US City To Become 2nd Amendment Sanctuary City

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms,


Here are some other articles on the topic:
And one about Circuit Courts being 2a jews:

Attached: 2a.png (1032x434, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Legislation and voting does pic related.

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Reminder that voting does nothing and only jews support the concept.

And sitting with your thumb up your ass has done what, exactly?

Time to move.

Sanctuary cities is starting to feel like the early beginnings of balkanization. I can see the (((judicial system))) finally cracking down on the entire concept if only to stop things like this from happening. Their goal will be uniformity to make things easier to control.

Of course, now you're going to deal with the county and staters and feds instead.

You will never be white.

Balkanization will not happen, officially, nor should we hope for it. We should hope to return to our libertarian roots, in which the federal government loosely binds the states together for the sake of defense. This gives us exactly what we want in terms of being able to create little ethno states as well as protect freedom, and our reputation as protector of liberty.

Balkanization has already happened, California is the start.

4chan faggots will never learn

So I can move to this city and convert my rifle to dull-auto, no police intervention?
Because that's what the 2nd Amendment says.

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All of them

real post
The best way to sanctuary city this is to actually charge the people with the gun crimes that are identical to state and federal statutes but do a clown court and find them innocent. That way they can't be charged for the in federal or state court if caught elsewhere. You know: double jeopardy.

It hasn't happened. The states are not divided, even if the people are. Cali folk still pay taxes, Cali still exports food to us.

Will never learn what, exactly? You shills will get the rope.


If you have a problem with the principles our country was founded on move somewhere else.

Paid shill confirmed.

Paid shill confirmed.

Reported for paid jewish shill. No one believes your hoaxes.

This will never happen again because black people killings

Are you retarded or a jew paid to consensus crack Zig Forums by advocating a jewish governmental system?

user, you so funny.

The very fact that I have to explain how classical liberalism is a slippery slope to the decadence you see in the west today is very telling about you 4chan faggots. Lurk 2 years until then stop spouting your shit.

Ask Europe how the gun control is going for their dead and raped kids.

Classical liberalism is fine, user. The Founders were classical liberals, and that's how they created their national socialist society in early America. The "problem" with classical liberalism (which explicitly changes its views if its views are scientifically proven to be wrong) comes from jews twisting words, twisting meanings, and redefining reality.

Sadly they have ways around this by changing the charges slightly at the fed level. There are acts in place that allow local convictions to take your rights but there are also federal charges for many things that could be brought if a federal prosecutor so chose because it violates something on the books the state doesn't even consider.

so you want to be the test case to ruin it and bring in the ATF? David?

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Hey guys, look! I found a jew.

What do you think a Libertarian is?

Nah, this is just creating a haven for "wife-beaters" because the feds WILL get involved directly in the case of arms manufacturing.

quad of recent scotus

people who hate roads?


The elected officials backing this deserve a flood of our shekels.

I will never accept classical liberalism or any of its forms of due to the downfall of Europe within a century of its conception.

Reported. Kill yourself. Your false dichotomy has no place here. We will not be ✡voting✡.

Truth is not a matter of opinion, dumbass. This is what libertarianism is.

That's fine! You don't have to go back to older models of thought, particularly when we have technology now that can more clearly define parameters of previous thought. Although it's really interesting how for THOUSANDS OF YEARS we were 100% accurate in our original assessment of racial differences being the result of humanity being SEPARATE SPECIES, which was confirmed after the discovery of DNA and the ability to record the FST of alleles.

One of the ideas of classical liberalism is that power should be divided, first at the level of nations. A violation of this would be the EU, because power is centralized and national sovereignty is weakened. Without this violation of classical liberalism, mass migrations would not be possible. It is, in fact, the loss of liberty that has lead to Europe's decline.

No doctrine in classical liberalism supports national unity or support for a nations ethnicity. Its simply about liberty to all men. Unless you put an asterisk and hope future generations don't erase that asterisk (which doesn't look like such a thing has ever happened). Perhaps simply go National Socialist wipe out the jews from the face of the earth, then pursue that route it might work. Until then its simply a door for the jews to slither through and corrupt the nation in time.

It gave the Nazis the majority in the Reichstag in 1933.

So yeah, voting does nothing. Got it.

I'm all Balkanization in the means of elimination, opposites for the synthesis of pure development. Idealism means nothing if it's stagnant.

kek show us way

Oh! And I forgot!

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Talmud says non-jews aren't human and that jews will have thousands of us as personal slaves each to do their bidding.

The idea of classical liberalism is summarized by "divide things and group them into their proper categories." The early thinkers were first to invent this idea, so their writings were less abstract, more concrete. For example, Adam Smith wrote specifically about the division of Labour, rather than the division of Things in general. Modern thought, without throwing out the old, is as I said, though: "Divide things." If you apply that to politics, it means, first, divide people into nations. Then, divide into states. Then, divide into cities. Then, divide into neighborhoods. Then, into families. Then, into individuals.

There is a natural hierarchy. The question is: What role do different categories play? In classical liberalism, only the most abstract things are controlled at the top. The more specific the law, the more that decision should be pushed down the hierarchy, with most decisions being made by individuals.

Every frustration I have ever seen has it's roots in the violation of natural categorization and delegation of responsibility.

For further reading:

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Except not.
Have fun convincing a grand jury Jane Doe committed a federal crime that is identical in all but a small nuance to state statute which she's already found innocent of.
I get (((you're))) trying to shill against an obvious solution to the problem: but you won't win.

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If you divide people into individuals then there is no national unity or cohesive ethnicity. Like I said first get rid of the kikes then the discussion on classical liberalism can happen.

I support gun control. You don't want to.miss your target so take a good grip with a steady stance and sight picture.

Anything else is reckless and nigger teir.

Jokes on you I was born that way.

States, and unions between states may still exist in classical liberal thought. They just do as little as possible to achieve the society's goals, and leave everything else to groups or individuals lower down the food chain.

These talks should happen at the same time, because they work very well together, which gets me to my original point in the thread: Balkanization should not happen in the United States, but we should reduce the federal government to a loosely binding structure, allowing for little ethno states to form within the union, as well as protect gun laws.


This shit's getting out of hand. Either the Constitution applies to every american, or it doesn't.

Thats a first I have never heard of someone trying to keep a nation from breaking up by making a federal government weaker. I see that in a best case scenario as a slowing down at worst it would happen because of a weaker government.

Dumb nigger, you really think only east asians (I think you might be implying chinks) have national unity?

Guess ex-moderator polvol2 is expanding to different topics to shit up.

Sadly, that's just ex-moderator polvol2, the other imkamfy. Our nameless mods still haven't caught on to this faggot and ban on sight. He's free to shit up threads even though he is demonstrating how he quotes who he is replying to with a lie about what they're doing and replies off of that lie. He does so so he can quickly reply and then move on to finding some other post to reply to with the same autistic habit.

And since Codemonkey made Zig Forums logs remove moderator names, we won't know if current mods are actually protecting this faggot. The only reason why polvol2 even was exposed and removed is that people saw he was unbanning his IP after being banned for spamming a thread with autistic crap you see in this thread. Coincidentally the mod that did ban him was removed later.

Okay, reported.

Yes, and you won't ever fight back against this. The Constitution hasn't existed since 1913.

you mean the touristy place in the middle of bumfuck egypt? To get there you have to take the weirdest fucking routes and this time of year it's just about impossible to get there without going over snoqualmie pass and up which adds a shitload of time. Besides I only think there's like one gunshop in the whole town. It's a nice gesture and all but it doesn't really benefit anyone. Now if one of the more major towns decided to do it like when lewis county said they wouldn't enforce 594, that'd be a bigger deal.

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Aaaaaand cue mass shooting in a sensitive area in five, four, three …
Brazil, which has a lot of gang shootings but no random mass shootings, just had one in a church with five dead. Hopefully people understand that this happened under the current gun control regime and see that the church was defenseless because the congregation was unarmed.

You must be part Jew, but good plan. Glad you’re on our side.

In a way, it is a breakup. However, if the federal govt gets weaker and weaker, you can imagine that, at some point, it will only be replaced by a competing power, like China, Russia or even the EU. That is the point where we go no weaker. Such a replacement would happen state-by-state, with no global power structure to subvert. Thus, one of the global functions to be managed by Federal govt is immigration, as well as trade with other nations. Also, possibly, could happen by direct military invasion, so must maintain national military.

Well, with an unintrusive federal government, what is there to protest against? Only people wanting gibbs could have a problem, and they could be deported, jailed or killed, depending on the level of their trouble-making.

I would actually be surprised and amused if you did report people. Everytime you spam that, it always comes off as an empty gesture.

That explains why jews struggle so much to make it work for them even today.

He doesn't do nothing. He sits online all day bitching about things and calling people kikes and shills and kike shills. Probably a queer, tbh.

Is the Northwestern Front meme becoming true?

The logistics for it being true was always there. Whether or not it becomes a stronghold remains its hidden potential. But as we've seen, the jews fear potential as much if not more than present dangers.

I can't help but point out that the areas that are predominantly white can always and easily become white strongholds where what whites want is above the law and for all intents and purposes the law. Shitskins could easily disappear from those areas and (((no one))) would notice because whites would cover for each other.

It would be difficult for such a concept to become reality. Wealthy jews would buy land to try and corner the residential market. Jews and non-whites would show up just be a nuisance, all to provoke a violence response to their presence, so that whoever is Zionist in chief could give the movement at the time the arm.

I've spent quite a lot of time thinking about how to get around these problems. One such strategy would be to work with the north american tribes to establish "reservations" for European tribes. Celtic tribes for example. Celts were one of the first peoples to settle north America, and unfortunately were either killed off or bred to irrelevancy through race-mixing with the current north american tribals. Tribal history tells of this, counter to established jewish historical narratives.
Another is for a folkish movement to buy up large swaths of lands to establish a state within a state as the Amish or Mennonites do. You can't cut into Amish territory without permission, which is rarely to never given, as it would destroy the Amish way of life.

Whatever Folkish state within North America arises, I would suggest adopting the barter currency system the Third Reich successfully employed. The folkish state would need to be populated and large enough to provide for itself in the agricultural, industrial, academic, political and religious sectors.
Supply our own water.
Supply our own food.
Supply our own education.
Build our own weapons. Mobilize our own independent militia.
Everything the modern world makes, we would make better, and barter it for resources, cutting off jewish middle-men. The reason the jews waged war on Germany

Could this be pulled off without the American military forcing miscegenation and multiculturalism down our throats? Probably not, but forcing them to do so breaks their formula of the currently employed Hegelian dialectic. They would not have created the problem. They would have no solution. There would be no synthesis. Just total war.

There's nothing wrong with individualism. You're arguing against faux marxist individualism, which is abandonment of identity. That's not what true individualism is.

How do you get that then also believe it's a good plan?


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he did say "part"

I think this is a great idea in theory and will fail miserably in practice. Sanctuary cities work, even in the face of common sense let alone federal law, because the places doing it are city hubs and liberal shit stain zones. Most are in states that mirror that attitude. Plus, illegal aliens are what the "progressive" jews want most in those areas. Sadly, I think a direct assault against this won't be (((their))) chosen option to fight it. Instead we will see that area, surrounding areas and/or areas that follow this be targeted for cultural enrichment or some and/or some sort of shootings. Only time will truly tell.
Laws like this seem great, and are, and seem like a move in the right direction. However, those making the law are completely unprepared for the forces behind the true problem and, therefore, it will bring them nothing but redpills at a very high cost.

Go fuck yourself moshe.

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You have no power here.

Great. Why?

this is why we need to get rid of ICE so immigration laws can be passed and enforced at the local and state level so these faggots can't use the "it's the federal government's job to enforce immigration laws, not the city or municipality's!"

It’s a joke because he had a really good legal idea and Jews are good at legal loopholes and such.

Says the clown hiding.

Since when is buying thejustice system or forcing a decision using the (((MSM))) being good at law?
I understood what he meant but what I was really after was someone to say jews were good at something intellectual. Which they aren't.

R e d d i t

user, I get what your pic is about, but I'm not sure what it's trying to say.

Yes, the people writing, passing, and benefitting from law are good at it. No shit. Law is one of the Jew’s most overrepresented fields. They argue and have more loophole bullshit than anyone. They even have stories of a Rabi who out argued God. It’s one of their most stereotypical obsessions, money and legalese. Watch you ask for a source for that next. Fucking autist.

Let me do this for you again;

My father's highest education level is a High School diploma. He was a union head for the state we live in for years. He argued many cases against state lawyers in city-hall union court not sure exactly what it is, it's not normal civil court, it's not criminal court and won every single time.

inb4 (((union)))

Not saying which union because that would be enough info to figure out who I am.

Question and answer period.

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Furthermore, weakness is not safety. You know who are disarmed? Slaves.

It seems that you support White genocide.
You just want it to slow down a little.

The USA was founded as a White-only Nation.
"Free Whites of good character." 1790 naturalization act.

Again, Whites only.
Furthermore, the "classical liberalism" of the early USA can only work in a society largely composed of small landowning farm families. In a modern industrial society it leads inevitably to "a hundred giant capitalists who own everything and buy the government" and in which most people are impoverished, property-less wage serfs. Thomas Jefferson predicted this and discusses it at length in his "Jeffersonian system" of government philosophy, a core element of which was taxing excess concentrations of wealth. It also opposed foreign trade, globalism, and banks.
"Laissez faire" leads to oligarchic despotism.

In a 99% racially intact country.
I'm not saying "don't vote," but non-Whites will never vote against their own benefit in any significant percentage. They will vote for gibs, open borders, and White genocide.
Also, both sides of the "aisle" are corrupt. Neither serves the interests of White people in the least.

Sounds very open to (((interpretation))) to me.

Again, you apparently don't oppose White genocide.
You support the browning of the world via "radical individualism."
You oppose proper Nationalism and strong border control.
I suspect that you deny the genetic reality of race and the primacy of genetics as the foundation of life and behavior.
Are you are a Jordan Peterstein supporter?

"Free Whites of good character"

Separation into racial and ethnic homelands.
Governments of the Volk, by the Volk, and for the Volk.
Not the faggy "weak civic nationalism" that you appear to be proposing.
Furthermore, the massive power vacuum at "the top" in the system you propose would be filled. Probably by megacorporations. IE, oligarchic despotism.

Something like this may be a plausible way forward.
White Volk Religions → emulate the success of the Amish but without the luddism → peacefully buy and develop land for the Volk → grow numbers and peacefully expand → build a foundation for the preservation of the genetic and cultural distinctiveness of White peoples in the USA.
Might be possible.

Individuality is very important, but there must be a healthy balance between individualism and community. "Individuality in consonance with the Volk and the needs of the Volk."

Section 8 housing incoming, perhaps.

If you don't have border control, then you don't have a country. Not for long, at the very least.
Furthermore, every "sanctuary state" would just open the floodgate even more than now.
It would be just like the EU in which "legal residents" get free travel anywhere, thus it only takes one "easy access" country to flood them all. The USA has an even more lax system between states.
I suspect that you know this.

Unions are not necessarily bad. The trouble is that they tend to be easily corrupted by mafia types and/ or marxists.

balkanization is libertarian, stop being a pussy

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You're coming at me like an abused woman. I ain't gonna hurt you. We can have strong borders and classical liberalism at the same time.

lol, true balkanization, with inherent inter-state hostility, would really weaken us more than strengthen. I continue my stance toward a weaker union with more state sovereignty and maintained cohesive military.

White development and self-sufficiency is only possible by removing the jewish agents. Sooner than later, quietly removing jews, their puppets, and shitskins is essential. Jews send shitskins in as proxy voters, their puppets are the handlers. Then jews send hasidics in to colonize rural areas. Shitskins go to towns and cities, handlers go to government offices.

All of them have to be removed. The safest place to remove them starts in white communities. All it takes is a tiny group of people to do the removing, but ideally the entire community has to keep quiet and not act on the removal of shitskins, puppets, and jews.

The reason why it is important to start in white communities is that whites need to fortify their positions, and from there push back to the big cities. It goes without saying that at some point the jewish government will try to interfere, but the safeguard against that is that more people are participating and are working autonomously. Autonomous agents from around the united states will throw off any investigations by the alphabet agency jewpuppets.

That's a good thing. Collectivism inevitably leads to a mass of people following the path of the lowest common denominator, which is how you end up with gagaintic movements of feminists being manipulated as a cohesive unit by the juden and other shit like that.


This is a good idea, but ultimately would probably be abused by high profile nigs like rappers.

That only works if you are doing something the System likes and wants to promote. Doing this with anything else will result in hundreds of civil lawsuits bleeding you dry financially, or they'll find something else to charge you with. A real sanctuary city would be to essentially make enforcing the law too dangerous for authorities.

It makes me sad to see such stupidity.
They're using conservative predisposition to respond to leftist victories by seeking meaningless 'revenge' policies, and you're walking right into the trap: they want precedent and justification to limit firearms access this way, and you're so pitifully vitriolic, dim-witted and short-sighted, that you would give it to them happily.

I swear before the Gods, sometimes, I think you deserve to live in chains.

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Beautiful. I don't want to move from my state, I hope other towns and cities do this. Omak or Okanogan, I forget which, had their police outright say they wouldn't enforce this bullshit.

Time to kill all righties

The GCSD has, too.

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