Teacher fired for refusing to use transgender student's pronouns A Virginia high school teacher who refused to use a transgender student’s new pronouns has been fired for insubordination, according to the school system. News outlets report that the West Point School Board voted unanimously Thursday to dismiss Peter Vlaming after a four-hour hearing that drew an overflow crowd. The school system said in a statement that Vlaming was fired for insubordination.
Over the summer, the ninth-grade student’s family informed the school system of the student’s gender transition to male. The student wasn’t involved in Thursday’s hearing.
Once you realize this is about freaks it is very simple. Freaks need your outrage. If you don't give it to them they just find the next worse thing to do for shock value.
Caleb Martinez
w e w
Ian Adams
Yes it's totally made up. Go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare
Its a nightmare, only I'm wide awake. Go see nbc or AP it's not gonna be hard to see the freaks carping about their victory. Notice they don't have any quotes from parents in the audience. Tells you that it's most likely they were supporting the teacher
Xavier Jones
Well, here we are at the final stage of 1984, where it's just O'Brien telling Winston to say that 2+2=5, or die. "See that woman over there? Say it's a man or you're through." That's the end, when they know it's a lie and you know it's a lie, but you have to go along with the lie. Equality, women's rights, civil rights, integration, every one of these things and more were fought against by people who knew better, were overcome by people who lied, and continued lying when the results were made manifest. Look at what segregationists said, look at what has happened in, say…Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore. Who is to blame? The segregationists, of course! It's redlining, it's blockbusting, goy, and never pay attention to who actually WERE the landlords involved in all this. We need programs for these poor blacks. What's that? We've had them for decades, and niggers just get worse and worse? Obviously we need way MORE programs, goy! The fact that the Jews can get away with these narratives, unchallenged in the public square, where they just lie to our faces that a spade is not a spade, a girl is a boy, etc., and we have to just go "yeah, sure…." when we know it's complete horse shit, or lose everything, is just so goddamned tiresome.
Aiden Gomez
Insubordination is a good thing to get fired for. I'd hire him. Independent thought. Strong moral fibre. Courage.
Eli Price
I can only hope you're right. Even if hope is dead. archive.is/svLVS
Samuel Wood
Excellent point. Odds that the majority of the school board were white? It's the idiotic whites who gladly and dutifully promote this that is really scary .
The teacher should claim to be a different gender than the articles are referring to him as. He can beat them with their own stick.
Caleb Gray
Blake Johnson
t. autismo
Ethan Turner
Based teacher.
Josiah Ross
hurr muh durr hurr hurr. All of us should go get fired for calling a Her -Her.
Bentley Taylor
Should have just called it a 'pig'…look at that little defiant upturned snout. Why do people always look so much like the animal that they actually are…I doubt pigs care about fucking and this one is going to go down to suicide as it matures into a worthwhile drone/sow.
Jackson Carter
Yes they are examples of the decay cycle of humanity. They are like a canary in a coal mine…warning you (if you are not a freak) that the complete collapse is coming. They are like gangrene on a body or maggots in an infected wound. Their only purpose is to announce to the planet that DEATH is coming, first to themselves and then to most of the rest of society through collapse, leaving only the conservatives, traditionalist and Life bearing individuals to survive.
How many times has this planet been through this cycle? Too many. Those of us with the knowledge need to hold tight to principles that are Life bearing so that our people and our offspring survive (or have the potential to survive). We reserve the absolute highest and most important DNA uncorrupted and undefiled with this decay and Death cycle so that we and our own DNA can remain VICTORIOUS.
This could have been cured IF women were eugenically selected rather than men just putting their dick into anything with a vagina. A lack of male standards and values is the main cause of the societies current demise.
The weakness in society is women, but that is because you bred them to be weak by your society and traditions. What good is a woman who faces no evolutionary pressure or qualifications? When she is married off as a vagina at the age of 12 or 14…do men think they are getting a quality mate or quality pussy when there is no proving them as anything other than a cumdump?
So what do we have, what have the kikes brought to us? 50% of the globe is completely unproven and released to freedom…but without ever having to prove its qualities or worthwhileness or value.
You all have brought this on yourselves by your own traditions and refusing to raise high quality PROVEN women. You selected for NOTHING in terms of eugenics and having standards so you reap NOTHING in terms of their value in society.
Any society worth its salt would make women pass as rigourous and enduring trials as young men go through in order to prove their fitness for reproduction. You wanted cumdumpsters, you BRED THEIR OWN WEAKNESS INTO YOUR OWN DNA because you asked nothing of them other than to be a sperm receptacle. You didn't want values and you selected against it at every turn.
tl;dr it is really difficult to understand your bitching since you all selectively bred women into retardation by your own traditions and cultures. If all you wanted was a cumdumpster, you are going to incorporate that right back into your own DNA and pass it on to your own offspring.
Connor Reed
This is all just a way for Jews to flex their cultural/societal muscle. The White Man is associated with rationality, empiricism, truth, objective standpoints. The Jew, or the woman (same thing in worldview) is associated with…storytelling. Relativity, perspective, emotion. A society in which a man is a man, a woman is a woman, they have clear and defined roles that make sense based on their capabilities, that's bad for the Jew. It's a society that makes sense, that works in a beneficial manner. This kind of society is therefore also more likely to be able to see pernicious influences, and remove pernicious influences. A society in which there is no "monopoly on truth," i.e. everything is relative, is therefore a society in which the best storyteller, the best fibber, the best bullshitter can form the narrative on what happened in the past, what's happening now, and what will happen. The Jew is the master of creating narratives for all 3. When no one can say for sure if a boy is a boy, no one can say the Jews are deceiving us, no one can ever notice anything or judge anything because hey, NAXALT, or any other relativistic argument. The Jews love their host to be off-kilter, confused, weakened, fighting its own instincts, watered down, and that's why they do what they do. It's the reason so many blatantly harmful things are pushed by them. They're not supposed to make us stronger, or more tolerant, or more progressive. They're supposed to make us cloudy and pliant as our funeral pyre is heaped up around us.