Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou, supports the "yellow vests" >Princely support. In their protest against the president Jupiter, the "yellow vests" are supported by a pretender to the throne of France.
>"The silent majority, some of whom had forgotten the existence"
There's several royal li es that still live in France. They don't need claims, their bloodlines are well known. Most of them own fashion houses and vineyards.
Are these any sort of accepted lineage, or is it like the half dozen families of retards in the US trying to claim the rightful heir to the Russian monarchy?
I do hope you realize the tale is entirely apocryphal.
Connor Stewart
The jews didn't even use the Satkona until the Medieval European Era, probably getting it from ancient Roman Ruins, those are probably jewish fakes in order to show that "the Star of David" has been a jewish symbol since time in memorial when in actuality all the Satkonas in what is now Israel and the circling area where actually created by Muslims after their conquering of Persia and discovering it there. It has a much more ancient history in Hinduism being the symbol used "to bind to will".
There is even a story of a drawer of one on a temple to Kali who gets his head chopped off.
Mary Antoinette never said that; in fact the closest anyone at Versailles came to saying that was a Swiss mercenary guard captain who on hearing demonstrators were protesting for bread replied "Let them eat grass".
Noah Cruz
She never said that
Jace Ross
Sauce, please. And do include a personal biography and genealogical record on the revisionist liar who calls itself “author”.
The French lines are unrelated to the rest of Europe, and were mostly merely wealthy people that never fought in anything.
Samuel Taylor
Also, who keeps saying I am an apple?
Austin Morris
"Shall I tell you, my child, which is the most destructive of all the consequences entailed by the Revolution? You would never guess. In Louis XVI. the Revolution has decapitated every head of a family. The family has ceased to exist; we have only individuals. In their desire to become a nation, Frenchmen have abandoned the idea of empire; in proclaiming the equal rights of all children to their father's inheritance, they have killed the family spirit and created the State treasury. But all this has paved the way for weakened authority, for the blind force of the masses, for the decay of art and the supremacy of individual interests, and has left the road open to the foreign invader.
"We stand between two policies—either to found the State on the basis of the family, or to rest it on individual interest—in other words, between democracy and aristocracy, between free discussion and obedience, between Catholicism and religious indifference. I am among the few who are resolved to oppose what is called the people, and that in the people's true interest. It is not now a question of feudal rights, as fools are told, nor of rank; it is a question of the State and of the existence of France. The country which does not rest on the foundation of paternal authority cannot be stable. That is the foot of the ladder of responsibility and subordination, which has for its summit the King.
"The King stands for us all. To die for the King is to die for oneself, for one's family, which, like the kingdom, cannot die. All animals have certain instincts; the instinct of man is for family life. A country is strong which consists of wealthy families, every member of whom is interested in defending a common treasure; it is weak when composed of scattered individuals, to whom it matters little whether they obey seven or one, a Russian or a Corsican, so long as each keeps his own plot of land, blind, in their wretched egotism, to the fact that the day is coming when this too will be torn from them.
"Terrible calamities are in store for us, in case our party fails. Nothing will be left but penal or fiscal laws—your money or your life. The most generous nation on the earth will have ceased to obey the call of noble instincts. Wounds past curing will have been fostered and aggravated, an all pervading jealousy being the first. Then the upper classes will be submerged; equality of desire will be taken for equality of strength; true distinction, even when proved and recognized, will be threatened by the advancing tide of middle-class prejudice. It was possible to choose one man out of a thousand, but, amongst three millions, discrimination becomes impossible, when all are moved by the same ambitions and attired in the same livery of mediocrity. No foresight will warn this victorious horde of that other terrible horde, soon to be arrayed against them in the peasant proprietors; in other words, twenty million acres of land, alive, stirring, arguing, deaf to reason, insatiable of appetite, obstructing progress, masters in their brute force
Oh wait here it is. I guess it's all for one fuckers.
Dominic Thompson
Martial law now. Wute!
Brayden Watson
Yeah but it depends on the context. In some contexts Jupiter/Zeus is synonymous with Thorr (who admittedly is also kind of arrogant and a douchebag sometimes), and Jupiter's crown is foiled tin, making him one of our patrons directly in that aspect as well.
However, Jupiter also has an esoteric meaning to the cult of Saturn and Cybel, and to the mystery religion of the kikes, to whom Jupiter is seen separately from his Greek and Roman role, and instead as a metaphor for Enlil, son of Anu, leader of the Nephilim. It was Enlil who unleashed the flood to wipe out humanity, and it is in his name as a jealous sky god that the kikes seek to exterminate humanity to this day. Read up on Sumerian mythology.
The cheat codes to fuck with the kikes are that Nibiru the rogue planet crashed into a planet in our system called Tiamat which shattered into the asteroid belt and earth. Earth is a hodge podge of Nibiru and Tiamat, with one of Nibiru's moons, Qingu, following us into our new orbit. We were created in a lab on the moon called Eden by two anunakki geneticists named Enki and Ninharsag and were intended as slave labor, but "life finds a way." Nibiru is represented in mythology by a golden circle with wings. The most recent pop culture example is probably the golden snitch, but there are many companies that feature it as well. Spray paint a winged golden circle across France to make the black nobility shit themselves.
He'd be better for England, to replace the (((Windsors))). What I had in mind for the French would be someone like the House of Rohan-Chabot, currently led by the Duc de Rohan, Josselin de Rohan, former French senator. Now, from a quick scan of his political history, he's a conservative and neo-Gaullist, so he's somewhat of a safe bet, as long as he is kept in line. If nothing else, he could be Duc de Bretagne, preferably an independent Brittany.
Weren't they killed as part of a plot by the kikes though?
Benjamin Reyes
no whats happening is the conclusion to the war of the roses.
Lancaster sided with the pope, before they were commies. now they are both commies. communism came from the pope, masons, and royalty alliance.
the York side was overpowered and lost the throne. they are still gay but not commies. mostly. i believe it is the sect of freemasons who believe in the original though that men are not slaves of other men by birth. that humans are not mere cattle. this philosophy is to prevent whats happening now, un-elected elites who change the law to suit them to whatever it need be. thats why the war of the roses losers came to america and started the colonies, later french houses came and settled in Louisiana. they have stayed there. lousiana is a french royalty state. they have no common law and their constitution is a legal agreement not a declaration of right from the god of the universe.
good example is that the jews are raping everyone and are in charge. what do the jews have in common, they all know the law(their talmud) and they all study actual history and then go into a law based profession.
knowledge is power, banter is fun, ignorance is death. ignorance of the law does not excuse one from being subject to that law.
basically you all need to stop being white niggers, dont read any propaganda from after 1930, read any nonfiction book from before then and youll see how ignorant you really are.
Looks like history is set to repeat itself. A shame ever after thousands of years, nobody figured out a solution to the failure of democracy except monarchy again.
Christian Garcia
So what do the Bonaparte pretenders think? If both families of Monarchs disavow the Republic, we might actually get somewhere.
get down uneducated spiritually dull pineal-destroyed dog of rothschild. Bogdanoffs are the honorary professors in the university of Saturn. God of Wisdom. that shit is j u s t aesthetically impossible. worst kind of conspiracy thinking. anunakki.
Wasn't there some /x/-tier predction about the re-emergence of royalty tipping the scales back in the favour of traditionalism? Wasn't that going to happen in france?
Sage because kind of off-topic/shitpost
Adrian Watson
Yeah. That is what it is a problem. All the European aristocracies are intermarried with Jewish banksters like the Rothschilds, making them Jews too.
Dylan Harris
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Bogdanoff? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Novus Ordo Seclorum, and I've been involved in numerous secret societies in Switzerland, and I have walked exactly 300 steps to enter the Labyrinth. I am trained in psychic warfare and I'm the top vizier in the entire cult of moloch. You are nothing to me but just another goy. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this flat Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, chickenfucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Canaanite priests across the world and your psychic pattern is being remotely viewed right now so you better prepare for the storm, Utnapishtim. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the human species. You're fucking trapped in a thirty-six dimensional prison of your own mind, child of Adam. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can enslave you in exactly six hundred and sixty six ways, and that's just with my sacred geometry. Not only am I extensively trained in earthling genocide, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Anunakki and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable essence off the face of the holographic fractal godhead, you little shit. If only you could have known what Holy repercussion your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon us, maybe you would have held your lizard tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now the Priory of Sion is paying the price, you Grand Alpine Lodger. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, rabbit.
Igor Bogdanoff is also a quadroon fraud who is most notable for a certain few controversies… Don't let the memes get to your head, the Bogdanoffs are still terrible people, and they're mutts.
Landon Hernandez
And you feel some sort of filial connection to this person? You don't recognize that they are not your kin or your bloodline but that they are 100% mongrel kike ZOG just looking to whore themselves out to the highest bidder for some attention?
Ryder Rivera
He does look extremely 'nog' and she looks like a kike…look at the fucking NOSE ON HER.
Grayson Edwards
This reminds me a Gariépy saying that his GF was 'just French'…LMAO