Twitter comments:
including comparing gender transitioning to child abuse.
Twitter comments:
including comparing gender transitioning to child abuse.
God I hate this country.
I like this autism.
Too bad the kike in chief is more concerned about his image and setting up a favourable business environment for (((investors))) like himself.
This site exists to destroy and corrupt the young. You old fools who have bred this world to the brink of oblivion - we will make your children submit to fascism.
The inclusion of dirty old faggot cock in pre-teen ass is what they really mean.
All gays were molested
We didn't rape them, we didn't mutilate them, we didn't censor their voices, we didn't mentally corrupt them to the point where they start killing other kids, we din't unleash mentally unhinged degenerates on them, we didn't teach them about racial superiority by blaming inferiority of another, we didn't force their parents to split up, we didn't force sex upon them, we didn't corrupt their childhood entertainment with political extremist propaganda, we did not create an unsafe environment where children have to suffer violence, neglect, and sexual abuse by adults.
You're the one protecting and enabling the dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce by psychopathic parasites. And why? Because of your spineless, self-destructive Nihilism, and you panic stricken inability to question the narrative, even if billions have to suffer because of it.
Some jew is trying to pretend gays and trans-fags havent already removed themselves from the gene pool.
Canada as a country pretty much revolves around raping children. The kikes have run its education system for most of a century. Actually, just saying that you're going to avenge the residential schools system is enough to get a kill list and some supplies from the Lakota.
There is a lot of anger towards the kikes in Canada, simmering just under the surface. One more public child abuse scandal of the right nature and it will all crack.
Ok this cuckservative meme is getting out of control.
No, wrong. They choose Fascism as the right and true way to protect themselves and their future progeny from the disgusting degeneracy foisted upon them by their parents and their jew masters.
(((Barry Neufeld)))
>you should cut it off to be (((normal)))
OH also: Reminder that this is all religiously motivated child abuse. Quantifiable religiously motivated child abuse that you can discuss with normalfags at that. Yes jews, but more than that this is part of their mystery religion.
You see Cybel is the wife of El Shadai, Saturn. Cybel was worshiped (and still is) by a priest class of fanatical men who cut off their penises and dressed as women. While various forms of hermaphrodism have existed in religious practice since forever, most, while faggy, are spiritually neutral and about weird meditation. The actual mutilation of one's own body, and specifically the penis, was always done as part of the cult of Cybel. Cybel is often mistaken with Inanna and was overwritten as the 'queen of Heaven' to hide Cybel from popular culture. That's not a tranny dressed up as Inanna to talk to kids in that one photo, he's dressed up as Cybel. Inanna is Venus is Aphrodite is sometimes Lucifer. IE mostly /ourgod/ depending on who you ask.
Call them Cybel worshipers because they are. Make it extremely clear that brainwashing children into mutilating themselves for a sex cult is not, in fact, okay. We are one step away from throwing firstborn sons into a flaming brass bull here people. Red fucking alert.
Ultimately it's more divine female goddess worship, and BC has tons of that shit. Lots of cults where one guy sets up as the pimp daddy and has his 'hoes' engage in sacred prostitution (with his vig of course).
Is he retarded? The (((elites))) are trying to turn kids (white, male ones, anyway) into gays through their propaganda.
Oh wait he's just another kike
No. Don't fucking mix those you idiot.
Ultimately nothing. Stop trying to blur the lines back to Inanna rather than Cybel you fucking kike shill. Get nailed to a tree. Get nailed to a tree in Inanna's name for good measure.
this is your brain on kike.
Who the fuck are you, Schlomo?
Enlighten us, oh educated one.
To those of you stuck in Vancouver…or any other big city for that matter but in this case Vancouver and the Lower Mainland of BC of which Vancouver is just one municipal juridiction;
I lived there all my life. It started out filled with joy and light. Vancouver was a good place in the 1950's and even into the early 60's. There were some very good people there, and not just people in suits but working class people. Richmond back then was Lulu Island and it was Huck Finn paradise. Now it's a strip mall for chinks. Horrible, blasphemous desecration of sacred soil IMO.
People go to Vancouver like it's the promised land, and in the 1930's in the depths of the Depression, it was. BC was ruled over by one of the most enlightened and beneficent political leaders in Canadian history; W.A.C. Bennet, a Social Credit leader. That's right the same Social Credit that Ezra Pound proselytized, as created by the Scot engineer, CE Douglas. Social Credit made BC rich, too rich. The money spoiled it and made it get decadent fast as all the lunatics and degenerates in the land flocked there so that now there's gay pride parades every year with 500,000 people showing up downtown for their depraved festivities despite the pall of disease and death it casts over the entire region.
I made my money there and I got out. I went east, and bought a beautiful house for $300k in a nice town that's one hour from a big city. A house that would cost me $2 million in Vancouver. I'm sitting here so comfy as it snows outside. I never see faggots here, I never see drug dealers here though there are admittedly some. I never see crystal meth addicts here with all their teeth rotting out of their insane faces. Downtown Vancouver turns into Dawn Of The Dead after 4PM every day; office workers can't rush out of the downtown core fast enough to escape these howling insane lunatics; if they have lesions on their faces from taking their poisonous drug you can bet they've got lesions on their brains too, and there's no coming back to sanity once that happens.
I'm telling you Vancouverites that you should, must escape. I drove across Canada to my new lovely home and I saw so many beautiful places across Canada where you could find some way of earning a living.
Lethbridge Alta, Swift Current Saskatchewan, The Eastern Townships, Quebec. Places like that off the beaten track that are peaceful, friendly, AND WHITE. It's 98% white where I live. Do you know how good it makes you feel inside to go to Costco and just see beautiful white people with their little children around them at Costco? You know, normal working people, not some muslim lunatic with his 4 wives bundled up to the eyes in black cloth with his 10 kids, all on welfare. I used to think that I couldn't live without the mountains and the sea. The sea off Vancouver is filthy, loaded with shit from 2 million people, the mountains squeeze you in, cast their shadow on you; you're living in a dark dreadful sinister place.
Escape. Run away. Change your lives for the better.
Three great men, Ezra Pound, WAC Bennett and C.H. Douglas.
El Shadai, called moloch, is Saturn, the god worshiped by our enemy the kikes and their secret religion. This is why the black cube of Saturn is found in all the different shell corporations of their mafia cult, from Christianity to Islam. They are pushing so called transexuality because of their belief that they can use it to destroy the right (masculine) and left (feminine) paths up the tree of life, exemplified in their own plagiarized version of caballa, to catapult themselves up the middle path or path of ascended will and supposedly become as gods themselves. This, along with the legend of Nibiru and Tiamat, is the core of their mystery cult, and has been ongoing for thousands of years, as demonstrated by the cult of Saturn's wife, Cybel, and their predilection for mutilating boys. The cult of the Magdalene in Korea is another front for this practice, as are the Order of the Eastern Star, the sisterhood to black lodge Freemasonry.
Lurk two years, newfag.
Funny, I've known a lot of Daughters of the Eastern Star and they're all old English bags, and they've all got these totally emasculated husbands in tow. Puts that in a different light. I had no idea of their sinister connections.
*left side of the tree is masculine, right side is feminine. My bad. The point is they want to tear down the sides and use us to force them up the middle, instead of taking the wandering path up the whole thing like a real master..
Today, OP made a thread about what a nobody faggot on twitter said…. the state of, /pol
Today, a kike made a comment without reading OP's NEWS ARTICLE.
They're lesbian witches and those are their cuck beards.
So what is Shadilay then?
The goddess just represents the world. They are just devil worshipers, time gods.
and hence the global control grid, force the global population to act as they kikes want and summon satan.
Fellow Couverite. Can confirm Lulu Island was a paradise for small White families. It has gotten so bad in the past 20 years I am on the verge of fucking off to Northern BC.
It's not genetic anyway. 99% of fags were molested or groomed through media. Barry is a boy lover himself worried all fags will start dressing as girls (which isn't attractive to him). A lot of fags are anti trans.
Every word of this excellent post is spot on. I would add only that things are much, much, worse than described; and degrading exponentially at an astonishing rate.
Daily Ash, or Yid Lash, depending on how you want to view it. For most, it's a tongue-in-cheek anagram of the latter. But in all seriousness, the word stems from a song made in the 80's by a group called P.E.P.E., and is used as a celebratory shout for victory, as depicted in the song.
Posting this one since it's my favorite version.
Are trannies literally incapable of existing outside of society? Evidence suggests yes.
This post is subtly Jewish.
It's a form of NLP attack, actually. Likely from a bot.
No. Mormons, drugs (Hutterites), corrupt cops.
Bingo. Cowansville is nice.
How does anybody expect to ascend into mastery without learning the process to do so?
Are you capable of going without food water and shelter? You have your answer.
Oh, forgot to add: this.
The entire place exists on vice and illegality. Drugs, degrading and degenerate sex, but oh look, we're so fucking environmental and the mountains are soooooo nice to look at out of your $1800/month box apartment in Kits. And the fucking cults… many lost souls end up at the western end of the continent and there are lots of predators just waiting to take them in…
Yep. The exonomy runs on drugs, exploitative real estate (owned by Asians), and all forms of degeneracy.
I think he meant transnagenda is targetting weak kids and making sure they can't spread their genes (cut your dick, goylet // mutilate your vagina and get a meat sausage, goylet). To be honest I am pretty fucking happy about weak sodomite faggots not able to reproduce and spread their degenerate genes. The only moment it is immoral is when it is forced upon children that are against it by degenerate munchausen by proxy afflicted parents, these need to be killed and in that case it isn't really eugenics, just murder by forced mutilation.
I know I somehow exaggerate but it's just to illustrate the point
The only problem with that pic is calling SATURN muh satan for no reason.
Hongcouver area resident here. I am only in my 20s and even I can recall being surrounded by White people in White neighbourhoods although I had the luxury of living in what remains one of the more Caucasian areas and attended a school populated by mostly White students (I know Metrotown area was a chink shithole at this time so the same cannot be said of the entire lowermainland). I now live closer to the mountains (moved for work) and must say a simple casual cruise through town is the most depressing and blackpilling thing I can do to myself. I have spoken with longterm residents who said this place made a hard shift into India 2.0 about 15 years ago.
I have lived in Eastern BC and Northern AB briefly and they were still very white when I left, I have considered what you have suggested and I am also considering moving back to Scandinavia. I am only 2nd generation in this shithole country and I despise my grandparents for leaving. I have been working on a plan A, B, C, and D for the past year, none of these strategies involve remaining here. I think the chinks and pajeets have conquered this territory.
Do it, this place gets worse every single day.
I concur. Toronto is already 51% residents non-canadian born, declared most multi-cult city in the world. I am just shocked they beat Vancouver to that title. Horrid.
I agree with all of this. And the housing prices for your tincan of a home keeps rising because CHINA OWNS THIS FUCKING PLACE. They don't even live in the houses they buy. Fucking disgraceful.
But most trans "girls" don't chop off their dicks. I heard Blaire White is "detransitioning" so he can have kids. I thought the sterility was permanent? Disappointing.
Was it a chop or surgical or just hormones? If just HRT it's not necessarily permanent. It could cause damage but it's often reversible.
he's not wrong.
anyone dumb enough to fall for the fag agenda deserves to be sterilized
Just HRT. I had heard prolonged HRT made you sterile but was under the impression it was permanent, I thought that was a fantastic feature (removal from gene pool). Alas, I was mistaken.
Yeah none of these mass dump infographics are perfect. There's always detail lost in the transfer. Like how we're the enemies (the satans) of those who call themselves jews but are not and do lie or how Lucifer/Venus/Aphrodite is ostensibly /ourgod/ like all the planets but all luciferian symbolism is inevitably (((theirs))) because that's just how this stupid game is played.
They put their own crimes on display with names that mock us. It used to be a demoralization tactic until they overplayed their hand. Now they just can't help themselves because of the slightly sexual nature of chutzpah. They also worship our gods themselves in an attempt to corrupt and rewrite them. Language is a very powerful tool. Be mindful how you use these runes.
The entire real estate market is based on Chinese and HA drug money laundering (they like the Baja for that too). The government run ICBC car insurance company was formed to make insuring your car "affordable" for ordinary people. My 13 year old jap scrap hatchback costs $1600 a year to insure and that is with a perfect driving manifest since the day I started driving. In Quebec I pay $400 a year insurance for the same car. ICBC found it had a surplus of $1.6 billion a few years ago…it was getting huge surpluses every year, and so instead of rolling that back to the car owners of BC they spun off a real estate holding company to snap up foreclosed mortgages from idiots that speculated foolishly in the hot but unstable market and then keep them off the market. The main purpose of this holding firm was to give really good jobs of $250k a year to their insider club buddies, but now I'm hearing evil rumors that they're GIVING entire houses to Somali "refugees"….not selling, not renting, not loaning….GIVING houses to those shit nigger peanut heads.
And we forgot to mention "non returnable warrants". Commit a crime anywhere in Canada? And I do mean "any crime", and the judicial system sees this as a big expense for incarceration and trial, so they kick you down the road with a non returnable warrant (ie they won't take you back no matter what) a bus ticket and a bag lunch or some coupons for free tim hortons meals. Think of the Trans Canada Hwy as a digestive tract with Vancouver and Victoria as the anus where all the criminal shit gets pushed.
Source? Haven't heard of this. Sent to Van and Vic from where?
I just told you; from all across Canada, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Onterrible, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta….the trans Canada Hwy is the digestive tract and Vancouver and Victoria and Nanaimo are the anus where the shit ends up.
As for those peanut heads getting $4500 month each for being "refugees" I'm hearing from pretty reliable sources that they are indeed getting houses, (and houses in Vancouver are a minimum $1.8 million now).
You're not going to find a source for this in the main stream media. They're all corrupt lying agents of the system and if they're not then they're probably some drunk old ex pat limey in a dirty rain coat that doesn't know anything but the latest communist party talking points.
I know a lot of cops and senior fire department guys. You can say it's just a wild rumor if you want but stand in line at The Great Canadian Nightmare Store and see the young somali dudes in their hip threads (not work clothes that's for sure) and gold jewelry and I think you'll get the message.
And that's another thing about Vancouver. When do people work there? Go shopping in the middle of a work/school day and every store is packed with adults and students, many in private school uniforms, just goofing off. What the fuck do people DO in Vancouver? There's no real industry there, there's no business there now. The mining industry startups all moved to Toronto. Vancouver is a weird fucking town.
Here ya go; non returnable warrants, from teh mouth of Sauron himself, the CBC
This is because they only will extradite someone from BC for a violent hybrid or indictable offence. It's also a PITA to get a "Canada-wide warrant" because Canada is actually a fake country and they have to do something involving the Channel Islands every time they issue one.
Canada is not a country. It's some kind of private corporation owned by The Crown. Now most official sources will tell you The Crown is some idealized essence of the sovereign state but it's not. It's a secret (and therefore illegal) corporation owned by 300 of the wealthiest families in the world based in the Four Inns of Court in the ancient City of London as distinct from greater London. The City is this tax free haven which is not ruled over by Parliament. The Royal Family is a minor component of The Crown which was apparently established along with the Bank of England in 1695 during the Glorious Revolution. Canadians are not citizens as we would understand that word; we are merely sharecropper farmers here.
I would say "how ironic" since he's a jew, but jews don't do irony. They are sincere in their actions against us.
WTF i love publicly funded fag-sterilization now.
Uh, they weren't reproducing anyway, right (99%)? What's the difference?
Chilliwack is an interesting place, the ones who are calling for his head are vancouverite transplants whom the locals fucking hate to no end given most locals generally speaking will state to you Hitler pretty much did nothing wrong. Why they'd elect one of the biggest coke dealers of the 80's as a mayor is beyond me.
It was more of Trudeau the first who told his degenerate flock to go west due to BC being rich as fuck and potentially splitting off given how W.A.C. started going full NS in his policies and Trudeau being a communist fuck. Oh and not to mention W.A.C. threw aside Douglas's bullshit and never actually went with it given how it utterly failed on the other side of the mountains.
Gregor Robinson used drug money for his food business. And I've heard varying things about Dianne Watts and Rich Coleman being involved in the background of some scenes.
Oh, and Doug Ford was for real one of the biggest hash dealers in Etobicoke at one time. No one seems to care anymore.
IIRC Paul Martin had a few keys on one his ships caught, hidden in the rudder.
wonder if he ever paid off Bob Paulson when he was stationed there at the same time with the mounties
Its a possibility. I'd have to ask my friend there, hes got the dirt on everyone to the point if somehow the ~30 cops they have in that town got Ukraine'd he'd be grand warlord of all the corn.
Bet it has something to do with the fact making money legitimately in leafland hasn't been possible in the last 40 or so years. Can't be a politikike without those grand ad campaigns you dig?
Yep. Let's say there were 500,000 "refugees" getting $4500/month each, which for a family of five is $270,000/year; most working folks can only dream of this level of income (by the way, that's $4500/month each while living rent free). So 500,000 "refugees" getting $4500/month costs taxpayers $27,000,000,000/year. Billions. Insane, right? Except Math doesn't lie; that's what is going on. Now consider the fact that taxpayers are shelling out for not merely 500,000 but at least 2,000,000 of them. Now you do the Math on that. If you are a gainfully employed working adult in Canada, you personally are paying at least $6000/year for this shit. If you make $48,000/year (national average), one out of every eight hours you work is to pay for "refugees". One out of every eight hours. And increasing.
Those refugee payments do not stop; they are not temporary, they don't cease after 3 or 6 or 12 months, no. And the flood of fake refugees increases yearly.
Wake up, Canucks. Wake up.
Bisexuality is pro-Aryan. Traps are great. Full trans is basically becoming a Eunuch. I still think men should be able to identify as women. Reveals the reality of female supremacy nya~
Elite support full trans (becoming a eunuch) because their goal is Aryan population reduction.
Social Credit isn't NDP. It's about not paying interest to the banks on big public works projects. The state is sovereign and can issue sovereign debt to itself interest free. It works; BC Hydro is wildly profitable. The problem came when the NDP (jew communists) got voted in and then later when Bill Bennett, WAC's son got in he forever renounced the fundamental principles of Social Credit and signed a bill that bad BCers would never again self finance public works interest free.
Surreyanon here, I know about the bugchasing and pedo cult, but I'd really like a primer on the others. Its a fascinating thing to me and I'd like to warn other people about the redflags and the tendancies to look out for.
Tall, rich, white, successful; this is mayor Gregor Robinson and his "pop star" girlfriend. I'm 5'8" and no whey I'd be seen with a gook this fugly. Seriously what is this world coming to?
Her mommie is about to be convicted and executed for corruption (she stole about $70-million). She is a natural born criminal. So, I'd say she is a perfect match for Gregor.
He owns some juice company. He gets elected mayor and suddenly Pattison is featuring Gregor's juices on his grocery store shelves.
When he bags outta Vancouver he'll be setting up shop in NY City at $350k a year minimum.
So PC it fucking hurts.
As an American who traveled from Calgary all the way to Toronto and everywhere in between for hockey in the 20th century it just blows my mind to see what Canada has become.
The rural sections are nicer, but there is so much rage bubbling over, but merely distracted by hockey.
I want Trudeau to ban hockey and trigger a massive riot.
The problem is that Canadians won't riot for anything but hockey; then know nothing of politics or economics or anything else…so, must have hockey or no riot.
And there is rage…the rage of spoiled evil children. They all think they deserve a Porsche 911 and if you gave them that they'd wreck it in a year and demand another one.
I was actually there at the riot. It turned people into absolute psychopaths. I can still hear them yelling "Fuck Boston!"
I was actually sitting on the car that was flipped over.
Oohhh so that is why nothing is being done about all the fucking LingLings invading Van. Weak piece of shit.
Ah yes, and who can forget Nathan Kotylak? The son of a surgeon and a head nurse, he tried to set a cop car on fire, came to the riot with a back pack full of fire starting materials, and sexually assaulted an underaged girl caught on video. He never faced any criminal charges, and was allowed to go into the USA to attend university. I'm trying to track his career; doctors sons get to attend med school in Canada for free at taxpayers' expense. It's almost time.
His own girlfriend went online after his tearful apology on national TV and said he was bona fide psychopath, an incurable liar, and that he was enjoying every minute of his fame. I knew a lot of kids like this in Vancouver. And not just poor kids. The rich kids there are actually worse, much much worse. The drug culture with rich kids is that they'll do any drug you give them; they'll even smoke ice.
Raziel, get off Zig Forums
It has to do with what I like to call interdepartmental politics. Saturn/Hades and Saturn/El Shadai/Moloch/Yahweh is the usurper that's essentially in /tg/ terms pulling a Cyric and stealing a godly purview and through his universalist cults Christianity, Islam and Judaism (in a way, at least for the 12 tribes of kikes), he seeks to become the ONLY god.
Just let the demons shoot each other, user. That's how you win at Doom.
Pedophiles, SJWs, kikes, dykes, Antifa, university teachers, video games journalists, certain un-named feminist whores who eat and work at the almost bankrupt five guys, burgers, and fries gets the gas for their ass. Gas.
It wasn't even a few years ago that leftists told independents and rightwingers they would never support trannies, accepted the fact they were mentally ill, and we were a bunch of conspiracy slippery slope fallacy nutters. What now? Everything, literally everything we said turned out to be true.
This is the fucking NUCLEAR RED PILL that comes out of this, many anons here don't even know it. Especially all you fucking newfags that need to LURK TWO YEARS.
LOL, this. I "live" in Canada but 99% of my work (online) is US-based. They just don't pay people enough here (((unless)))…
You get the rope first, faggot.
Pretty much.
Pardon the source for the link but it really give a peek into the mindset:
You want to eliminate faggotry, well, then take all this modern surveillance equipment we have for banks and criminals on bail and apply it to babies. Also get rid of all masons (pic related).