Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology
In Corpus Christi, the chemical was dropped from airplanes over large swathes of city. In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use.
Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack.
'It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,' Professor Martino-Taylor said.
However, Professor Martino-Taylor believes the documents she's uncovered, prove the zinc cadmium silfide was also mixed with radioactive particles.
She has linked the St Louis testing to a now-defunct company called US Radium. The controversial company came under fire, and numerous lawsuits, after several of its workers were exposed to dangerous levels of radioactive materials in its fluorescent paint.
Pretty sad actually. This is also why accelerationism is a meme. There is no level of injustice, harm, etc. people aren't willing to put up with as long as they have their lemming fixes.
And there are still fucking faggot who says that the government would never hurt its own people… And deny the existence of a lot of conspiracy just with it. Fucking military faggot not understanding shit.
Brayden Walker
Hudson Long
Adam Carter
This is one of the most retarded shit ever. In my country, they were explaining on national TV (in the 90) that some farmers got together and funded planes to spread chemicals in the sky, to kill cumulonimbus and thus protecting their crops. They're still doing it to protect the most important site like airports. Obviously, they're using it near military bases to cover themselves from satellites (not absolutly sure, but that's entirely feasable).
Yesterday, before the whole PSYOPS on conspiracy theorists, it was freely talked in specialized literature/between professionnals. It was even advertised on some national website of developing countries. It's just that today, with internet, we can share and talk between each other, and thus these kind of information are not closed in academic ground nor professional ground anymore.
But for every of this, nothing new.
Michael Jones
Quit making assumptions.
Dylan Sullivan
You can call me a shill all you want but they certainly don't try to use cloudbusting tech near airbases, lightning within 5 is a bitch and happens all the fucking time.
Noah Watson
It's fucking stunning. Some people seem so broken that they get off on being lied to. When you're in a dark place and think that not everyone is worth saving or fighting for, get fucking angry. It's the kikes that broke them like this. We may not be able to save everybody, but we will avenge them all.
Jason Bennett
It's not just America. I've seen chemtrails in several different countries.
Andrew Garcia
Poisoning americans? Perish the thought! :^) These kikes really have been busy, haven't they?
I shouldn't laugh, especially living as I do in Detroit, but for years I have wondered what the hell is wrong with St Louis, they seem to have way more problems than they should. And now it turns out the government was secretly testing weapons on them.
Cameron Foster
But user, it's true the government would never hurt its own people. Israel would never be sprayed with radioactive particles.
Jacob Bailey
Cloud seedind and terraforming for the suicide cult depopulation agenda.
Don't lose hope user; thanks to the internet ALL of their secrets eventually leak, and thanks to the internet we never forget. Justice will return and Justice will not be blind when it does return.
Aiden Richardson
As does every western nation.
Luke Martin
DDT is a xenoestrogen. It's super soy.
Liam Smith
What some of those secrets might be disturbs me greatly.
Jacob Carter
The internet isn't invulnerable, user. It might not ever forget, but all it took was a big-ass anchor being dragged across a cable to disable it a few years back.
Jackson Thomas
That's why anons are crying over the James (((Bloom))) verdict. When everything about it was a psyop from to finish. From the usual suspects arranging the event, the staged blockade where the accident happened, the police helicopter crash, to the preordained verdict of the jury.
I'm a landscape photographer and other landscape photographers are very easy to redpill on this, especially if they're over 40 or so. In the old days contrails would be short and disappear continuously behind the plane shortly after they appear, making them look like little tails trailing behind the jet. You'd wait for the jet to be out of your scene and then take the photo. After the spraying programs really kicked into high gear their formulations wouldn't disappear any more and they would hang there and spread out into a sickly oily looking cloud that sometimes produced rainbow halos around the sun if it was behind them. Of course these days it's easiest to point out the spraying planes when you catch them at about the same altitude as a non sprayer, and you can point out the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail directly.
Anybody who doesn't believe in chemtrails is either a retard who never looks up, or a government shill.
Ian Smith
I know someone who was an executive accountant that worked for Monsanto HQ in saint louis, if only you knew how bad things really are, he told me a story about how a team was sent to find the end of a toxic chemical leak trail, and of course it was ultimately dripping into a school playground.
Alexander Kelly
Aw I remember the first time I saw two planes that looked the same and same size (altitude) and only one of them was leaving a trail. Good times.
Zachary Butler
No you aren't. This is a lie you're telling to try to make the rest of what you're typing seem authentic.
No they didn't.
You can watch any WW2 footage of high altitude bomber flights with fighter escorts or no, and the trails go on as far as you can see with prop-driven planes.
I believe you believe you saw that.
Adrian Cooper
At least it was in, and probably mostly is in nigger and beaner infested shit-holes since decent white people got chased out of major urban areas decades ago.
I filmed this today and it happens quite often. I usually observe clear blue skies in the morning, or a completely gray and overcast day without any sign of the sun, and then they spray heavily when the sun sets to block out the sun and create an artificial cloud front. When they spray really heavily like this, it is almost guaranteed to rain in the next couple of days. I have so much footage of them modifying the weather and blocking out the sun, but no one gives a shit. I can't do anything but film it and tell people about it, but then I'm ridiculed. I am a physically fit person, and after being outside earlier, my body is in pain and I'm pretty sure it's from this shit.
Another 505 user? Bye golly! saw your video on jewtube fam We should rile the natives up over this shit. It would be like standing rock only better.
Tyler Sullivan
Ok so I make this thread yesterday now glow niggers are dropping more chemicals on the goy today.
"Mystery radar blips appear over Illinois and Kentucky and nobody knows why"
A local TV meteorologist tweeted out that an unnamed pilot at the Evansville Regional Airport in Indiana said the fog was chaff – radar-jamming material sometimes released during training exercises – from a military C-130 aircraft.
"Information from a pilot appears to confirm that chaff was the mysterious radar echo that traversed #tristatewx late Monday afternoon/evening. Pilot was told by EVV Air Traffic Control that chaff was released by a military C130 northwest of Evansville. @NWSPaducah," WEHT-TV meteorologist Wayne Hart tweeted.
Whenever the subject of chemtrails comes up you get NPCs screaming All you have to fucking well do is stop for a moment and look up to witness the same sites you've filmed here.
I don't know whether the establishment use technology like in the movie They Live or something but the everyday NPC goy is so completely in love with their masters it seems unlikely they will ever shake themselves out of this deep hypnosis
they will not. on this subject in particular, as it allows retards with one or two science courses under their belt – which they still retain bits of information from – to assert themselves socially over you. either in a group or one-on-one, you'll be met with waves of scorn from people who for once get to pretend they understand a subject more than others. then they go back to work making robocalls.
Jeremiah Perez
Atmospheric pressure changes. When it’s good pressure to create coulds contrails stay visible much longer, especially when there is low wind.
I don’t doubt that the government did what is reported in OP’s post but you have failed to show any real evidence of spraying. We understand contrails and when and how they form and everything you shared is consistent with that. You really need to learn more so that you don’t make real government experiments sound like crazy talk.
Alexander Cruz
This is a counter measure for radar locking missiles. It’s probably not healthy for you but since it’s matterial is classified we wouldn’t know. The military cares about effectiveness not health so there’s a good chance it would cause cancer in high enough dosses, which may be very small amounts. Don’t live near where things like this are reported and minimize time outside if you notice it.
Military planes should be more obvious though. Also note how the mist is not trailing the engines. It’s fundamentaly different than most chemtrail pictures.
Leo Anderson
Is that white thing in the top left a UFO? seems really out of place.
If you get a spectrometer like I did you'll find the main absorption lines show as barium oxide.
Josiah Robinson
Cameron Peterson
I'm from St. Louis and my dad died of a brain tumor in 1981 caused by some kind of exposure. I always wondered if there was a connection, but I don't know enough to conclusively connect the dots.
Read what I said again nigger. I said it’s probably jot healthy, but since the exact composition is classified we can’t possibly know. It’s obvious that the military does not give a shit if it’s hazardous or not so it should be avoided. You’re actually retarded if you think that point aomehow makes me Jewish.
Lincoln Anderson
Why did Op show a picture of condensation trails in his post about chem trails? Even an idiot can see it's jet exhaust.
Fucking retard. First picture is the Boeing Flight test water ballast system. See the orange wire? They use Orange wire so that it can be easily spotted to verify all the flight test wire is removed when the airplane is refurbed. The other two pictures are the Airbus water ballast system.
this is why it has been foggy as fuck (it's mostly smog) the middle atmosphere is being heated using this metallic spray and it traps the lower atmosphere
The fuck they don't. They spray over Edwards everyday. I know, because I've laid on the side of the mountain watching them.
Ryan Cooper
If i comment in this thread, will i be in le database?
anyway, i have a sensitive nose and can actually smell the air when the spray is visible, smells chemically, and stale.
But they aren't totally without mercy, for some 'funny' reason they seem to not like spraying on sunday. Coincidence? Hehe..
Brayden Williams
360 degrees brings you right back to where you started.
Hudson Foster
Just a decade ago any conversation about chemtrails would get you labeled as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Not just the intentional dumping of hazardous chemicals by the military kind of chemtrails but also vapor trails, fuel dumping, and general large volumes of exhaust easily seen coming from the back of jet engines.
Now if you do not accept "global warming" and the criminalization of the use of all fuel burning engines you get ostracized as as a global warming denier, face political and social blowback, and labeled a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Anyone not on board with global warming agenda are viewed as wanting to "kill the planet".
The change in the last decade or two from being labeled crazy for believing that large volumes of jet exhaust, fuel dumping, and vapor trails forming clouds over highly populated areas was not a good thing to if you do not accept that YOU are personally responsible for the DEATH OF THE PLANET for not accepting global warming and carbon tax agenda while the hyper bias media and politicians scream at you for not wanting to pay a carbon tax has been interesting to say the least.
Harvard Scientists Are Really Launching a Sun-Blocking Geoengineering Experiment
If we're not going to stop climate change by reducing emissions, then we're going to have to engineer some outlandish way to save civilization—that's the basic logic behind geoengineering, which researchers in certain circles have been talking up for the past ten-plus years. Now, somebody's actually going to try it, at least as a small-scale test.
One of these wild ideas is to fill the atmosphere with particles that block some sunlight from getting through. Harvard scientists are about to launch a small amount of these particles into the stratosphere in a test to be held next year.
The weird-sounding idea has actual roots in history and science. In 1991, the volcano Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines, sending millions of tons of ash and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. This layer of particulates actually lowered global temperatures by almost a full degree Fahrenheit for the following two years.
If one volcano can have such a dramatic effect on the global climate, can an artificial eruption have the same effect? Researchers speculated that by filling the atmosphere with a similar level of particulates—while skipping the lava and explosions, of course—they might be able to reduce global temperatures enough to halt or delay some of the more severe consequences of climate change.
Of course, that’s a pretty big if. Messing with the climate, though unintentionally, is what got us into this mess, and by this point, humanity should have learned that even small changes can have drastic and wide-reaching consequences. In particular, one study published last year found that spraying particulates into the atmosphere around the Gulf of Mexico could trigger droughts in sub-Saharan Africa.
This upcoming test by Harvard researchers won’t have anywhere near that kind of effect, fortunately. The test consists of a high-altitude balloon that will fly several miles into the atmosphere and release less than a pound of calcium carbonate—a less harmful alternative to the sulfur dioxide produced by volcanoes—and then spend about a day flying through the resulting cloud to measure its effects. The purpose of this test is to figure out exactly how the substance behaves so scientists can build more accurate simulations.
But chances are, that even with more accurate data the simulations will tell scientists what many of them already suspect: altering the earth’s climate is risky and carries a lot of side effects. More research and better simulations might let us find less dangerous ways to dim the sun, but any such experiment will always have a chance of making things worse.
Nobody's disputing the existence of contrails, mr (1) shill.
limited hangout
Logan Anderson
Seems everyone who believes in chem trails will show pictures of flight test ballast tanks, contrails, fire fighter tanks, and fuel dumps as "proof". But all it proves is that the user is either a (((disinformation shill))) or was made a fool.
Wyatt Myers
Tbh I never got this supposed controversy. I detest this strange term "chemtrails". It's simply atmospheric and geoengineering, practiced on a wide scale since AT LEAST the Sochi olympics. Treating this emerging high-tech engineering field as some kind of conspiracy (from BOTH side, affirmers as well as debunkers) always struck me as asinine.
Justin Myers
Chemtrails are obvious to anybody who has seen a contrail though. All you have to do is look up.
Charles Hernandez
contrails follow behind the plane, disappearing a little ways back. chemtrails stay for much long than the plane, you'll notice multiple at once in the sky but no planes. if you watch these "contrails" they spread out into wispy clouds they're legally allowed to experiment on the masses if it's deemed good for our health
Nathan Thomas
Why do shills even try to shill these days? Especially against things like chemtrails who anybody can observe? Kinda kills the whole plan with over-shilling.
Jose Bailey
Go back recruiting antifags on Zig Forums, glownigger.
Nice argument there kike. There are many patents detailing the mechanisms of these processes and the kikes are laughing at us. A thin film of metal particles that cause rapid temperature change, then water coagulates on the surface. Cloudseeding. But of course they have a lot more sophisticated models and whatnot.
Maybe some of those are, but still FUCKING LEARN THAT IF YOU HAVE A HAMMER NOT EVERYTHING IS A NAIL That's why you are full of shit to me.
Zachary Smith
Argument 101
Brayden Cook
Ron Wyden's a cuck and probably a commie but he's been trying to warn everybody about chemtrails and other weird weapons for decades.
Mason King
And again: EVEN THE WORST CHEMICAL WEAPONS FAIL to work from that height. I know because I've read many detailed documents about their proper use and it was very sobering. I had the idea that it could be done from planes in Africa. It was sobering.
Nolan Bell
It's crazy how persistent and omnipresent the shills who say chemtrails are fake are. Almost like a large government program supports them. 9/11 was an inside job and so was Sandy Hook, let's get a few more of those anal retentive retard boomer cuck shills in here.