But for this one lets, make it special, after researching this topic, I have concluded that there are not 1, but two, white races, One of which were part of these Ancient Aryans the other not,
The first race of Indo Europeans, with a different skull shape to the second race, stayed in their Indus European Part of the World
The Other White race however, the Proto European race, The Paleo European race, appears all over the world, From Ancient Meso Amerika to Scandinavia,¨
See guys? christianity is incompatible with any form of pro-white values because they exterminate whites in europe but convert niggers and tribals in the new world.
Joseph Bailey
OP is a swedish christian Jew SAGE his threads
Jack Turner
does map related mean beaners are aryan bros?
Aaron Reed
(((esoteric))) despacitos were once part of an Aryan empire
Jayden Ward
Ancient Beaners had White Paleo European Rulers over them, but are beaners aryan`?
I would say no, for a beaner is mixed
Aryan is hard to say, if they were, for the term aryan comes from the mountan ararat in the middle east, of which the Indo Europeans are centered at,
When pizarro reached peru he wrote in his journals of a caste of white skinned blonde haired peoples at the top of the inca's society and yes there are red-haired and blonde mummies. Solutrean hypothesis is real, we where there first, those fucking indians just lived among white-built ruins.
Bentley Moore
not much as changed
Cooper King
sage this 4cuck shill
Zachary Sanchez
I don't know if it is ancient Ayrans or not, but more and more stuff like Göbekli Tepe are popping up, showing evidence of an ancient, relatively advanced civilization (or more than 1) capable of building such sites. Tepe is at least 12,000 years old and made during a time when man was supposedly hunter gatherers still. Just like now where you still have more primitive people alongside modern hwites, I have no doubt there were hunter gatherers in the area at the time alongside whatever relatively advanced civilization was there as well. I bet there are a ton of these in countries where these potential sites were mostly destroyed, either by later peoples or natural disasters or simply inaccessible due to being violent sand nigger nations. There is also strong pushback by archeologists who spent their careers with a single model of history and don't want their work completely revised, as well as powerful (((merchants))) who don't want this info getting out that would make white people have even more history while also expanding the scope of history of modern civilization to the point where the hollohoax and such look like less and less of a blip in history.
Robert Sanchez
Benjamin Gray
Nicholas Sanders
EXCELLENT IDEA OP! The aryan race, is the true chosen race. Probably descendet from the gods!
"The swastika is also the symbol of odin! This means: our race must be eternal! The feathered serpent is depicted as ningishzida in former mesopotamia, which clearly resembles the human DNA! " >stormfront.org/forum/t1258837/
""DNA testing of the baby Paracas was conducted in the Lakehead University lab in Canada, as well as two other labs in the United States. The results that came back showed only one discernible haplogroup present, that of U2e1. This haplogroup is not associated with Native Americans, but WITH proto-Germanic and proto-Balto-Slavic speakers! "" >hiddenincatours.com/dna-results-elongated-skulls-paracas-part-1-4-baby/
" New genetic, archeological, and linguistic research has demonstrated that the supposedly "discredited" Aryan Race Theory may have been right after all. This theory argued that fair-haired, light-eyed Nordic agriculturalists, having tamed the horse and invented the wheel, conquered most of Europe, much of the Middle East and Northern India thousands of years ago, bringing with them the family of languages that used to be known as Aryan, and are now known as Indo-European, spoken from Ireland to India. " >atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2014/05/scientific-research-on-aryans.html
"Yet the signs exits all over the globe that there was once a technologically advanced society in prehistory that may have been even more advanced than the modern world. From great architectural achievements, the likes of which we cannot mimic with even our “advanced” technologies of today, to unexplainable ancient written accounts, and artistic depictions of what appear to be technologies that we have only “rediscovered” during our modern era. Things like controlling electricity, advanced aeronautics and astronautics, and terrible weapons the likes of which we have only witnessed with the invention of the atomic bomb."
"Easter Island, the Nazca Lines, Ollantaytambo and pyramids of Giza are just a handful of important ancient megalithic sites that are perfectly aligned to one another across the world and they make what some call The Great Circle.
Additionally, within just 1 degree of this great circle, we also find the ancient city of Petra, the Richat Structure, Machu Picchu, Cuzco, The Oracle at Siwa, the Sumerian city of Ur, the Angkor temples in Cambodia. Is this just a mere coincidence or were the ancients trying to tell us something?"
"Scientists and oceanographers cannot rest when it comes to the mystery of this strange object discovered in the depths of the sea about five years ago. . It has already become famous as the “Baltic UFO,” and it continues to be investigated.
When, at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, at a depth of 87 meters, a strange object of a roundish shape with a diameter of about 60 meters was discovered with the help of sonar, everyone — “from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes” — became interested in the discovery.
"The ruins correlate with the Pleiades… in orientation and with the biggest stone circle also correlating with the biggest star Alcyone. Note the area on the map at the top of the image with a question mark. This is where I believe an original circle once existed instead of in the position of point ‘E’ (an enclosure that is square and not circular but is made up of 4 megalithic stone pillars). For now, let us accept point ‘E’ as representing the star correlation since it is an enclosure and it holds 4 substantial stone pillars (blue). "
Gavin Price
I smell bullshit. Aryan means "noble" and "shining one". All europeans are aryans. Iran is literally land of the aryans (with lots of arab mud blood mixed in it, due to conquest and islamisation)
North india caste system is, because aryan were the white ruling class who did not want to mix with the untouchables.
Jackson Hill
OP isn't lying for once. When we follow the migration routes we come to the conclusion the Nords are the true Jews of the Talmud. Specifically the Swedes who invaded the the British isles and now rule the United Kingdom.
Show me one shred of legitimate proof that Rome was somehow founded and made great by blond haired, blue eyed folk when all the major players had dark hair and eyes. Caesar himself relates in his own words how alien the Romans found the Nordics to be in appearance and complexion when they first came across them. Augustus' statue was painted with brown hair and eyes; we know this from spectral analysis of the paint itself. Roman citizens were routinely depicted with the same over the course of centuries.
The Romans destroyed themselves, as any decent historian of the late Empire will tell you. The Nordics simply squatted in the ruins because they were so lacking in their ability to form basic infrastructure at the time that even the ruins of another people were preferable to their huts and disparate villages (lol). Not to mention the fact that Nordics readily adopted Roman culture and alphabet to replace their own.
Andrew Clark
You aren't Aryan. You're just Anatolian farmer + Euro hunter-gatherer mutt, conquered by small band of steppe men (Y-DNA R1 males) during bronze age.
Y-DNA P (asia/oceania) -> Y-DNA P1 (asia) → Y-DNA R (asia/siberia) -> small band of R1 men conquer Europe in Bronze age.
In other words, Y-DNA R & it's ancestors (Y-DNA P) were Asian/Mongoloid, who fucked their way into western eurasia, or else you would still be Y-DNA I & J like your middle eastern siblings.
lol you are wrong The early R haplogroup bearers were caucasoids, similar to modern North-Europeans Similar with haplogroup Q, the early haplogroup Q carriers were also caucasoids Haplogroup N is connected with North-Siberian admixture and Haplogroup O with the South-East-Asian admixture Haplogroup C became dominant in the Mongols, who are in fact North-Siberians + South-East-Asians docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sWho8prlNag21VuwWlVaAT8tRzYPSBljSStqzdNNI4g
Parker Foster
P still derives from K, thus from IJK, which is arguably west Eurasian R1b-L754 and R1a-M459, both basal to all of the R1b and R1a in the world, were both in Europe more than 10k years ago among people closest to modern Euros(WHG and EHG)
Carson Rivera
Nope. Y-DNA P*, P1, P2 all exist in Asians/Oceanians untainted, they're auDNA is pure East Eurasian, unlike Europe who is are mutt between West Eurasia & Basal. Asians have no Basal unlike Europeans/Mideast.
None of R's ancestral haplogroups exist in Europe cuz you NEVER carried it, Europe was a sinkhole/receiver.
Just cuz Mongoloid R males humped smelly West Eurasian women does not make them Cuckasian, it makes their descends (you) smelly Cuckasian.
t. IJK rape baby unless you carry asian specific downstream mutations of C you are a west Eurasian rapechild, sorry
Christian Ramirez
also, ANE is modeled as mostly west Eurasian(Sunghir-like) with minority east Eurasian ancestry, and was closest to modern west Eurasians, thus you are categorically wrong
confirmed for clueless nigger it is equally related to WHGs and east Asians, and only slightly more related to Asians than modern Euros due to basal Eurasian in the latter his branch of K is extinct and he left no progeny, confirmed by the fact that no admixture graph ever takes him as a source
First, it is closer to West-Eurasians than to East-Eurasian populations Secondly, ANE is not ancestral to European population, it shares DNA with Europeans ANE included Amerindian (equal to Siberian) and South-Asian admixture which was not found in the later Yamna samples (at least not in that proportion)
Cameron Moore
Keep dreaming, it wont take away your stink gene, and you're neither steppe Indo-European or pure WHG, but a product of mass rape with no native identity.
showing your massive inferiority complex is not an argument I can understand that being completely outclassed by west Eurasians in each and every aspect as well as being humiliated multiple times by the various European explorers killing you by the thousands and subjecting you to their culture must still hurt
Europeans have large amount of IE ancestry(reaching 50% in north Europe), certainly more than some inferior subhuman like you who is forced to use their language without even sharing a bit of ancestry, can't imagine being part of such pathetic race
P were not mongoloid either, the recently sampled individuals from upper paleolithic NE Siberia carrying P1 were mostly west Eurasians as well keep coping
are you mentally ill or what? it's 50% autosomal ancestry from the earliest Yamnaya males ok, you are mentally retarded or trolling, end of the discussion ANE is still closer by IBD sharing to Euros than to any neotenized shitskin manlet mongoloid from east Asia, see
Liam Johnson
Y-DNA P and R inherited via Mongolid male ancestry. Your barrel necked, smelly women were just a conquest, and you are product of that conquest.
You'll never be Indo-European cuz you were just a conquered WHG mutt.
yup, confirmed asian your Tianyuan-like subhuman ancestors are the ones raped by mostly west Eurasian-like peoples carrying Y-DNA P1, cope
David Ross
Germanic is a linguo-cultural group not a race, teutons are nordic by extent you retarded fucking moron
Jeremiah Roberts
All Haplogroups come from Northern India you retard Haplogroup P was found in North India/Central-Asia Haplogroup R was found in Siberia/Central-Asia DNA analysis show that majority of Modern Europeans have no Asian admixture
If R1b was introduced by the Yamnaha like tribes, why is R1a not the dominant haplogroup in Western Europe, but R1b? Conversely, why is R1b found in such small, if found at all, frequencies in Eastern Europe and places as far as India, where the R1a Indo Europeans had a huge impact on the genetic make up of the population, with Brahmin being majority R1a?
My hypothesis is that Mal’ta and his culture boy were indeed the progenitors of both R1b and R1a, but that R1b crossed over into Northern America via Beringia and, via the ice bridge between Europe and Northern America, entered Europe. I am indeed describing a more or less reverse Solutrean hypothesis.
Cooper Allen
Yamnaya were ~100% R1b, not R1a both R1b and R1a were already in Europe >10k years ago, R1b as west as south France among WHG foragers with small ANE and as east as the Latvia, R1a never more west than Ukraine among EHGs with high ANE Yamnaya itself had no R1a as far as the record goes given that both ultimately relate to groups linked to ANE, it's not that surprising that different elites succeeded with similar but slightly different lineages, and these different elites are also related to the differences in language among western IE speakers like Italo-Celts and Germanic to a degree, and eastern ones it's very similar with I1/I2 in north/south Europe, or J1/J2 in west asia I2 was the majority lineage among north European foragers in the mesolithic, then I1 took over likely due to some powerful elite succesfully incorporating itself with steppe newcomers while R1b perhaps represented the early successful IE elites, who managed to spread west first(due to military superiority, but also due to the plague hitting neolithic farmers hard in the west, leaving lots of space available), I think they simply eventually got took over by their R1a cousins, thus R1b losing its majority in the east
the modern one does, indeed, but L754, which is ancestral to M269, was already in Iboussieres and Villabruna, as well as Latvia and all over the Balkans, which may be the area where Yamnaya got R1b after all before re-expanding west much later on with its downstream clades ancient DNA proves that R1b in Europe need not be that recent, even if the current subclades arrived from the steppe "recently" if I recall correctly one mesolithic Romania_HG with R1b was quite rich in EHG ancestry
Jack King
Romania MHGs didn't show any EHG admixture (at least in this sample) Villabruna and Iboussieres didn't also show up any EHG admixture
Looks like Romania M/N had some EHG admixture but it is still very low I guess that other researches have put this higher because they have generally put the EHG admixture as Karelia/Samara HG, which in this one is 50% WHG, 50% EHG
CONSIDER THIS: (lazy, so insert Hitlerized version of black guy going "no, no, no" to the first one, "yes yes yes" to the second one, using only "feels body language".jpg)
It is much preferred to have a superiority of function over some base phenotypical form that may or may not support such a function. Within that frame, it is more important to have a common set of spiritual values than it is to have a superior cognitive apparatus. Within that frame, it is better to be an ingenious saint/hero than a normal or retarded one (I'm following the "slope" of Schopenhauer's metaphysics and morals, with which I largely agree).
Solution: Genetic engineering and re-engineering of best available specimens, to be gradually gathered into a pool available for this purpose by proactive social engineering processes (now that the Rubicon has been crossed completely in these regards), so that the "True Aryan Race" can be reconstituted using a map comprised of the best aspects of both form and function available today. Exclude any procreative processes in this regard except where it can be shown to "tangentially approach" an ideal asymptote. That creates a base stock upon which to further modify and select. These are expected to perform in real world events and evaluated for further relevance to the continued project of racial development. They are not to be treated as guinea pigs, but as prized specimens who are the primary configuration parameters for the new racial matrix.
This is also the antidote to the cybernetic mogrel phantasies of the filthy enemies.
You don't actually believe this shit do you? The pictures of the man with the X-ray'd skull are the same photo, but one is stretched out. A lot of the pictures are stretched out or squashed quite obviously. It doesn't matter if they are "different races" or not. They're both white/European. Stop this D&C bs.
WE WUZ ATLANTIS Sage for dumb fucking troll thread.
Easton Foster
FALSE Aside from Haplogroups E and A not being genetically related in the slightest, paleo europeans are mostly not mixed. The mongolian people have been in the Americas for ~10k years, thus, they have been in Eurasia for much longer. Why haven't they become Nordic Gods ? Because they have a diet rich in fish that sustains their vitamin d levels; their body does not need to convert colesterol in the skin into vitamin d via the sun for them to survive, thus, they stay brown-skinned. Unless the north coast European people didn't eat fish for thousands of years, they are light skinned because they are native to the land and are not descendents of any browneyes; they evolved to lose their hair like all pre-human hominids and simply weren't exposed to the sun like others who didn't live in glacial Europe.
Alexander Taylor
That white race cherrypicking stuff is stupid, Like, the German borders were once covering Polish, French, hell, even Roman ones, you think they didn't fuck?
Adrian Wood
Oh look, it's the jew who pretends to be a Swede so he can dump his snownigger folder on a VPN.
Funny how these threads started popping up the moment people started getting bored of the near constant Sweden YES threads.
Noah Young
Proto Europeans were those nigger looking people like Cheddar Man. Indo-Europeans had blue eyes and lighter skin akin to peoples coming out of West Central Asia. The term 'Aryan' derives from what the Indo-Europeans called themselves (the name of Iran is linguistically related to this). Speech of an Indo-European language is evident of Indo-European heritage. This includes Kurds, Persians, and Northern Indians along with Meds and Nords.
Josiah Robinson
Maybe you mean Paleo- ? Indo-europeans are dark featured as they came from the warmer climate in Anatolia. they are what Iberians and other meds are mostly.
Benjamin Bell
Actually, my friend, we didn't lose our hair, it's just significantly shorter and thinner for most of our bodies. For instance, we still possess the same number of hair follicles as our other primate relatives.
Ayden Stewart
i think these people who believe in a fantasy realm are harmless but the info about paleoeuropeans is largely irrelevant because it's only one expression of life that has a predecessor, ad infinitum, unless one chooses a deity. the real fun is then the expressions, since it's life.
choosing to live after death in a heaven implies you want to cease to exist in the body you are, and so what is life to you and what is consciousness, and then the idea of free will and the subject of the soul.
as long as everyone lives with respect to one another, there should be friendly relations, as per morality.
the planet is everyone's because to say otherwise will invoke extemporal bias on behalf of contemporal stasis, which is impossible because time exists and i am an observer.
Colton Gonzalez
The Aryans of the Rigveda
Rig Veda references to the Aryans as being blondes
>"With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard. When the sweet juice is shed he seeks the pleasant place, and stirs the worshipper as wind disturbs the wood." Indra - 10.23.4
>"At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress." Indra - 10.96.8
>"O Lord of all men, fair of cheek, rejoice thee in the gladdening lauds, Present at these drink-offerings." Indra - 1.9.3
>"He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Simyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters." Indra - 1.100.18
Indra - 1.101.1
According to the Rigveda, the leader of the "Aryan invasion" was one Indra, and his role in ‘slaying the Dasyus’ (the Negroids in India, the Dravidians) is prominent:
>"Thou, Indra, art the destroyer of all the cities, the slayer of the Dasyus, the prosperer of man, the lord of the sky."''' Rigveda, Book 8, Indra 87.6 (8.LXXXVII.6) [ Muir I.175 ]
>"Indra, the slayer of Vrittra, the destroyer of cities, has scattered the Dasyu (hosts) sprang from a black womb." * Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 20.6 (2.XX.7) [ Muir I.174 ]
>"He was praised for destroying "the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 34.9 (III.34.9) [ Anna. 114 ]
>"the thunderer who bestowed on his white friends the fields, bestowed the sun, bestowed the waters." ** Rigveda, Book 1, Indra 100.18 (I.C.18) [ Anna. 114 ]
>"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." *** Rigveda, Book 1, Indra 130.8 (I.CXXX.8) [ Anna.114 ]
The Aryans viewed the black skin (Krishnam Vacham [Sanskrit]), Dravidians, distastefully and with abhorrence:
>"Black skin is impious" (Dasam varnam adharam [Sanskrit]) **** Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 12.4 (2.XXII.4) [ Muir Pt.I, p.43, II, p.284, 323 etc. ] >[ Anna. 114 ff ]
>"the swarthy skin which Indra hates." Rigveda, Book 9, Soma Pavamana 73.5 (9.LXXIII.5) [ Griff ]
>"the black skin, the hated of Indra" Rigveda, Book 9, Soma Pavamana [ RgV.IX.73.5 ] - don't know the translation Kemp is using as it is above by Griffith. Kemp page 65
>"the vile Dasyan colour." * Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 20.7, 12.4 (2.XX.7, 2.XII.4) [ Anna. 115 ]
Noah Johnson
The Aryans of the Rigveda
The Aryans were referred to as driving the Dravidians away:
>"He, self-reliant, mighty and triumphant, brought low the dear head of the wicked Dāsa." Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 20.6 (2.XX.6) [ Griff: book 2, hymn XX Indra, 6 ]
>"Active and bright have they come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls, driving the black skin far away." Soma Pavamana - 9.41.1
>The sacrificer poured out thanks to his god for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." [ Rg.V. II.20.7, II.12.4 ] [ Anna. 115 ]
>"O'er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men, Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra hates." Soma Pavamana - 9.73.5
>"stormy gods who rush on like furious bulls and scatter the black skin."… "the black skin, the hated of Indra" will be swept out of heaven. [ RgV.IX.73.5 ]
>"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." [ Rg.V. I.130.8 ] [ Anna.114 ] as below?
>"[Indra] made the impious varna of the Dāsas lower and hidden." [ RV. II.12.4 ]
Indra - 4.16.13
>"One car-wheel of the Sun thou rolledst forward, and one thou settest free to move for Kutsa. Thou slewest noseless Dasyus with thy weapon, and in their home o'erthrewest hostile speakers." ("Noseless Dasyus" would suggest a reference to flat nosed Negroid types) Indra - 5.29.10
>"Thou, a hero, a benefactor, hast impelled the character of man; victorious, thou hast burnt up the rite-less Dasyu, as a vessel is consumed by a blaze" [ RgV. I.175.3 ] [ Muir I.174 ]
[ RgV I.83.3 ] [ S+T.365 ]
>"He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Simyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters." Indra - 1.100.18
Indra - 1.101.1
>"Armed with his bolt and trusting in his prowess he wandered shattering the forts of Dasas. Cast thy dart, knowing, Thunderer, at the Dasyu; increase the Arya's might and glory, Indra." Indra - 1.103.3
Indra - 1.103.4
Dominic Fisher
Brandon Jackson
Reject the abrahamtic poison! The bible is made up from older babylonian sources. Genesis is Sumerian/babylonian. Rest of old testament is a semitic horror story. New testament/Jesus is based on older scripts (Mithras, Krishna, Buddha)
Embrace our true Roots The serpent is a symbol for gods DNA. The fallen Angels were Aryans, that created the ARYAN men, by giving them their DNA! Serpent = Ourobouros = Eternity = God = The Swastika = the swastika is a symbol for eternity and god = our Aryan Blood!
God lives in our aryan blood, so protect it by all means possible.
retarded nigger ane afontova gora the part what europeans belong too is 85% west eurasian in k 7 10% south asian and 5% east asian and even ane maltaboy has nothing to with mongoloid he was 55% european ,30% south east asian ,and 15% east asian
im with the movile,here are the indo european tribes that spread all around the world ,sintashta andronovo…. and all of them cluster with current europeans
as you can see ancient north eurasian cluster very close to western hunter hunter gatherer especially afontova gora that didnt have that plus of australasian ancestry,that why they cluster closer ,australasian cluster near asian that the reason
ANE malta boy was the mix of euro hg and south asian hg ANE afontova gora the linage that conqured the world was 85% european hg that would mix with whg to conquer the world
Julian Garcia
the closest living people to ANE afontova gora and eastern hunter gatherers are latvians
you are confusing ane afontova gora with malta boy and yes nordic are around 50% aryan but from the pure ane afontova gora with a bit of chg
Gabriel Bailey
except western hunter gatherers had the biggest brain volume of any race that exited outside of neandhertals 1600ccc ,yamnaya(aryans) around 1470 ccc and it doent matter both were genetic brothers nothing to do with mongoloids