Just as Von Based Sperg got drunk, so did Tim Wise. You can go to his twitter right now and see the meltdown live:
Just as Von Based Sperg got drunk, so did Tim Wise. You can go to his twitter right now and see the meltdown live:
he does have a nice house.
Indeed, check Voat for more information about houses that are nice like these.
Patrick Casey needs to shut up or I will find the sucker he sold that RX-7 to and have him drive the tow truck with it through his front door.
I am saying this because I can't stand him, carry on.
Does anybody seriously actually like niggers or think “they built this?”
tim wise is a complete rat
I like BASED conservative niggers who wear Trump hats and let me watch them fuck my wife.
We should have our own Wiki for people like him.
Your proposal is accepted, Mr. Wise.
Sometimes I smile thinking about how autistic shitposters have turned twitter from normie garbage to the autismsphere where public images are destroyed
kill them
each time a "journalist" doxes someone, find out the journalists address, get into his house and kill him and anyone that is there
Who the fuck is this guy?
Lurk at least 7 years before posting.
The sooner this kike kicks the bucket, the better
Well raw cotton was a pretty valuable commodity all throughout the industrial revolution. It was arguably as valuable as oil is today.
He's, unironically, reported as being an "anti-racist activist".
What happened to Tim Wise in life to make such a bitter, hateful monster?
How the fuck does literally everyone know who alex macnabb is what the fuck. This niqqa fame.
He's jewish
Fucking voat is better than 8/pol/ at this point.
Is this basically like a mini-shoah for twitterites? To be so ready to to "wreck a little shit" after some ridiculous video pops up on social media like piranhas and then have to back down/delete tweets? Imagine how mad he must be.
His dox was posted on twitter
I'll just say it man: The fact that Tim Wise is still alive speaks volumes.
IIRC he lives in a 95% White community.
While calling for the death of Whites and mocking their demise.
Again, the fact that he's still alive speaks volumes.
Are they implying that's bad? I don't get it. That's probably many times better than the US average.
jewish Supremacy is just one small psychotic defect due to inbreeding. the major -ism that seems to plague them wherever they go, is compliments of their own foolish actions. One would think that a group which apparently has an elevate IQ, they would be able to pick up on their flaws after being booted out of everywhere.
these people are histrionic as fuck. dont pay them any attention other than mocking them for their emotional outburst.
Mocking, ridicule, and chaos are very potential weapons tbh.
He's likely at one of his vacation homes
*provides absolutely nothing to back up his claim*
That's not how one makes a solid case for something
Put your brain on once in a while and, for example, spend 30 seconds reading the profile page of the person in question in a thread.
I'm so sick of Tim wise. Why isn't he swinging from a rope by now?
It would be nicer on fire with him inside
Whatever do you mean user? :^^^^^^^^)
Jewish genetics
Even better
Imagine the smell of huge stacks of rotten fast food
Then he gets evicted for not maintaining the property
Get'em boys
The dude he's attacking is interesting. The kid's some kind of genius physics prodigy, and he got a full ride to Columbia off of it.
He's the top .01% of our race, intellectually at least. He went on a pro white rant surrounded by niggers, and now scum like Tim Weiss are trying to ruin his life. The niggers tried to get him arrested.
Pat's a good boy he dindu nuffin.
"That is something to celebrate and mourn"
Mourn. These kikes can't control their mouths at the end of their cycles.
Can anyone confirm?
A blonde aryan chad fucked the liberal journo chick he was lusting after in highschool.
"Tim Wise bullies student with vulgar words like asshole"
Where are the headlines? Tim Wise is an internet bully! He is cyber bullying students! This is very serious! The media should report.
All that talk about black people can also get him in trouble.
"Tim Wise cyber-bullies student with vulgarity and then goes on a rant about black people".
Don't they even stop to think about how this could affect them?
I hire people based upon their experience and ability.
What sort of idiot surrounds himself with yes-men? Oh, yeah. Lefty idiots.
Enjoy getting sued for not meeting diversity quotas. You have to hire a certain amount of useless people. It's the law.
Don't do anything about it, just scroll on in disgust and click another thread. That's right, just forget about it.
Need to get a real autistic board on it send it to the 4 goons
Lol holy fucking shit he lives down the street from me.
Why would I want to do that to my brain?
user, chinks aren't human, they're ant people. They're emotionally primitive beasts. They're as underdeveloped as niggers, just in a different area of the brain.
If that's true, this won't affect him in the slightest. If he truly is something special, then there's already people in government and the private sector who'd be interested him.
These are the same people who simultaneously co-champion LGBT and Islam.
It would be like putting a retard in charge of the zoo, and said retard decides to put the lions and zebras together in the same exhibit.
Its actually illegal due to the recent Anglin case ruling what Tim did. He has a huge following of hateful anti-white people and he sicked them on a white guy. Thats probably why he took the tweet down. Someone should file an official police report.
The first phone number in the dox is his wife's, the third phone number in tim's own phone no idea what the 2nd number is
Time to start pissing into plastic bottles
You will never get past the level of a redditor, if you don't drop the 'it's ridiculous\hypocrite' attitude and realize that 1. these people move with method and 2. it's about damaging you, not doing what's right.
If you don't understand what I'm saying FAST, you will spend your entire life complaining about double standards and stupid leftists, forever missing the goal of these actions.
real fedposting hours
His Scottish side feels grief
And his jewish side feels envy. Pathetic subhuman that should be doxxed himself. It's soooo scared
How come faggots like you never lead by example?
Zeiger was either arrested or is actively on the run in Canada because a newspaper doxxed him and the feds followed by putting out warrants for willful promotion of hatred, hate speech and recruiting people into a "neo-nazi" group.
that's more offensive than his 'Time to wreck this little shit' tweet. I'm pissed that he believes we're dumb enough to accept that dead lolberg ideal…it's a fantasy.
Do something funny, user.
Funny isn't it, since he's condemning and demanding to ruin someone's life because of this kid's ideas?
Whats the matter? Just make your own free marketplace of ideas, goy.
This guy is proof that the Nuremberg laws were nowhere near strict enough.
Yea, the whole things rings hollow when the 'war of ideas' has devolved into "Vote how (((we))) want or we'll replace you with turdworlders who will"
Not to mention things like weaponizing the IRS against Conservative PACs, or skewing criticism of kikes into "actionable" threats/hate crime charges.
Banned on cuckchan along with Tim's dox
If anything I think he does more damage to his own side when he talks.
Who makes the charging cords though?
Depends on his industry. I've never seen a Mexican or nigger in a machine shop. Too complex for them.
Duty is heavier than a mountain, user, death light as a feather.
(((they))) are deeply vested in DNA (((23andMe ring any bells?)))
I recommend using rabid dog shit or some other excrement that is untraceable to you personally.
Ding-dong ditch him enough times to the point that it becomes like chinese water torture.
Leaf here.
I can basically confirm he was arrested. As far as I remember, he was arrested in Montreal during the last time I was there, for unfurling a very large swastika bannee from atop a tall building. Charges were trumped up, of course.
I will see if I can dig anything up from then; if it helps it was in the newspapers in Montreal when it happened.
Little Timmy having another one of her daily, outbursts of verbal diarrhea? Must suck being a powerless, old, manlet who can only queef out nonsense on social media.
I assume big leap here that I'm supposed to read them in the order of the filename numbering. In each image though do I read top down or bottom up?
Hes honestly correct but more importantly…
Gentlemen we have a new faction name for all you future leaders of free whites out there, the White Hegemony, and one day the Galactic White Hegemony/Hegemony of Whites.
I thought jews were smart? Why is he demanding a false dichotomy?
what are you FBI?
He actually looks like one. That quarter jewish demonic blood has him possessed. Reminds me of master splinter from the movies.
Splinter was cool though.
Jews ain't cool.
He was in the cartoon, but in the movies he was scary as shit. Gave me nightmares as a kid now that rat jew tim wise gives me nightmares as an adult.
The general public likes niggers because some of them are good at dancing and know how to make music that inhibits the release of adrenaline.
don't let these people live in your head rent free
lol no, certainly not in the south. People talk in code about how they dislike blacks and what they do. Code language:
nigger neighborhood
This nigger can actually speak normally
I detest nigger culture
niggers are barbaric and so is their mating strategy
wherein the thug is always black
But it is stupid for them to do so. Where do they think all the good things and inventions in their life come from?