Meet the Bottomless Pinocchio, a new rating for a false claim repeated over and over again
Does the Holohoax get a "bottomless Pinnocchio" too, WaPo?
Why do jews have big noses?
Because they always lie.
The Holocaust would get 6 Shlomos, so a botomless Shlomo
Word salad, the kike's favorite food.
And this, anons, is why the (((press))) hates Trump. He's literally using the same propaganda methods (would the Space Force be the equivalent of the Holocoaster?) as (((they))) do.
I thought it was for smelling gold.
I thought it was because air was free.
And he seems much better at it. Trump is literally outjewing the Jews. I predict that by the time Trump finishes his term(s), there will be a full on jew war.
let's transform pinnochio into a jew Zig Forums
>Carlo Collodi (born (((Carlo Lorenzini)))
He's (((Italian))) remember?
Pic related.
You realize that he was saying "we agree with those seeing their destruction and will see the jew's destruction too!" Clever bit.
Haha nah bitch it was about the synogouge bris shooting
How many dimensions of chess is that conclusion on?
That's what the profane like you hear.
Where's she on holliday to? Dunkin' donuts?
Obvious greenscreen. He was in an empty studio if that's even really him.
Bump for shills looking retarded
The fat bitch takes up most of the cover, but look at some of the articles:
utter insanity
Too late, Wapo,
Several years ago the Iran cartoon contest about the Holohoax laid claim to the Pinocchio meme.
It's ripe for use.
>giving the jews a new embassy, billions of dollars, and help in their proxy wars versus Lebanon, Syria, and Iran means Trump is actually AGAINST the jews!
Please, do explain, if you have the brainpower
I mean outjewing (((the media))), Israel is debatable. I remember seeing an article where a renegade Jew warned the EU about inhaling immigrants. It is also the home to the rothchilds, however.