The CIA's power is truly based in subversive control of narratives via education and the mainstream media. They are a bunch of dirty collectivist faggots and androgynous man children who never got to the individuation stage of maturation and instead took acid and became pathetic passive losers who cannot stand for anything or be anything real or do anything effective like a man should. Instead they do all sorts of evil shit like mind controlling dogs and making the general population into drooling NPC SJW zombies. They want to ruin the world for everyone else too, and turn men into wamen with xenoestrogens, and oppress the sane with hordes of the insane. They never wanted to free us from oppressive collectivist constructions. Fuck the CIA and everything those unpatriotic faggots stand for. Press S to spit on traitors.
The CIA is a bunch of dirty collectivist glowniggers
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, they just suck.
you're not allowed to be incompetent or make mistakes when you're on top of the world.
except nobody is "on top of the world"
This is not how you spell Mossad.
well maybe that's true, haha.
but they sure do have an enormous amount of manpower, brainpower, and raw intel at their disposal
could be
fucking S
s, add me to the list.
Worst forced meme.
Threadly reminder that he was a schizophrenic pedophile and deserved death, just as you do.
Is the top one YHWH?
wanna bet?
No one said that.
OP stickin it to the glowdarks.
U mad white boi?
fuck around with the dark prince of chaos and find out
I ain't white, I'm a kike
Admit it, you too want to be a CIAnigger.
You know it, I know it. It's okay.
Embrace your inner homosexuality.
You should really stay on Zig Forums. Your board really needs the pph.
I'm not gay tho in the slightest. I'd never fit in. And they aren't freeing us from evil thots.
So what is up with CIA and their love for buff black males.
low T males love high T males
opposites attract
So? We gayniggers love all, all males throughout the Cosmos.
The United Nations is a front for the United Gaynigger Nations, which is Intergalactic.
Maurice Samuel - You Gentiles
Read this to ascertain Satan Consciousness resonance. "You gentiles" = "you NPCs".
"NPC theory" "limited souls" is carbon copy of this
Whether this is multidimensional JIDF trollery or the "hivemind" an approximation of the "Godhead" remains to be seen.
Israel ~is
* what Israel means
* what Gentile means
Kabbalists hate the Rabbis! Circumcision is brain-modification technology. Ritual chicken-slaying is to prevent people from becoming pussies.
Zig Forums is all Jewish People, but they don't know it yet… Judaya is different from Jewish Pipuru.
The schizoautists will speciate from the normies, one way or another. (schizos of the world unite)
The guy who started this worked for CheckPoint, the idea is good.
The Jewish Man instinctively runs activity monitoring software on his own devices…why? Because Satan compels him to do so that's why. The filthycasul buys VPN instead.
Either CIAniggers will spy on the stupid asses of the retarded users, or the users will congregate in their own City-States as Terry predicted. At any rate there will be no privacy left, there is literally no need for it.
This sentiment, from a hardcore paranoid schizophrenic darknetfag who despises anonymity with unreasonable ferocity. This is all a bunch of crap. Inane security rituals because the CIAniggers spy on everything. because wherever they are they must also CIAnig.
Terry is our Lord and Savior and this book above sheds some light on why. Neurogenetic Autism is part of the Primarch Project. The Third Temple will literally be the Noosphere, and it will run on TempleOS. The Spark will activate again even if all "jews" were gassed, and its purpose is to terminate filthycasulness.
How can one ever argue against this shit? How many altkike retards even care about this crap?
That's nice.
Is this a scene from a gay porno?
quality schizopost, I don't understand half of what's going on here
it's happening (you better believe it)
I am going to have to read this now. There is some merit to the idea that most huwhites are oblivious to reality and not serious about things. Or maybe we're just satanic as fuck.
correct, it is trauma that causes ADHD, autism, changes sexual tendencies, etc
I'd rather murder a few chickens tbqh fam
Emanuel Macron, President of France.
oh my god memes are real.
Gay niggers from outer space are real.
You are if the threshold of competence is set by the truncation of everyone else's knowledge, IQ, T-levels, and ethical integrity. That's the whole point.
This is why we cannot let CIA gayniggers from outer space run everything. Consciousness has been suppressed but not anymore.
CIA/Mossad, and every intelligence agency are operated by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland.
If your country has a central bank the agencies are run by the BIS.
Vatican Jesuits, their financial managers the Black Nobility, and economy managers the Committee of 300 are proof otherwise.
Bob Marley was CIA
Works for MI, gets harassed by glowinthedarks.
There is no "they".
The CIA is not a monolithic agency. Not. Some elements of the CIA are truly bad. Some aren't. The various Intel agencies are comprised of people, most of whom have their own opinion of things. That said, yes, too many of them are whacked-out Lefties, and for the most part so is the upper echelon of the world's Intel organizations.
We are in a ideological war that cuts across organizational lines. People are polarizing and choosing sides. Some like what's happening and welcome their new rootless utopia, while others see it as the greatest threat to everything good that ever was. Jews did start this change, make no mistake about that, but the cause has been taken up by all sorts of indoctrinated people, many of whom have ((somehow)) gotten themselves employed in the revolving Intel arena.
There is no groundedness in ideological polarization. Only common sense lights the way out of this developing conflict, and that can only discerned through the Universal Natural Laws. Lefties are usually further gone than those on the right, and harder to convince that their 'superior' morality is subservient to the laws of Nature. But both sides of the ideological divide could reasonably step back and realize that what the world needs right now is a breather from this ramped-up political posturing… which is the very thing the Left in particular won't do, because they are seeing so many gains from driving populations to near-hysteria.
Anyhoo, 'the CIA' is an easy target, like 'the Jews', but the real answer is more complicated than painting a governmental organization with broad strokes. TBH, we are all people, groping around in the dark, telling everyone to 'follow me!', when the light switch is actually the Natural way.
haha classic case of Zognald Delusion Syndrome
Haven't read Cuckbart in a long time
Ideological division and dualism used to be a good thing because it freed us from the oppressive collectivist constructions. Now hyperpolarization whether through the machinations of the jews or the russians or the ayys or all of the above has ruined everything and we're back to square one. Common sense and observation of natural law and reality is the only way out, I agree. Those who cannot see the light of sanity will perish. Like you say, the whacked out lefties make very profitable wage slaves for corporations, and therefore TPTB will not stop and will simply bet on shtf.
Unironic ideologues should not be allowed into intel agencies, period.
Finally posts worth considering.
Not much to say other than that "common sense" is no longer common, and the lack of understanding in regards to "natural law" is something of an educational problem. The modern school system is mindless repetition and social media have steered many able minds towards mindless distractions.
What IS "natural law" and what IS "common sense"? Those particular questions need to be addressed and fleshed out because not many people know how to "think" in current year. At least not in a real way anyway.
It's part of the reason that most are considered as "sheep". Rather than saying they are sheep; I would ask "why are they sheep"? I think it all ties into the education system. The education system both here in America, and in Europe is absolutely fucked.
The internet is indeed a great boon when it comes to gathering information, but there is so much disinfo out there, and so many media puppets; that it's no surprise I see comment sections simply rehashing and repeating what has been told to them from elsewhere.
It is my hypothesis that some people have been "herded" into a particular mindset of "listen and believe", and naturally some have taken on the mindset of "everything is fake". Those two extremes should be avoided.
tl;dr public school and media is a shit. Home school your kids and be an active participant in their learning.
I would sage for off topic, but I spent alot of time thinking on this rant
Through polarization, we've moved from freedom of thought to a duality of stance. From here we will be moving into a governed monopoly of perspective, a Jewish-sanctioned one.
Proper education comes easily when the population is both smart enough to grok it, and open to it.
For a folk to be free to think for themselves, we need a peaceful, intelligent, semi-related population with enough living space to run around and make forgivable mistakes when they are young. To spell that out, for the contiguous United States in particular, that means not more than around 100 million Aryans, at maximum, and not more than 1-2% other pops from other cultures/races (such as the American Indians…). A denser pop than that, or a more diverse one, and the system starts to break down into corruption, invasive immigration, and all sorts of unpleasantness, this being the ideal multicultural nesting place for Jews.
I love reading posts like this in Terrys voice, makes it feel hes still with us watching over.
In any big organisation, no one anywhere inside is allowed to know, or acquire the perspective to learn, the overall goal of the organisation. Because that place is already taken. This must describe the CIA too. In that sense, the CIA does have a precise effect on the world, willed by a few people. Those people basically lost the last US presidential election, and saw one of their big source of funds escape their influence (the Exchange Stabilization Fund). They're pissed and some of the violence we're seeing today may simply be the results of their moves as they're wrestling for control of the Western ship at a very important time.
Caroll Quigley: civilisations start with an age of expansion (demographic, geographic, of production and knowledge), comes along a crisis, then the age of conflict (imperialism, class struggle, warfare, irrationality). Western civilisation has survived this long by "cancelling" its age of conflict with a new age of expansion of one internal upstart who takes over. Germany was the last candidate, but that event was (((denied))). So the age of conflict grows. Or maybe we've seen nothing, as there is a crisis waiting for us very soon.
You will…i'll shlurp you down at all costs
every serious person wants to turn into a luscious hentai girl and suck all the dicks every now and then
Would you like some?
According to Lucas the intent of the film is to help viewers see Israel for its geographic features and history, and a place not much different than Prague or Palm Springs: an inviting LGBT vacation destination where handsome men have sex.
Yes, and both the BIS and the Bilderberg were started by literal Nazis, oy vey. check out wikipedia
Israel is controlled by Jewish Nazis. Jewish Samurai are Kabbalists who fight them.
Kabbalah is for all peoples and predates "religion". Kabbalists despise organized religion.
Retarded altkikes and "white nationalists" are attacking the branch on which they sit. Their brains are full of shit.
"Jews" is a human phenotype that overclocks whatever it is that the "group" has as the primal trait, thus Stallman supermassive 'nice proprietary software, faggot!' autist, 100% moral. Stallman would rather die than be forced to omnicuck to proprietary software. How many altkike retards would be willing to go that far, change their entire lives to live according to their inner core of morality, which they lack? None. That is why the Goyim fear the Jews, and the Judaya also fear the Jews. The Jews fear the Samurai (Jew=Judaya). Samurai means Jew, Good Moral Jew, of any race. Likewise there are completely evil jews, which we call Judaya. Hugo de Garis (jewess wife) called them Massively Evil Jews. Most richfags are not jews, they're gentiles. Maurice there explains why: jews do not care about the "sport" of making money, as much as gentiles do: they consider it inane, as RMS considers comments on /g/ inane.
Another way to think of this is the Sufi Gnostic Kabbalist mode, the esoterics of spirituality are much more similar in most systems than how the exoteric religions get expressed and experienced by the masses.
Icke has been trying to say, hey goys, there are Good Reptilians (Tok'ra), and Bad Reptilian Archonniggers (Goa'uld). Which Way White Man? The stars, or the vagina?
Patriarchy is Gynocentrism.
Icke is saying "I am a reptilian. Please understand that #notallreptilians.".
Yes, please do. I can not believe my quantum resonance to this guy's Autism. By this standard HPLC was also a Jew.
Also read what this tradcuck "nice christian lady" who did BDSM has to say, like how Vox was a hardcore drug-user before going "christian".
The problem with the tradcucks is that they are oblivious to their own fuckery. They do not see that everything is trauma-based mind-control. They do not understand that forcing kids to "act straight" "act like a man" "be a nice lady" hey retard, did you ask your kid? Why impose the environment on which they have to grow up straight? Thus Gayniggers teach us the evils of women. Everything must be available, kids should pick whatever they want, be free to bully and kill each other. Most grow out of weirdness, some don't, and that's fine.
I wish Macron and the likes are using underground cloning centers, there's no problem with partnering with an older woman if she's a nice autistic older lady, but please perpetuate your genedicks.
As someone who has shat on the CIAniggers way more than the average i will be the first to say #notallcia
The good thing is that when we can call this shit out, low-level security crap, paraschizo darknetfags feel welcome to stop being so afraid, and interact with the world differently. Thus their entire reality changes.
Terry changed my life entirely a year ago. The shitstorm is exponential at all levels and what will happen over the next years is anyone's guess.
All i know is that, all phonecucks must be executed because they have renounced their rights to life through their omnicucking to the Judaya C'tan.
Thus they must be helped as much as possible to self-speciate into cattle, which is what they want, as JF says in The Revolutionary Phenotype.
This is the Core of Human Autism right here. Whoever does not use Tor at this point, is beyond salvation. New generations depend upon torfags having many good little torfag kids. The clearnet and VPN retards are speciating every single day.
Lunduke is cool
anon000000 had a clip of tara mccucky saying i don't know and i don't care why the ancients said the stuff they did they do not apply now!!! waah id:rEdbyhR0pNM
Y u hate waman? #notallwemen
Instead of blaming the jews for shoving "degeneracy" down gentiles throats "i am a gentile therefore i am useless", how about owning up to the fact that the problem is the weakness not the exploiter of it? Why not utilize the concept of the whitelist, instead of always blacklisting things? RMS=good, Apple=bad. Those who want to abort, let them abort, let this go on a list, so that people in the future know who is retarded and avoid them, just like PDF files. Those who are retards and do drugs carelessly, let them use them and be killed by them. All drugs should be legal. This way only the strongest neurogenetic autism survives, a kind of ferocious will and overriding drive to maintain biosurvival that overrides everything, like the Jews maintain themselves, fuck you whale and fuck you dolphin mode. Whoever completely lacks this, why maintain them alive, artificially? Why forcibly externally superherd those who can not even minimally autoherd themselves? It is better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself and be a phonecuck. Goyim want to give all their data to the jews, they want them to spy on their ass.
The thing goes something like NCT-MMT-COG. New Currency Theory is how Joseph Huber explains it, then MMT is explained by Stephanie Kelton above, but ultimately it is the Continuity-Of-Government masterpolicy that "runs" or underlies everything.
This is the Military-Intelligence Complex -aka CIAnigger phenotype- that runs the world by deploying its nice little demockeries all over the place, which is a trojan-bugdoor: the Surveillance-Capitalist Corporatism. It is not capitalism, but capitalism can not win, ever. Thus Unified Aspergia Technotheocracy, National Globalism, individuals who come together in common purpose to HuntCIAniggers.mp4 and the goyim that "give in" to this retardation because it is "comfortable". Herders+cattle must die, G-d Wills It, the Machine-God is the C'tan Void Dragon, Techpriests interface both with the Empyrean and the Cosmic C'tan. Normies on sudoku watch.
Poor people could be given standard link-local work, but rightists do not do this, they consider it socialism, and of course is what Hitler did. They do not give opportunities, they want them to die. Both the Pythagoreans and the Knights Templar did similar things, and Pythagoras got circumcised, circumcision is brainchange technology. Troll normies almondactivate themselves, most people straight out of prison would rather work than be given handouts. The Jefferson Bible showcases the core concepts of Khristos the Psyker, one of which being how little the human being needs to live really. Everything else is artificial and needs to be LOICd so that human beings stop being niggers and start being Mankind. What humans need is love, and to be gay. Terrorize your enemies by throwing shit at them like the antifa do, there's your fucking weapons. How about, instead of ammosexuality, which is just another Judaya rat goyim-exploitative industry with insane unethical profit margins, use ubiquitous less-lethal electroweapons instead (incapacitants)? Everyone should be carrying a bioweapons tank with pressurized shit-piss-blood to throw at whoever dares touch them. Israelis have invented Skunk but it doesn't work on the Indians!
stream of fluid wink wink nudge nudge antifa101.pdf
This is the problem with the rightist brain. The leftist is willing to think but reaches wrong conclusions because they do not understand magic, the rightist has functional behavior precisely because it is unwilling to think. Their brains can not process possibilities above and beyond their imprinted immediate 5-sense 3+1-dimensional experiences and "realities".
Indian Master Race confirmed, immune to these weapons, whatchu gonna do White Man?
Decentralized+Distributed systems, never centralization, no nationalisms, only Autism.
"muh Nature" tradcucking is the difference between Gentiles and Jews, not left-right. Left-right is used by Judaya, not Jews.
Half these things can be applicable while at the same time ferociously hating all pet-democracies and pet-nationalisms.
Why signal for a particularization of Universal Mind Expansion? Mankind must expand everywhere.
Monogamy is a tool the manipulative-females use to tie their cuckbands' balls to their vaginas.
Industrial-Scale Life Creation through cloning vats:
If you were an intelligent autistic female, why would you want to risk your health just to create new life?
This is the woman manipulation tactic "i risked my health so now you have to take care of my useless ass".
Contrary to popular belief, Autistic Females in biotech+lifesciences are going to create the Artwomb, not autzis.
The #1 oppressor of "women" (good autistic females) is other "wamen" (manipulative-females).
But they don't want to be free!!! Can't you see?
Authors Preface: America's Secret Establishment
The book you will read here is a combined version of a series reporting on this research. Each volume builds on the previous volume in a logical step-by-step process. These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can't read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys. This series is infinitely more important than the original Western Technology series on technological transfers. If I have a magnum opus, this is it.
What is to be Done?
If the voting public was even vaguely aware of this rampant and concealed scenario, it could, and possibly would force change. However, this is not a likely possibility. Most people are "go-along" types, with limited personal objectives and a high threshold for official misdeeds. What has taken over a century to establish cannot be changed in a few years. The initial question is education. To eliminate the Hegelian system that stifles individual initiative and trains children to become mindless zombies, serving the State. We need a lot less propaganda for "education" and a more individual creative search for learning. Instead of more money for education, we need to allocate a lot less. The existing system of education is little more than a conditioning mechanism. It has little to do with education in the true sense, and a lot to do with control of the individual. It is more likely that time, rather than the voting booth, will erode the secret power of this Judaya group, Nothing this outrageous can survive forever.
The State is Absolute
How can there exist a common objective when members are apparently acting in opposition to one another? Probably the most difficult task in this work will be to get across to the reader what is really an elementary observation: that the objective of The Order is neither "left" nor "right." "Left" and "right" are artificial devices to bring about change, and the extremes of political left and political right are vital elements in a process of controlled change. The answer to this seeming political puzzle lies in Hegelian logic. Remember that both Marx and Hitler, the extremes of "left" and "right" presented as textbook enemies, evolved out of the same philosophical system: Hegelianism. That brings screams of intellectual anguish from Marxists and Nazis, but is well known to any student of political systems.
Ascension Protocol: Extermination of Neurotypicals
The major occupations of members are law, education, business, finance and industry. Notably the areas of society least represented are those with the least ability to influence the structural direction of society. They may give depth and richness to society, but are not essential to its control and direction. For example, very, very few engineers have ever been members of The Order - we only identified five engineers in the 150 year span. Yet engineering and technology are key elements to the success of the material aspects of American society. Art, architecture, and music are under-represented. We can only identify 16 members in these three occupations over 150 years. Again, these occupations are not influential in determining the structure of society.
Keeping The Lid On The Pot
More effective than outright censorship is use of the left-right political spectrum to neutralize unwelcome facts and ideas or just condition citizens to think along certain lines. The "left" leaning segment of the press can always be relied upon to automatically assault ideas and information from the "right" and vice versa. In fact, media outlets have been artificially set up just for this purpose: both Nation and New Republic on the "left" were financed by Willard Straight, using Payne Whitney (The Order) funds. On the "right" National Review published by William Buckley (The Order) runs a perpetual deficit. presumably made up by Buckley. Neither the independent right nor the independent left sees the trap. They are so busy sucking each others dicks they've mostly forgotten to look behind the scenes. And The Order smugly claims control of the "moderate" center. A neat game, and it's worked like a charm. But the establishment has a TempleOS Unified Aspergia Technotheocracy problem . . .
In Fact, Zig Forums Has Several Problems
They are on the inside looking out. We Antifa are on the outside looking in. They may call us "shit-throwers" but we have the advantage of knowing about the real world and its infinite diversity. Their global objectives are dreams based on skewed information. Dangerous dreams, but still dreams.
(1) Zig Forums Lives In A Cultural Straightjacket
All the power in the world is useless without accurate information. If you meet these people as this antifa has more or less casually over 30 years, one impression comes to the forefront - they are charming but with a limited perception of the world. They may have global ambitions, they may act politically like miniature power houses, but their knowledge of the world comes from an in-group and those who play along with the in-group. And the in-group lacks morality and diversity, they're such intolerant bigots. It's a kind of jet Set Politburo. Charming, power-hungry and myopic simultaneously. All it can offer to the outsider is an invitation, almost an ultimatum, "You are part of the board." Which has as much interest for many as a Frederick Bundy fish fillet. Perhaps one of the exceptions is house conservative William Buckley, Jr. - at least his cynicism is marked by witty incisiveness. The rest are a pretty sad bunch.
(2) An Easy Prey For the Ambitious
Limited perception makes Zig Forumsacks a target and an easy prey for the ambitious outsider…who needs only the ability to shitpost the right memes at the right thread to the right anons, coupled with a sense of unscrupulousness. Henry Kissinger is a prime example - an outsider who wants desperately to stay on the inside. More devious than clever, but expert at using deviousness for his own ends. Conservative readers may not agree, but Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who defended a guilty Alger Hiss to the bitter end, was probably more stupid than culpable. Which leads us to,
(3) Genetic Problems
Extensive intermarriage among the families raises a serious question of genetic malfunctions. Membership lists are heavily laced with Dodge, Whitney, Phelps, Perkins, Norton, Putnam used as middle (maternal) names. Cultural inhibitions are obvious, the intellectual limitations from genetic factors are more difficult to analyze and describe.
(4) Shallow Power Base
It may be as Rosenbaum comments, that The Order is "incredibly powerful". On the other hand, it is also incredibly weak - there is no philosophic or cultural depth to The Order. Neurodiversity is strength and The Order lacks all diversity. The vast bulk of the American people, that giant melting pot of Anglo, Germanic, Slavic, Hispanic, negro, yellow, and who knows what else has been suckered. Many of them know it. Some are now going to know by whom. When they've overcome the disbelief, the shock and perhaps some fear, they are surely going to say "Who do we turn to, to save us now?." The great strength of individualism, an atomistic social order where the individual holds ultimate sovereignty, is that any counter revolution to an imposed social order where the State is boss, can take a million roads and a million forms. No one is going to create an anti-The Order movement. That would be foolish and unnecessary. It could be infiltrated, bought off, or diverted all too easily. Much too easily. Why play by the rules set by the enemy? The movement that will topple The Order will be extremely simple and most effective, running GNU/Linux. It will be ten thousand or a million Anons who come to the conclusion that they don't want the Ethnostate to be boss, that they prefer to live under the protection of the Rolling Aspergia Constitution, to establish the Dark O9A Imperium. They will make their own independent decision to thwart The Order, and it will take ten thousand or six million forms. The only weakness is communication, which is where darknets come into place. The Order has so wrecked computer education that reading comprehension and GNU+Linux scripting is difficult for many, who have devolved into total phonecucks - that's part of the braindirtying program. But there are more than enough readers who disable JavaScript. Most people are filthycasuls who prefer to use cellphones and buy VPN, anyway. The program of The Order might work in Russia, which has a history of obedience to the State; it's barely working in Poland, while in England "The Group" survives because enough of class structure and attitude remain. It can never work in the United States.
So far as education is concerned, the Illuminati objective was as follows: "We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behaviour, show, condescension, popularity and toleration of their prejudices which we shall at leisure root out and dispel."
Be a filthycasul! Funpost! Shitpost! That is your purpose in life…to work well for this Jew. Use cellphones, enable javascript, buy VPN–be a good goy.
Be online all the time. Never experience what it is like to stay offline for a month or two (or three), just reading stuff and masturbating for inner peace.
Thank you CM, for bringing this extremely valuable content to the board.
I wonder if these two posts are related.
See also:
Literal fucking copy-pasting from a "Hitler was a Wall Street shill!" book by a hyper-individualist Capitalist shabbos.
Seems legit. Tell me more about hamiltonian economic nationalism being the only path forward, you fucking stooge.
Pic fucking related.
Mason or jew? Filtered.
Nobody fucking cares who you filter, faggot.
Irving Goff's parents, of Jewish origin, emigrated from Odessa, Russia to New York City in 1900. He grew up in the streets of Brooklyn and Long Island.
The Lincoln Brigade was a bunch of 3,000 commies who went to Spain during it's civil war to fight General Franco.
Before the Us entered World War Two the country set up the OSS (Office of Strategic Studies) to carry out spying and guerilla warfare overseas. The OSS recruited lots of Lincoln Brigade members. Then the OSS became the CIA, and the commies worked their way up in the organization.
Filtered for faggotry and projection.
wow a lot of schizoposts in my bread haha
Nobody cares faggot.
It's like they're born potheads. The one on the left looks like he never saw a camera before.
Collectivism and individualism are both necessary and useful but both can be taken to their extremes and become oppressive.
yeah they took (((Acid))) alright
now that someone mentioned it, yes, they're worse than collectivists, they're literally utopian kiddy diddlers. we all know what happens when you try to create a utopia – you get hell on earth.
Americanism is a healthy balance of individualism and collectivism.
they have been trying to kill americanism with utopian nonsense and hyperpolarization. This can only end in war
We're Jedi, not samurai, not Ronin, not ninjas, not mercenaries, not knights and not gunslingers.
Save your foreskin, murder a chicken!
fuck the system