68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 2e 6c 79 2f 32 51 4c 6f 55 39 61
Don't forget the image
68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 2e 6c 79 2f 32 51 4c 6f 55 39 61
Don't forget the image
Other urls found in this thread:
I posted a thread on /b/
also I rotated it and it did nothing
bit .ly/2 QLo U9a
Is what it translates to. Im not going to download your sketchy ".txt" file.
i posted what it was in the old thread here
note that it's much simpler
rotating it looks like even more a mess
rot 13 perhaps?
4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20 4f 50 20 49 53 20 46 41 47 20
Don't forget the image
I saw it now, thanks.
Do you have the translations of the hex from the other posts by OP in the image?
Spell it out nigger. Not all of us speak /x/.
he pasted some imgur links in the image and linked to some sketchy as fuck download in hex
it's nothing
It’s The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe. Nothing.
It's in hexadecimal. Put it into a converter that converts to text (computers have assigned hex values for letters and symbols) and it will give you the url and thus the text in this image
Raven written in 1907
I'm guessing he means rotate by place in the alphabet? Is that what you're trying to solve now?
yeah but I am bad and new to this shit so I don't know who to rotate it
Copy pasted from shift cypher. Lame.
wow thanks op I had faith in you, cunt
If you're interested I used this site.
The ' gives it away, because that has to be either a t or an s. But that site just tries all of them (1-26) and I guess has an algorithm that checks to see if any make sense.
I found a sub on plebbit called raven1907 is it related?
Fucking stupid. It's The Raven, by EAP.
It's been posted on every other large board already.
That poetry is shit. Learn the English lang you fucking spic.
Learn to spell you fucking dick. Perhaps someone might give a lick.
Probably. Almost certainly some dumb larp taking after another dumb larp, cicada 3301 or whatever.
I am still gonna try and solve it because of curiosity
Only post
its related
also it it probably miss-spelled on purpose
Most likely it's talking about a hidden message within the images. Maybe he's posting seven different versions of the image each with a different message. You could download an image posted from another board and check to see if there is any difference between them.
What is misspelled?
Also there could be a message in the Raven text, I haven't read the poem in a long time so it might be worth comparing them side to side for differences.
There're links in the image
opening the image in gedit has these at the bottom:
(from first img link)
Erin speaks of a Mathematician who,
Was quite gifted indeed.
Though bright as he may have been,
His sight didn't allow him to have seen.
Seven bridges he attempted to cross,
and found a graph instead.
numbers, exponentially complex,
and trigonometry he combined.
and to his name ye add the constant
found on a sunflower's face
or better yet, between two fibonaccis
engaged in an infinite race.
Thus you'd come to name a function,
and should seek numbers perfect as defined.
A list you'd obtain and from this list
the seventh is what you should mind.
The number together with the name of the blind
in cases lower would be my key (that you must find).
Gripp speaks of a magic square,
the smallest of its kind.
Constructed with nuanced care,
to include just one and the primes.
The constant of such a square,
is what you shall be seeking.
add to this my name, in case lower,and you'd
be having the key that you'd be needing.
third (harris.txt)
Harris speaks of a magic square,
constructed with numbers, one to thirty six.
The magic constant is what he dares,
ye to find to get ye fix.
And to this constant ye must affix
my name in cases lower,
to get the key that you so seek.
Jubilee speaks of numbers that,
form shapes restricted to the plane.
A shape with as many sides as
circles in Dante's hell is what ye'll need.
A list ye must make of such,
numbers as defined.
The sixth of which (including one) affixed
with my name in lower is the key that ye'd find.
Merlina speaks of number that,
are supposed to give you joy.
Numbers that are divided by,
the sum of their unconcatenated parts.
A list you'd make (including one),
of such numbers and,
the thirty seventh is what you shall need to seek.
Add to this number their collective name
in language of the ancient hind,
and my key would be yours to claim.
Poppy speaks of an element named,
after a physicist who,
receieved the first prize in his field of its kind
named after a Swedish inventor who
once read his obituary eight years early.
Prefix the element (in cases lower)
that you'll thus find
with its number atomic
and ye'll have my key.
Rocky speaks of a train that,
was named after a constellation.
Whose tale is as thus:
There once was a nymph of Diana,
who was lusted after by king Jupiter,
victim of queen juno's jelousy was she
and was turned into a beast.
Almost killed by her own son was she hence,
(her son which juno suspected Jupiter fathered)
Her rescue by jupiter turned her son too into a beast,
and together they now decorate the nocturnal sky.
Her constellation from latin translated
would give you the name of the train that you must find.
the number prefixed along with THE name of this train in english
in cases lower is my key.
The Final.txt says
The keys that you collected must be combined in this order:
and should form a single string with no space between them.
68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 2e 6c 79 2f 32 51 4a 49 6a 72 33
that hex goes here anonfile.com
ah, I see you use the password to decrypt the file.
has anyone got jubilee or merlina, i've got the rest
post it here
this one is talking about Euler
The second is talking about the fibonacci sequence, not sure how you add the fibonacci sequence to a name.
the seventh number in the fibonacci sequence is either 8 or 13
so e8 or e13 (probably e8)
ill work on jubilee
I think Merlina is about happy numbers
i'm not 100% confident about it but i think erin is 19euler
see en.wikipedia.org
gripp and harris are 111gripp and 111harris
see mathworld.wolfram.com
poppy is 111rg
see en.wikipedia.org
and rocky is 111thegreatbear
see en.wikipedia.org
not sure why it would be 19euler, we could try 111euler
nine circles in dantes hell on one plane, so a nonagon
o is the 6th letter, and I assume theyre talking about Jubilee as the speaker, so either
I think
might be this en.wikipedia.org
yeah that would make it 111harshad
Yeah, that aligns with the "ancient hind" portion. Good catch.
isn't it the fibonacci sequence, not perfect numbers? the fibonacci sequence is what is usually referenced for sunflowers.
I'm not sure, I think it isn't because it says you're looking for a function.
Actually I guess the fibonacci sequence is probably a function, nevermind
e8 or 19euler or 111euler
is this correct boys?
That's what I have
I think it's talking about the euler phi function?
forgot to add
This is what I have:
1: e8 (or e13)
2: 111gripp
3: 111harris
4: oj (or jo)
5: 111harshad
6: 111rg
7: 111thegreatbear
I only did 1 and 4 personally, where did all the 111s come from? Are we sure those are the answers?
Nobody gives a shit, faggot. It's probably some retard hacker Q larp anonymous edgelord who learnt to translate ascii code to hexadecimal. Choke on your mutilated cock, yid.
Don't forget the image
it'd be 111 then
also Chief Beefeater is a referance to this en.wikipedia.org
What's this supposed to be? Is this related at all or are you just trolling (not that OP isn't trolling as well)
its mocking op
It's all star in base64
so i tried 111euler111gripp111harris111jubilee111harshad111rg111thegreatbear as the password, didn't work
anyone else have ideas
for c in `echo "68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 2e 6c 79 2f 32 51 4c 6f 55 39 61"`; do printf "\x$c" ;done;echohttp'':''//bit.ly/2QLoU9a
what is this
I think it's just a command to convert the original hex to text. The second line is the output.
Still working on the password, btw.
also fuck reddit
i figured it out
had a brain fart
read "prefix the element" as meaning abbreviate for some reason
the password is 111euler111gripp111harris111jubilee111harshad111roentgenium111thegreatbear
Callisto = Ursa Major = The Great Bear
Leads to the train
Rocky key
Huh that is it. Welp, good job. So what is it?
that image is it
0 search results on tineye, btw.
apparently it's for bhutan's national day on the 17th december
search on jewgle
in the image
this is good.
I forgot the lowercase bit.
if it's the full name go with thegreatbear, otherwise use the train designation name 111gwr
tried searching the livre numbers as ISBN, that's not it
other than doxxing ourselves with that link, what else it is about?
Dec 17 next Monday?
Actually it looks like ISBN-13
Yeah I didn't realize I copied the whole url, woops.
do we know what it says in that language?
ok so they're
Raven Crown By: Michael Aris
The Raven Crown : The Origins of Buddhist Monarchy in Bhutan By: Michael Aris
The Raven Crown: The Origins of Buddhist Monarchy in BhutanBy: Michael Aris with a different publisher
The Raven Crown: The Origins of Buddhist Monarchy in Bhutan By: Michael Aris again with a different publisher
so this looks like an elaborate advertisement for some bhutanese guy's books