The CIA Made Remote-Controlled Dogs With Brain Surgery
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This is definitely relevant and political, great thread OP! I'm sure glad mods won't remove this either!
Did they kill 6 million Whites with them too? And tickle the dogs to death after they were done while masturbating?
fuck off shill. threads about intelligence agencies are Zig Forums-tier
holy shit. seems like i hit a nerve. shills are flooding this thread
What were they trying to use the dogs for?
Probably slamhounds ala Count Zero.
ops mom has a remote control? press the button for dick suckage
Hey, I'm agreeing with you, my man. Discussing remote controlled dog brains is really important and has a huge impact on the world. Fuck the Yellow Vests.
Surveillance. They did this with cats, too. "Acoustic Kitty."
They've moved on to insects.
Is that the one that got run over like ten minutes after they released it on its first mission?
Note peta and evry animal rights group will egnore or even endorse this.
They have had this for a good while now. Hell I recall hearing about remote birds which could flawlessly mimic movements and even were accepted into flocks in flight years ago.
The real question is can they do humans yet. Zuckerberg "when I was still human".
No way that'll ever get to human trials.
No siree.
Not a chance.
Remote controlled insects were being talked about in national newspapers as far back as the early 90's. I'm sure they've advanced well beyond that a long long time ago.
No they aren't you sperg, you just made a shitty slide thread.
What are we supposed to even discuss?
You can't just post a fucking article with nothing added yourself. I'll read it next time I visit Zerohedge in that case.
Good find op, glowniggers are sliding this thread out of embarrassment.
It sounds cool when you say it, but everything glownigger science has ever accomplished is junkyard wars tier. You can train a dog to run stop & turn in response to verbal commands, so they trained em to respond to different frequencies of buzzing. You could get the same effect with a vibrating collar, or an ear peace. But they spent millions of dollars larping and doing invasive surgery.
Let us know if it says how they prevented infection at the point the leads broke the skin. They probably just didn't and set the operational life of their remote control dogs to under a month.
It's an article from yesterday on a reletively large news-site. It is interesting but don't encourage low-effort threads.
The CIA is proof that genius is not a bar against incompetence. They hire many smart people but still have no idea how to achieve their ends. Perhaps the true goal of the CIA is to check the influence of organizations like their own at home and abroad - perhaps, I suggest, there is a profound competency behind their inefficacy. For have they not yet kept pace with all other organizations of their kind? They exist. They operate. That is a testament of its own.
How soon until we get cyberneticaly augmented remote controlled human children with super strength, super speed, and super armor to catch "pedophiles"? Serious question.
hi moshi
Like kikework.
Still I'm interested in the technology being used to hack into children's brains from birth and control them for life. Because fuck drafting an army when you can raise one. And since these are literally remote controlled soldiers they follow orders without question.
Are you a total faggot? It doesn't concern you that the government is so fucked up they want to reprogram brains?
Relevant files attached. Sage for low effort OP.
Final thought before I go. I suppose this is why the CREEPER act passed. To the kikes it's cheaper to implant a brain-control mechanism in a human and program them like a robot than it is to build the robot and programming it to be a human.
Imagine when they rollout the remote controlled manchurian canidate nigger golem slaves oh wait…
Insects are the most dangerous life-forms to humans.
We have thin skin, we can't see our whole body at once so we're easy to land on, we can't swat more than a few at a time, and it's difficult to completely cover up from them. Some of them will crawl into your darkest, warmest regions and can latch on for days before you notice them. And just before they bite you, they're eating some horse shit, or biting a diseased rat.
The worst ailments in my life have all been infections from insect bites. Mosquitos have one of the highest kill counts of any cause of human death. Fear insects.
Behold and fear it. The electric jew is real.
For some reason, mosquitoes ever bite me, everyone else can be getting eaten alive and they ignore me. Occasionally they’ll land on me and walk around then leave, it’s bizarre. I do like bugs though, rolley poleys are my favorite.
I remember DARPA was remote controlling mice from the US in some south American lab, Brazil i think
these dox are an interesting read. surgically implanting electrodes into dog brains to remote control them walking is pure barbarism. every CIA glow nigger deserves to fry for this. even worse, in the same doc, the CIA injected chemicals into the dogs that "induces rage."
CIA are the sickest fucks in human history. what kind of monster isn't happy at just remote controlling dogs but also has to inflict the most extreme mental torture upon the dogs too?
even worse than that, if such a thing is possible, the doc says the rage chemical they used was a chemical discovered and researched by pharmaceuticals but which was rejected for further use because of "severe negative side effects."
CIA truly uses all parts of the torture-mutilation buffalo. nothing is below their reach.
another doc from the same batch describes some of the worst human experimentation which you're going to hear more about as more reporters read these dox. the document describes CIA conducting human trials of microwave experiments. on the State Dept staff in the Moscow embassy in the 1960s.
CIA zapped FedGov personnel with microwaves on foreign soil to see if they could alter the embassy staff's thinking and job performance. CIA didn't want to incapacitate the staff, it wanted to experiment whether lower doses of EM radiation would impair its own staff so subtley that the staff didn't notice.
the doc describes CIA worrying about the Russians detecting what they are doing and word of it getting out to a reporter.
of course CIA experimented with mind control of its own staff on foreign soil so of it leaked they could blame Russia for it.
kinda makes you wonder who is really behind the new news about US Embassy staff in Cuba and China being attack by low frequency energy and sound to cause neurological medical emergencies in the FedGov employees.
why it's just the ol' CIA glow niggers up to their old tricks again. CIA has rebooted MKULTRA and is once again running non voluntary human experiments ON ITS OWN WORKERS while using foreign soil as cover to blame Russia or China.
this doc confirms for me yet again why i just laugh at anyone stupid enough to work for FedGov or the Pentagon. who do you think are the first groups selected to be MKULTRA guinea pigs? CIA already has a 12 million strong work force of Uncle Sam to choose from. and unlike you, FedGov worker bees are legally unable to sue FedGov and their incentives are structured to coerce them to STFU. you do want to keep your FedGov pension, right? well don't blab to the media that CIA zapped your brain with microwaves while on the job just to see what you would do.
Technology was a mistake.
lol fuck off fag to your comfy hut
I work in the cellular engineering field. The things people with billions in funding over the last decade could have already accomplished is pretty astounding.
Then consider they benefit from the same computational and DNA processing advances that have had billions poured into as well.
Imagine tiny silicon SOCs entirely integrated into the simple cellular functions of a platform insect they have been working with for clearly many years now. Honestly controlling dogs scares me less.
Now don’t get me wrong, as stupid as that concept is, that is exactly the type of thing I’m certain is possible, even with commercial tech today. It would be no small project but certainly possible with a large enough team behind it.
Now with mosquitoes, it is the viruses they carry that are really of my concern.
Leads don’t penetrate the skin dumbass.
DARPA has things 30, 40, 50 years ahead of technology known to the public. I'd bet my bottom dollar they have full cyborg dogs by now (robotic with living tissue). What Boston Dynamics shows is the tip of the iceberg.
Sure thing. I don’t think the 30-50 year thing is likely very accurate. This is something I think their funding and tech (((theft))) from any patent or product out there puts them in a position of superior integration.
Fuck off yid.
Oh my God, it's real…
Yet you were fully on board with the irs funding threads.
imagine you walk into work one day and boss tells you you need to get company sponsored brain surgery and if you refuse you will be let go immediately and destroyed
MKULTRA was mainly a scam to get government funding. Psychopathic agents used MKULTRA as an excuse to torture/rape/kill for personal reasons. The "research" that came out of MKULTRA is so bad it's useless.
CIA MKULTRA tested chemicals on humans which CIA got from pharmaceutical companies and which CIA knew had been rejected for human testing by the pharmaceuticals due to the chemicals having "undesired side effects."
this page was pretty funny to me. it's a CIA bean counter reporting back to Satan's Citadel (((Langley))) about his contractor scientist's MKULTRA experiements. the glow nigger says
his contractor also works on several other MKULTRA test programs, but the glow nigger does not have a "Need to Know" about those other programs. he tells Langley since his contractor is doing so much MKULTRA work that his contractor will probably come up with some clever ideas to make his sub-program succeed.
i laughed at this because it made me wonder: just how much in control were the contractors–the mercenary doctors and scientists and butchers and mutilators doing the day to day work of MKULTRA? did this small army of contractors have more control over MKULTRA than the CIA itself? was MKULTRA like the plot of that 90's movie The Cube, where some black military weapon program is constructed by a thousand independent hands, with none of them knowing what the others are doing nor what the "goal" of the program is, and ultimately the weapon is "lost" and forgotten about, meanwhile it is operational and it is killing people.
what if MKULTRA was a Manhattan Project scale boondoggle, where nobody under Dr Sidney Gottlieb, the boss of MKULTRA, knew what the fuck was going on? yet everyone did their job to further the 100's of MKULTRA sub-programs, while nobody see's the bigger picture. the contractors knew more than the CIA, but the contractors only gave a shit about extending their well paying low effort sinecures. so what if a few hundred or thousand American prisoners and cancer patients and suburban moms got electro shocked or LSD'd or induced into a diabetic coma? the contractor's got paid, the CIA got to tick off it's budget check boxes and on up the chain to Gottlieb and on to Allen Dulles, everyone was happy and nobody knew what the fuck was really going on because MKULTRA was on autopilot?
what if.
CIA claims it wanted to be able to detect brainwashing techniques. so MKULTRA was supposed to give them that capability, by CIA themselves exhaustively testing every know method of brainwashing on American citizens.
then in the next paragraph, CIA says "there are a number of positions in the Agency which demand a relatively high degree of tolerance to monotony."
ha ha ha ha.
was CIA testing brainwashing on its own personnel and officers? you bet your ass they were.
CIA says the goal of MKULTRA "is not only monitoring relevant
foreign and domestic developments, but also to
identify, understand, predict and control the behavior of
human beings."
CIA says the goal is to control the state of awareness of the human animal. i like how in the beginning of the sentence the CIA glow nigger at least pretended to be respectful to our inherent human dignity by calling us "humans." but then the CIA faggot got sloppy and ended the sentence by calling us humans "animals."
that's CIA in a nutshell. they think of you Goy as animals. you are nothing more than mere sheep for them to poke and prod and jolt and inject toxic poisons into and fuck your mind up and leave you as a shattered hull of a person.
CIA tested toxic chemicals on terminally ill cancer patients. CIA wanted to induce diabetic comas in these cancer patients, so that MKULTRA could study this corner of brainwashing, such as the effects on your consciousness and your hallucinations that happen because your liver is failing.
CIA MKULTRA spook says he's testing 100 new chemicals per year on his human test subjects. if you consider that MKULTRA ran from 1953 until at least 1973, that's so much drugs and human torture that it just boggles the mind. shit man, Dr Mengele couldn't even dream of attaining the scale and longevity of torture and mutilation which CIA really did achieve.
CIA injected chemicals into cancer patients to induce "toxic psychoses" in them. as i keep reading these dox from this recent release from Black Vault, the madder and madder i get at CIA. i have long been "That Guy" who shouts from the roof tops that the only simultaneous solution to all of the world's problems is the mass execution of all 36,000+ CIA personnel on the double. after reading this shit, i don't know what else to say.
CIA are the enemies of all humanity. kill them. all of them. where ever you find them. hunt them down to the ends of the earth. and don't stop until ever single last one of them is 6 feet under.
CIA MKULTRA boss Dr Sidney Gottlieb is questioned at a conference about CIA's alleged brainwashing and human experiments. Gottlieb has a canned answer prepared: "oh, you must be referring to XYZ experiment done several years ago. well, pschologist needs to do brainwashing in order to know how to treat it, right?"
typical glow nigger deflection straight from their book of formulaic replies. imply whatever Crime Against Humanity which you are being accused of was old news and an isolated incident and that you don't do those types of things anymore. then deflect further and say you need to be the Baddies to know how to defend against the Baddies.
you could say everything CIA has done since MKULTRA follows this same basic formula.
CIA MKULTRA purchase order: 1 electro-shock unit. $250.00
i found this boring accounting sheet interesting. Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, who was the sub-contracted doctor running MKULTRA sub-programs 42 and 67 (that we know of, he likely did far more), was paid an annual salary exactly equal to the total amount paid to his 100 human test subjects.
that's how it works in the Deep State. you get shocked and brainwashed and driven crazy, and you earn pocket change while it rains shekels on the head glow nigger.
CIA MKULTRA sub-program 47: in 1958, 50 prisoners in Atlanta were fed LSD and 2 hours later they were asked questions.
what is tragic here is how fucking stupid is CIA? i have tripped about a dozen times long ago in my youth, and when you take LSD you trip for 18 hours or LONGER. shit man, 2 hours in is when you're still asking yourself "am i tripping?"
imagine being a prisoner in a maximum security prison, being bused out to CIA's secret lab, fed chemically pure LSD manufactured by CIA's best chemists, you fill out the questionaire then head back to your prison cell and spend the next 14 hour or more tripping your mind off.
i would consider that itself as disgusting unreasonable torture. anyone who has taken acid knows your setting is the #1 factor determining whether your trip will be positive or negative. i would rank tripping in a maximum security prison as one of the worst possible trips to take on acid. that's just fucked up for CIA to have done that. and that was just one year. we don't know how many thousands of prisoners over how many years were fed acid by CIA.
what CIA did makes gulags in China and Russia and Iran seem like beacons of humane treatment and comfort.
That's only because you don't know what they did.
There's a reason that there's no waiting list for organ transplants in China. I'm sure if you think about it for a minute you'll figure out why.
Well they aren't reprogramming brains, they are simply using electrical stimulation to control the movement of a dog. But of course I care! That's why I'm bumping this incredibly important thread!
CIA MKULTRA: a list of hallucinogens to test on human subjects.
CIA needs to die and be erased from human history and forgotten forever. i can't really say anything more than that. i wish i could point my finger to the sky and broadcast graviton waves to tilt the orbit of an asteroid out in the Kupier Belt ever so slightly and just enough to summon it toward Earth and aim it directly at CIA and then…
But didn't they stop because all the test are pointless since they couldn't get full control?
I read once they tried later, with the first analysts, to create some mass control thing, mostly to control the stocks
Sage for off topic. This is something of a misconception, general zod doesn't need taxes to pay for things. The fed will print all they money they need anyway. Income taxes are just an avenue of social engineering, an incentive program.
want to know what is the worst thing about MKULTRA? it reveals the CIA are drooling mouth breathing gits who are too retarded to be entrusted with Secret Police and Top Secret powers and heart attack guns and brain washing drugs.
they say the army always fights the last war. and CIA will always and ever be an out of control bureaucracy straight out of Kafka which is frozen in time to forever fight Germany in WW2.
if i was Dr Sidney Gottlieb, and i had an unlimited black budget and the power to total top secret and thousands of personnel who will obey my every command, would i waste my fucking time on mere amateur hour attempts at brainwashing and truth serums and investigating the properties of electric fish?
shit no!
here's what i would have done if i ran MKULTRA. i would have one goal for MKULTRA: boosting raw human intelligence. that's the problem with CIA–they glow niggers are not some evil mastermind's plotting from their underground lairs on Volcano Island. no, the problem with the CIA isn't that they are evil geniuses at conspiracy–the problem is that CIA doesn't think big enough. CIA are little brains. all of them. CIA can only see 1 millimeter in front of its own face and that's the problem. if you're going to have a CIA, you want it to be focused on The Big Fucking Picture and The Long View. that is where real intelligence comes from. not from the chaos of everybody chasing the soccer ball du jour at once like children on a field.
CIA's mission is intelligence. so why wasn't MKULTRA's goal to invent a way to increase the collective intelligence of every human being together? imagine the world if the average IQ went up by 100%? you can't imagine that, because you are too stupid to see the possibilities. i would argue the best use of finite intelligence resources which maximizes the bang for your tax dollar buck is not to be bogged down re-re-re-fighting WW2 like Bill Murray on Groundhog Day. the best way to win isn't to score one goal. the best way to win is to move the entire fucking field–goal posts and all. change the landscape of the threat faster than the threat can attack you. that's the formula to win total victory.
i may be the lone weirdo for being angriest at CIA MKULTRA not for its Dr Mengele-like crimes against humanity and torture and mutiliation–not for anything MKULTRA did do, but for what MKULTRA did not do, but could have done.
the #1 problem on Earth is that too many billions of "human animals" are too stupid. that's why dumb shit like everything the kikes are scheming for normalizing cock chopping for 6 year old kids and and it all keep happening over and over. but if you can just make people smarter–a lot smarter, then the world's dumb old problems will solve themselves.
i might also add, in order to double the collective average IQ of the human animal, there are 2 forks in the road that lead to the same destination. one path is biotech to reprogram human DNA to force higher IQs. but that biotech does not yet exist, and it may be 30-50 years away. but humanity does not have 50 more years to wait around for that solution. we will exhaust all of the most used minerals on Earth by 2055 and Industrial Society will collapse before humanity can achieve Ascension to become a Space faring species.
there is one other path to raise our IQ's in tandem. kill off 7 billion niggers and chinks and kikes and Semites. the mongrel races are the ones bringing us down like anchors chained to humanity's ankles. the human class learns at the rate of its slowest learner. therefore, if we simply exterminate the slow learners, leaving only the Aryans, that will more than double the average human IQ.
No, no one should ever forget. The crimes of the Jew and his lackeys should be remembered forever and he should be held accountable for every last one. Then they should stand as a testament to why it was necessary to eradicate the lot of them, so that future generations may learn of how righteous a cause it was.
What world do you live on? When did a kike ever invent anything?
They could be used to deliver explosives.
You eat a lot of garlic, don't you?
Their purpose is to serve the kikes and the goyim on their bankroll. If everyone was intelligent then the wage gap would shrink. The masters want to feel like gods, not be put on the same level as their servants.
Imkikey: The early days.
are you currently working on a mind control project that glows in the dark?
There was a Spanish scientist who did something similar but far more impressive. He implanted an electrode in the brain of a bull, got it to charge him, and calmly "switched it off" before the charging bull got to him.
Don't be surprised that the (((m0d$))) are massive kikes. I have been basically unable to break actual relevant news about current event shit in the US that the kikes are doing–trying to get around the first and second amendments and jailing and killing citizens. Because you know, fuck our people right? That's the most NatSoc and non-ZOG point of view possible.
And just like the last batch of faggots that thought they could take this place and the batch before, all subverters will be broken. They cannot stand against user.
why don't you post your actual relevant news about zogshit in this thread?
Yes Jose Delgado MK ULTRA, PROJECT MONARCH. A depraved animal torturer.
"30 chemicals awaiting testing in man"
ftfy glow nigs:
Basically, everything that will get you tracked by the glow nigs was invented by kikes :^)
Don't worry user, robobugs are the least of your worries relative to nano-swarms.
This shit wouldn't even work. I guess you could push a button and make the dog go into self-shitting convulsions, but I'm guessing that'd be about it.
What are the chances that someone who has the organs you need dies exactly on the day you're scheduled by the hospital?
They farm their political dissidents.
you're fucking stupid
1. you can store organs
2. they harvest organs from the third world
In the Inquisition, information was gleaned from its subjects by the application of heat, pressure and shearing forces.
At some point the idea that one could make an inquisition of nature itself by the same torture techniques to extract valuable information from it.
The natural world is being tortured to extract its secrets.