Drumpf’s presidency is catastrophic for America, but the consequences will not be apparent for quite some time.We can now see the most immediate consequences of Drumpf’s policies. He is utterly unprepared for the complexities of international relations. Putin will flatter him and obtain his acquiescence to Russian aggressions in Eastern Europe. In particular, Putin will seize the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) under the guise of “restoring order” to countries that he himself will have destabilized. These are NATO countries, and NATO has pledged to defend them. Drumpf will refuse to take action against Putin, and NATO will collapse. The European Union will set up its own military force, but it is already facing serious internal fractures that might well tear it apart. If so, Putin will be free to re-establish Russian control over Eastern Europe and the Finlandization of Western Europe.
These developments will move rather quickly, because Putin does not want to lose the opportunity given him by the four years that Drumpf will serve as President. He’ll spend the first year or two buttering up Drumpf, and will then make his move in 2018 or 2019. Russia will resume the superpower status that the Soviet Union had enjoyed.
But the more serious problem will arise with China. In Drumpf’s puerile perception, China is a “bad guy” who must be opposed. He has already promised to declare China a “currency manipulator”, which will subject China to trade penalties. China will of course retaliate, which in turn will anger Drumpf, causing him to escalate the confrontation. It will appear to be nothing more than a nasty trade dispute, but meanwhile, China will seize the opportunity to establish suzerainty over East Asia. Drumpf’s idiotic rhetoric about making allies pay for their defense will, of course, undermine their confidence in American security assurances. Already resistance is crumbling with the Philippine’s own version of Drumpf, Duterte, thinking that he’ll play off the USA and China against each other — which of course won’t happen. Instead, Duterte will end up a Chinese client. Vietnam will probably be the next nation to fold, trying to negotiate a favorable surrender to Chinese interests. After that, we’ll see Taiwan give in to Chinese suzerainty. Japan and Korea will try to hedge their bets by a two-pronged strategy. On the one hand, they may well yield to Chinese demands that they ban American military facilities in their countries. But they might also seek to develop their own nuclear weapons.
There will be much danger during this transitional phase. My fear is that Drumpf will figure out — too late — that he has been taken for a retarded chump, and react with his typical temper tantrum. He’ll shove an American aircraft carrier group right into the middle of the South China Sea, the Chinese will nuke it, and then he might well launch an all-out nuclear war.
I do not consider this catastrophic scenario to be likely, but I am certain that it is entirely plausible.
The Long Term Believe it or not, the short-term consequences I list above (including a nuclear war) are not the worst outcome. What causes me to despair for my country is the inevitability of a long-term collapse of the American Republic.
Compromise is the lifeblood of democracy. The many competing factions must learn to work out their differences to get the job of governance done. They wrangle, they argue, they give, they take, and ultimately they come up with a compromise that everybody thinks is odiferous, yet most people can live with. That’s what makes democracy tick.
But Drumpf is not the compromising sort, and with control of both houses of Congress, he doesn’t need to compromise. He and the Republicans will gleefully cram their radical schemes down the throats of the Left, laughing at the impotent fury of the Democrats. “Elections have consequences!” they will exult as they ban abortion, gut social programs, reduce educational opportunity, unleash the dogs of environmental destruction on the world, and trash the health care system. To them it will be sweet revenge, and they’ll savor it.
But the problem here is that more Americans voted for Ms. Clinton than voted for Drumpf. All those Americans will respond to his radical agenda with increasing anger. The hotter heads will launch protest movements and will savagely pillory Drumpf in public. Drumpf will not treat these acts as the normal response of a healthy democracy; he will consider them to be insolent assaults on his character. He will react with the aforementioned assaults on civil liberties. He will send armed troops with loaded weapons to counter the demonstrations. An escalatory sequence will ensue, with Drumpf clamping down ever more harshly, inciting even more desperate demonstrations, and so on.
I do not believe that we will reach the stage of Brownshirts marching down Main Street, shouting “Heil Trump!” Nor do I believe that Drumpf will end up imposing martial law on the country. It will take too long for that process to develop to maturity during his four years in office. No, the poison will be more subtle than that. This country is now fissioning into two mutually antagonistic factions. The Trump faction wants to return us to the 1950s; the opposing faction wants to adapt to the 21st Century. What’s important is that, from here on, the gloves are off. Drumpf will not be conciliatory; he will not attempt to unite the country. In so doing, he will cement forever the antagonism between the two sides. They will never be able to work together again. They will never share a common vision of the future. They will never again have any bonds of loyalty to each other.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. We are now divided against ourselves. Collapse is now inevitable.
Ethan Richardson
Geographical considerations The deep divisions within the country have geographic expressions. The coasts are blue and the interior is red. This makes it easier for the two factions to organize themselves regionally. California itself is especially well favored to utilize its geographical isolation from the rest of the country to repudiate Trump’s policies. When — not if, when — the divisions between the two factions create unresolvable disputes, it would be a simple matter for the country to disintegrate into three units: West, East, and Middle.
What might save us? Most Trump supporters reject this depressing prognostication by claiming that Drumpf will be reined in by his advisors. Surely they won’t allow him to run wild with his crazy ideas, they say.
Read your history. That is exactly what Germans said about Mr. Hitler. Surely, they told themselves, his rhetoric is just dramatic hyperbole; surely he won’t actually do all those things. They were wrong.
Of course, the public institutions of the Weimar Republic were much weaker than our own institutions, and that gives us some reason for hope. But look at Drumpf’s past behavior: when has he ever been constrained by the advice of his subordinates? He has declared many times that he trusts his gut feelings more than the words of his advisors. He famously exulted after the last debate that he was unshackled and now Trump could be Trump. No, Drumpf will not be constrained by advisors. Any advisor who objects too loudly will be told “You’re fired!”
How about a military coup? Drumpf, I’m sure, does not appreciate just how seriously the officers of the American military take their oath of loyalty to the Constitution. He could well order them to carry out some obviously disastrous action, at which point they might well arrest him and take control of the government. I am confident that they will quickly return control to civilians. However, Drumpf need not go that far to germinate the seeds of our destruction.
Nor can we place any hope in reconciliation between the two factions. Mr. Obama tried hard to reconcile Democrats with Republicans, and Republicans refused to compromise. They tried to shut down the government several times. They publically declared that they would not cooperate with Mr. Obama. Even if a Democrat replaces Drumpf in 2020, Democrats will be in no mood to compromise with Republicans. They will cram their policies down the throats as enthusiastically as the Republicans did to them.
Likely outcomes Here are my conclusions as to likely outcomes:
1. Nuclear war in 2018 or 2019. Unlikely, but highly plausible.
2. Internal unrest turning violent and leading to an authoritarian government. Unlikely in the near term. Possible during the 2020s.
3. Violent breakup of the country. States would offer increasing resistance to federal policies; this could eventually lead to the use of the military to enforce federal rule. The military would fall apart as soldiers refuse to shoot fellow Americans (This is a common problem for all dictators.)
4. Nonviolent breakup of the country. This is my most optimistic scenario. Faced with the prospect of civil war, politicians balk and agree to split the country up between the two implacable factions.
Conclusions The central idea here is that the American body politic has now split into two mutually antagonistic factions. Henceforth there will be no cooperation between blues and reds; there will be only furious battles for power. This will inevitably lead to the collapse of the American Republic. I don’t see this happening in the next ten years; I think we’ll see the collapse come in the late 2020s or 2030s.
A Final Thought Americans have been living cushy lives for too long. The people who remember our last serious crisis — the Depression followed by World War II — are too old and too few to warn us of just how bad things can get. The generations since World War II have enjoyed peace and prosperity for so long that they take it for granted. They don’t have the deepset fear of conflict that the Europeans and Japanese have. Once again, they will have to learn that lesson from the harsh hand of Reality.
Alexander Gonzalez
P.S. Several anons have pointed out that I have overlooked a major factor: the role played by drumpftards. Drumpftards could play an even larger role in the coming American unraveling. The Internet allows a few drumpftards to spread their poison widely, and it fosters an escalatory sequence in which zoomer drumpftards on one side whip boomer drumpftards on the other side to ever-greater frenzies of anger. It also allows coordination of efforts, a major problem for radicals in previous revolutions.
It is impossible to predict how the drumpftards will influence developments. They could end up doing nothing of significance; they could trigger a violent civil war within just a few years. They’re the wild card in this calculation.
Asher Cox
None of this will happen. Beto or Bernie will win in 2020, every single conservative will be censored online. Conservatives that would protest IRL will be jailed. No one will protest. Things will go on like they did with Onigger. USA is dead.
but at least you defeated the ebul nazis
Cameron Edwards
Stopped reading right there. Global report.
Josiah Foster
Owen Parker
Yikes for you bud
Charles Jenkins
I think it is an interesting text. Fresh, compared to other bullshit here.
Fuck me does your fee fees get hurted when a bad man says the presidents actual surname as opposed to his stage name. It's not like he called him Punch which would have been an appropriate putdown. Did you cry when bad meanies said Barry Sotero?
Ayden Russell
Sometimes I wonder ever has the capacity to write something new.
A.) Anyone who calls Trump, "Drumpf" or "Trumpenstein" or whatever 12 year old insults is a leftycuck and should be immediately ignored B.) Trump turned out to be a shit kike and nigger dick sucker who's done nothing whatsoever positive for this country and his whiny faggot twatter posts aren't helping him I've never seen a President turn so fast and betray his own base so quickly as Trump did
Trumpenstein is pretty retarded, but less egregious than 'Drumpf' which just says immediately they're both 1) communist and 2) retarded
James Turner
Have you tried the new Baby wipes, now with Aloe Vera for sensitive bottoms? It alleviates pain and suffering.
ofc we're under the power(s) of this global commie takeover, meaning that though we want balkanization/self-determination, we'll have to fight skirmishes and possibly a full-on civil war to achieve even a temporary reprieve from the ideals being foisted upon us. We either comply like good little calves, or die fighting back with all of our might/wits. The upside is, nobody gets out alive. No self-respecting man would want to live in the coming anarchy preceding a final solution for the global one world jwo
why should we take your thread seriously if you cant be bothered to make a serous thread
Kayden Cooper
you mean something like this?
Tyler Walker
Fuck the kike puppet. Even then, it's the Kali Yuga and we expected chaos. Let's just get to full acceleration already. This is how I can tell you are not from around here. Be gone Moishe.
Elijah Reyes
can someone this retarded actually exist?
this has to be bait
Ayden Torres
Trust the plan
Jordan Martinez
found a jew jew is neanderthal hybrid
Camden Thompson
This is some stale pasta.
Aaron Smith
Is OP semi glow in the dark user?
Eli Gonzalez
Honestly at this point it's our own fault for staying on 8pol, anyone who hasn't left already deserves it.
Isaac Sullivan
Opinion discarded. You’ll die by our hand soon enough Yid.
Evan Powell
and I'll be there Forever and a day always op is a faggo
Carson Thomas
Jesus christ you are stupid. Stop pulling unwarranted assumptions out of your ass.
Andrew Turner
OP is a plagiarist, and a very bad indeed. Thanks user. You made God's work.
Jeremiah White
Immediately out of the gate you misspelled the name like it was some grand thing you are doing to defeat him. As soon as you did that I didnt read a single fucking word more. Stop being a fucking nigger and thinking that by fucking up the president's name that you are some superior asshole. Fuck off.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Right. He should just put "Zognald von Drumpfensten - draft dodger the fifth"
Alexander Gonzalez
America, as the ZOG shithole it stands today, is not worth saving. Civil war, nuclear war, ANYTHING other than the current slow death is preferable.
Hudson Scott
Jim Jeffries? Are you some kind of faggot?
Nolan Phillips
You're a complete fucking Kike Reject FREAK. Not a single Molecule of Merit or integrity within vicinital of your Botched Existence. Stop trying to apologize for your fucking Gook media Dogma. Kill your entire Family
what a (((kike))) the op and his (((kike))) words are lies. (((they))) are dead. the surname of the president is trump, not drumpf as you childishly call him. hmmm hmmm
Ethan Allen
Only a boomer would care about being a draft dodger, and boomers like you will be shot
Jason Gray
rrrright. better clean that cumcrusted belly before you talk shit sonny
Xavier Sanders
In other news, OP is starring in upcoming film called "I'M A MASSIVE FAGGOT!" Starring OP.
Liam Bell
This isn't your blog. Any time I see these types of blog name calling bitchy threads I immediately tune out. If you can't get your point across in one post then you are just sliding
Putin isn’t going to do any of that Russia barely had the force projection to hold Crimea and that was a PR disaster for the country. The real catastrophe is the fact that his presidency has greatly strengthened BRICS the currency system created through Russian Chinese cooperation. His political choices have alienated alliances at key moments in time and has greatly hurt American industry. If China plays its cards right it is set to win big from a coming American recession.
Henry Perry
ended reading right there. Call me up as soon as this happen, you loony fruit.
Stopped reading, right there. He's not 1488, but he's FAR from the worst president I've seen. He's actually accomplishing some of our agenda, and if he pushes just a little harder, he'll regain any support he's lost. Shills are blackpilling like crazy all over this board, but what they say makes no sense, and some of it is outright lies, which has been proven time and time again. I'm still willing to give him my support, while we choose a better candidate for his successor (not Pence, he's a globalist).
Correct but this was inevitable since the 90s when the demographic trends changed irreversibly has nothing to do with Trump. If anything it's is possible he delayed the collapse for another 5 - 10 years. He probably could have prevented war and collapse if he followed through with mass deportations
There is going to be more than just 2 factions. Each major US race will want their own country, Black, Mexican (since they hate other "Hispanics"), Mystery meat South Americans, and possibly Asians at least the ones in the Chinese colony that is the West Coast. Most whites will be trying to "preserve the union" and maintain the multi-ethnic empire, but will be reluctantly forced into fighting for their own interests when no other races want them on their land. Whites will further be divided by religion, and then by "left/right" politics.
Don't expect white Americans to lift a finger to start a revolution, beyond a rogue lone wolf who every conservative will fall over themselves to disavow. Most NRA-loving good ol' patriots are the biggest cucks on the planet, they can't even bring themselves to watching the NFL now that it is explicitly anti-white. Slowly, they will basically into a proles and the middle class from 1984. However, collapse will be triggered by another global financial crisis. Nog run cities will be no different than the Congo, and the Southwest, save maybe Utah, will be cartel run territories.Combined with zoomers growing up less politically correct than millenials, things will get bad enough to trigger the average American to accept the break up of the US.
Trump is bad because he is the opposite of acceleration. He serves to lull the white American back to sleep. Support for police, military and government has skyrocketed amongst whites since his election. Hillary Clinton was awful and an active instrument of Jewish interests, which is why she didn’t win. The state wants to keep America upright for as long as possible and squeeze every last shekel. Trump keeps the boat upright just a little longer. Hillary would have tipped it more, and we might have seen what we’re seeing with the yellow jackets in Europe right now. Make no mistake, Trump’s presidency was all according to plan.
Your dumb clown "president" is a fucking semen sommelier of Israel. But you are too dumb to see it. Now get your fat ass and go to work. Somebody has to pay for that bigly "Wall".
Jordan Sanders
yeah that was the point of electing trump only dumbfags thought he was going to maga build a wall create an ethnostate for jared taylor and lock her up lmao
Based MAGApede knows not the origin of such a slander as 'Drumpf' and will not hear of it, for it is Kushner Season year round.
Brody Flores
Good, now in 2020 I can niggle the crap out of right wingers about being accelerationists. See, if you should become a votefag, why, you're an accelerationist either way.
This is why I keep telling you faggots to stop talking like a bunch of roided out spergs and instead be empathetic with your people instead of constantly doing shit like this: You're doing it to yourselves and when someone like me tells you to stop fucking hitting yourself you immediately proceed to beat the ever living shit out of yourself/movement by slapping a random D&C buzzword on the poster and keep up the sperging. I can personally say I've turned a literal ex-con crackhead we wuz kangz nigger into someone sympathetic to white causes now. Use your fucking words, ACTUALLY be informed and well-sourced, and stop hating everything you dumb cunts and the jews will be in the ovens by christmas.
Luis Peterson
Faggot doesn't say how…
Oh… ok, so by that logic, aren't the problems of today Obongo's fault?
Make up your mind, woman.
But the homosexual known as OP who has zero experience in anything but anime and vidya, he knows…
Holy fuck, this faggot went three posts deep into his diary today. I ain't reading anymore of this dribble. Neck yourself faggot.
Camden Parker
Daily reminder this is what Zig Forums actually believes. Someone over there actually thought that now that we've turned on Trump, they could come post that shit over here and we'd believe it.
Nathaniel Collins
none of this happened, sweetie
Christian Edwards
Who is this?
Alexander Carter
1. Die. 2. If you can’t handle being called names for sucking jew cock, you’re worthless to everyone, including yourself. 3. You let your emotions dictate your understanding of reality, and you reject truth because of it. You are a leftist. 4. Hate is your soul’s immune system. 5. Kill yourself.
Dylan Green
anyone who's been around since 2015 know's that it started out as a leftist meme and was strictly leftist talk show host tier for the first year or two. actually it still is and always will be. you shouldn't unironically use something so organically leftist regardless. any fruit that comes from a tree like that cannot be anything other than poison, therefore OP is a huge faggot