallower than most other women.
Fear not , as it sounds like these women would eat you alive. Breed with Whites for sure , no qst about it. Never ever fear or be intimidated by non White girls.
Fuck off, Yeb.
If that's really her, those are some nasty looking canckles.
Wonder what moarpheus would think of this.
if you say his name three times in a mirror he appears behind you and calls you a CIAnigger
here, this is for you.
Stay mad, niggers.
God, that would actually scare me since he's a ugly spic fatso.
Not even on a massive hit of LSD with a few pipes of Vancouver shatter smoked on top of it.
I've worked hard red pilling everyone I know on the ubiquity of the accursed jew in our political and economic life, even to the point of receiving real death threats involving guns and people trying to run me over with their cars. But I have to say this one took me a bit off guard. I thought she was opposed to Israel.
I'm not mad, you're just a pathetic beanerfucker that knows he can't do better. Do they tolerate your manletitis more or something?
Juden, Juden über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Israel bis an die Europe,
Von der Vistula bis an den Nile,
Juden, Juden über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!
Juden Frauen, Juden Treue,
Juden Wein und Juden Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
Juden Frauen, Juden Treue,
Juden Wein und Juden Sang!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das Juden Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, Juden Vaterland!
Wtf are you on about?
When it hits you her Rabbi and whole Synagogue figured out the game plan years ago to get her into politics. Clever girl.
Better looking than most (((white women))).
No u. xD
I’m 6’4” lmao, and I AM doing much better which is why I prefer Latinas over white women who fuck dogs. Go eat a bullet, you kike fuck. Literally shoot yourself in the fucking head or have someone do it for you.
Please save us all the trouble and gas yourself.
Not surprised by the revelation at this point.
You misunderstand. I want anons like you to die because you muh dik over women in positions of power. Whether they are shitskin is not the primary issue. If you saw this donkey Beanera working at a Taco Bell you would not be muh dicking. It's only because she's in a position of power, which confirms you are a femdom faggot not worthy of being alive.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
Haha, fucking midget. No wonder you have to resort to el goblinas.
I remember Common Filth too, friend.
Not a drop of kike in my beautiful Aryan body, which is a solid INCH taller than you fuccboi.
This coming from 'lol stay mad nigger'. Embarrassing. You are a silly little thing.
Quite the opposite in fact. If she worked in a taco bell eaterie, would be still judging those low hangers and curvy hips. Take someone like Kamala Harris as example, many consider her hot and classy. Whereas I think she is not attractive in the slightest. Power do noth make the lady. Nikki Haley I would strangle and put in on youtube.
Juden, Juden über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Israel bis an die Europe,
Von der Vistula bis an den Nile,
Juden, Juden über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!
Juden Frauen, Juden Treue,
Juden Wein und Juden Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
Juden Frauen, Juden Treue,
Juden Wein und Juden Sang!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das Juden Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, Juden Vaterland!
Those milk skins on some MTF or even Bay Area Blue Dream would not be bad.
Thank you user, if you didn't mention goblina and 6'4" at once, I wouldn't have had the time to realize who 963c55 really is.
Beat you to that realization, but yes.
If I wanted to see bestiality I'd go to a zoo
beast tit pics?
Kamala Harris has a Jewish husband and she took a bribe and let Steve Mnuchin off the hook for around a thousand illegal foreclosures.
checked, and thanks