Given how there's such a hostility towards the concept of religion in the modern day world, I was thinking that those of us who belong to any faith could probably come here and discuss our struggles, views, and beliefs,
Religion General
Other urls found in this thread:
May as well call it shitflinging general, because that's what you're gonna end up with.
Chill with the negativity, bump for interest
In before the LARPagan spam
To be honest anyone who is going to bash someone else for their beliefs really is not worth listening to because they are a 17 year old atheist that has not learned how to hide his power level and be happy.
Religious people are all great people in my experiences with them.
They just believe silly things.
Global report for off topic thread.
Depends on what you mean by silly. I've been occasionally watching a Seon Buddhist delivering teachings in hour long programs, and a lot of what he's teaching and talking about on lifestyle and daily practices has been repeated by scientists and philosophers who come from agnostic or atheist backgrounds backgrounds and on completely different continents and environments. On top of that, for centuries, these scientists also are baffled that prayer itself (Not even a belief, just prayer) is able to give people unexplainable energy. To quote Alexis Carrel (From the PDF):
Please be civil
I worship an ancient god of chaos.
Your god failed me but he has been providing many great thing.
Funny. Seems people around here are usually more than happy to bash people for their belief that niggers are human.
You have an entire board to yourself
>>>Zig Forums
I know you can't for the love of your god be satisfied practicing your faith without molesting others because like all Abrahamisms, the ripcurrent driving your religion is the desire to conquer the entire world.
please be civil young man
They are about as Human as Neanderthals user.
There may always be a large swath who cant see deep into the human experience. Religion is for these people, to keep them grounded as they evolve. Though there needs to be more than empty rituals and ideals for those few outsiders seeking meaning. This is given esoterically to the few worthy to understand, otherwise they will despair as lonely misunderstood NEETS hated by the sheep. Though we shouldn't seek to create a divide simply for our own eden as we see done to us now a days. I think im close, probably still holes in this though.
No we just aren't naive enough to think all souls are equal and just. Nature isn't so absolute.
Sure, when they haven't been convinced to bring non-Whites into their congregations. There are many sites across our lands which are pristine like this but all it takes is a new neighbor and there won't be any defense the Whites can make.
Hi Zig Forums I'm a LARPagan.
I became a pagan because I got a gut feeling three years ago, then discovered Zig Forums and found that it wasn't just me.
Thankfully because I'm an adult and because Odinism isnt very restrictive I havent really altered any of my behavior except: set up an altar with some familial photos, and hand carved statues of my Gods(incomplete) and occasionally I sit down and speak to them about stuff going on because they're family.
Its helped me make some positive changes in my life, and I'm glad I had that gut feeling. I hope one day to stand side by side with all of you, and raise our enemies to the gallows.
Could anyone help point me to resources on Solstice celebrations and traditions in Germanic or Pagan culture?
This was sorta my evolution on my beliefs and what religion I identify with and was wondering what those on pol would think of my current beliefs(not in a tell me what to believe kind of way but just give their basic thoughts on it)
I was raised catholic until later on my mother married a atheist. We never really went to church but we still celebrated Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter. Later on I identified as a atheist because I wanted attention from my parents and people around me up until around the last year of HS. Later on identified as a agnostic because I think it to be ignorant too not believe in god without significant evidence and realized many atheist are pretentious as fuck and as well are hypocrites on evolution to deny human taxonomy otherwise known as the reality of race to placate their egalitarian agenda. I knew from a young age that I believed in evolution and loved learning about nature so much that I get tons of books, toys, films, about animals especially dinosaurs because I thought they were the coolest things ever. Now I sorta find myself identifying more with loving nature and admiring evolution and I hate that leftists and Christians seem to want to deny basic biology too appease their equality agendas. I don't really identify as a pagan because as an American I don't really feel connected with that since American culture and really the culture of those of us in the colonial nations pretty much revolves around European Christians leaving Europe to discover a world where they aren't persecuted for their specific beliefs on the Christian faith. This is why those of us in the anglosphere specifically America revolve around the concept of freedom because our national consciousness surrounds around being in a alien land from where our ancestors are not from and gives us this idea of free reign and also because of the state enforced the idea of assimilating multiple European ethnicities into a artificial one such as the WASP. Even though I think this should change to revolve around discipline instead since unleashed freedom creates degeneracy like what is seen in modern America for example with child trannies, multiracialism, feminism, and other forms of decadence and immorality. What I am getting too here is that I think many people in the anglosphere are too disconnected from their roots in Europe too be able to identify with the gods of paganism such as those of the Greeks/Romans, Celts, Nordics, Germanics, Slavs and instead identify with believing in mother nature to be god but also have beliefs loving and appreciating in their European race of course since religions like Christianity believe in the idea of universal egalitarianism and the church cares more about getting sits filled rather than be fanatic and care about the truth. What I'm thinking here I want to create a ethno religion like Shintoism is for the Japanese but for people of European descent in the anglosphere specifically in north America because I believe that Americans and Canadians(besides the Quebecois who I think should have their own state) deep down are the same people like how Hitler said in Mein Kampf that Germans and Austrians are basically the same people and was confused why they weren't in the same country. Since what we're lacking faith and love of nature and pride in our people because we've been brainwashed into believing that none of it matters and that our nationality is cheap and that a Mexican from across the border gets a piece of paper saying he is American just as much as me when my family have been living here almost as long as the US existed and had multiple family members in many of the wars our nation has had even on both the sides of the Union and the Confederacy. Basically I would call this religion Naturism and would call the nation of a combined American and Canadian state Solutrea in honor of the first Europeans who discovered this land first before they were murdered by the Siberian nomads that dare to call themselves "native americans" when they know damn well they aren't. What are pol's thoughts on this? I don't see this idea discussed as much on here when I have been thinking about this for a while.
OP, starting your thread with a D&C message isn't going to help reduce hostility towards religious teachings.
I will bump the thread because it may yield good discussion if people post in good faith.
Here's a good example. Thread invites anyone of any religion, yet one (Christian) poster decides to undo any possibility forinter-faith discussion by yelling "LARPagan".
My evil pagan religion requires me to kill christfaggots and their gayass cocksucking threads. :)
Ouch, don't cut yourself with that edge, torbro.
Guess why.
pagan comes from pagani which is latin for gentile
No no no molesting kids is muslims ideology.
That's like saying manlet is means "an Italian". It's a fallacy of composition. Words have cultural context. And before you start screencapping Google Translate results, go ahead and reverse the definition a few times; you'll eventually end up with "Greek". This is why translation is always done wrong by amateurs.
Explain paul saying that he wanted to convert "gentiles" to Christianity?
Mohammad the faggot had a child wife
You don't have to scramble it to get the gentile translation, you get it first time.
you fucking what? pangani is literally the same word as pagan but with an i. it's more like saying manlet is manleti in latin
these kike mental gymnastics you're doing fuck off
But should it BE politics? Is not politics the preserve of the deficit, inferior to the concerns of man and god?
China has the worst take, still trying to make people swear loyalty to the state as though it meant something. Forced honesty is never honest. Only voluntary speech is ever true.
gentile means non-Jewish.
I wasn't distinguishing pagan from pagani. Your reading comprehension qualifies you for being filtered, so don't bother responding.
if you reverse the translation twice on ANY word it fucks it
apple in latin is malum, reverse it once and it turns into bad
dumb is muta, reverse it once it turns into mute
This is main problem with regions. Idea is to easy to hijack. In theory God should decent from skies and sort things but he didn't. This makes Islam same "objective truth".
Religion is an important subject but won't become a viable discussion topic until people unlearn the jewish false dichotomy of atheism versus religion.
The axiom of, "jews play both sides," is the ultimate test against false dichotimes. This is because there are many sides to every major subject. Jews operate within the sides seen in religion and in atheism. Therefore, whether or not you are atheist or religious doesn't mean you are automatically correct in what you say.
The other important thing to mention that ties into this is that religion won't become a strong discussion topic unless people allow their beliefs to be tested against the possibility of jewish influence. Truth doesn't fear investigation. If you're shitting up topics investigating your flavor of religion or atheism, you are doing the shills' job.
The shills' main prerogative is to destroy discussion and stall meta-discussion. They know they can't permanently delay discussion, but there are many truths and consensus that could be reached beforehand without shill interference.
I thought I was on Zig Forums and not >>>Zig Forums, take your mutilated foreskin there, please.
Something for German speakers, to rightfully eviscerate all the anti European Christians who will undoubtedly be trying to present mistranslated verses from the Edda to make it look like Odin likes to slurp cum.
(Picture related)
"Glossar zu den Liedern der Edda"
Never let these traitors prosper on this board again.
They belong in the dirt beneath our heels like the snakes they are.
And an English source for the same purpose of breaking the knees of our eternal enemy, the book which was used as a source for this particular counter to their claims of semen slurping.
The poetic Edda
by Bellows, Henry Adams, 1885-1939
Thank you!
Daily reminder: kike means "Anti-Christian"
"pagan" really just means "rural", "of the village" more or less
the christian plague like all subversive movements affecting dying civilization was centered around major cities, with urbanites being at the center of it and rural people representing the tradition and last line of defense as well as safe place for all still following the old customs and faiths, thus how "pagan" became almost a synonym with non-christian/non-abrahamite
It means rural because it comes from the other latin word "paganus" which means of the country side
but the latin word pagani is even closer to pagan than paganus
what? there's no different "pagani" word in latin other than the adjective and/or substantive "paganus", with the meaning I reported
"pagani" is just the plural of it(or genitive)
You're arguing with an illiterate, FYI
honestly churches and religious institutions are corrupt as fuck but i dont care what divinity or doctrine people personnaly follow
Going by what I've been told of history, scientists are some of the biggest jackasses for the same reason why this show is shit.
This post made my day
The people who write for BBT have never met a scientist in their life.
I’m caught between an Evolan/Nietzschean form of Paganism and Orthodox Christianity. On one hand, it’s only inspite of Christianity that people seem to truly become warriors, but in the other hand paganism really becomes a grab bag of whatever appeals to you and doesn’t really have structure. I guess I could be both but that’s nigger voodoo teir.
Whatever your Blood binds you to.
But a grab bag is still better than (((YHWH))). The only reason there is no structure is because the old establishments were destroyed and supplanted by the Christians.
I'm not going to argue one way or the other, but I will say that I was in a similar position a few years ago. Two podcasts helped me make my decision: Mysterium Fasces, and The Orthodox Nationalist. If someone would like to follow up with some strictly pagan podcasts or books to balance this out, please do.
Rule 2 violation.
>Calls (((Roman Catholics))) Christians
You're either a retarded mudshit or a crafty jew. Go away and die
The pagans could never form a government that stood, were always divided and at war with each other, and hardly ever united.
The Christians, on the other hand, did.
That's why the Jews hate Christians and love pagans.
That's why you're a jews fool for being a pagan, user. And why you either need to get with the folk, or be gotten rid of.
yeah it was a bit too Roman, Germanic and European to be (((Christian))), if only it was as focused on the heretic nazarene shitskin as protestantism was
this is your brain on christfaggotry
Esoteric Hitlerism!
And the new testament of Kek.
True, and the (((church))) and it's schisms and corruption, is what caused the empire to split and crumble.
Wew, your desperation is showing. In a painfully retarded effort to defend your Roman Catholic retardation, you switched to Protestantism because they don't teach you the difference in hebrew school
If we seek truth in all things, the kikes will have no power over this world.
*Harvest Rain and Birch Book intensify*
Hello, I am a Christian, I give away my nations wealth to Israel and Africa because a book told me so.
I find this Christian obsession with homosexuality very telling, they act like the left, trying to introduce homosexuality into everything.
Oh really? Which book told you that? I'd like to read it.
Really, then why are pagan symbols banned in many countries and pagan groups associated with nazism while churches are free to build and associate with whomever they want?
It's called the Bible friend and I am sure you are going to tell me your universalist religion, is really only for White people, right?
Pagans are the most persecuted religion in existence
Being this nigger in the current year
This meme is beyond fucking retarded. While alot of the European leaders at the time were in charge of the crusades did alot of fucking retarded things (like the siege of Constantinople being the biggest one), it's the current year to dwell on more of the negative aspects of crusaders than the positives.
I'm so fucking sick of the constant bashing of the crusades, when they saw the real threat of Islam and are responsible to why we whites aren't bowing down on a carpet praying to a female pagan moon god called Allah who doesn't do jack shit for her followers.
wrong. truth is
Oh, the Bible you say? Okay, let's see what it says about jews really quick here now…
Hmmm, says here that the jews will be cursed by God if they worship idols…
…and here it says they worship idols, yes, interesting…
And here it says that jews are murderers and liars like their father the devil… wow! It says jews are the children of satan! That's really bad!
And here it says jews and their offspring are cursed by the murder of Jesus…
And here it says that jews are the Synagogue of Satan twice to really drive home how evil they are.
So it seems like you got your books confused, probably because you're an assbone with IQ of a dead nigger.
This is not Zig Forums relevant. Fuck off.
Fuck off
Well you taken your first few stumbling steps but you must do more if you want to be anything more than just a self confessed LARPagan
Ask Druid/pol/, they've got some good info in their archives
You know what else the bible says?
It says that, if you are baptized, then you can drink poison that would otherwise be lethal, and live!
The bible also says I get to go to heaven like a good goy as long as I believe in our Jew savior Jesus Christ
Both are cults, understanding god is the true path.
God did descend and (((they))) tried to kill him
the battle we wage is not just material but intellectual and spiritual. Array the contary virtues around yourself for protection against the seven deadly sins. Develop the cardinal virtues within yourself to prepare yourself intellectually and spiritually for faith, which implies hope, which implies caritas. Deus vult. Deo vindice. Deo vincit.
Crusaders: virtuous, manly men, capable of traveling across a continent to fight, willing to admit to temptation, boning whores and drinking when they want to
Puritans: never have I ever, look at me, I'm so perfect I never think about taking pleasure in anything, now watch me let my homeland be overrun with savages that steal my women to prove myself
Its saints are the jew-wise founders.
The guiding principals are the saintly diaries.
The holy rights are the original bill of rights.
The chosen people are defined by the original immigration act, and are called Americans.
Tithing is based on your consumption of foreign goods.
The stated purpose is the declaration of independence.
The holy order can only be comprised of American men with American children and wives.
Americans cannot be members of other religions.
No Jew or Muslim can become an American.
So you're saying that the rosicrucians are /ourguys/?
such a cringy picture, not because it doesn't bring good points either but in the process it goes full retard itself by denying the truths that are nevertheless present in the first pic, as if muslims were din du nuffins or the first crusade, probably the only good one, never happened
hang yourself nigger toucher
PC is a religion. The real religion is called Odinism.
I am an Atheist and a NatSoc.
We need to accept that politics and religion can replace one another, for this reason, certain religions, such as Islam also count as politics, as it is treated as politics by those who believe in it, and certain politics such as leftism (among whites), are treated as religions by those who subscribe to them.
While true that Atheists are more likely to be leftists, this is because leftism is itself a religion that is atheistic in nature, they are atheists because they are leftists, and were leftists before they were atheists.
There is little weight that atheism caused leftism.
-First argument against atheism on the right responded to.
Yuri Bezmenov never named the jew, was okay with race-mixing, etc. he was exactly like the American Republicans of those days, and like those republicans, he towed the line of Christianity (when he said "religion", he wasn't talking Paganism), still, he had invaluable information on the subversion process, and his mention of religion as a subversion blocker was a part of it.
However, this is because white people had used Christianity as the foundation of all of their morals, traditions, and values.
Since Christianity can easily be shown to either have no evidence for being true or for not being true, it was an easy first target of attack, and since it was seen as the source of all that ACTUALLY served to resist subversion, that left everything else open to attack in the White American Mind.
We can create a source of morality, traditionalism, pride, etc. out of an empirically verifiable foundation, nature has a pro-white bias, especially evolutionary genetics.
"The Gene-Centered view of Evolution dictates that evolution favors the organisms who are the most successful in facilitating the propagation of their genes, all instincts, have originated in us because they were the best at serving this function, this includes altruism and showing favoritism to those who possess more of our genes (and are thus more capable of passing them on on our behalf) over those who carry less of our genes (and are thus less capable of passing our genes on).
Just like God, Evolution was the source of humanity and the giver of it's morals, God promises us life after death via a part of us, that being the soul, so too does Evolution, as our genes, literally a vital component of who we are, live on in other after we die, in God's case, you are given the ultimate punishment for refusing to abide by his decree, in Evolution's case, the whole of the world is punished for the failures of you, and of your brothers.
Traditions are the result of the same type of evolutionary pressure, but on memes instead of genes, Traditional ways of life were those which were the best at propagating their memes, and all those Traditions which were less successful died out as a result, this includes things like chastity until marriage, faithful monogamy, gender roles, and enforced heterosexuality, it also includes things like in-group favoritism and out-group hostility, including racial nationalism and separation, all this overlaps with genes as well, but where as the previous focused on individual genetics, this focuses on group genetics.
My proposal is making the full and uncensored scope of Science (and especially Evolution), the new religion, the new source of our Morality, Racial Pride, and Traditionalism, we force them to defend their morals on the ground of facts, by meeting them there, by doing this, we remove a weakness that has been our downfall time and time again"
–Second argument dealt with.
There is, and has never been, any shortage of true right-wingers who were atheists, some of them are regularly celebrated on this board, there was never any conflict between being pro-white and atheistic, and the only reason the communists made atheism a part of their doctrine was because their doctrine was their religion, and all competing belief systems had to go, if they could kick atheism out as well, they would.
they were only atheistic by default, because communism was not recognized as a religion (though it acted as one).
Indeed, it is the values atheists claim to support, empiricism, skepticism, adherence to the scientific method and to logical argumentation, etc. that led me, and so many others, to the Zig Forumsack's positions on almost everything, some of the very first white nationalists on youtube came out of it's atheist community, back then, atheists were being accused of racism, anti-semitism, sexism, etc. by the christian community, who claimed that atheism was the source of all "predjudice", the youtube christians did oppose the LGBT, but were pro-jew, pro-immigration (as long as it was "legal"), pro-race-mixing, and largely supported the wars in the middle east, they called themselves members of the "moral majority", and celebrated the (highly christian) blacks for their godliness.
neo-cons and cuckservatives, all of them.
- third argument addressed
your post proves nothing other than you are a nigger lover.
Wrong. Those limp-wristed Libslimes have a God - Big Government.
Lol, yea.