I don’t come here much anymore. However, I don’t know of another place to make this post where it may be received by some with open minds. Ironically, of all places on the internet, despite the amount of complete degeneracy and just sheer fucking loser mentalities that I’ve seen during my time on the chans, this is the one place that I know that what I post may be read by some with some form of open-mindedness. It’s what brought me here in the first place many years ago.
Very many of you are where I am or much further down the road with regards to the topic at hand. I ask that you please help bring more of the young men here down that same road. For I believe that we are at the tipping point, and if we’re not, we’re damn close. I’d like to help, figuratively, push us over the edge.
‘’'To all of those that may have seen these posts before and carried on with your life, I ask, for the sake of your family, your people, and the future for all children, that you take a moment from your life to sit down and actually watch the documentary, The Greatest Story Never Told.’''
I know that this is old news; but for some, it’s not. I’d been aware of this documentary for years and had never sat down to watch it all the way through for fairly common reasons: time, disinterest, etc.
Through years of ‘meme learning,’ and the typical go-to books (CofC, Mein Kampf, works of Gottfried Feder, etc.), I’d come to understand the work of the Jews and the destruction that they’d reigned upon the US and many other parts of the world.
However, it was not until I sat down and watched TGSNT in it’s entirety that I came to understand, fully and completely understand, the age old memewords, ‘''“The holocaust never happened. But it should have.”’’'
What Adolf Hitler did was a miracle in his time or any. What he did had never happened before hime and has not happened since. He was not just a man, but a man of a divine nature that this world didn’t deserve, but needed desperately.
To you newfags, reading this now, understand that you ‘’’can’’’ take the shortcut. Right now. By watching the documentary. By the end, you will have learned more in 6 hours than you have throughout your entire educational career.
I believe that we are close to seeing a real resurgence of Nazism on a global scale. We are massively overdue for a fight and I believe that it is on the horizon. The US especially, in it’s current state, knows ‘’’nothing’’’ of true hardship. It is a nation of comfort and laziness. It will not be for much longer.
To you oldfags: Post resources for newfags to access that will help them down the right path. I’d prefer to stay away from the drive-by meme type of education that has become so common on here. This could include books, authors, podcasts, political movements, life tips. Anything that may have helped you during cross the threshold into becoming a National Socialist.
A fucking reminder that /pol is has always been a Natsoc board. If you don’t like it, you can fuck right off and be a fucking douchebag on your own time
Throw away your TV. (No, I’m not kidding). ALL of it is kike propaganda. All of it. Excercise at least three times per week. This means weight training, not running, not cardio; weight training. Learn new skills: carpentry, mathematics, science, home repairs, auto mechanics, routing and switching, network security, fucking astro physics, i really don’t care, just fucking learn something of value. STOP entertaining yourself. Especially Americans, as you are the shining example of this. You need to shake the mentality that it’s okay to just sit and scroll social media or look at funny memes for hours at a time. Learn to entertain yourself by bettering yourself. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FUCKING TIME. Get involved in a group outside of the internet. Join a boxing gym. Start a shooting club. Or better, get political and start your own local Natsoc movement if you have balls.
Zig Forums is a politically incorrect board, not NatSoc.
Hunter Cruz
Haven't numerous things said in the greatest story never told been debunked? This page goes over some of them: imgur.com/gallery/nUtifYK And no, I'm not a shill, I just think it hurts the "movement" when you tell a normie to watch something like the GSNT and then they come across a bunch of websites debunking claims made in it. In the normie's mind, it discredits everything they just saw. In regards to making sure people follow the right path, can someone post the image comparing seige culture and true national socialism?
Wow, never thought I'd see the day that I was called a shill. Did you even read what I said? Where did I say that everything in TGSNT is BS? All I said was that there are numerous debunked claims. The ones that claim everything in it is 100% true are the ones that push normies away for reasons I've already stated.
Lucas Fisher
To be fair, you said Implying the video should not be watched. If you had simply said something like You didn't even question the truthfulness of the images.
Concern trolling is a very common tactic and you should know that.
Xavier Evans
Hell, just look at This "debunking" is very disingenuous at best, the MAJORITY of leaders in the revolution were in fact Jewish, you can look on Wikipedia and find out for yourself. Getting into whether or not it was "Jewish" because "technically they weren't all Jewish, there were a lot of non jews" is just getting into semantics. I'm not saying all of the debunkings are false, some may be true but you're automatically assuming they are all true.
Jordan Robinson
The alt right is a psi op to misdirect righteous aryan indignation down dead ends and civic behavior that is already well controlled and stonewalled by the zionists, nazbol is bullshit, mussolini was a hack so this new obsession with fascism is only horribly misguided at best or just faggots trying to dodge being called nazzy's at worst. We don't need all of this new crap, it's all misdirection and sabotage, HITLER was right, and national socialism is right.
We need four things to unfuck this mess and beat the zionists.
#1 polytheism. To hel with judaism christianity and islam, and double damn anyone who says those are the only religions we get to pick from.
#2 antizionism/naming the jew. Quit getting distracted by nigz muzzies and mexicans, nothing they do would be possible or sustainable without the jew facilitatint them.
#3 national socialism. Hitler said himselt national socialism for germany would be unlike national socialism in countries because what they had was german national socialism, national socialism is a fluid set of principles and core values centered around serving the people and culture before the economy and government and baubles of any given nation. It prioritizes the well being of the populace before all other things in a nation, communism and capitalism and republics and democracied do not have this value, they only seek to create slaves and adherents that are compatable with their system. NS makes the system accomodate the people and not the other way around.
#4 ethnocentrism and eugenic morality. We need to get the leibensraum program back on track and start breeding healthier and better people again instead of succumbing to the efforts of the jew to make the "tan everyman," the multiracial moron spanglish speaking slave who is just smart enough to do labor but too dumb to ask questions or refute anything posed by the regime. We have to keep our dicks out of each others' women, we have to stop sending all of our best bravest and brightest to die fighting for jewish interests and keep them home to defend country and make better babies, pisses me off to say this but if I had a dollar for every faggot altrighter I heard slopper about slant girls, mestizas, and fucking mia kalifa and other middl eastern bitches, I'd have enough money to start my own NSM.
We get these four things in place and we can figure everything else out from there, there's too many variables otherwise, and we can sort those out with time, but starting with just knowing the jew, following the original gods of your people, understanding and promoting ns, and being racially conscious and breeding/dating in a responsible manner will do fucking wonders for the cause.
Oliver Gomez
Perhaps I should have worded my original reply a little better. Although I agree that not all of the debunkings are necessarily true (the 1918 revolution not being overwhelming jewish, for example), I can't imagine your average normie doing anymore research on the topic than simply reading through these debunking pages. This is why I think it should be explained that TGSNT is not infallible and makes some factual errors. That way, when a normie finds these "debunknig" sites after watching it, they're less likely to completely disregard everything they've just seen as right wing propaganda, as they have already been told there are some errors. And then hopefully, they do some of their own research.
Cameron Williams
Fuck off Moeshe
Jaxon Harris
The is no difference between those two. None whatsoever. National Socialism is the politically incorrect position in the modern world. To even mention Hitler in even a passing fashion without immediately condemning him is socially unacceptable to most people. To do so often gets people looking at you like you have the plague or something.
Ian Kelly
That's true, but you have to remember that literally everything "we" put out is going to be "debunked" whether it's true or not. They can make any claim they want, and if normies don't do their own thorough research they'll believe them. That's why a debunking is no reason to not use a certain source of info, unless you know for sure that the info is false. The best course is to put out as accurate and reliable info as possible, and hope normies are smart enough to tell what info is of the highest quality.
Landon Roberts
Are you claiming everything in TGSNT is factually correct?
See this is why people think you're a shill. Of course there are probably things in it that are not correct, but it's how you word your posts that matter. Also if someone calls you a kike, just brush it off, it'll happen all the time. Unless you are one.
Very good infographic, friend. This is something I don't see often, especially the life/love not death/hate part. The right side could use some work though, not sure about the left facing swastika meaning feminine, dark, evil; seems presumptuous. Could be wrong though.
Brandon Perez
t. Leftypol
Noose yourself. NS is about improvement ergo critical thinking ergo open mindedness.
Asher Morgan
I have a very open mind, which is why I came to national socialism in the first place. I will admit many are not as open minded are are just edgy and hateful to be edgy and hateful, however. But not all.
Jonathan Jenkins
Andrew Baker
Ironically that guy is probably less open minded than all of us, but open minded to him doesn't mean actually being open to all ideas, but be open to only things like degenerate sex and whatever else his masters tells him is good. At least we have no masters but ourselves.
Carter Hughes
I'm not too familiar with Seige culture, so I don't know how accurate the right side is. However, I'm sure we can both agree that too many people that identify themselves with the movement seem to foster more hatred for other races than love for their own.
Called out. Read the "debunking" but it was bs. The Lusitania meme. A 100 word Twitter writing description of ww1. Who do you think we are?
Evan Thomas
Exactly. I only hate the Jews because of what they have done to my people and all other people. We shouldn't let our hate disrtract from our end goals, although it is often hard.
Luke Davis
What does it really mean to hate a whole group of people though? Although I would say I hate Jews and Jewishness as a whole, if I encountered a Jew in my everyday life, unless they acted overtly Jewish, I think I would find it hard to dislike them. Luckily, there are virtually no Jews where I live. Have you been lucky enough to have one on one experience with the tribe?
The greediest people on the planet are shallow, dull, and have essentially one presentation in all contexts, by which means they destroy everything they care about; for such people are insatiable and hunger endlessly for those things which are not available in the absence of a personality.
Nothing in this comment has the least to do with national socialism, but nazism in the modern day is a fabrication of vapid strategists who long for weak enemies and weaker allies whereby they may consolidate their power and further the homogenization of all things into their own failed natures.
Only by honesty may diversity flourish.
Robert Nelson
One presentation? The greediest people will say anything for a buck. They've got many faces and modernity has shattered them. That's why celebrities are such a vapid wall of identical meaningless people. They've all been stripped of their personalities and exposed as worthless.
Wyatt Ward
It means you actually care about your people, and the future of all mankind. I despise everything about jewry, the people, the "culture", everything. They are the antithesis to everything right and decent. For 2000+ years, they've subverted, enslaved, and massacred every living thing around them and across the world! They deserve no pity and no mercy, and I sure as shit am not going to waste any time searching for the elusive "good jews". They are simply far too dangerous and sickening to be allowed to live. Every other race can go off and do their own thing, I don't care. However, the jew must be wiped from the earth.
Zachary Edwards
It does not take a great force to make a difference. You need only stand as yourself in favor of truth.
Those who value their people value all who are good for their people, which is the community of all good people, of every creed and nation. For the good are good upon the good, and need not reference who the recipient of their good is, and therefore to care for one community in honesty is to care for all communities in honesty.
Jews are good people. Not uniformly, but in general. They have taken the worst curses of the Creator and have retained their place upon this world. Whosoever cares for their race ought care for the Jew.
They have retained their place in this world only through an inherent and parasitic nature; through feeding off of truly divine peoples, i.e., the Aryan race. The Aryans have always lived in harmony with nature.The Jew wants only power and control of it. The Jew is the definition of evil. The Aryan race is the definition of Divinity.
Elijah Scott
It seems like you've fallen for some Shapiro-esque propaganda so let's try and get that straightened out. Jews were cursed by their own creator multiple times. The nearest thing to their messiah that has ever lived called them serpents, vile generation and the synagogue of satan. This is because all jews, whether religious or ethnic, serve satan. Involuntarily, and most of the time unbeknownst to themselves. But that is why they must all die.
With Hitler and Hitlerist Germany a fundamental change was realized, even in the domain of science. In a few years the Aryan Subconscious asserted its representations, its Hyperborean archetypal different concepts. He did not accept the Einsteinian theory of relativity. Because of this Hitler, able to achieve, and having achieved, the atomic bomb and atomic fission by his own means, could not use that annihilating disintegrating bomb. It did not correspond to his integrating, non-atomizing, Archetype in his Aryan Collective Unconscious. And so it happened that he did not use it. In “The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism” I have told how Skorzeny wrote in this respect: Hitler had confessed to him he would not use the atomic bomb to win the war. It is very possible the bomb the Americans used against Japan was the one the Germans did not use against them. By doing so Hitler would not have won the war, he would have lost it, since he would have Judaized his own world, using an extreme Jew method. He would have used the weapon of the enemy. He would have lost by winning. Instead he won by losing. Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar – Miguel Serrano
So far, of course, I know that this nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people and Hitler, it is said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that “If I throw this nuclear weapon there will be devastation.” So from this point it can be considered that he had some human consideration. So he’s advertised very adversely, but if it is a true fact, then how he could have this human consideration that he did not throw the nuclear weapon? And this was taken by the Americans and it was thrown in Japan. That is the history so far we know. [Prabhupada from a Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture 1.7.19 Vrndavana, September 16, 1976]
Dr. Patel: Yes, sir, but it is said that the German scientist ran away to America because they were afraid of Hitler. If Hitler gets the secret of atom, he would bomb out the whole world. Prabhupāda: No, no. Hitler knew it. Dr. Patel: No. They were not able to be successful to… Prabhupāda: No, no. He knew it, everything, but he did not like to do it. He said. He said. He was gentleman. But these people are not gentlemen. He knew it perfectly well. He said that “I can smash the whole world, but I do not use that weapon.” The Germans already discovered. But out of humanity they did not use it. And all the, your American, other countries, they have stolen from German ideas. [Prabhupada Morning Walk, November 20, 1975, Bombay]
Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler was vegetarian. Prabhupada: Eh? Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler was vegetarian. Prabhupada: Who? Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler. Svarupa Damodara: Hitler. Prabhupada: Ah. He was a good man. Paramahamsa: Oh! Prabhupada: Therefore he did not drop the atomic bomb. Paramahamsa: Yes I agree. Prabhupada: Your Truman dropped. Paramahamsa: Not my Truman. Prabhupada: Yes your Truman your president. Paramahamsa: I’m not American. Devotees: [laughter] Prabhupada: He hesitated; therefore I don’t believe that he killed so many Jews in concentration camps. Paramahamsa: But actually Hitler he was trying to invent the atom bomb, but the Americans invented it before before Tru.. The Americans invented it before the Nazis did. Prabhupada: No no the Americans stolen.. Svarüpa Damodara: The German Germans invented the atomic.. The Germans first.. Paramahamsa: [indistinct] they had the plan but they could not invent it. Prabhupada: No what they drop dropped in Japan that was German.. technology arrangement… [Prabhupada Morning Walk — October 8, 1972, Berkeley]
Prabhupada: Ah, yes. So these English people, they were very expert in making propaganda. They killed Hitler by propaganda. I don’t think Hitler was so bad man. What do you think? You are Englishman. (laughter) Hari-sauri: It’s getting…. (laughs) Just from hearing you speak in the last few months I can understand that the whole history that I was ever presented in school is completely warped around to the way that the English saw it, especially the last two centuries, when the British empire was on the move. It’s completely… [Prabhupada Room Conversation, June 17, 1976, Toronto]
Here is TGSNT in beautiful HD available for download along with bonus interviews by the creator of the documentary, meine Kameraden. mega.nz/#F!M4hHRJbA!A4sBs7MBxzGxZ8fMXV95og Gott mit uns.
Nicholas Thomas
> > < >>>/polarchive/1 < <
Austin Turner
I'm not saying TGSNT - or any documentary, for that matter - is perfect, but your post reeks of disingenuous kikery, you might as well have just started it with "as a jew". I bet you're the same "person" (>implying) who used to post in these threads about how we should stop spreading it because it left out "facts" like Hitler's supposed jewishness and the "Operation Himmler" conspiracy theory.
The term has become vague lately but remember that the redpill was originally about seeing the truth behind the holohoax, and the subsequent Jewish machinations following it. That will always be the true redpill for me.
Jackson Nguyen
I get what you're saying, but now the 'redpill' is a lot more than simply acknowledging the holohoax.
I hope it wasn't (((revised))) the wrong way. Otherwise this is an absolute must have and every jews in the world are terrified of this book. I've found, and read Matzos of Zion's PDF and that one was almost just as wild. I've known your book from "The hidden cult" but i'd love to actually read it.
As I said, just for fun. And to provide debate ammo if one of my gentle readers is presented with the “If the USA hadn’t stopped Hitler, we’d all be speaking German now” tirades. Sigh. Even without the USA, Hitler’s empire would have come crashing down sooner or later. A combination of strategic over-extension, resistence movements, and Hitler’s folly would have destroyed the Third Reich one way or the other. Not to even mention that it was Russian armies rolling inexorably westward that destroyed Hitler’s armies. In any event though, it is astonishing some of the blunders Hitler made. No wonder the Allied High command sometimes joked that Hitler was their greatest ally:
1. Battle of Britain. When Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to “take out” the Brits, the Luftwaffe sensibly enough began their campaign by trying to destroy the RAF. By the RAF’s admission, they nearly succeeded, in fact they were about two weeks away from pretty much shutting down the RAF and controlling the skies of Britain. Then Hitler got involved and ordered the Luftwaffe to attack the British cities instead, especially London. Which did nothing but piss the British off and freed to RAF to concentrate on regaining control of the skies over Britain. London burned, but German casualties mounted to the point where they had to call off the campaign, and that was that.
2. Cancellation of weapons programs. After the Fall of France in 1940 Hitler was so confident of victory that he cancelled most weapons research programs, insisting that the war could be won with the weapons they had. Two years later when the Germans were being outclassed on all fronts by next-gen Allied weapons, the programs were all frantically restarted. Two years had been lost though, and worse, key engineers and such had died in Russia. Germany did manage to produce some impressive weapons, but never in any quantity and most of them never had the bugs worked out and thus weren’t terribly reliable in practise.
3. Invasion of Russia. There were multiple mistakes made here, just attacking Russia for one was incredibly optimistic. Compounded by a six week delay in the attack so Hitler could pointlessly bail out Mussolini in the Balkans. And then the Germans made no preparations for a long war because Hitler assumed Russia could be completely defeated the first summer. He ordered Leningrad to be surrounded, not captured! And Hitler fatally delayed the push for Moscow by diverting his panzers to the stalled southern front. Unlike in Napoleon’s time, Moscow was the absolute centre of the Russian railroad network, and if the Germans had captured the city and the rail connections south of the city, it would have crippled the Russian war effort.
4. The “No retreat” order. This is Hitler’s biggest mistake in Russia and one of the biggest military blunders of all time. When the war in Russia started going badly during the first winter, Hitler ordered his troops to never retreat under any circumstances. This is insane in general because there’s no point standing your ground if you are outnumbered and getting the crap beat out of you. Doubly insane because the only real advantage the Germans had over the Russians was that the German troops were far more mobile. So it made far more sense to retreat when attacked and then counterattack after he Russians had advanced beyond their supply lines. The one German general with the stones to defy Hitler, Manstein, did this a number of times with devastating effect.
5. Me-262 as a bomber. The Me-262 was a beautiful plane, in some ways a decade or more before its time. It was the world’s first jet interceptor and could fly rings (literally) around the best Allied planes of the time. The Me-262 was conceived, designed, and developed as a jet interceptor, a plane specifically designed to hunt down and destroy Allied planes. Hitler ordered it into full production … as a bomber. His minions nodded, and quietly continued to develop it as an interceptor. Someone tipped Hitler off though, and he made sure it was developed as a bomber. In trial runs few pilots were even able to get their bombs within a mile of the targets. The Me-262 was a complete (and predictable) failure as a bomber. By the time a few Me-262 interceptors saw action they were too few too late to change anything.
Brody Hughes
6. No women labourers. Did the Nazis use slave labour in their factories because they were mean people? Well, yes, but they were also motivated by a severe shortage of factory labour … because Hitler had decreed that German women were not to do factory work. Millions of American and British women went to work on assembly lines freeing up millions of men for military duty. The Germans suffered terrible manpower shortages during the war, while millions of German women sat at home.
7. War on USA. Hitler declared war on the USA right after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Why? He thought it would be good for morale. (Most of his dumbf*ck ideas were based on thinking like that.) Maybe the USA would have declared war on him anyhow, but it was crazy to simply give Roosevelt what he wanted.
8. More Russian errors. In i942 Hitler ordered his armies to seize the oil fields in the Caucasus and the city of Stalingrad, spreading his armies far too thin. As a result his forces failed to capture the oil fields, and suffered crippling losses at Stalingrad.
9. The Battle of Kursk. At Kursk in 1943 Hitler ordered a massive attack even though the Russians clearly knew he would attack Kursk. The German armies last great offencive flung themselves against massed Russian defenders dug in with huge numbers of anti-tank weapons and legions of modern Russian tanks. It was the biggest tank battle in history, and a crushing defeat for Germany. The battle of Stalingrad guaranteed that Germany was not going to win its war with Russia, Kursk guaranteed that the Russians would win.
10. Battle of the Bulge. Hitler’s last gasp attempt to win the war. He attempted to repeat his success of 1940 by attacking the Allies the exact same way. Even though his forces were vastly smaller, didn’t have the fuel to do the job, and were facing a vastly superior enemy than the French army of 1940. The attack had zero chance of success, it would have been far more sensible to attack the Russians and try to slow down their advance.
And these are just the big blunders, there were plenty of minor blunders as well. My favourite is one last Luftwaffe story, because it shows just how shallow and demented Hitler’s thought processes were. At one point in the middle of the war the British bomber force was causing big problems for Germany, about a thousand British bombers would fly over Germany and carpet bomb some target almost every night. The Brits bombed at night because they couldn’t replace their losses, so they sacrificed accuracy for safety. The Luftwaffe had a great idea, lone German long range fighters would lurk around British airbases and attack British bombers as they came in to land in the morning light. (The radars of the time couldn’t really track single planes flying at low altitude.) It was very effective and downed a number of irreplaceable British bombers and their crews. If it had continued at the very least the Allies would have been forced to divert significant air power to defend against a small number of Germans, and it might have even severely crippled the British bombing campaign.
So what did Hitler do when he heard about this clever program to defend against the British bomber fleet? Iron crosses all around? Nope, Hitler basically said “Nein, nein nein, the Luftwaffe must shoot down the British bombers over Germany, not England, so that the German people can see the wreckage of the British bombers and be encouraged!” Hitler cancelled the program, and the British high command (not to mention the British bomber crews) breathed a big sigh of relief when German planes stopped appearing out of nowhere to shoot them down as they landed.
Frankly it’s a wonder Hitler’s Third Reich lasted as long as it did.
The Jews won WWll and (((Hitler))) created the fake holocaust instead of deporting the Jews as planned.
Landon Johnson
If Hitler was controlled by jews and part of the conspiracy to fabricate the Holocaust, then they could have had him write something down, or do or say something that could be used as evidence for the phony story. Instead, they have to rely on a flamboyant Himmler speech as proof of genocide.
The conspiracy theory that Hitler was a zionist agent is just as ridiculous is the one about how he turned jews into furniture and cleaning products using death showers.
I died in a Jewish girls oven once, nothing special.
Nathaniel Wood
I don't know if I'd go that far. He just listed claims in TGSNT and then "debunks" them by reasserting the conventional narrative. This is exactly what Snopes, et al do and why you can safely ignore them. He doesn't present any actual evidence at all.
Let's break it down:
Christian Howard
You seem to disassociate Christianity with NatSoc despite the fact that both were strongly correlated and depended on each other to thrive back in the day. If you do not believe me read what the papers of the party said. And if you choose to say "G-d was just a trick used to keep them in line" or something along the lines. I beg you to refrain from replying and take a moment to read what you typed. Does it remind you of (((anyone)))? Polite sage
Too be fair that book sucks. Mason's life is not interesting. Just read The Swiss Army Guide to Guerrilla Warfare. And skip all the satanic larper shit.
Antimatrix has it translated to English, though I think it might be of the 1st edition (have you bothered even to duckduckgo?). At any rate, if you were to ask me what I would consider to be Zig Forums's library, the antimatrix would be it. Massive collection of works, far too many for me to recommend here, but I do absolutely suggest antimatrix.org/TOC_Books.html#download_collection antimatrix.org/Convert/Books/Hellmut_Schramm/schramm.htm
Wyatt Moore
the thing is, each of those were kindled in different periods. the one on the right is better suited to the modern day, because if you show your face, if you organize, if you show any leaning that you are a NatSoc, you are shut down and shut down hard. the right side is an evolutionary necessity as it gives the NatSoc a voice without a face. in the past they could be peaceful, because no one was going to try to bring them harm for their beliefs, no one was going to try to ruin their lives or have them thrown in prison. but in this day they can, they will, and they most certainly do, at every turn they try to be unreasonable and deny you peaceful revolution. fact of the matter is, they want you dead, one way, or another.
Good thread. If you want to wake people up, you need to master gentile to gentile talk.
Jews have their pilpul where they play word games, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't carefully choose your words too. You can make points and convey ideas, while also garnering trust from other whites (and nonwhites if the situation demands it). Gentile talk is different from yiddish pilpul, where it is so basic but so nuanced that it is difficult to defeat. Even if the jew addresses your talking points, getting the audience to distrust the jew means you effectively won. It isn't always a jew who is making the argument, but you'll see that it is always a jewish argument.
Take border security and Trump's wall. Chuck Schumer made this argument, not verbatim but I've heard shitlib friends repeating it so it's worth breaking down.
Pretends to be on your side when they're not, and gaslights you by saying a physical barrier wouldn't even stop the problem Anyone who complains about illegal immigration from the southern border doesn't know this issue too well, and there are bigger fish to fry elsewhere. Stop overreacting goy! You dumb average citizens know nothing about this, we have experts with studies who do a lot of science, you are not qualified to have an opinion on this subject.
The average gentile is hit with this shotgun blast of lying and deceit, and of course get blown away by it. Worse, they assume the jew makes the argument in good faith. Here's how to respond with gentile speak.
"We know you liars want illegal immigrants because they all vote democrat. And yes, we should take care of other illegal immigrants too. And Israel has a wall, why can't we have a wall? Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid in the world, they get a wall but WE DON'T?"
I'm no epic Ben Shapiro, but I've gotten cuckservatives and white democrats to be outraged when I pointed that out. Works wonders at family gatherings, and pushes people to the third position. The jew is stuck in a difficult position when you use politically incorrect talking points. If he defends Israel's double standards, people grow suspicious. His only alternative is to admit you're right which he'll never do. Next, the argument that a physical barrier wouldn't work is also defeated by pointing out the Israel double standard. Obviously it worked there, by what magic would it not work here? Even though I didn't outright address the argument that a wall wouldn't work, I actually did prove it would work by legitimizing Israel's wall. And when the jew points out that only 1/3 of illegal immigration comes from the southern border, you can turn it around on him and point out that yes, the problem is much bigger than just the border, and in fact we need to go harder. The jew has no alternatives but to agree with you on that. He said 2/3 of illegals come from elsewhere, yet he refuses to address it? The jew must agree with you, or be discredited in front of a crowd. Finally, the experts argument. Americans are extremely distrustful already of (((experts))), and I address the expert question at the end. Israel gets a wall but we don't? This discredits the institutions and establishment, which is really just jews giving each other a free pass.
Pretty sure there's a Goebbels quote that says to beat jew arguments, you have to discredit them in front of an audience. Jews start sperging out when you successfully beat them and their pilpul. I said you have to choose your words carefully, that is still true, but don't get lost in the weeds and debate their talmudry. Address the talking points hiding underneath. A lot of times, this happens automatically. Just pointing out the double standard of Israel's wall makes all those arguments and defeats the pilpul, even if you weren't aware of it. Simply take truth, point it out, and expect jews to sperg in front of an audience.
Not utilizing gentile speak is probably conservatism's biggest downfalls. They lose debates to leftists because they accept certain premises and worldviews as valid before the fight even starts, and go down the rabbit hole. Don't believe me? Watch a jew explain it to you: youtube.com/watch?v=BhdUHVJ1F6o
>imgur.com/gallery/nUtifYK kewl Starts out with ad hom. Then disarms his ad hom "But enough with the character assassination, right?" Then some ridicule, some out of context facts, and a bandwagon fallacy… It's a bunch of gibbering garbage, Rabbi. Sadly, I still remember the old way where whites were taught logic and reason and your Jew lies have no power over me.
Jack Murphy
You're a liar. Read the German declaration of war if you want to know why Germany declared war on the USA - the USA was shooting at German ships on sight, an illegal war crime and act of war. Hitler did the right thing, declare war back so German ships could shoot back before being fired upon. I'm sick of these goddamned jew lies.
Daniel Cook
Tucker Carlson just gave a beautiful example of this last week, including bits like how thanks to Israel's southern border wall, foreign Palestinian invaders dropped profoundly. I don't want to misquote the actual numbers, but I think it fell from a 5-6 digit number of invaders per year down to a single digit number.