If the people have no free speech then it becomes trivially easy for the government to silence the people.
The purpose of the government MUST BE to serve the Volk and the interests of the Volk. Otherwise it is merely tyranny.
The key problem of most "Western" governments today is that they do not serve the Volk and are often not even of the Volk. They are also actively destroying the Volk that they are meant to serve.
(Volk as in a racially and culturally pure and distinct people. This is diametrically opposed to "diversity," "civic nationalism," "multicultism," and "globalism").
In a country that is composed of a unified and healthy Volk free speech both causes no problems (or, at least, few) and is useful for opposing corruption.
So you deny the genetic reality of race and its massive effect on behavior and ability. Of course.
Race denial is genocide.
When the government is in charge of "finding the truth" then the government gets to decide what is true. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The scenario of "little in the way of government corruption" is essentially not possible. Does not exist, and never has existed. It might exist in the future, but only among a Volk both genetically and culturally predisposed to honorable and moral behavior.
The constant struggle of "free speech" is preferable to the guaranteed and self-reinforcing corruption of "no free speech."
Furthermore, the reason why "the masses" are vulnerable to "comforting lies" is due to genetic weakness. The cure is first the cultivation of the "spirit of resistance" among the Volk and reestablishment of Volk homelands under Volk governments, then multigenerational eugenics to cultivate genetic strength resulting in well-rounded, insightful, and moral people (who also defend their own Volk and the preservation of its distinctiveness).
Instead, the current ZOG regimes are encouraging dysgenic racemixing and feminism to "dumb down" the masses. They are also using harmful chemicals in the food, water, and medicines to the same ends within the current generations.
Totally the opposite.
"Inquisition" system is 100% long-term corrupted into tyranny of the judges in which the judges, government, and police are a mafia ruling with an iron fist and with total disregard to justice.
"Adversarial" is vulnerable to charismatic liars, but it is also susceptible to charismatic leaders who promote truth and justice. At least with an "adversarial" system the truth has a voice, and a chance.
Furthermore, you certainly have a very low opinion of "the masses." Not all "masses" are the same. This is one of the reasons why Volkism is paramount.
All that I am hearing is "I want White people to be silenced so that White genocide is not opposed."
If a person does not have freedom of speech then they are a slave.
You say a lot of words, but I suspect that you just want people, especially Whites, who disagree with you to be shut up.
Totally disagree.
Liberty for my own Volk is critically important.
Without liberty there is little point to anything.
Now, individuality must be in consonance with the needs of the Volk, but anyone seeking to reduce my people to serfs is the enemy.
Totally disagree.
Calling others stupid is hardly an admirable argumentation tactic.
Totally disagree.
You point out the hazards of having those not of your own Volk within your homeland, but then advocate for punishing your own Volk.
The correct response is separation into racial and ethnic homelands.
I totally agree with specifically teaching the youth Nationalist and Traditionalist values and exposing the poisons of marxism, feminism, and multicultism, though.
Again, the correct solution is separation, not restricting the liberty of White people.