http ://
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Garbage no effort thread. Sage, report, move on.
The northwest Quartet is a series of novels written by Harold Covington to lay down the foundations for how the organization's Butler Plan could play out. All novels are free to download from the organization's website. These novels are:
http ://
Oh look, it's exactly what happened last time people tried opting out and creating something of their own in an exoteric manner.
NWF and it's sister New Awakening larp is only ever going to amount to misguided Aryan youth (assuming they don't grow out of their stupidity and realize how stupid Convington and his ape crew were and are) creating a ticking time bomb in which their children are murdered by FEDs who have global backing and won't stop growing in power and number with their expansive mulatto mutt army, their weapons seized and either melted down or straight up given to niggers and gooks to kill more whitey, and their land given over to Jewish bankers who will build a nice big memorial to Aryan death in North America in the shape of a Wal-Mart supercenter.
Piss off. NWF is the golden child of honeypotted D&C. A real revolutionary movement against the Global System is in the form of guerrilla warfare and NOT dividing yourself from the net of the system (which already exerts global full spectrum dominance so you'll never ACTUALLY escape it without being blown apart by the entirety of the Jew owned world) but instead blending in to further undermine it until the entire ship can be sunk in a nice big fucking blow in the shape of a swastika. Real damage, not separating yourself for easy targeting. Every revolutionary worth his talk in tangible action has followed that same framework since the dawn of revolution itself. Piss blood and fall over, or get off the NWF larp train.
Once you seized ownership of land by any means I'm on board.
ffs OP, you start this thread NOW of all times? Alright fuckit, here I go trying to explain why the NF isn't like all the other girls in the hopes that one person will read and check them out like I did once upon a time. With all the threads going up you really should have waited a few days. Here's my pasted post from another thread:
You know about 4 months ago I was really blackpilled on everything. I saw how any change within the system was impossible, how the ol' "let's all move to a single city" plan would result in being surrounded, and opting out of society and building communities innawoods wouldn't be allowed (just ask Vicky Weaver and her child). Most of all, I saw just what was being planned. And I was filled with dread and hopelessness.
You know what gave me hope and has been returning more and more strength to my soul every week? I found out that there was a way. A model with historical backing that could work. The more I thought about it, and the more I realized that it was a working model. Just knowing that it is possible to save ourselves has given me my hope back and a direction in life. I know it'll attract all manner of shills, blackpillers and the usual detractors but here goes:
I first heard about the Northwest Front from an user who mentioned that their system is based on independent cells that don't know each other, so if one cell is infiltrated the rest keep fighting. I thought "Huh, that's clever. I'll have to look into these guys" and then I forgot about them. A few months later the main NF organiser Harold Covington died, and there was a big thread on it, and this finally got me to look into them.
Their plan is to get 1000 "Class A" fighting men in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and western Montana. There they will recruit and wage a propaganda campaign until the USA begins to fragment and break up Soviet Style. When America's military has been hiring niggers that can't swim and diversity hires in leadership for years (already happening) and their economy starts to show stress, then the cells strike. The object is not to take back the entire USA, but to make the Northwest too expensive to govern, until to save its own hide the USA is convinced to let go of a piece of unprofitable backwater.
This is how colonial wars are won, and that is exactly the model the NF is following. One idea you must grasp is that in a colonial war it's not the generals that surrender, it's the accountants.
The decentralised cell structure is based heavily on the IRA and the Cosa Nostra, two organisations that were nigh impervious to infiltration. The IRA is a big inspiration, due to the fact that they fought a mechanized first world army with tanks and helicopters and a nuclear arsenal to a standstill until they achieved independence well, sorta. They cucked out at the last second and achieved partial independence but they could have kept going It has happened before and it'll happen again. The American system is being held together with duct tape, 1000 men in mobile three man "trouble trios" can grind that federal machine to a halt until the USA will be willing to saw off its leg to save the rest of the body.
If you want to know more, read the book attached. It's 1 part training manual (if you read between the lines) and 1 part hilarious and exciting story. And most importantly, it shows you what kind of men you have to be if you want to win.
I know reading books is hard and you'll "get around to it" but please download and read it right now. It opens immediately on a group of men plotting to kill a couple raging feminist dykes to save a man and his children from prison and adoption, if that helps motivate you.
I agree w/
I suggest being a bit more cryptic with the message otherwise shills will derail.
Sage because OP is a disingenuous boot licker
http ://
Further paste:
You can find all the books as free pdfs on their site under the "Northwest Novels" section.
The reading order is
Of those The Brigade is the most important for summing it all up and containing the most valuable information, but anybody who gets "hooked" on the first novel will want to binge all the others. They have everything from valuable instructions on being a revolutionary (A Distant Thunder has a valuable tip on a mental trick to resist torture) and things only somebody who actually fought a revolution would know, which makes sense since Covington was on the ground observing the IRA and actually fought in Rhodesia.
Also, the Northwest Front has their own draft constitution, which you can read here:
It's somewhat like the original American constitution, but it makes race the central foundation of everything and solves the flaws in the original constitution. For example, there's a bill of rights but there's also a bill of responsibilities. The whole constitution is set up around the idea of rights being awarded for responsibilities and duties rendered. There's mandatory labor and military service (just labor service for women, although military service can be opted in to for those exceptional handful) and there's even a Code Duello because "in the old America there was no penalty for being an asshole. There needs to be." The draft Constitution was also built out of a coalition of racialist thinkers including David Lane, not just something the NF thought up themselves. And of course it's just a draft, the little details can be hammered out once victory has been achieved.
The NF says they're "the only ones with a plan" and I'd say that's pretty accurate. How many other organizations have not only a solid plan to achieve their goal but also a precise plan for the new state to be implemented? Freedom's Sons also goes into a potential way the future Northwest American Republic might be set up, and the reasons why it might be set up that way so read that one if you have further nitpicks and questions.
The NF is also about as "hardcore" or "extreme" as you could get
They're very much opposed to the whole Alt-Kike idiocy and rejecting the old "let's all move to a single city" or "let's change the system within" or "let's form our own buildiberger group" that has been proposed, tried and failed for the past 60 years. There is no more time, collapse will be upon us in a couple decades. The only hope is violent revolution. Understandably, this upsets Anons and "movement people" who just want to sit and complain and whine endlessly but dare not get up off their ass and do something. I remember one NF thread that unfortunately spawned a screencap that argued the NF is doing it all wrong and should be like the Golden Dawn. The user in the thread seemed to be arguing against the NF yet espousing their exact plan, it was infuriating. And that screencap gets shared all the damn time now. There also seems to be some kind of feud between Harold and the leftovers of the Pierce's NA, compounded by the fact that Harold criticized the way Pierce did things (although he called Pierce himself "one of the best intellectual white racialist minds of the last generation").
Honestly, any user that listens to Pierce's amazing talks should also listen to Covington's podcasts on Radio Free Northwest.
I'm quite excited about the NF. I was holding off promoting them for a while because after Harold's death they seemed pretty dead and Radio Free Northwest was just playing reruns, but after the Dec 6th broadcast it looks like they're back in the saddle, and possibly beginning for the first time. Harold apparently tried to keep things a one-man-show due to nebulous legal and federal baggage, but now it's been handed over to an "HQ group" that includes some very motivated people and some very high tech talent. Harold did pretty well with technology considering his age, but he was still an old codger that didn't trust these newfangled devices. Now the HQ group is focusing on upgrading their tech, revamping recruiting efforts and apparently dodging some federal sharks that have started to circle. So now that it appears they're not dead, I'm going to start shilling them. If just one user sees it and gets involved, we're that much closer. It saved me from depression and despair, hopefully it can save our race.
Global report for honeypot.
Phases will be listed in the next posts.
Alright pastes done, I'll keep the tab open all day.
I see a huge amount of misconceptions about the NF, probably because they haven't had a very good outreach and recruitment campaign. Although with Harold out of the way and a new HQ group with a lot of high tech talent at their disposal that will change hopefully.
HAC always railed against the ol' hiding in a cabin in the woods strategy. Look at what happened to Sam and Vicky Weaver. Their Primary Settlement Areas are right in the thick of things, and when waging a guerrilla war you need to have crowds to blend in to.
Read the Butler Plan. No guerrilla resistance ever succeeds without support from at least a segment of the population. The main plan that the NF is sticking to FOR NOW is to relocate as many "Class A" white nationalists to the homeland and start building the infrastructure so that they can welcome many many more people who come less prepared. Businesses, jobs, homes, families, off grid infrastructure, you name it.
Relocation of the better elements of the existing racially conscious White community to the Homeland.
The formation of the Northwest Front as a fighting revolutionary Party.
The insertion of the Party into actual politics, and the creation of a bona fide political movement for Northwest independence.
1. There must be a bona fide revolutionary movement, devoted to seizing state power directly from the hands of the existing power structure. Not conservative, not reformist, not willing to work within the existing system, but dedicated to its destruction. This is the Northwest Front.
2. There must be withdrawal of the consent of the governed, wherein a majority of the people in a country or territory no longer wishes to be ruled by the existing power structure and desire change. Not just any change, but specifically that power is assumed by the revolutionary movement, in this case the NF.
3. There must be loss of the credible monopoly of armed force by the state. Acts of insurrection and guerrilla warfare must take place, actual and serious physical damage must be inflicted on the enemy, and no one must be caught or punished for these acts. This condition is necessary to force the power structure into repression and acts of atrocity and retaliation against the general population in their frustration at being unable to locate and apprehend the real guerrillas.
The seizure of state power through the creation of the Northwest American Republic in the power vacuum created by the collapse of the United States.
When Mexico, Central and South America make their Hispanic supreme Azatlan a reality; Whites will migrate further North. They'll choose careers, jobs and disciplines which allow them to stay out of Native Amerikang territories and all major cities.
No one has to sign-up as a club member. There are no annual fees. One doesn't even need dog-whistling to gravitate away from the emerging shit hole southern US, and towards their own culture
In fact, the PNW will only be a single area in the U.S. (one of several), which is primarily made up by Whites. Keeping them in their Azatlan containment zone will be one of the greatest challenges as Hispanics as a culture are either incapable or unwilling to create sustainable, proficient, safe societies; so they'll continue to chase the White man into any largely White enclave
Radio Podcast started by Harold Covington where he answers questions, clarifies the "organization's" worldview, and gives advice to his listeners on different subjects pertaining to the Northwest Front. His best talks on the show are uploaded by the youtube channel linked below.
https ://
But there can never be a white enclave while the jews are still existing.
It's actually 'Duck' tape. Like 'duck cloth'.
Comes from Dutch 'doek' = "linen canvas".
There is no "white", user. Color labels strip you of your ancestral heritage and cultural identity.
Bullshit. Indo-Europeans were all one and then spread out. We're the same species by skin color aside from Ashkenazi kikes.
Exactly. This is why the idea of enclaves, cabins in the woods and "land ownership" is retarded. The USA government of today is a soft-gloved tyrant, make no mistake about it. All it takes is for some Fed or a jew to get a bee in their bonnet and they'll find some defunct loophole to seize everything. How many times have we seen the Americans just refuse to follow their own laws? If we win the revolution though, we'll be able to seize any land we want free of charge.
Huh, really? I remember I used to spell it that way but my Dad corrected me and said it's "Duct Tape" because it was designed for sealing air ducts and all the HVAC stuff. My Dad was in construction so it made sense.
Not sure if plebbit. White is the accepted general use label for the Aryan peoples of European descent (we're not counting the Mediterranean branch of the Aryans in north India and Egypt, they've died out and are practically gone). "White" conjures images of the white race, not a paint color.
Dumb faggots could have just not been faggots.
Surrender and get a lawyer. Or defend yourself in court. It is that fucking easy. Ruby Ridge where I fucking live was easy to avoid.
>don't disobey class c weapons restrictions there should be non btw
azn shtr dzrvz rpe tbh
All the peace officers here in the pnw are nwf. Get a traffic stop and say something pro-european or pro-american and you get off with warning. Every time. Unles you are a wreckless nigger. Even the hispanic (iberian) officers are all in.
register vehicles to blind family trust to avoid jew surveillance while respecting travel laws
Now comes the part I'm sure some here were waiting for. Clearing up some misconceptions about the Northwest Front. Some of these will be taken from the site itself, while others from earlier responses to this thread.
>You call the Northwest Front a "political organization" and reference a "political party." Is it really just more (((alt-right))) crap attempting to create a white homeland through playing by the system's rules, in that sense?
No. The party's main purpose will be as the main organizational structure for the revolutionary movement while it is still in the legal phase. Before it goes underground, it will engage in grassroots operations for the purpose of spreading word about its existence, and gaining support ( not for any elections or traditional political garbage, mind you ) among white citizens. This includes spreading leaflets and personally aiding impoverished whites back on their feet if requested. "You do not join the NF, the NF joins you."
No. Harold addresses this.
https ://
Bearing in mind that the objective is to create a viable nation for White people and to avoid small, non-viable, surrounded enclaves, the new Homeland must meet several criteria. These include:
1. The Homeland must be extensive, big enough to grow into over many generations. Lebensraum, as it were. That rules out New England.
2. It must be a contiguous all-White land mass. Enclaves would eventually be overrun. That lets out Matt Hale’s “everybody move to Peoria and take over the county” idea, although as I explain later, becoming predominant in certain localities within the Northwest is a good idea with which to begin an eventual Northwest-wide revolution. We call these communities primary settlement areas or PSAs.
3. There must be sufficient natural resources and infrastructure to support, feed, and clothe a growing nation and create industry. That rules out New England as well. The Northwest presently has most of what we will need and we can jury-rig the rest. Towards the end in Rhodesia we were manufacturing everything from our own steel to our own Scotch; it was only a failure of political will that destroyed the country.
4. The new nation must have an extensive coastline with viable deep-water harbors. It must not be a landlocked enclave dependent on flight over hostile territory for communication with the outside world. We will also need access to the sea for commercial fishing, desalinization, and mineral extraction, all of which will be necessary in the 21st century.
5. Remember, the Northwest idea was not invented by me. It’s been around for about thirty years, and all unsung there is in fact migration already going on, including a fair amount of overt racially conscious migration, especially by religious people to Idaho and Montana. There is also a large amount of “organic migration” on the part of conservative White people who will not openly admit (yet) to racial feelings, but who are basically fleeing the mudflow, especially from California.
6. The land of the Northwest is already sanctified with the blood of martyrs such as Vicky and Sam Weaver, Gordon Kahl, Bob Matthews and Richard Butler. We cannot and should not turn away from this legacy that has been given to us by some of the few truly heroic White people of this generation, and we owe it to them to make sure they did not suffer in vain.
( FAQ will be ongoing. Anons, post any concerns )
You are 100% correct. The caveat is that we'll give them one helluva whack-a-mole experience attempting to screw up our lives. Meanwhile, they're dying out, which is a huge game-changer.
"White" is less about skin color, and far more about culture, ingenuity, innovation, manifesting the wild/fantastic and previously thought to be impossible into reality.
I'll post pdfs of all the books for Anons that don't want to click a link and would rather just download and read pdfs on their phone.
There's really no better propaganda than the novels. Discerning eyes will realize that they're training manuals for character and operations, and Harold sticks a whole bunch of amazing "insider knowledge" about the inner workings of the federal government (ever hear of a Hadassah?) I've left out Hill of the Ravens because it's the weaker of all the novels and its purpose to show how the future NAR might be set up has been superseded by Freedom's Son's, although it's still a damn good read. Also I can only post 4 files iirc.
It is rent because of annual land "taxes". If the government owns the land, then how can you be expected to pay taxes on it. And what about all the land in public trusts that have no taxes paid on them. This problem is currently under investigation by the new county assessor and treasurer in my county. I love this fucking timeline.
It is used like that now but the etymological history is important, especially when Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and/or Nordic, since jews hate these great people and everything they create.
No such thing. The race is European. 'Race' as in 'Landrace'.
Then there are cultural groups.
"White™" is a trick label that, legally, in the US, includes Arabs, Non-european Hispanics, and jews. Do not use it if you can help it. 'European' is the correct label, and 'Genetic European' is what you mean, no matter how many fluoride stares you get where you know they think "i'm american"; correct them. Explain to them what that means. African-americans. Asian-americans. European-americans.
Are ancient Persians, as Darius said.
>In the Dna and Dse, Darius and Xerxes describe themselves as "an Achaemenid, a Persian, son of a Persian, and an Aryan, of Aryan stock". Although Darius the Great called his language arya- ("Iranian"), modern scholars jews refer to it as Old Persian because it is the ancestor of the modern Persian language.
It is always used againt the European people.
Pooly, but still against.
FAQ ( Cont. )
Pretty much every place on the continent is in bad shape as part of the Obama Depression, and it’s true that the Northwest is affected as well. The Northwest is not immune from general nationwide economic trends. It’s also true that parts of the Homeland have always been a bit thin economically. Northern Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and parts of Eastern Washington fall into this category. In these areas there is a lot of seasonal employment where you work your ass off all spring and summer to pay your heating bills through the winter.
Bluntly put, if you can achieve any kind of modest success, income and stability where you are now, you can do it here. If you’re looking for a new start, the Northwest is probably the best place to try it, even as bad as things have become under The One.
30 years of nasty liberal media propaganda, including a number of stupid Hollywood movies, certainly hasn’t helped our image any. When you say “Northwest separatist” most people conjure up a vision of a religious nut living with multiple wives out in a cabin on a mountain, or else some shaven-headed, tattooed punk in a compound screaming “White Power” and giving a Hitler salute with one hand while waving a can of beer in the air in the other. Like all stereotypes, these are mostly false and the creation of hostile government propaganda, but there is enough truth behind them to sting. We haven’t been as good at presenting ourselves as we might have been in the past.
If you refrain from shooting up restaurants with an automatic rifle, if you blend in, pay your bills, make friends and show people you are a normal human being, you won’t have much trouble with the locals. Put yourself on a credible basis of communication with them by learning how to speak their language. Do not confront them head-on with symbols, ideas, and concepts that they have been socially and mentally conditioned from birth to reject. Softlee, softlee, catchee monkey. Above all, do not abuse or insult their religion.
Only idiots will fall for this
wounded shills
I wouldn't blame and as I had only started the thread and hadn't posted everything I was going to yet.
are inexcusable, though.
Everything said by said post is irrelevant when the working gameplan speaks for itself. Its a D&C retarded idea that stems from an obese rhodesian flunky field cook who convinced Ludwig and his band of literal 14 year olds that he's Hitler's prophet.
So the idea has been around for 30 years, can I ask where is the progress?
Global report for honeypot. You have never done anything. You have never created your own society. You have never moved to this region. You have never even attempted to ignore jewish laws. You are nothing.
There isn't any. It's a honeypot. Report it every time you see it.
How long did it take Irish to achieve their own independant state?
You seem like a word mincer. I don't want to turn this into the typical back and forth argumentation and screaming about nothing, but I consider your argumentation on the basis of word loopholes to be in bad faith. It smacks just a little too much of pilpul and Jewish language lawyering. I'm not looking for a (20) post long argument though, so I'll leave it at that.
Some stuff about "Well why haven't they done it yet?"
For years Harold talked and talked and sent countless emails urging and begging people to come to anywhere in homeland areas and get involved. He had 1500 people on his email list and only about 2-3 of them were ever courageous enough to get out from behind their computers and meet in a coffee shop. And he didn't fare much better trying to get other people involved. He called it the "White Character Problem", we've forgotten how to be courageous and even worse a great deal of us consider words to be equal to deeds. Too many people just want to sit down at the computer and blow off steam, then retire to their vidya with a beer and call it a day. And anybody that threatens that nice cozy easy lifestyle gets shouted down. So the question "why haven't they done it yet" smacks of the typical Amurrican entitlement, as if asking "Why haven't you done something entertaining FOR me? Why isn't there change that I can watch from the safety of my tv and computer without risking my own hide?" Harold's response to so many people writing in with "Hey why don't you try [x] I bet that would help the NF" would be "Hey, great idea! Let me know how it goes." The NF hasn't taken off because YOU haven't made the move and begun preparations.
Another reason I think is Harold never liked technology, and was jaded after so many white nationalist movements from the 60's onward ended up like the Alt-Kike did today. It happens over and over and over and nobody seems to learn. And he saw the same thing happen on racial newsboards. His criticisms of VNN sound practically tailor made for the chans today. As soon as anybody proposes anything, they're mobbed by idiots and entitled whiners who don't like somebody trying to get them out of their comfort zone in front of the computer and hiding safely in their apartment.
But his anti-technology stance severely crippled the party I think. So much so that he missed the upswelling of racial thought that was happening on our fair imageboards. Now there's an HQ group who has some "high tech talent" behind them, and a renewed interest. Perhaps now they can finally begin. Which is why I'm spending one of my days off here preparing for the onslaught of naysayers, schitzos and furious morons in the hopes that just one Class A prepared to sacrifice everything sees and acts on what appears to be the only workable plan to save our species.
Justify the coup against the supposedly sexual deviant former leader or it will hang over your head for the rest of your existence.
t. neutral observer
Doing nothing at all is clearly the master strat.
Its making lots of progress, moving to the NWF is like a meme now, just the simple spread of the concept is increasing the numbers of people moving there.. and they are more radical than ever. If you want progress, look to what our enemies have done to us, thats what recruits for us.
I saved an image and its under the former leaders first name but I cant remember what it was, a man named Haymes told me about how the New Awakening website and Gab accounts, emails etc were hijacked by someone lower down in the chain of command and the people supporting this were posting images of this guy shirtless, that supposedly show hes a sexual deviant. Nothing was visible in the image, it had a quote about being "squeaky clean".
The former leadership splintered off their own group and formed The Brigade, which is a different group from New Awakening now.
I tend to side with the former leadership against the new by default because coups with bad poorly defined excuses are bad for business in general. Id like to see it explained in a rational way with evidence.
or Haynes, I forget. Something like that.
This is in the "Bill of Responsibilities":
What's the rationale? Would my church not be allowed to give my pastor a salary?
I should have added an addendum to this however, the NF isn't dead. They have plenty of good people helping out and working their asses off (especially now that The Old Man is out of the way and now's the time to truly begin with new perspectives) but they're still not at the 1000 Class A fighters threshhold yet, and they don't have the infrastructure built to welcome what they call the "T-shirt Youth" which are the kids who will arrive with no skills and nothing but a T-shirt on their back. Someday those kids will be a valuable fighting force, but not now.
People wondering what a "Class A" is should listen to the latest RFN broadcast (until this Thursday after 8:30 PST) with a bunch of new announcements, the first big update, and a short rerun where Harold talked about what makes a Class A.
I don't know about the New Awakening. I personally disagreed that when our numbers are so low they should split our forces just because they wanted a swastika on the flag (the NF has maintained that this needs to be a group effort of everybody, National Socialist, Christian Identity, Asatru/Odinist, Druidic/Wiccan Occultists, respectful Agnostics, Survivalists, and just plain pissed off Aryan men and the occasional woman. They're the strands that must be twisted into a rope to hang the jews with, and that means the flag can't have any one partisian symbol).
I have no idea what all that drama is about, but the Northwest Front was first and has been at this since 2000, and RFN has been going since 2010. Harold Covington has also been at this a long time, he was one of the old guard who was involved in Rockwell's Party and corresponded with William L Pierce. He fought in Rhodesia and he learned from the IRA. He was a very wise old codger, and his RFN broadcasts really should be more well known considering the amount of excellent music and life experience he poured into them.
It's an upgraded version of separation between Church and State. But the rational runs deeper into the whole "White Character Problem" Harold talked about so much. Same way Lawyers are going to be banned. There must never be a parasitical class that is allowed to thrive and be paid for doing nothing. Society in the future Northwest American Republic must be reduced to its base functions: The farmer, the soldier, the tradesman, the scientist, the butcher the baker and candlestick maker. Everybody must WORK. You have a duty to put work into your country and your race if you want to get anything out of it, and preventing people from raking in millions as a televangelist or some created "assistant" to the churches goes a long way towards making sure everybody has to hold down a day job.
This doesn't preclude the idea of building lovely churches with donations though. The pastor can't turn the church into a Megacorporation that exerts undue influence on the state though.
No politicized clergy, typical natsoc stuff.
-Goebbels Diaries 42
dafuer, typo
You're right. The exception to this narrative being forced down our throats is that "White" is reference to culture; specifically, those cultural proclivities of the White Caucasian of European descent. The jew, his loyal Zogpuppets and Zogbots project every crime onto the White man, because the White man is today as he has been for centuries a pain in jew ass. We have to beat the clock, and the jew is running out of time. Not only are his numbers shrinking, but he has created a f*ckload of enemies, yet again (see: Pogrom)
he is*
Forgive typos, you get the point.
You yids really love to use this line, don't you?
This man's fingers fumble the keyboard occasionally. Clearly ze untermenschen, into ze non-existent gas chambers!
Clarifier is more accurate.
The etymology of words is important since we need accuracy in our consensus of information. Quality over quantity.
'Bad faith' is as redundant as 'good luck'.
Truth needs no belief (faith) and can be reasoned by all.
Needs no capitalization.
What is the ethical difference between HAC being paid to teach and write from NWF donations and a pastor taking a salary from church offerings
Real National Socialists wouldn't demand white men uproot themselves and flee to a tiny corner of the continent where they should all begin practicing terrorist activities together. And that's exactly what your idiot leader Covington was a proponent of.
If you had put a quarter of the effort into planning out your great effort of reclaiming the North American continent, you would be the Northeastern Front, not the Northwestern, because when Yellowstone blows, every square inch of your white autocratic republic is going to be buried in fifteen feet of ash.
Groups like Casapound, Golden Dawn, and Nordfront have accomplished more in three years than your organization has in three decades. Because they actually practice what they preach, and are heavily involved with their local communities and improving the lot of the average citizen, the exact opposite of what NWF does and tells others to do. Don't form local communities and build up a mafia-style system of armed friends and redpilled contacts, minus the drug pushing and crime. Abandon your communities and come be a terrorist in the hills with strangers, we aren't a honeypot, promise.
You're a fucking joke, and everybody who abandons their people and communities to go Turner Diaries LARP in the woods with walkie talkies and MARPAT deserves the rope just as much as the Jews.
Good luck to you OP, I wish I could do more but I'm stranded in the Southeast due to familial concerns.
Get out.
Good luck to you as well, user. Source on the pic, please? Have a sudden urge to build it.
No source, recovered it from a thumb drive years ago. It does look mighty comfy, like something I would build if lived out west.
Sorry, moishe, you're done.
Well put.
You don't actually have a rebuttal to all these other, REAL National Socialist organizations getting more shit done in a couple of years than you have in decades, do you? Covington was a faggot and the Butler Plan isn't going to work. You're a glue sniffing mongoloid who thinks it's either the Butler Plan or "just don't do anything goy." You're too autistic and stupid to concieve of the idea of other plans. Either that, or you're a fed who doesn't want people to think beyond "Do Nothing" and "Join Our Honeypot."
Casapound is literally getting Fascists elected to local seats in Spain. There are no NWF soup kitchens, or NWF coat drives. The Northwestern Front doesn't offer pro-bono legal, medical, and bodyguard services offered to whites. You don't come down out of your hills to have a street presence in Seattle or Boise. You don't jack shit all to help white people. You've never lifted a finger to help white communities prosper and thrive, and on those grounds alone if nothing else, you're not National Socialists. You're full of shit and so is your dead "I'm not a leader" leader. YOU get the fuck out, you honeypot sucking ATF nigger.
And you do?
An unfortunate necessity of the times, ask again when the NAR brings a National Socialist economy and ideal social conditions back to whites. Besides, the beginning of the revolution is going to have to be funded with donations, and you might argue that Harold was doing his part for recruitment. Mostly though, it was so he could keep talking and even write his fifth book without ending up under a bridge with the homeless junkies.
Mein apologies kommendant.
Aaaaaand here we go. You're arguing for exactly what the NF is proposing while framing them as idiots larping in the woods. Let's deconstruct your statement.
This is a big one, but suffice it to say that we've already lost. Our numbers are too few and the territory too big. Not to mention the jews would hang on for dear life no matter what we threw at them just so they could stay in power. The NF is the attempt to reduce the plan to manageable proportions. Instead of 300 million (mostly non-white) and a huge territory that is several days of driving apart, we reduce it to 12 million (mostly white) in communities that are just a few hours from each other. And yet, the Pacific Northwest is so big that even when the government cracks down, they won't be able to put a man behind ever Douglas Fir. This subject has been the content of many RFN, and it never seems to get through thick skulls such as yours. We've. Lost. But we can still salvage ourselves. If we make a tiny backwater like the Pacific Northwest ungovernable and bleed the USA dry at a critical juncture, they'll eventually have to pull back just to save their empire. The gangrene patient can be convinced to amputate his leg if his condition becomes life threatening, but he won't disembowel himself for a stomach ache.
It's always something. Tornadoes in the East, lack of water in the South, earthquake faultlines,etc. Ignoring geological technology that allows us to "bleed off" volcanoes over time, let's analyze the Northwest.
Especially critical, you can ship and import things over hostile territory and a state that likely will shoot your planes down.
The Northwest has a tremendous amount of untapped natural resources, and even more importantly is in the biggest natural watershed on the continent. It actually rains there, no need for expensive infrastructure to pump water just to keep your desert alive. Idaho has some of the most incredible farmland around, and more can be converted.
Manufacturing has died all across the USA, but the Northwest still has some remnants that could be quickly repurposed. In Oregon they're still manufacturing computer equipment for example.
You're arguing for exactly what the NF proposes. There's a screencap going around that basically goes like you've written. The NF is NOT a bunch of terrorists in the woods, they advocate gainful employment in city centers full of sympathetic whites. This is the most frustrating argument because it comes from general ignorance. It's just infuriating.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.
Wise words. You can't build a nation overnight; there is no blood-born loyalty in a constructed pseudofamily.
Youre a communist, likely jijcf from how you argue and who youre attached to, and who you dont like. You will never fit in among National Socialists. You hate Pierce and Rockwell, you hate the beer hall putschers, you hate Hitler. Youre a martyr denial shill. You definitely dont belong here. Im not from the NWF, Im not even American. Youre still a tumor. Theyre doing good and youre countersignalling them like a race traitor, likely not even white.
I'm not meaning to challenge the ethics of living from donations, I don't see anything wrong with it
Funding clergy through direct donation is a Christian practice modeled by the apostle Paul himself in the Bible. Christians would resist state intrusion in this matter, so I'm trying to gauge what the intent really is.
I'm getting the feeling that you don't have any real affiliation with the party and you're just speculating on the legal question I'm asking
Hail victory from the Homeland!
Well it is just a draft, perhaps some specific details can be hammered out in the future. Perhaps a "you can draw a salary, but here are the limits on who you can hire" or "You can run your church building, but no using billions of dollars in donations to run a huge empire." If you read Freedom's Sons you can see Harold's vision for the beginning of the NAR, and after we win our independence we can all sit down and hammer out the fine nitty gritty, and the constitution has got 90% of it all there. But the important thing right now is to actually fight for that independence, and that starts by making your migration to the homeland and preparing the ground for the thousands who will come after.
Cry about it.
Know your enemy.
Welcome to Filter Town.
Yes, I do. No, I won't elaborate. Not to a bunch of closet federal agents running a honeypot in the woods. If you want to find me and my people, you're going to have to spend taxpayer money the old fashioned way.
All these fucking (1)'s, you're painfully transparent. Stop shilling for your shitty honeypot here. You don't help white people and your plan is awful. Other groups have accomplished more than you have in a fraction of the time you've been around, and "b-b-b-but what have YOU done" isn't a valid rebuttal to that, you mouth breather.
I want an answer to why your shitty honeypot hasn't managed to accomplish jack shit in decades while groups that have only been around for less than five or six have accomplished more than you have. And you're never going to answer that question, because you DON'T have an answer to that question. You literally spent so much time jacking off and doing nothing that you leader fucking died of old age.
And you absolutely are proposing terrorism from the hills, Covington dogwhistled for violence constantly. Don't bullshit me, you faggot LARPer. I'm not fresh enough to be fooled by basic bitch lies.
You don't engage in the street activism endemic to National Socialism, and the excuse that such activism no longer works in the modern age is invalidated, because it's working just fine over in Europe. Huge strides have been made in just a couple of years. Compare their track record with yours, and it's obvious you're just a bunch of pretenders wasting time and money LARPing over HAM radios.
There are a significant number of groups of National Socialists getting started in America who plan on using formulas like Nordfront and Golden Dawn. RAM was just the beginning. And when an American Hitler inevitably arises from one of these groups, doubtless you'll all jump on your shitty podcasts and attack him, because after all, he's not in on the Butler Plan, so clearly, he's not a real National Socialist.
You're all fucking jokes. Every last one of you. The only silver lining to the shitshow of nonaction you've cooked up in Washington is that you're a self-solving problem. You don't appeal to the youth, so your membership is crumbling, and when Yellowstone blows, you're all going to die anyway. Any long term plan for an ethnostate would have to start in the East, not the West, becuse the West is going to have to be reclaimed from massive volcanic fallout at some point in the next hundred years. Your casual dismissal of the problem merely proves you for the Boomer LARPer you are. If you were actually as smart as you pretend, you'd be based out of Maine and working to cede the West to the shitskins while getting the seaboard closest to Europe and farthest away from the overdue supervolcano for yourselves.
But you aren't smart. You're a honeypot of federal agents and bad ideas.
So little disclaimer I am still in the political formation phase of my life (pre 30's according to Uncle Adolf) and have only recently read all 5 Northwest Novels. Everything except The Brigade is nearly unreadable because of the dialogue. Jesus H Christ it's bad. That being said The Brigade is a treasure trove of info for anyone who aspires to live in North America and not under ZOG if you catch my drift.
Listening to Covington's radio broadcasts in recent days I would say the NWF's biggest hurdle to clear was him. He seemed to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what steps need to be taken right now. He lamented a lack of personal and financial resources while turning away the human resources to bring him both those things. He said in a broadcast "people write me expecting to join the NVA, thinking the NVA is real!" and my response to the that would be why the fuck isn't it? As if right now there's no attempt to organize politically or militarily. And Harold said it himself that it doesn't matter whether you're guilty or not they'll come for you anyways, so why not actually do it?
From a tactical standpoint the PNW does make the most sense for a resisting area. It's the physically farthest from centers of military and political power, it's coastline borders literally every nation that would want to destabilize the USA, and the time zone difference itself is a psychological weapon against organizers on the East Coast.
I think it's worth it for whites to ignore the organization of the NWF itself, form local "troubles trios" like in The Brigade and spend the next two years gathering info on literally any economic or System target they can. Keeping an eye out for future recruits as well. 2019/2020 will be a huge shitshow, and likely real political leaders for whites in the PNW will come about. Maybe the NWF will stop LARP'ing and actually set forth some concrete political machinations, set up a war council, get an actual plan together for leading a guerilla war, etc. If they don't someone else will and the men, waiting in their cells, will follow them instead.
My message as a young man to the NWF would be this. Lay out what you want me to do in one page and I'll do it. At the same time get a 30-45 page redpill book together for distribution. The only reason no one is actively doing anything is no one is being TOLD what to do. The tone of "woe is me, the lonely Nazi" should be taken out back and shot. It should be replaced with "Here is the plan. Here are the steps. Hold up your end check these bullet points off the list and we'll do our part and provide more bullet points to check off." You could do deadrops on 4chan, Zig Forums, all manner of public places they can't outright censor.
That's my current beef as a fighting age man, there's no one to fight for! I have to sit and stew hoping the people bitching about "taking responsibility" will do it themselves!
though this is not a question, it's a common dismissal in this thread so it must be addressed.
https ://
America is in a different social situation from Italy or Spain or France, and requires different methods. Most white americans are worthless idealism-wise and only care about their next paycheck and nothing else. Mass movements won't work here, and a small guerilla force of the few idealists we can reach is what we will have to work with. For now, we need to keep trying to reach out to the few whites who are willing to do something and keep spreading the word.
Like another user already said, to prevent the politicizing of religious institutions, especially from financial backing of (((outside forces))). A pastor will have to make his own living like everybody else.
Translation: National Socialism doesn't work here because we claim it doesn't, even though we haven't tried it and even though it's clearly working elsewhere. Stop asking this question.
Get the fuck out of here.
Ive never read them, started the Brigade but got distracted with other things, big backlog. Anyways, hes regarded as being extremely skilled with his verbiage.. even by his bitter enemies, people he had wronged or supposedly wronged.
The fighting is coming, most people are blind to it but most people havent done any actual reading about what a civil war looks like in the beginning.
George Lincoln Rockwell ring any bells?
Yea National Socialism is malleable and should be shaped to a particular countries culture, as they are not all the same and only people from that culture know what would be in their own interests etc. Originally, Goebbels said "National Socialism is not for export".. so by default any application of it outside Germany and the Reich is a modification.
Oops, wrong first quote.
Should people already apart of the movement want to move houses, will NWF help them connect with likeminded people to sell to?
I think the solution is a synthesis to what you're proposing now and the mafia style things the NWF proposes in their books. If you had a legal and political advicacy group for whites like Golden Dawn or CASAPOUND then you'd need an unconnected (no shared members) underground element as well. When you set up a "Family Folk Fest!" somebody has to put the "community organizer" trying to do a gay pride parade the same day to embarrass you in a wheelchair. When your soup kitchen and legal office is harassed someone has to do the same to THEIR offices. When someone assaults your men and some jew lawyer respresents them pro-bono, that lawyer needs to be convinced the drop the case.
See what I mean? That's CASAPOUND and Golden Dawn's secret, they kick the shit out of their enemies! Their goon squad can be depended on to protect them. The NWF's problem is they wanna be all goon.
Oh, and theres this. And theres also his Communism Vs Nazism speech which everyone should have heard by now.. and several other speeches where he points out they were ideologically unique from the NSDAP and German National Socialism.
Yeah. He was a man who posed such a threat to the establishment that the system had him killed. Ever heard of Harold Covington? He was a man who was such a threat to his system that he ate three times his own bodyweight in hoagies and died of old age. So inspiring.
I'm going to give you a tip, you honeypot nigger. This one's for free.
Real rebels don't die of old age. They either win or get killed by the people they're rebelling against. Rockwell was a real National Socialist. Covington and Pierce? They weren't. They wasted decades of time and millions in donations fucking around and doing nothing, and both died of old age before their "vision" ever came to pass.
That happened because they weren't a threat to ZOG, and ZOG knew it. That's why they were allowed to live. And that's why they died having accoplished nothing. Groups like Casapound and RAM are real. You're not.
I refuse to filter them because I want to refute their arguments while providing more information for lurkers who tend to be smarter and more motivated, and as such don't waste their time arguing with shills.
Haha! REEE.jpg the post! So much rage and emotion in your words! Okay, here we go.
The White Character Problem. Covington begged and begged and so very few people actually showed up, possibly some influenced by detractors like you. But slowly and ever so surely their numbers have grown. West Montana wasn't even in the original plan, until one female comrade put in a herculean effort into establishing networks for her own Primary Settlement Area and it became so extensive they added it to the proposal. Now with Covington gone and the greenlight for using technology again lit, here I am and hopefully here shall be official Northwest Internet Defense branches in the future.
Obviously in the future (remember we're all being listened to here). But you phrased your argument as if they were advocating being a weirdo holed up in a log cabin in bumfuck nowhere and only coming into town once every few months. The Butler Plan is built on creating localized support among neighbors and the community, who won't fight alongside you but will perhaps hide NVA people if they know them well. Organized violence is the only way of exerting change on a political tyrant. There will be place for soup kitchens too of course, but the endgame is a colonial war to reclaim a homeland. It's worked before many times and it'll work again once the USA begins to crumble and weaken at the seams.
Amurricans aren't Europeans. They don't have a long tradition of revolution, and the TV has turned their minds to mush so much that they no longer recognize the heroism of a deed. They just point at the funny people in costumes on their tvs and go back to swilling beer. Street marches of one kind or another have been tried for over 60 years, and where has it gotten us? Recruitment and propaganda is now through memes on the internet.
Good for them. Why are you trying to rain on our parade?
And look where that got them. Look where it got the guy who bumped into that landwhale (or not). Look where it got the dozens of young men who showed up to UTR rallies or rallies of any kind - fired from their jobs and blacklisted. The tyrant that rules us will shut down any visible resistance to them at any cost, laws be damned. Which is why after the NF has prepared the ground infrastructure (which yes, can include soup kitchens, you'll have to be the first to set some up though so chop chop) they intend to start shooting and vanish into the shadows. That time is not yet though, and the NF does not advocate violence right now (are you listening feds?).
Like you're doing now? :^)
So very angry. That's bad for your bloodpressure you know. And the chans have found that laughter is a powerful strength that allows us to walk through the valley of shadow and death while fearing no evil. Laugh more Mr. Soupkitchen, it'll do you some good.
Youre a martyr denial shill who openly opposes all the people who laid the groundwork and built the momentum up to where we are. All the people who wrote the inspirational things we learned from. I bet you even think Zundel was a failure, youre just a shill.
Guess I can't support national socialism anymore, I'm not enough of a fag for centrism.
Your plan calls for endearing the populace to you, but what guidance or help has the NWF granted aspirants in doing so? On the military side I agree but where are the addiction clinics? The food banks stocked by friendly farms? The housing advocacy for whites? The trailer parks with subsidized rents for white mothers? I would agree with our angry friend that there's been a lot of bark and no bite. I sympathize a little more but I agree with him in essence. A simple "we are working on it" would be a lot more endearing than snideness and derision. At the end of the day we all want a white world and place for whites to exist unmolested.