Here is a likely course of action: A few brave men will start protests and guerilla civil war. This will quickly tire out the police and force the military to intercede. The situation will escalate with increasing violence. Then the mainstream gun owners will realize their government is an unfixable disaster and that there is nothing stopping them from joining in, and civil war will truly begin. Continued escalations in violence will cause the military to fracture along racial/political lines.
Then we win or lose. It's our chance, and it looks good for us. Just look at the situation in France and imagine similar one here, with our consitution. We can do much better than France.
in case you don't know how things work here, "problem" posts are labelled by human operators and then their bot net spams the thread with retardation
James Bell
This guy doesn't know where he's at.
Henry Gomez
look at these replies, they make absolutely no sense, the is nothing remotely tangential to the context of the original post
Jims Watkins (owner of the site) is contracted by military intelligence to run this as a demoralization propaganda outlet and he hired some shitskin script kiddies to write "AI" to shit this place up automatically
Chase Rogers
This nigger be like "there's no way he can be a human, this has to be AI, I would know I glow in the fucking dark and am well versed in these things. I'm on this board advocating for violence out of nowhere, but I'm still gonna pretend this is organic" Kys faggot.
that sure was a quick spike in posting, seems real
Adrian Lewis
Aww, the Admin responsible for this thread is mad.
Want me to shit up and derail your thread?
Brayden Fisher
2 of them were mine. I was testing VPN. the others I dunno
Thomas Taylor
Luis Long
this is so fucking piss poor it's unbelievable
i'm guessing this thread was instantly holed by military intelligence and no one real can see it
Parker Campbell
4chan is shut down at the moment, I'm guessing they're getting too many posts that their protocol says they have to hole to maintain the illusion.
Joseph Green
Evan Adams
whats so special about this one other than an absurd fedpost call to violence ?
Adam Price
well if this thread is still up tomorrow and looks like it has ANY real replies at all I'll cut down the screencaps to uploadable size and post them
Ethan James
A redposter changed pol to war status without action from any of the street actors.
Only Kek can do that normally. Kek is on vacation right now.
Zachary Hernandez
Did you not see ?
Kayden Watson
So when are you going to start the fire instead of impotently bashing Jim, OP?
Joshua Thompson
a thread with literally nothing but shills lol
OP is right
Kayden Thompson
Reported for Q-LARP spam.
Tyler Gutierrez
Assuming you're not FBI, you'll do a lot more good in the world targeting the Rothschilds than attacking the police or military installations.
Gavin Foster
all the feds in this thread getting nervous, france is burning and that's spreading to other parts of europe, there is goin to be war in the ukraine again. when the feds footsoldiers antifa failed to demoralize the country and now right wingers are finally at the breaking point…. go ahead remove Trump from office by force, he may be a zog stooge but that's gonna be the straw that breakes the camels back
the judges and police are the first line of defense, remove them then you are left with a military that will be split in how it responds to the mass chaos. start local, then let it spread
Carter Nguyen
Hudson Richardson
You must be new here. Zig Forums is a board of peace. More importantly, it is a board of critical analysis, which needs to be applied to your supposed list of events. There you are wrong. Protests don't begin because a few people demand they do. They because there is some kind of event or situation that inspires action from people, which may be directed by a small group of people. Your suggestion that this small group just start destroying property or whatever is pointless thuggery without that inciting condition. No, your small group of hooligans would be rounded up by normal law enforcement, put on show trials to reinforce how evil those white supremacists are, and effectively removed from the public so only that side of the story remains. Things calm down again as the general public continues watching the events unfold passively on their televisions before switching over the cooking shows. Those mainstream gunowners care more about their families and their jobs than about revolution. They will put up with a lot of bullshit and quietly grumble so long as they can feed their family and keep their jobs. They won't risk those things unless they come to see either the government threatening them immediately, a condition exists that threatens them that they see the government not helping with, or they've already lost their livelihood and now seek solutions outside of the status quo. And that is just unformed clay. It takes military men and revolutionaries then to organize things into either protests or supposed civil war. That doesn't just happen in a vacuum.
Yes, lets look at that. The Yellow Vest protest was able to start only because the government tried to pass yet another crippling tax on top of already difficult economic policies and migrant bullshit. The French stewed in it for a long time because the problem with migration is only apparent over the longer term (except when they rape and murder the natives) and they had to employ their time working or moving to keep in check with the taxation. This latest tax was enough to justify to a broad front of normal people mainly that they could justly walk away from their obligations for awhile (if still they had them) and protest for reform. This action has to be seen as morally justifiable and personally beneficial with the emphasis on the latter. Most can only do that safely if their own bosses and/or colleagues will do the same so as to protect their livelihoods. It needed a critical mass of disaffected people in order to catch on, and the social proof of people protesting attracted more still. As events of brutal government intervention and unjust treatment continue to flow freely to the people, more momentum is gained. This momentum is only stymied and eventually broken either once the inciting conditions are solved, the people feel individual pressure on them against their lives or livelihoods, or the number of people abates and the social proof disappears.
The problem with your suggestion is that you believe that the conditions for Yellow Vest protest behavior exist already in America, which is not the case at all. Only when the average man feels his livelihood is mortally threatened will he consider devoting some time and energy to doing anything outside of work and leisure. Because you argue only for this mystical "small group of brave men" and have a faulty analysis of how these events unfold, that is why anons are shitting on your idea. What should be done right now with that group of brave men is spread redpills in completely legal and persuasive manners everywhere they can so that when the conditions turn ripe for them a critical mass of people will exist who will be willing to do something productive. That doesn't include pointless illegal activity like destroying property or hurting people.
which is why they are late joiners. Once they realize the fight is inevitable that motivation to protect their families is what will cause them to join. You know, just like in EVERY WAR EVER.
there is no evidence of that reason. You have no rationale. The tax is repealed and yet they keep going, which proves the deeper motivation which is obvious to anyone (except apparently kike shills like you) In any case, the tax was the spark on the tinder, any spark will do, and we have plenty of tinder.
TL;DR this is literally a kike shill trained in "pilpul" These are jewish students sent here to practice their bullshit
Fact: the only reason kikes continue to plague the world is because everyone through history settled with half-measures like exile and just partial extermination. We cannot afford to make this mistake again. EVERY SINGLE JEW ON THE PLANET MUST BE KILLED
Evan Ramirez
He's right ya know? The kikes want civil wars in Western nations. And what the kikes want, the kikes get. The US will look like Bosnia when the US military is through following the orders of their kike overlords
Ian Barnes
Kikes only want war after a white minority, they want to stop us from winning it before theyre ready.
Oliver Brooks
In a full blown civil war the military will split up. Not to mention we have so many guns here. Remember though. If it comes to it. Accept no surrender. It’s us or them.
Noah Barnes
They really don't. They've prevented war for a century for a reason.
Colton Butler
got it
Sebastian Hernandez
It would most likely be like Syria. Protest in the streets. Escalation by the govnerment after protest become to big. Then civil war. In a off the bat armed conflict the govnerment will pussy out. When Buddy first confronted the feds with his militia out west. The feds shit their pants and dipped out. They didn’t come back with force. Because they would have had to have an army of police which would have escalated to arm conflict for sure. The problem is it’s really hard to get 200-500 people together to do this. Shit this board has like 2,500 active users and we can barley agree on a lot of issues. But all in all violence is the answer. It’s just knowing when to throw the punch. Don’t jump the gun and get steam rolled. If you see 20 alt light March I g in your street. Stay out and hide your power levels. You see 2,000 whites marching in your street. You pull out you’re AR-15 and get ready for a good time.
Nathan Rivera
Times they are a changing. Where there was once a board of peace for casual banter there is now a kike infested dumpster. This does not mean what you think it means. Without violence to secure it there is no freedom. If no one begins to proactively attack the kike order to destroy them and their infrastructure, then we can keep posting on Zig Forums until the end of times which will come very soon with kikes in power.
Andrew Russell
You first nigger
Julian Nelson
This is the kind of mindset and mentality that got you to a place where you are actually feeling adressed with stuff like that. Also, shouting "nigger" never saved anyone. You can do better. And before you get mad at me assuming I am somehow tryint to belittle you - I may or may not be suicidal as well.
Grayson Anderson
Says the guy who starts a thread, kvetches for a rational response, and when he gets one claims it's jewish subversion. You're bad at this. No, it is saying that your premise of some small group of brave men who start a social movement by committing crimes is bullshit, that it doesn't work that way, and an alternative to your idiotic suggestion that people should just start committing crimes because 'most cases are never solved'. There's no strawmanning there, and you're more than welcome to elaborate rather than shit out, "You're a kike!" for the entire fucking thread. Because what is your supposed 'guerrilla civil war'? You don't elaborate, just suggest to random people online that violent crimes don't get solved much. That's not coordinating anything except trying to convince morons to do stupid things. Explain your idea of a 'guerrilla civil war' if you're so uptight about it being called pointless thuggery. You did, when you said a few brave men. It's a group, whether they are centralized or decentralized, know each other or not. Doesn't matter - those small groups don't create the conditions for social upheaval, only harness it or get swept along with it. All they do when they act in a manner inconsistent with mass sentiments of morality and emotion is provide examples to those in power now to use against those very social conditions from arising. Hence, your idea is stupid. Because morons get caught doing stupid things constantly, because they're morons. And only a moron would read your vague and stupid post, get a 'few brave men' together, and go commit criminal actions in a decentralized, literally pointless direction. Did you actually think someone would read your thread and think, "Wow, I can really save the white race by just committing some crimes!" Get on with explaining yourself and your idea and ignore the shills if that's what you believe them to be, because as it stands your idea is unformed, vague, and ill-conceived. No, not like in any war ever. Most wars occur between a relatively small number of partisans with the vast majority of the population staying out of it. It is only their tacit approval that allows the small groups to operate and gain shelter, resources, and support. What is it about your vague 'guerrilla civil war' that convinces people to give up life and liberty now for the possibility of safety later? Nothing. If you want a historical example, the American Revolutionary War was predicated on unjust taxes, which the vast majority of the American people tacitly agreed with, and that enabled that small group of wealthy and politically-capable men to marshal the patriots necessary to fight in the conflict. Your model of brave men fighting, getting crushed, then people rise up to beat the government has no historical examples, and if you have some then provide them. And you accuse me of pilpul. Interviews from people on the ground and observes confirm it started over oil and gas taxes. Of course it does. You show again how little you understand social movements and riots. The inciting incidents rarely remain the sole motivation once the ball gets rolling. The French are pissed about broader issues now than gas and oil taxes, and now that they see they are getting success they are pushing for more of the things they want while they have the opportunity, because many things piss them off. You're the one arguing on a point we don't even disagree on. And that is why everyone dismisses your poorly-wrought OP, because instead of discussing ideas you just resort to, "You're a kike!" shit.
It is quite useful for training purposes though, don't you think user? We sort of cut our teeth on the shills and learn to argue more effectively, or at least that is what I do…I think carefully about the points I should have made in arguments, think about when I got too passionate and when my argument fell apart. I don't know how I missed your OP, I was probably fighting in some more retarded arena while it went up or it went up during my night time hours. Anyway, here is my OP on the subject. I got called a fed as well among other things…it has really almost completely lost its meaning at this point. And yeah, you are correct that the masons only care about their Rothschild Queens and its spawn…which is weird since they sold all of Western Europe to the niggers in Africa to finance their offshore fiscal malfeasance with the city of london. Anyway, this is me:
It is nice to see another user who is starting to think about the issues that need to be addressed in order to gain our freedom in our own nation and then the freedom of the entire planet when we rise up and destroy everything in front of us. We are the largest army in the world, some 300 million strong and I think we have just about had it with the kike AS WELL AS THE ALT-KIKE machinations.
It is funny reading through your thread because I was in another thread and the moment I said that I have to leave the entire thread went silent…no more resistance from the kike shills…SO…that means that just like they are here to demoralize YOU they were only in that thread to demoralize me as well. We have our work cut out for us user. It was nice to see someone with a backbone though. ;) FOR OUR NATION, OUR BLOOD, OUR CULTURE, OUR CONSTITUTION (even if it is a bit kiked by masons, we will have to make it our own) :) chin up, user…we are going to get victory over our enemies and those who are destroying the planet.
Jacob Richardson
It is morally justifiable to execute traitors (be they government officials, private business leaders, foreigners and invaders). Fighting and killing the foreigners in our nation's IS MORALLY JUSTIFIED. As well as fighting to make sure our KIN (FLESH AND BLOOD) is not murdered, torture and raped by foreign subhuman trash that was IMPORTED INTO OUR NATIONS BY (drumroll: TRAITORS TO OUR PEOPLE).
It is so moral to do all these things that it is written into our laws that we do so.
Tyler Morgan
They only want the civil war where they can dominate the players. They only want it at the right time when all of their preparations are in place.
We can pre-empt them and spoil many of their plans and give ourselves a better chance.
they didn't give up in the Bundy situation though. They came after them with legal warfare. They eventually wore them out. They murdered LaVoy Finicum in broad daylight and in uniform and the protests against federal abuse ended.
that's why we have to evolve the community naturally. We need founders who will do things alone and who will eventually find and recognize each other. We need to found a culture of resistance. Encourage people to do leafletting and small protests and public forums, graffiti and vandalism/sabotage in key locations that will demoralize the leftists and start people talking about how "these nazis are constantly making their presence felt!".
there will be shills saying and even some honest people like that. People with such delicate sensibilities are going to go extinct. To such people I say this: The game is rigged. Stop trying to play. Kick the fucking table.
your entire argument: no reasoning given you totally strawman and/or ignore every counter you. are. a. kike.
I was indicating it was because you are a simple animal/beast of burden. Not because you retain any sort of moral superiority…indeed you are completely inferior in every way to a person who loves their kin and will protect them from kikes and foreign interests. We are hollowed before God…and you are just a dumb animal.
Carson Anderson
Are you White? If the IQ you have is not high enough to understand the tactical situation, then -→ Reddit is your exit.
Beasts of burned can never stop getting fucked by horses user…I was unfortunate enough to have clicked on a Mr. Hands video (not knowing what it was) one time on Zig Forums and now everytime I see one of those 'anime ponies' I get the visual of Mr. Hands being raped to death by having his anus perforated or used as a runway for a horses F-16incher.
Joshua Cruz
Oh look, it's the same FBI nigger who set up two innocent people in Toledo, Ohio. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Joseph Cook
Maybe…he isn't answering anymore.
Gavin Hill
You're desperate for my replies You're hanging off of every post You have a lot of interest in this and a willingness to invest time
so let me ask you a question Why am I an FBI agent? How can you tell? What exactly is the alternative to guerrilla civil war? How would anyone get caught doing anything by reading this thread?
Isaiah Jenkins
If it makes you feel any better, that video wasn't of the incident that killed him.
Owen Howard
It sure looked like it killed him. If that man wasn't being killed in that video by being raped to death then I can't imagine how bad the real thing is…there was no way that he did not sustain massive internal trauma in that video.
Aiden Reed
If you are OP, you have written:
How retarded are you? To hypothetical speak about guerrilla is fine. To openly ask anons to participate in illegal actions against the government is a totally different thing. Are you an ZOG's Affirmative Action hiring?
That is just a control measure user…don't worry about it. They already know your capacity for violence…they just don't want you spreading ideas to people they don't know.
Jaxon Barnes
Apparently the video was shared in the online animal fucking community long before he got railed to death. See the talk section of the Wikipedia article.
Easton Howard
Because your IP address is coming from a federal building in Norfolk, VA. That's how I can tell.
Lucas Bell
This is a bot.
Literally every single post here denouncing violence is a shill or bot. No real person is so stupid to not see the necessity.
Lincoln Hughes
I suppose that would be answer number 2…LMFAO
Kayden Hughes
This is true…
John Martinez
Nathaniel Morris
Jace James
you set that joke up wrong
Jacob Watson
Ok you tell it rather than that pussy.
Lucas Harris
check this out: I made this thread on 4chan too and I got the same exact first reply as this thread within two minutes of posting (when I posted it here they replied in less than one minute)
2. The yellow vests showed you how it's done. Gather all the people you can and start a series of marches.
3. The protest is aimed at Trump. 'Make it happen mr. President, we have your back'. The wall, disengaing israel wars, no Obamacare, no right wing censorship on social media, inquiry into election fraud, investigation of Clintons and everything Veritas, ban of activist judges, penalties for fake news.
4. Keep it as boomer friendly as possible. Consider any idiot wearing swastikas a Zig Forums infiltrator.
Don't teach them what they're doing wrong. They haven't improved much but that's good for the board.
Joshua Anderson
secret bump
Aiden Thompson
pure coincidence
Matthew Jenkins
those cohencidences are always popping up nowadays
Thomas White
fake & gay
Joseph Harris
All the people saying things like "you're the fbi" and "you glow in the dark" are either paid shills or deeply retarded and demoralized people. Either way their goal is to spread paranoia and failure.
Cameron Wilson
Bump because it scares you to see goyim fighting back.