Oh my fucking God, yes! The glorious chaos, yes! Being faithful to my waifu is bearing so much fruit, it is all coming down. Everything is coming down
Oh my fucking God, yes! The glorious chaos, yes! Being faithful to my waifu is bearing so much fruit, it is all coming down. Everything is coming down
Other urls found in this thread:
Do it you fucking Parlament faggots. Pretend your future depends on it.
OK UK! France stepped up to the plate. It's your turn. Keep the revolutionary momentum moving due West.
What's her name?
this is like the 5th threat of a no-confidence vote
Rainbow Dash. Hooves only, not EqG version.
Great news to wake up to, though not particularly surprising given the last few days. In a vacuum it would be interesting but considering the civil unrest all across Europe it really does show just how precarious the position of these once untouchable elites has become.
The vote should take place between 6-8pm, and assuming successful we will then have various candidates selected which will be whittled down by conservative MPs, until there are only 2 remaining. At that point there will be a vote by members of the conservative party, which includes any old faggot who paid £2 to become an official member. This means that divisive (AKA good/ not traitorous) candidates are pretty unlikely to make it through the first round/s, so Jacob Rees Mogg and Boris Johnson are not too likely to make it through, although if they do somehow manage it they are almost certainly most popular amongst the parties non-elected members and would wipe the floor with gnadless foreign faggots like Sajid Javid in the final round.
One final point is that a lot of the more decent conservative party members (of the public) have abandoned the party over the last few years, so that final round vote might be less indicative of national support than I implied earlier, as many abandoned them for UKIP or others with the general disgraceful actions of Cameron, May and their treason.
Should there only be one candidate who comes forward they automatically become prime minister with no vote. That is how May got the position last time as her only opponent, Andrea Leadsom, gave up of her own volition.
no one cares about pedostani cuckland
She's just a dreamcast fan
pedostani cuck detected
The threat has been carried out this time.
Now its a question of whether someone else actually wants to try and clean her mess.
I hope labour wins and finally sinks england.
'Splain for a mutt: why is England so desperate for a trade deal with EU, that they're willing to fork over trillions of pounds?
Why not forge new trade, or grow trade with the rest of the anglosphere and friends?
Are the English really this fucking weak? Sad, they used to own the seas with navy and merchants and dominate the world and now they're left buying a shitty trade deal with EU
>why is (((England))) so desperate for a trade deal with EU
May must go, and be replaced with one who has always been anti-eu.
Don't be so quick to dismiss JRM, he's only as posh as corbyn but not ashamed of it.
You can probably hear my eyes rolling…
Get some geography, ffs
You've misunderstood what this is.
Her leadership has been challenged by the blue team, if she loses she will be replaced by another member of the blue team.
If she wins, that MIGHT cause parliament to try and enact a general election, but it would require members of the blue team to intentionally threaten their own parties position.
Are you seriously going to pretend the UK is anything other than england and it's remaining colonies? It's not the fucking welsh calling the shots here.
Correct. Another election at this time would fuck everything up.
Also, the 'people's vote' being proposed by Caroline Flint et al will have a choice between remain in the EU or May's deal to remain in the EU. No deal/WTO rules won't be on the ballot.
'The peoples vote' should be with bullets
Theresa May is PM of the United Kingdom. England is just part of that union.
god why do pommies look so fucked
Because fish eye lens?
But nobody is talking about fucking northern ireland or the isle of mann. England is running the show, and even the scots are just there to nod their heads and go along with it. Pretending otherwise is just silly. The UK is just what england is calling itself so that the annexed countries it still owns don't feel as bad about it.
I mean look at him it's a national sport to give the English the shits, so don't take it too seriously.
how? Theresa may was before the brexit vote: AGAINST brexit, she was under Cameron.
i say it's about time she GTFO, i never understoof how you could put someone who was against brexit in charge of brexit, negociation and think it's ok.
So in other words, niether of you know why and you don't have any theories either. And yes, England…Pretending that Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland have real influence in the UK is like saying North Dokota, Wyoming, and Rhode Island influence Washington FFS.
They all need to be at gunpoint 24/7, otherwise you'll never get an honest answer from the rats
Avatarfaggot. Get giftgas for christmas
I've concerning stuff from anons around here. Pic related was posted. The government is getting ready for casualties if revolts start.
Man for man the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish have more say than the English; the thing is that there are more English than anyone else. If it was only the English whose votes mattered then the UK would be FAR, FAR, FAR more right-wing and nationalist; but that's not how it is.
Beyond that is the fact that even these English who have more overall weight in their combined votes (despite less weight for each individual vote) have essentially no say regarding anything political. Every few years we vote for someone new who promises to do X, Y and Z; and every year they do none of the things they promised, fail to meet all their goals and introduce new problems.
The English hate Westminster just as much as the Welsh, Scots and Irish do. No one trusts politicians and no one likes them; it's just that things have, as far as the layman knows, not quite reached a level of unacceptability to force out-right civil war. Civil unrest has been brewing for decades with frequent violent clashes up and down the nation. Unless we get a decent leader, then outright civil war is inevitable; it's only a matter of time. With things heating up on the continent we should also expect for a greater possibility of people here becoming more violent too.
If they mishandle this tonight we could see London burning before the year ends.
She's not losing this vote. It was a trap to draw out the dissenters and discredit them. Brexit is still fucked and so is the UK.
sure, but there is that, and there is asking a member of the oposit faction to take the lead and do the negociation aka theresa may…
Why not secede, and leave the rest with the headaches, and the unfortunate laws already on the books? An independent england wouldn't have any obligation to follow the laws of the now separate UK. Similar to an independent bavaria not having to deal with the laws regarding germoney.
But on a more serious note, how do the laws for appointing the new dear leader even work over there? Is there a pol they have to pull from or could anyone be named for it? Or is it that whatever party is running the show would have to name the new replacement?
In terms of law governing how the new leader is elected - it's an internal Conservative party issue; they have to do it in line with their constitution. Therell essentially be a few rounds of votes within the party and a new leader elected - however the Conservatives also happen to be a minority government meaning they don't have enough support to rule alone - so they new leader will have to renegotiate their position with the minor parties which promise to support the Conservatives in ruling - namely the DUP (Northern Irish Unionists).
I have no understanding of history or human nature: the post.
If this vote fails and the status quo is maintained and seemingly unchangeable then violence becomes SIGNIFICANTLY more likely. Humans are generally unwilling to to take extreme measures unless they feel there is no other option. The near non-stop public mentioning of a potential no confidence vote has kept many people passive, willing to wait until the more peaceful options are exhausted.
What they want to do to keep the nation placid is give us a new candidate who on the surface is offering us what we want whilst in reality not going to do anything. This has pretty much been the politician's solution for everything for decades: look at Obama and Trump with their myriad unfilled promises. It is usually enough to just say you are going to fix the problems, and then when confronted over not having done anything you list off excuse after excuse until people are thoroughly confused and unsure of whether you are on their side or not. The confusion which allows for the possibility of a fix is generally enough to dissuade people from resorting to violence.
In other words: if May is not ousted tonight we are far more likely to see civil unrest than if someone like Boris Johnson is elected.
Pretty much for all the reasons listed above. Whilst things are not unbearably bad, and whilst there is still potential peaceful options; people will not resort to extreme measures. This is human nature and always has been. I would like it if we could just leave, but we won't; at least not yet.
Regarding the political process for tonight let me refer you to:
Well, thank you for the insight and lesson. I hope you'll also help me understand why an EU exit deal is so damn important vice increasing trade deals with other anglo nations and other allies, and/or forging new trade deals?
Siener van Rensburg's prophecy may be starting to come true. England will be annihilated by ethnic war, plagues and then total war.
As far as secession goes I didn't mean up and do it now, but rather why isn't it something that's talked about more often? Both the irish and the scottish seem pretty keen and spreading it for brussels, so if you leave you're likely to lose them both anyway, it just seems from the outside this would be a more talked about idea I suppose.
Is there even a preferred candidate? It really sounds as though, as mentioned earlier there isn't really any even suitable for the job at all, much less someone able to keep this whole mess from shaking apart. Especially if you've got to play with coalitions. Hell, who would you even want to take the seat, given ideal circumstances right now? ie, who's the Zig Forums candidate?
Because the nation is full of idiots and liars who do not understand economics. There is a lot of talk about how the Germans want a free trade deal with us because the UK buy so many vehicles, appliances and the like from there; but what people forget is that South Korea said on June 24th 2016 that the UK could have a free trade deal with them on the day we leave the EU. In other words: the EU needs us far more economically than we need them, we have myriad potential partners out there offering us everything the EU ever did but not requiring us to re-distribute our wealth to various shitholes about Europe and suicidal schemes hatched by kikes.
There is nothing outside of niche products like 'Champagne' that the EU can provide the UK, which the UK cannot get from other places for cheaper and often better quality. Many of the more popular niche products from the EU actually come from the UK itself; stuff like Jersey dairy or Scotch Whiskey or Cheddar Cheddar. The UK is in a very good negotiating position, but neither its traitorous representative or the idiotic EU actually want to negotiate; so all we ever hear are bullshit brainlet theories about how 'no deal will destroy us all!'. Its all lies and doesn't stand up to any scrutiny.
From our perspective Jacob Rees Mogg is the best candidate. He has advocated No Deal from the beginning, is highly critical of the EU and attempts to appease them and is generally an amusing figure who is not afraid to be controversial, to disagree or to look out for our best interests.
However, half the Conservatives hate him, and he has become the new 'Farage-esque' boogeyman of the UK to people who support Labour, SNP, Greens, Liberal Democrats, and any other pseudo-commie party in the nation. Whilst he is certainly the best from our perspective, his election might well trigger civil unrest from the traitorous elements of society - and for that reason its pretty unlikely that he will actually be elected.
Regarding secession; there's plenty of legitimate reasons like security risks, holiday homes, family members residing in other regions; but I believe it truly comes down to the fact that the idea of a United Kingdom, and our Empire - is something that all Englishman are somewhat proud of and do not want to 'give up'. For all the evils done in our name; it was a testament to our supremacy and the idea of going back on it in any way, despite us all disagreeing with many aspects of it, feels like a defeat. That could just be me though.
Checked. Alright, bongs are ugly.
t. Ugly bong.
N.I., Wales and Scotland have their own devolved parliaments to deal with regional issues, but the UK parliament deals with UK-wide issues, such as brexit.
A general election would fuck everything up. A conservative leadership election is a necessity. Apologies for ambiguity.
…hoping i've replied to the right posts
The scots rarely nod their parliamentary heads at anything the UK parliamentarians say or do… Nicola Sturgeon is a prime example of that.
The SNP is also continuing to push for a second scottish independence vote, so they can re-apply to be dependant on the EU post brexit…
Yeah that sounds about as bad as you'd expect it to be really. Odds are they'll plop in a lame duck to appease everyone and he'll just pick up where may left off in doing everything in their power to stay shackled to brussels in that case.
Those chavs from a few years back still around or did they all get enriched? I don't see the boomers taking to the streets like they did in france, but if you get the younger guys out you might at least be able to threaten to crash the economy with no survivors if parliament doesn't pull it's head out of it's ass.
There's been constant protests outside Westminster for years, but relatively small scale. Most weekends there are protests and marches. It's largely ignored by the media though.
Also interesting fact for non-Bongs: the BBC are refusing to cover or mention the 'yellow vest protests' at all. Like literally there is NOTHING on it what-so-ever. If they are so willing to downplay and hide events from overseas; you can bet that they are hiding and downplaying TONS of stuff from our own nation.
Please go to the chemical thread and get creative/prepared, I love you bongs even though you're the kind of people who let it get this far for this long. Whats under your kitchen sink is more valuable than you know. May we meet again someday.
Was Theresa May's Frida Kahlo bracelet a political statement?
Everyone’s wondering why Theresa May wore a bracelet featuring communist Frida Kahlo during her dramatic speech
Even though it was for (((Tommy Robinson))) there were thousands that took to the streets when he was locked up. You're right, they are barely talking about the French protests, I wonder why?
I'm seeing a few mentions of Mogg here so thought i'd chime in. He's not to be trusted, while yes he criticises the traitors and rightfully so, he is not on our side. He like the rest of the Tories, Labourites, Lib Dems and every main stream party, he remains firmly under the thumb of his financial supporters (you can likely guess who they are).
He at best would be Trump lite which would say a lot considering Trumps incompetency at delivering anything thus far. He is a man of talk, not action, something I believe we are all very familar with.
I know I will likely get attacked for pointing this out but false hope is a dangerous thing, especially in the aftermath and the potential black pills from it. We must forge the new machine ourselves if we are to endure.
On the topic itself however, I heard a take that this stalling on Brexit is deliberate. You see, any party that takes over should a referendum occur is not obligated to carry out the previous governments policy. It is likely this will continue to be delayed and several more "incidents" will occur resulting in more bad press for the Tories, pure (((cohencidence))) of course. Most likely scenario is Labour take power, they fuck Brexit into the dirt, immigration is increased and these green isles find themselves flooded with undesirables. A double bladed approach long term as while it would increase our depossession it would also galvanise the elements who wish to take a stand. Interesting times indeed.
A couple of thousand fashy based counter jihad anti-muslim pro-isrealis is hardly the 'natives' being restless.
That's a bit like celebrating an entire stadium full of Trump rally attendees being classed as resistance to ZOG as they cheer on and elect ZOG
We don't properly leave until 2022 or beyond. There will be a new general election before the UK actually leaves. We have also had years of bias and negativity to cloud the peoples judgement and regret their vote (almost certainly hasn't worked) as well as a deliberate attempt by our politicians to do the worst job possible.
That's why I said "Even though it was for (((Tommy Robinson)))". I know the controlled opposition angle, but its a start. They didn't talk about that either, despite there being thousands in the streets of London. People are pissed off and look for someone or something to get behind. That's where these Jewish agents and alt-right fags come in, to act as a safety net so they don't get too redpilled, too much of a problem.
Regarding Mogg, or any Conservative: I agree completely, I wouldn't trust any of the bastards. The only 'mainstream' politician I can vaguely come close to trusting is Gerard Batten due to his explicitly pro-British and anti-foreigner views and statements, but his escapades with Yaxley-Lennon are very concerning. With all of that said; Mogg remains the best known Conservative by an awful long way. After him we have, who? Boris Johnson? He's exposed himself as a willing liar who will do anything for power. After him? There is nothing. Of the lot Mogg is certainly the most appealing, but as you rightly point out there is not a one of them who can really be trusted at this point.
Regarding the pro-longing of Brexit: It's a risky game. I think at this stage it is certain that they are going to try it, and have been trying it; but with each set-back a few more people have their eyes opened to the truth, a few more people take to the streets. Whilst dragging out the whole scenario with false-hope candidates to appease us and make us think that we still have other peaceful options is their best play; it is by no means a good play, especially considering the violence elsewhere. It also opens up a whole new avenue for actually exposing and eventually removing the jews, whereas if they simply went ahead with a real or sabotaged Brexit the jews would be entirely hidden.
We really are in a commanding position right now, and depending on how they act we will have a different opening. I am honestly not sure what the best-case scenario is at this point as we are very close to the stage where a 'worse-case scenario' turns into a potential nationalist revolution. It's pretty amazing that we have reached this stage when less than a decade ago you were not even allowed to criticise immigration.
Sieg heil and rule Britannia!
By having the country under a complete neocon jew lockdown refusing to carry out the will of the people fobbing them off with regard to leaving the EU which the jewish elites simply wont allow?
We're winning much like the American MAGApedes are
Did you miss the title of this thread you simpleton? The government is collapsing. There is no unity on anything. There is no option that even Labour/LibDem/SNP/Greens agree on. The whole thing is a shit-show that is spilling onto the streets and threatening civil unrest. It is also happening at the perfect time; just as the rest of Europe is showing us that violence produces results.
THAT is the best case scenario for us. There is no good option for the jews, there is no 'neo-cohen' that they can unite our people under, no false promises that will release the pressure that has been building. We are fundamentally fractured and looking for someone to blame. THAT is the best case scenario. That is what leads to people digging into what's been going on and finding a hook-nosed lurking behind the curtain.
We obviously haven't won yet, but no matter what card they try to play they will be met with some level of failure, some level of exposure, and increased anger from the masses. At the moment the Nationalist side is clearly in ascendancy, though even if it wasn't it would offer us plenty of opportunity for exposing the traitors and yids. But it is, and that is quite frankly great for us.
We are in an entirely different position than the US is. Our people are not rallied behind ANYONE. There is no popular Conservative leader, Labour is fractured beyond belief due Corbyn and every other party is near irrelevant. For the first time in a long time there is a real sense of 'uncertainty' in this nation, and that can and must be used to our advantage.
Theresa May didn't suddenly become a NeoCommunist agent to help delay and prevent the leaving of the EU for her masters, David Levita-Cameron didn't just materialise months before he was elected as leader of the Tories who begand the gay marriage legalisation.
Britons are one of the most brainwashed easily manipulated good goyim after Americans.
The EU is only being debated over the trade deals by indians jews and blacks on TV, there isn't a single public figure discussing Kalergi or the invasion of muds, only complaints about Eastern European workers and guarantees that our inferior produce can be sold to Spain for the same rates
country run fine without them.
Germany was without one for most of a year, and Sweden without for months.
All I can think is that you are a yid or a moron. Theresa May is universally reviled and being ousted. David Cameron is universally revilved as was ousted. There is no one who wants to replace them, and no one who anyone agrees on should replace May.
In other words all those kikes that were set up to lead/sabotage us have so utterly screwed up that the nation as a whole hates them. You were saying we are brainwashed for following them; so surely it is a good thing that everyone hates them and wants them gone now?
I am under no illusions that this is the end of kikery in the UK, but it gives an opportunity the likes of which has not been seen in a century (since Mosley and Edward threatened to make us a Fascist state in an alliance with Hitler). Rather than crying like a little bitch and how you're a cunt and you're always going to get fucked; why not start exposing the kikes, speaking up about the Kalergi plan and Soros and all the rest.
But no, I'm sure you'd rather insult Britons some more eh you fucking yid? Burn in hell.
Carry on voting for your least worst zionist neocon lackey and everything will be just fine…
So yid or moron? Because you're still claiming that I am saying we are going to vote for someone to fix everything; when what I am actually saying is that the situation is so out of hand that no matter what they do violence is threatening to spill onto the streets in a big way due to all the tension and division; and that such a scenario is made all the more likely due to the situation in France where they are showing that civil unrest and violence actually produce results.
So yes. You are either a yid or a moron, because that thing you are accusing me of having said is in fact the opposite of what I have said.
Let me clarify a little in case you truly are a brainlet. If May remains as PM then civil unrest is threatened by EVERY ONE - previously people were waiting to see if a peaceful option could fix her disastrous policies, this vote is the peaceful option - if it fails then we are out of options. If Jacob Rees Mogg or Boris Johnson wins the commies go out on the streets. If Amber Rudd or Savid Javid win then the Nationalists go out on the streets. In other words there is no good 'neo-cohen' for the people to rally behind; the division has grown too large, the situation is incredibly volatile as is with frequent protests that feature small scale violence, and comes at a time when the civil unrest across Europe will likely encourage our people - no matter the faction - to be more extreme. Bear in mind that the civil unrest here is almost certainly worse than we believe as it is state policy to down-play or hide details of it, as has been proven by the fact that the yellow-vest-protests are completely uncovered by all of the main UK journalists.
Tl;dr: You're a faggot and Britain is a potentially great position. Time will tell how it plays out, and I am always hesitant to be optimistic; but this is a great opportunity for Zig Forums-tier Bongs.
That's missing the point. First, Britain needs to unshackle itself from the EU, if it is ever going to rid itself of the parasite class.
Have you ever been to Britain?
Have you ever walked down a street or gone into a pub in Britain?
What is it about the most gullible and brainwashed good goys that gives you reason to think they've managed to overcome their deep brainwash?
Again you continue to post like every other American MAGApede, injecting some sort of illusion of the fact that people voting for NeoCon jews are somehow now red-pilled and will do something against the ZOG they elected.
Theresa May becoming leader of the jewish conservatives after the 'Brexit' vote was always designed to delay and distract away from leaving the EU.
There isn't a single public figure left in England discussing the real reasons the EU is a threat to us.
Every conversation on the public media is a group of blacks, indians and jews talking about import tariffs and stopping those evil Europeans walking about in England.
Your entire universe is one massive jew manipulated hoax and frankly almost all these boards are filled with LARPing faggots too afraid to tell they best friends their deepest feelings about ZOG, pretending that jewish political distractions are completely under the peopler's control and that any ZOG distraction is legitimately organic.
Facts are Britain hasn't yet left the EU, despite voting for it, and every single 'representative' in government is owned and controlled by the jews who demand Britain stays in the EU.
Meanwhile aut-kike-a-like spastics like you continue to play along with the jewish narrative and get ultra passionate about pretending the jewish controlled puppets are somehow trying to fight for us.
Evidently you've never been to Britain
You may comment how you wish pertaining to your country but
Is you yourself projecting your own containment environment on others, my mystery meat cadre has been laughing at the blatant Israeli jewish conspiracies for multiple years now and you should perhaps understand what the saying "birds of a feather flock together" because you clearly have not found your flock.
Yet it is you that is pretending that there is any kind of appetite for revolution from a populace as neutralised and hypnotised as it is to continue eating the same shit from their masters since their greatest ever moment in history ….which was killing their cousins for ZOG
Not everything with a swirl is a pedo symbol you fucking retard.
Does eating a cinnamon bun make you a boy lover too?
No but she is.
Looks like it's time for (((you))) to stop posting in the internet mr.rothschild :^). not even your much bragged-about 6 gorillion iq won't save your donkey ass from getting outed like the kike you are
They're not - you just fell for how the media is trying to frame this. Even if the UK forcefully booted all EU officials, started burning EU flags and said we are free now - no deals fuck off.
It would be like a week before they started trading again. Because this is the real world and the channel isn't as big as some want to pretend. There is no world where Britain doesn't inevitably trade with Europe whether the EU likes it or not.
It's a secret ballot
This is how cuckistani subjects live in denial
That's about the sum of it.
you post smug anime JPGs trying to assert that pol/aks are virgin queers, so every word you write can safely be dismissed as that of an act by a jewish isreali troll on here
Finally being forcefed that bogpill.
Niggercattle or space alien, she only had to choose wisely. Now she’s getting bogged.
And evidently, neither have you. The media doesn't speak for the people you fucking yid, stop spreading disinfo and turn into Ashes.
I always wondered if ‘spastic’ poster was black.
How the fuck did you elect this old hag anyway? Purge.
checking and sending the good vibes forward satan!
What time is the vote, GMT? Is it being broadcast?
So why should anyone listen to you?
How about that.
Look, I don't like her, either, but that spiral symbol is not a kiddie-diddler symbol, as it is not triangular.
It is, in fact, an ancient Northern European symbol of the continuity of the universe and the human soul.
It is found all over Europe, carved into stones from so long ago it precedes Christianity, Jewish Talmudism, and Islam. It may even precede Hinduism, we can't really tell.
Don't trash a legitimate European symbol just because an asshole is wearing it.
The vote of no confidence is gonna pass, she's gonna call for general election, lefties/center/scots are gonna have at least a minority government because the (((cuckservatives))) will argue with the hard right (despite that united they would be a majority) and they're gonna say "this is the clear sign the people actually want to stay in the EU".
And the bongs are gonna take it in stride and go back to giving their daughters to muslim rape gangs and their wives to Nigerians.
Fucking screen this, you'll see.
Just in case any Brits are reading.
It's almost like the will of the people doesn't matter any more.
We're not talking about some random whore but an official in the highest echelons of power.
There is a reason we don't believe in (((coincidences))).
lol this is also what happend when the referendum was held for the Netherlands to leave the EU.
52 or 51% voted to leave.
Then the at the time second time (at this point triple) elected Prime Minister just went "lol fuck ya'll and democracy" and ensured our position of a pegging vitcim for the EU via behind closed door deals.
"It was in your best interest d00d!"-t. Grown Up Harry Potter Lookalike .
Atleast the UK could pull a yellow vest in the current political climate.
Here people dont do anything that requires them to leave the house, our yellow vest demonstrations are peaceful and have alot of singing.
Nothing new here, get used to getting fucked over by people "with the best interest" for you, See therapists and politicians and teachers. If the "will of the (sheeple/) people " doesnt culminate in blood our puppetmasters wont care.
Thats the only fear they have: having a mob or 1 singular ebin maymay slaughterer with james bond level skills/ a nigger with a gun, invade their home and have their families killed and their head cracked open with a claw hamer.
Any of the above could do the job, doesnt require much tbh only balls and connections.
This is what inevitably always happens when you elect women into positions of power.
My my Satan, bit chilly for you to be out.
So more rerolling of the dice until the kikes get their desired result then.
Doug Ford is not Trump but he's a start. Similarly with Moog.
It seems out guy might actually be
There is no debate needed, we know the (((cause))) of all of that, and you just don't debate or vote your way out of that problem. You use gas and rope.
Considering how many corrupt lairds and lasses there are, removing her could be even worse. Fun times ahead.
No survivors !
No one cared about France until last week.
Next election, bro!
This should get you auto-banned