People started organizing a yellow jackets thread for u.s.a. and then it froze
4chan is kill refugee thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I am a refugee, no bully.
now what do we do
Guys, lets not shit up this board too.
w8 for the cripple chan faggots to collectively and uniformly act like glowniggers.
Nobody wants you here, faggots.
christslaves should fuck off
John 15:19 - If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
THIS is the official place of refuge for cuckchanners:
Change the í to i because I had to bypass (((word filters))).
only spooks use discord
Is Patrick Little a spook, then?
At this point why don't we just make our own board since Gook nigger is constantly killing halfchan every month trying to get ad revenue
this site is the reddit of imageboards
Is it still bannable to take umbrage with Trump's affinity for jewish interests here?
This did it.
try it jews will automatically shut it down
Jews must be super nervous to have frozen the board 2 times in 2 days. The Israelis are losing their minds.
can christcucks use regular pronounces aka you you're your?
Nah. 99% chance of an Israeli false flag.
Always at the same time.
act normal guys
Fucking checked
oh fug, checked
Is his pig sty still littered with human bodies?
remember when we had to come here during the cuckening?
fuck i hate 8ch faggits, they have no sense of humor
halfchan please go
and always when I should be sleeping… curious
Everyone here posts on cuckchan. They just love larping that they're above it.
Well? Why don't you?
you niggers are like redditors to us
Oh look, it's a (((honey pot))).
sup guise. i'm not even a refugee, i'm a regular. 4chan is literally cancer and they've made the next step towards their pre-planned censorship horseshit.
What the fuck happened what's going on
You wouldn't throw your autistic little brothers out into the cold would you?
The fuck happen to Zig Forums? Went there and there was horse pussy and dindu threads everywhere.
ah i was wondering what the fuck happened yo half chan
what the sam fuck do we do now
yet your site is more similar to reddit. is that just the go to buzzword around here? they're not sending their best folks
They're not my little brothers
go away
Nobody would post on it if I did
no new posts can be made. it happens every now and then but everyone here are such image board addicts they can't just walk away from their computer so here we are
Maybe promoting good habits is part of their campaign; kawaii!
haha you guys let Pedro here speak for you guys?
oh come on we`re not that bad….
shall we bring our shills for your entertainment?
And why America would need to have a yellow vest?
the tl;dr is that nipmoot wanted to split the chans so that the NSFW boards were separated from the regular 'worksafe' boards. this happened, and now all of what is the traditional b, pol, etc boards are now under non stop abusive moderation by robocop noob janitors looking to 'be good at their job'.
but that's not even the worst of it. it gets ugly, very ugly. just know that what we knew as that place is dead. it's been dead for years. i'm glad you fuckers have the knowledge to even be here.
At last this site has a speed captains
halfchan was killed because of this
Israel planning false flags today
Agreed. I don't think either of us will ever be "shut down" because the goyim know. We've fucked with alot of powerful people over the years, but they're yet to stop us. I think (((they))) lurk among us, gathering intel. We're the pulse of society. Silencing us would be the same as blinding themselves. They need us around so that they know when they're pushing too hard or DOTR is coming.
Our future is fucked
A funnypot.
Thinking burgers would need a yellow jacket when they have those cool camo shooters vests.
Cant wait for yellow jacket to take off in the UK.
On a rainy day the cops will have their yellow raincoats on and no one will be able to work out who is who.
There's no fucking proof as to why the site froze at 3am eastern time, but we know that Gookmoot isn't to be trusted and the time to migrate to greener pastures is fast approaching.
Refugee reporting in, fuck that shit hole is really dead. I hate how ugly 8ch can be but I guess this is my new home. Pls no bully
that wouldn`t surprise me.
You're about to get dabbed on jannylover.
indeed. we're in a dark place. we have to be strong.
hahahaa, they are all wearing gold stars
Dubs confirm.
so it starts.
see yas.
Stop being a intolerant faggot and let us have this refugee thread, bigot.
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW *brushes shoulder* *pop locks* *drops mic* GUIIIIIIIIIIISE *criss crosses* HALFCHAN IS *facepalm* DYING *finger guns* AGAIN FOR THE FIFTH *dips on you* TIME *something stinks* THIS WEEK *fist pump* BETTER SHIT *rides pony* UP *salute* EVERY OTHER BOARD *gun show* WHY THE FUCK *flosses* IS THIS BOARD*boogies down* SO DEAD? *praises the tomato* CUCK GANG *t pose* CUCK GANG * CUCK GANG *gentleman's dab* *hype* *hype* *respect*
posting is up gogogogogogog
I'm a shitposting refugee.
I would bully you but without your memeflag I don't know where to start.
cuckchan is back up
i would really prefer you to leave to some other chan. Fullchan already has enough cancer.
bye faggots, 4chin is live.
See you suckers
go away aussie cunt. we know it's you. it's almost 4 am EST. only you self hating aussie shitbags are up and running your faces at this hour. you haven't said anything of value to help the situation, not a single solution, theory, nothing. you're just shitposting, as you do, because you're fucking bogans. please stop.
I'm too lazy to leave.
What now?
Could just be another one of these:
Pretty sure it froze because of the frogs hurting Jannies feelie wheelies.
So what is your super great plan to save the future of white people?
I always try to have a sensible conversation when I'm not shitposting.
Half is up again, so good bye. Dabbing on all y'all niggers.
Unironically this, lefty/pol can keep 8/pol/
Gunna keep bumping till I get an answer.
see you tomorrow newfag
yes we frens
Aus/pol/ is back up but I'm waiting for my answer from
I want to know how to save the white peoples of the world.
And this is why cuckchan can stay on cuckchan
I wonder if Mossad sacrifices new recruits this way. I wouldn't put it past them.
i seen it was back up but i cant be fucked, not going to a site that locks shit down because they are scared of happenings