So I’m pretty much done with Trump and the rest of his do nothing crew. I’m seriously considering voting for his opposition in 2020 just to hurry the, what seems to be, inevitable demise of our country along. Voting GOP is pointless but a vote for a Dem will surely push things in a direction no one can ignore. Fuck dying a slow death at the hands of someone who’s supposed to be on the same team. Accelerationism sounds more appealing at this point than having to listen to four more years of this whiney bitch’s excuses. I feel like there needs to be a meme or something showing disapproval from people who voted for him and regret it. I’m technically not a never Trumper ( I gave him a chance) or resist (who are all faggots). I came up with this. If anyone’s into it I’ll post a png and you can stamp it on your own shit. I’m also open to suggestions if it needs to be changed.
In before “kys kike” and/or “fuck off black pill nigger”
Accelerate 2020
Other urls found in this thread:
good luck fighting off the national guard, army, police, antifa, intelligence agencies, banks, niggers and spics with your merry band of unwashed hicks like TrWP and schizofrenic tranny fucking terrorists like AtW, you delusional fucking retard
quiet goy
JIDF is already here in this thread. Cry more, faggots. I'm going to inb4 their shitty overused desperately shilled glowing meme right now. Give me all the (you)s you want. I won't be here :^)
quiet yid
that symbol looks like the inverse of the jew cube
Fuck off, kike. You're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it.
i would kill to be in that position
Are you just a Christcuck or a full blown Jew?
Okay, no one cares about your blog.
An otherwise simple matchup considering they are scared of anime niggas
OP can't inb4 nigger. Kill yourself.
Daily Reminder: OP will NEVER BE WHITE
If you're not motivated to fight in this easier era, then you won't be motivated to fight when it turns into complete shit. South Africa and Rhodesia proved it.
Accelerationism is for low iq wignats.
Trump was the chaos option, if you actually believed he was some godking you fell for the T_D meme.
I'd rather you try traditionalism, which will organically create pockets of solace in the world where we can preserve knowledge until the time has come to rebuild.
Traditionalism might even lead to an outburst of a shorter heroic age.
Bit but we’re not ready we’re in no shape to take this thing on by ourselves right now. We need 4 years more of trump to get our shit together and buy more guns and ammo and stockpile water and food and…
That’s also 4 more years for the left to get ready. Fuck it. I’m not voting again for anyone who’s been to the wailing wall.
Fuck America, let it burn. Build communities that can withstand the fall and vote against the interests of the empire, whatever that may be. Anyone seriously pro America must not have any ancestors who fought for the Reich or the confederacy. I'll say it again: FUCK AMERICA.
Your mind is so trapped by the jewish two-party paradigm that you are incapable of thinking outside that little box. Until you get your mind out of the mental prison the enemy has created for you, you shouldn't be voting at all.
Voting is irrelevant, but it does give the enemy and the public a perception of what the public believes. Voting for a Republican is of course an act of purse stupidity because Republicans are by en large traitors who will sell you out the moment they get into power. But voting for a democrat is equally stupid because a Democrat is a flamboyant anti-White psychopath who doesn't even pretend to care about our freedom and race. By voting for such blatant treason, you are helping the jews form a narrative that the majority of White people support this insane, genocidal regime.
Until you understand that, don't fucking vote at all.
Never ever vote for someone who you do not support completely. If there are no contenders, vote for no one. But never give the enemy an inch of legitimacy more than they deserve which is nothing.
Instead, our primary goal is to tear down this rotten monstrosity that the jew has built to strangle our people and future. Our efforts must be to delegitimize the System at every opportunity. If that means firebombing a hydro-electric facility, then go for it. If it means voting for David Duke, go for it. If it means running as a county commissioner to spread our message of love and respect, then go for it. Frankly, I'd rather spend election day redpilling a friend than voting. But for the love of God, don't lend your support to the genocidal psychopaths that are murdering our people and laughing at our misery.
Personally, I will not be voting for Trump at all because he is a traitor to his race and by all reasonable analysis, deserves to at least spend some time in prison for betraying his race. And this does not matter at all electorally because the electoral college ensures that my vote is meaningless anyway. All I will be accomplishing is subtracting one vote (well, two votes) from the System's legitimacy.
If David Duke runs, I'll give him two votes of support but beyond him or men like him, voting is not worth your time.
We were had by Trump. I should have seen the warning signs, he was a dem in red clothing.
I'm not voting Democrat 2020, but I will be voting for a different Republican or independent
::grits teeth::
Okay, please read this and ask yourself a question; this Republican in question, is he a hero who deserves to be in charge of our nation? Is he a hero who fights for our race despite the risks?
If not, then he is a coward and a traitor. Never vote for anyone who does not openly espouse our common cause. Anything less will wind up ending like Trump.
Agreed. We want "the left" to be in control when shit goes down, so the reaction is aimed at them instead of at us. Trump has been, frankly, a disaster for the white race. In the same way that George W Bush made the term "conservativism" into a joke and hated ideology for a generation, Trump is doing the same to "nationalism."
Read siege, I'm sick of clauset fag civic nats saying wignat every 10 seconds.
It's all about dialectic and public perception. We know both parties are the same and will enact the same shitty Jewish policies, but normalfags don't know that, so we want the blame to fall on the people who represent our ideological opposition. Right now, Trump is pursuing all of the same policies that a dem president would, but nationalism is catching the blame for it. Trump has basically poisoned the "nationalist" brand for a generation.
Believing that the cases of South Africa or Rhodesia are in any way analogous to the case of America is for low IQ retards.
You just described your Larping politics moron
I understand that. And I sort of agree with your earlier post.
However, we must first ask ourselves this; What effect does our vote have upon the System?
Will our vote change anything other than supplying the System with one more stamp of approval from the masses?
You and I both know that even if all of us in this thread voted for whatever dyke, nigger, or sneering, treasonous, self-hating White liberal the DNC runs, nothing would change. So why bother?
I'll grant you that local politics is another matter and there it is possible to get someone pro-White in to a local position. But on the national level? It's irrelevant.
There is another option, which is to create a movement that is done with the R v. D, D v R, Zio-Neocon-Israel-first fuck the US citizen talking heads.
The Dims that were fed up with the extreme nature of Left politics became the #MeToo movement. There is plenty of room for those disenfranchised with what a pile of crap the Repubs have become, giving way to a group calling themselves the #MeNeither movement
Stay home, go fishing; because we are witnessing a scenario where (((Russian))) influence on US elections = bad. Simultaneously, Mexican, South&Central American nationals are not only encouraged to vote in US elections, but to run for office. There is no pressure for them to register as a foreign agent.
Meanwhile, Florida, Connecticut, Indiana and jew York are crawling with Israeli foreign nationals being given aid&comfort by the FOP, the Masonic orders and the Feebs
tl;dr This is no longer your nation. Neither party represents you. Allowing non-citizens from South of the border to vote i your stead will accelerate our demise much sooner than waiting for any particular party to magically become a born-again patriotic US-first Nationalist
Yeah, I wonder (((who))) made this.
Why not undermine and destroy the world finance system instead, you dumb nigger?
This. I’m totally down with this. I’ve not voted before because I felt the system was a sham, so it took a lot for me to vote for Trump. This is the first time I’ve considered accelerationism and I think you’re right, it makes more sense just NOT voting. Acceleration just looks like validation. Fuck trump and fuck the other guy (whoever that is). At the end of the day what does any of it matter? The system will do what it always does and eventually people will have enough of it. I’ll stick to local politics I guess but as far as voting on “who’s going to be the new king Jew”, I think I’ll just stay home. Fuck it.
what does the sign say?
trannypol is really bad at subversion
>>>Zig Forums
Incorrect, image related is actual accelerationism.
Poor choice in images to post?
meant for
Accelerationism is great. Democrats should be supported in 2020. Not to cause the fall of America but to bring the United States to the brink of collapse effectively waking the sleeping masses. When that happens the majority themselves will over-throw the corrupt. Don't read Siege, read the Constitution. If you don't know what you're fighting for first you're just a thug and will also hang on DOTR.
You have to have the people on your side. Run for local office, become a reputed member of your local (((Chamber of Commerce))) or guild/union, patronize implicitly white businesses, distribute redpills in your free time or on the boss's dime it doesn't matter to me, but don't listen to shills that tell you to isolate yourself. Our views are extreme minority yet, and beware of skinhead well-poisoners shouting Heil Hitler 1488 RaHoWa death to Jews I love the Ayatollah, we are going to Holocaust niggers and spics.
The more polite, mannerly and social you are, the more members of your community will be redpilled when they see that nationalists are not white trash. The more cringe you are, the more you will repulse them and the more they will countersignal you.
There is more than one form of suicide by apathy, and then there is suicide by insanity; repeating the same thing over and over while expecting different results
South Africa is on the brink of collapse, but the sleeping masses aren't awake
You're wrong
You still aren't welcome here, alt kike.
shut the fuck up Moarpheus, you retard, the constitution was written by (((freemasons))) and it already doesn't mean shit, why would anyone waste their time reading it?
America isn't South Africa. America was built by revolution. It's in our veins. Hell.. we have protests over stupid shit every day in America.
White genocide continues in America under Trump who is merely slowing down revolt by keeping whites complacent, waiting, and "trusting the plan."
Ask them to name an electable replacement for a good chuckle…
Who said I haven't read it?
Alright you fuckers I am going to say this once and for all. Inb4 "oh you are atomwaffen fag satanist lol!" that is false I support none of these things. What I do support however is acting.
The bullshit of "optics and peaceful protest!" is a complete utter failure for us. We are not only going against the foundations of everything that hates us itself, but our main enemies have no moral compass. This bullshit of thinking what is morally ok in this battle is what is keeping us back. Our enemy fights? We fight. Our enemy uses children? We use children. It's that simple. Right now in the modern day the foundation hates us. The foundation wants to destroy us. The foundation itself is an enemy of us. I am telling all of you fags to get up, prepare for the worst, and act. Posting hitler quotes on this board is great an all but there needs to be action soon. Am I telling you to go out and kill every nigger you see? No if there is something that happens then it needs to be big but there needs to be steps from EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Find a group and start working together irl. Mobilize, create militias. Back in the day this was atomwaffen's intent on ironmarch. (before it went to complete shit, atomwaffen used to be not bad! shocker right?) There are groups like The Base that are built for this purpose
I'm not shilling here, this group could help us alot.
Filtering any "lol u just siege larping satanist fag shill" niggers without any arguments.
No one asked faggot and seeing how you never gave one dollar or spent one hour on the campaign, you were never involved to begin with.
You're young and have never lived under anything but historically rich and safe circumstances. So careful what you wish for dummy because it's very likely that the socialist branch of the dnc, will take 50 years to put America into your fantasy scenario.
we just need all white people on our side and then it's no problem
what's stupid about the Constitution?
If you want Normies to rise up take away their game of thrones and dancing with the stars.
And don’t forget to vote Patrick Little
This. The "wow he did something that actually, physically hurt our enemies, he must be CIA" meme is pure JIDF
Nice argument schlomo.
Retard alert.
Winning is the real accelerationism.
This. This is the meme we need to be pushing.
The very best thing we can do, the actions that trumps all other actions, is the expose the ENTIRE system as a fraud and cripple is LEGITIMACY. The hebes were terrified before the 2016 elections because more people than ever were realizing its all a scam. That's why they invented Trump and pushed out metric tons of astro-turfing to get the more retarded members of the right to drown out what was a jew-aware movement. Now the elections have legitimacy in peoples eyes again, and everyone is right back into their little republican/democrat divide.
lel, the shilling went from "DON'T FEED THE SYSTEM DON'T VOTE AT ALL" to "VOTE DEM GOY," it didn't even take two years before this completely predictable narrative came to the forefront
Pathetic attempt shlomo
Oh jewish hasbara
Oh tongue of the devil
Oh spawn of satan
May you die restless deaths, over and over, for eternity.
Keep trying JIDF scum, you'll never win
Good luck depending on government services and social cohesion.
Voting doesn't really matter. Anyone that would actually attempt to make and real change would never be allowed to even run for president let alone be elected if they did somehow find a way to run without dying of natural causes from multiple gunshot wounds.
This like rooting for a team, go ahead if it brings you Joy, neither mean fuck all or care about you. they are there to get rich.
Since 2016. Financial system is worse, guns laws have been tightened, Nazis have been prosecuted and deported, more bombings, bigger trade deficits. More degenerates. The mud has gone to a greater %, do tell me what I'm winning. Oh I forgot s CT and judges appointed by Trump that are pro invasion and planned Parenthood … Fucking winning I tell yah
Best part of trump is proving that not just as a theory but a case study
Boomer alert
based and redpilled
Yup let's make sure that there is no chance for Gen born in 2030 to have a chance when they are 20% not mud
Screw it I'm gonnaarry a long nose girl and just throw in with the kikes. Chad is too busy playing Vidya to bother . At least I have a chance of my genetics being preserved
Accelerationism is an ADD kid's response to not being able to successfully assemble a LEGO model kit. Smash it all to pieces, then beg mom to buy a new, better kit that ADD kid will also be too impatient and dim to assemble.
And your solution. Is what, we try just a little harder next time?
The fact it didn't refer to races, but rather to "men". Letting it be wrongly interpreted as it is now.
Also: not recognizing jews plainly in the Constitution.
Also: not declaring dual citizenship as impossible
I don't blame the founding fathers, but regarding race and migration, they failed spectacularly. That one item is the most serious problem with it, because it allows for projects like Kalergi plan to occur in the first place. The juis solis was a mistake.
If the word "men" can be interpreted to mean "female niggers" like it has by this corrupted government, then no amount of verbiage would suffice. The sad truth is that the cure for American ills was killing jew bankers, but nobody had the balls to do it. The day niggers were given the right to vote was the death knell for the USA, and suffrage finished the dirge. Everyone can dogpile on the boomers for being giant cucks, but that's what they learned from their cuckold forefathers.
No, accel is more like placing legos in strategic positions all over the house so that your mother steps on them constantly, then when she comes to fight with you, she finds you with your dead dog, whom you strangled before she entered the room and put a lego down its throat, she is stunned as you sob and hold your dog tenderly, then you tell her the only way you can get closer is by going to the store and buying all the legos you want because that's what sparky would have wanted and now you can actually complete them without getting them everywhere.
Dual-loyalty my ass. We all know they only serve one goal and it is not in the interest of Americans.
You are one sick puppy
OP is an esoteric metaphor for feminism. You see, when you're done with somebody, you move on, however OP is making a thread like a girl after breaking up with Chad. Now, let us not forget that OP is looking for rebound sex because he wants to go faster and cannot wait. Despite how degenerate this sounds, it could only happen in a society when women have rights, otherwise she would have uncucked men around her that would beat the edgy whore out of her.
That's fucked up. Only non-humans kill dogs and cats like that.
The system continuing = whites get marginalized and can’t vote in GOP anymore who are traitors anyway, so we’ll end up the main welfare providers and face socialism ie racial redistribution of wealth.
This is inevitable if all we do is vote or not.
If we fight, we will likely lose since the numbers just aren’t in our favor anymore and zogbots.
We’re playing chess and only became aware of it a few moves from check mate. There are no new options to win, we can draw out the match though. It doesn’t matter how redpilled you are or other people are. We lost when our forefathers went to their ancestral homeland and killed millions of their kin. We just are aware enough that we know things will result in what is basically white’s being taxed more than everyone else. We’ll be like that one smart alien in District 9 forced to carry along these worthless halfmonkeys.
I will make my genes survive and hold out hope that one day my posterity can redirect an asteroid into this hell hole while they go into stasis and wait it out.
Yeah we have to burn the house down, but the house is way bigger than just a nation. Most human genes need to end. It is our destiny to explore the stars but we must be rid of these worthless idiots first and the only way to do that is mass genocide on a global scale. The option won’t even exist in our lifetime. Not even our nukes can guarantee what is needed.
This idiot legal Hocus pocus. The southern planters and the Christ cucks had a suicide pact for this country based on their obsession for muh dick
There are no more heroes, it's not possible in this day and age. Do you want to know why? It's because heroes were created by the media, and they're now created and destroyed by the media.
Judge Kavanaugh is a pretty good example. Does he count as a "hero"? No, probably not. However, he's a good guy who worked hard all his life, toed the line, had good ethics and values, and earned a national honor, appointment to the Supreme Court. What happens? Every misunderstood moment of his life, every inside joke, every clumsy pass he ever made at a girl, all was dragged out for public viewing and pawed over like the "Everything $1" box at a garage sale. The guy had to explain 30-year old fart jokes to the Senate, the country, and the world. Nobody can look like a hero after something like that. Every moment of a person's life is now available and fair game for judgment, and no crime is too small or too old for the court of public opinion.
Men weren't greater or more honorable in the past, they were just able to hide their secrets and cover their shame. For instance Rock Hudson was an action star and the symbol of a manly man until the day he died of AIDS. Nobody knew that Bruce Jenner was a tranny when they were plastering him on every Wheaties box in the country, although SOMEBODY had to know there was something up with him before he decided to get breast implants and a wig. Nobody knew what a cockmaster JFK was until after his death, and nobody dared criticize him for at least a decade after his death. And nobody knew that Babe Ruth had multiple children out of wedlock. The media covered all of it up in a way that's no longer possible today. All of our gods and heroes have feet of clay, all men are sinners to one degree or another, and true heroism lasts only for a moment, not a lifetime. Stop holding people to impossible standards, start weighing people's faults against their merits, and support those who come out meritorious, without feeling the need to assume the blame for their weaknesses and faults. It's the only way to survive the complete lack of privacy and the forced transparency of post-internet society.
Fuck off Jaime (pic related)
I agree no "solution" hitler failed us on that. Best survival strategy is to move to where whites are thick and form a amish-like withdrawl from this culture
The problem is insane burgers (majority of white Americans) will kill anyone that attempts to organize a reform which would hang the bankers for usury and the Hollywood jews for holocaust propaganda and pediatric psychological damage with malice of forethought, and hang all the doctors complicit with vaccination depopulation programs.
All the burgers who can't admit the Holocaust is a hoax, that the vaccines are really killing us all, and that the jew money portraits are mockery of our most cherished founding fathers and the jew bankers should be hung for creating money from usury, all of them get scared like coward dogs of the "big bad banker and his worthless fucking fiat" and start thinking they will suck satan's cock for shekels instead of doing the right thing, because "things need to get worse, before they can get better", then they blame anyone that says "well maybe things should get worse" for all the worlds problems, when really most of us merely want things to start getting better right away, by remembrance of ancient inviolable laws, like Blood and Soil, before our prostration and annihilation before their Moshe's Moloch bitch.
"The life of truth is cold, and so far mournful; but it is not the slave of tears, contritions, and perturbations."
You mean he played 4D chess against WNs of Zig Forums and won?
Maybe he did. But what was the alternative? He was a risk free vote
If you knew politics, you would know Republicans were going to win last election. A guy makes predictions every election and he's always right
Now that you've admitted that most Americans would not support you in a revolt, seeing as many groups will be fighting a corrupt govt for their own reasons loosely related to yours, go back and read my post here:
Then you have a chance at getting the American people on your side.
I've got this awesome plan that is almost exactly the same as yours.
Step 1) You shoot yourself in the foot.
Step 2) You go to the ER and say niggers did it. They not only fix you up but give you percosets too.
Step 3) You sell the pills to the niggers you said shot you.
Step 4) Profit.
What could go wrong?
Sounds like you've been sampling too much product
What if the legos were for building a sign that could be read from space, which you alone have the knowledge of how to build and no power else to convey its importance or enacts its construction, except through acquisition of all the legos at the store, what if sparky was actually an alien who had taken the form of a canine to avoid destruction from intergalactic beasts who had been hunting him for eons, and sparky himself had informed you of the sign needed to call down these beasts because sparky was tired of running and had set a trap for them, poisoning his own blood, so that when they would but once drink it as they have been for eons wont to do, it would send these slavers tumbling and hurling through chaos for eternity, riding the warp whirlwind.
What if it was what sparky would have really wanted?
There was a different sense of Honor, when men dared to decentralized.
Dare? Is this Colorado change? Fucking druggies
No, I'm good. I recently split my head open and they offered nothing, not even motrin. I wanted nothing, I'm a bag of frozen vegtables and bottle of whiskey sort of guy. I didn't even have a headache in the morning. I've lost family to that shit and I will make sure any one of those evil kikes I can get my hands on will pay.
Howamy fingers am I holding up?