Drag Queens with Down's Syndrome
Peak Degeneracy
Drag Queens with Down's Syndrome
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This is where we are in the world.
Anytime now God. Whenever you're ready
I mean, one of the most primal things humans especially applicable to retards is to have sex. Downies are known for being very sexually active. Why the government doesn't sterilize them is beyond me. Oh wait never mind we don't have people representing our interest, it totally makes sense now
I know I should be angry and disgusted, but this shit is just making me depressed.
At least they're not trannies, amiright? right…?
The trannies are using them so they can feel superior over the tards?
Too bad that since 911 and the Cebrowski plan as prosetlyzed by Thomas Barnett the US military's officer corps has been heavily seeded with communist subversives that hate America. Otherwise we could have a coup.
No just kinky fuckholes. Faggots wallow in filth. They're aghoris at heart.
Easily one-upped. This is mainstream gay.
View at your own risk. I'm sorry.
Wtf i feel the burn now
sargon of akkad….
Uncanny valley.
Anytime now Man. Whenever you are ready to purge the Earth of filth.
Why do drag queens always look so much like zombies?
It would be gut-busting hilarious if it wasn't so goddamn horrific.
They look like lunatics and monsters.
probably because they have the same amount of mental capacities.
Presumably it gets worse but I’m not watching any more. Don’t give porn hub the clicks. On a related note, I am going to send this along with bug-chasing forums to anyone that starts getting worked up about HIV in the gay community and asking for charity for it. In public health one is to follow an issue to determine the epidemiology of it, then run a campaign about the root cause. For lung cancer we tell people to stop smoking. For HiV we tell them to get screened for HIV and use protection. Yet that’s totally out of touch with gay sex. No condom will stop people from getting HIV when they lick each other’s prolapses and rub them together and squirt syringes of blood into each other’s assholes. It makes me feel like possibly a public health campaign should focus on telling people not to do some of those behaviors. Right now in the US, a doctor could get in trouble to suggest that a person’s sexual behavior is a risk factor beyond, “homosexuality is related to higher risk”. Why can a doctor not speak up against prolapse bullshit? Normally behavior that results in disease and death are things the CDC and liberals have no problem bombastically calling out, like anti-vaccine folks. Yet the weird gay shit has clearly lead to a lot more infections and deaths but you’re a Nazi if you even talk about it.
Purge when??
This is some next level fuckery, how do normalfags justify this? downies can barely comprehend straight relationships nevermind what fucking gender they're being forced to act as. This is no different than some creepy 40yo man grooming a 8yo girl unaware of whats happening.
They are trying to die and take as many people with them as humanly possible. Someday Heterosexual people are going to realize that Homosexuality is a Death Cult and help them all straight to hell where they belong.
you just can't make this shit up. have to admit (((they))) are creative. you would think we hit bottom of degeneracy by there is allways next level.
Sorry user, that was meant for
We are effectively chained to them, so the deeper they dig, the farther from the light we are dragged.
God hates us.
Because they're dead inside.
No, they're not creative. Look at modern art. Look at Hollywood. Do you know why the film industry is nothing but superhero trash, remakes, and sequels over and over and over? Because kikes have largely run the creative white man out of the industry and they are incapable of creating. They are destructive and nothing more.
This is true. One of the weirdest things about the whole mess is that they don't even enjoy what they are doing. The entire thing is 100% spiteful, full of envy and hatred for heterosexuals. They dig deeper and deeper but they don't do it for themselves or for any pleasure on their own, it is only to make sure that no one can see the light.
we are only a hop skip jump from there, and this is a stepping stone
the world is now a lunatic asylum. opened up the institutions in the 70s and the 80s, and not surprisingly, the psychotics didn't just return to the ol' farm like Cincinnatus did. nope, they went straight for the churches, schools, and the means of communication. now they own you. disagree? go to your local city council and start pointing out the obvious mental cases.
Now that's a slippery slope I'm ready to descend.
This is exactly what circuses and traveling fairs are for.
See the bearded lady.
See the disfigured imp.
Laugh at the dwarf.
Marvel at the mighty Marvin.
Go check out vintage pictures of side-show freaks from the 19th century. They can't hold a candle to present day People of Walmart.
i bet you had to search long & hard for that one. how many times did you crank your sad little incel nub when you found it? hopefully you prayed to faggot jesus leather skydaddy after, you magic-believing pearl clutching fucking snowflake. you closet dick suckers are all the same. so offended at everything that turns you on.
Normalfags simply don't care. Don't forget that pedophilia and bestiality are next on the agenda
I can't tell you how fucking furious I am that he keep thinking it would be a good idea to drag women into his fucking disgusting hell. Over and over, and he was even 'bisexual' for a time, infecting and passing disease and lifetime STD's to anyone stupid enough to get near him.
Serious guys, bullet to the head for his crimes against humanity.
spotted the downie-fapper
you know damn well normalfags will defend this. just like with sweden, they're not going to ever admit that anything is wrong, they would rather die and live in fear than to question the world around them
Are these people White or jewish?
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Brainwashed whites, the pedo in the first picture is very likely a kike
t.drag syndrome
JEWISH. Not European.
The males are sterile. Females are 50/50. If a downie gets pregnant, it’s a “normal” male that did it.
T. My little brother has downs.
Would you want the downy women sterilized?
Holy shit, I’ve been saying this for a while. We need to bring back asylums. Better, more humane asylums, but they need to come back.
Either that, or close the hell portal CERN opened up.
They CAN be sweet people, but, they’re still people. My brother talks back like you wouldn’t believe. Calls my mom a bitch and shit like that and mostly gets a pass because he has the mental capacity of a 5 year old. In some ways less. They get grumpy just like anyone and it’s literally like having a dog with opposable thumbs running around. He’s now 24 years old and he cannot be left alone. My parents are basically parents to a toddler until he dies or they die. Tbh, it fucked up their life and I know they would have been happier not having him, but they didn’t find out until after he was born. And they wouldn’t have aborted anyway, which I agree with. You can’t prevent the “accidental” cases, but we should be doing what we can to prevent those we can. The worst part is, the females have about a 50% chance at having a normal child. Imagine that, having a downie mom that YOU need to raise. And any “normal” male that impregnate these girls should be fucking shot.
There's an updated image which includes him declaring becoming or being Jewish.
Do you have it?
Sorry, no. But I can give you this.
Shit, that reminds me, a few years ago there was a retarded couple that had a normal kid. I think the girl was downie but the boy had something else wrong. I THINK he had been born normal but something happened and he is now mentally retarded, some kind of accident or something. Anyway, kikebook was all aflutter because “love is love” and wishing the “cute couple” the best and all that shit. I was fucking horrified. A normal kid has two retarded parents. How the fuck is that going to play out? As predicted, anyone who expressed horror at the whole shitshow was shut down as “bigoted” and “narrow minded” if not “evil”.
Yeah, it’s evil to not want what is basically two toddlers to reproduce. Massively fucked up.
not interested really
If i compare the likes on that video with the ones posted before, "her" viewers don't seem to approve. I guess it's one thing violating nature and another to pretend being part of the chosen people.
And so, the circle is complete
It's almost as if being a kike means you get off to the sickest shit known to mankind, like mutilated baby penises and bestiality
Please, God, bring your cleansing fire to this world.
Man I am sorry that those people said those things to you. It is stressful for the entire family to think about the long term care and the daily worry that you will die before your child (who will take care of an adult child if you are gone). SMH…it sounds like an incredibly stressful thing to have to deal with.
Aristocracies have always worked hard to repel pretenders. Self-aware nobles have no intention of giving away their privileges to upstarts.
Well it could be full blown downy trannies.
Reminder faggots prey on the mentally ill and the immature/young/autistic.
Good way of putting it. These are (((men))).
My mother worked in special ed tells me most of the girls are on the pill. You know Buck, from Kill Bill? Well, Buck also works in group homes for retards.
This is a rabbit hole I don't even Zig Forums wants to go down.
How many of these exxxxxxxtreme faggots work in healthcare? Imagine these dudes giving your grandmother a sponge bath. They obviously fetish infection and gore.
I still think that you might be able to get AIDS or Hepatitis from these faggots. I wouldn't want them touching me at all or my food or anything else…anymore than I would want a leper serving my food or giving me a sponge bath.
That said, I believe Cortez is a pretender: one they'll tolerate.
She's claiming less Sephardic blood than Pocahontas actually has Amerindian.
She's a political tool they intend to control.
This claim is an act of contrition after she renounced her pro-Palestinian position.
She's letting them know they do own her, body and soul. She'll get no extra power from this, never qualify for Isreali citizenship, and is now bound to do the will of the tribe. If they need her to take a fall no one will protect her.
I had never thought of that, but it doesn't shock me.
In face it's actually comforting to know there's a form of eugenics in pace for these people. I had a very sobering conversation with a social-work nurse whose 30 year career was taking care of a family of hereditary invalid imbeciles. She was in despair because no one sterilize them.
I'm one of the softer anons on Zig Forums but even I'm good with sterilizing downies and brownies. Where are you from boy?
Isn't Jesus supposed to come down and vanquish the Anti-Christ and his minions (Jews)? I thought that's what the bible prophesied. Unless that's years from now when the Anti-Christ is revealed to everyone.
MFW just in time to see things get really bad but too late to see the Synagogue of Satan be purged.
No, that is a misreading of the text.
Then what happens?
everything dies and the lord provides in the afterlife, eventually eventhing good will die and the lord will start over .
Please god, nuke us now. I'm ready for the apocalypse.
Will the start over have Jews?
I just want it to end in fire
I want the kikes to end in fire for their crimes against humanity. By my own count over 1 billion dead at their hands.
Is that shopped. That guy seriously looks possessed
Will you cull him or face the she-tard?
Have we reached peak Weimar yet?
Maybe the atheist kike tools were right about one thing, perhaps there really is no God.
No publicly available child brothels yet. Only private ones.
That's quite a way to put it.
This. Normalfags will never do anything. Only a new reactionary and counter-revolutionary elite can put a stop to this. The good news is that the Jewish oligarchy is weakening, and I'm sure there will come a time when even three-letter alphabet agency glowniggers won't want to defend such shit either.
But this is where abortion has a eugenic effect.
This, God. I'll even build an ark. Whatever it takes. C'mon, just let's go.
These (((people))), are the most evil (((people))) to have EVER exist. They say "Oh you silly conservative it's just a fallacy, things won't ever get this bad!" and what do you know it gets that and and worse. These (((people))), they deserve death, all of them.
This shit eating clown world, I tell ya. It's just too much for a simple guy like me.
"When I look back, I have only one feeling, this is a huge regret. Regret that we were unable to create this European world that would have been master of the universe forever, that would have secured for the white race, the first of all the races, the great domination of the spirit. And when we see what there is before us, what thirty years of victory of the others have done. This anarchy in the world, this collapsing of the White race, this desertion throughout the universe. When we see in our own countries, the breakdown of morals, the fall of the homeland, the fall of the family, the collapse of the social order. When we see the appetite of material goods which has replaced the great flame of the ideal that animated us. Well, really, between the two, we chose the right side.
The little wretch of Europe today, with this common tinpot market…it can not give happiness to mankind! The consumer society rotting humanity instead of elevating it! So the rest of us at least, we have dreamed of something marvelous! And we have only one desire, that this spirit could be reborn! And with all my strength, until the last moment of my life, I will fight for this: for what was our fight and our martyrdom, shall be one day, the RESURRECTION!" — Léon Degrelle (1906-1994), interview with Jean-Michel Charlier, Le Volksführer (1976)
That is a pretty amazing quote.
I love that speech.
So you're a projecting doomed fag.