or Resurrecting an Old Series. Let's Talk about the IRA
A long time ago I began a thread series on asymmetric warfare. Now due to popular demand, I am resurrecting this series. In this thread series I will be analyzing several different European and non-European "terrorist" organizations. We will scrutinize their tactics, their strategy, their strengths, and their failings. I will devote much more effort towards organizations that "succeeded" than those that floundered. However, I will spend some time on ineffective, failed organizations. This subject is important for several reasons. Firstly, because it is simply interesting. Secondly, because circumstances may progress in our nations where this knowledge will be useful. And lastly because our struggle is political in nature, we can stand to learn much from political struggles that were compelled for one reason or another to adopt violence as their tactic against the System. Whether or not we will be forced to do the same is up to you. However, we all can learn from organizations that did. The past is our lantern by which we may illuminate the dark and unknown future.
Before we begin, I will first make a few disclaimers and trigger-warnings Firstly, I am not advocating or inciting anything whatsoever. M'kay? Nor are any posts in this thread anything other than theoretical discussion of ideas. Secondly, I will be using several trigger-words such as "terrorist" in these discussions. We could start an hours long debate on what "terrorism" even means or whether this organization or that are really "terrorists" or whether government itself is a terrorist organization or whether the word "terrorist" is just a slur used by the establishment to delegitimize non-state resistance organizations. But frankly, I'm not interested in that. I will be using the word on occasion primarily because typing "asymmetrical resistance organization" is tedious. This is a word that everyone commonly uses to describe non-state resistance organizations so I will use it on occasion to do the same thing. However, if you are offended that I have used this word to describe an organization you agree with, please mentally replace it with "freedom fighters" and forgive me for my error. Trust me, if I use the word "freedom-fighter" to describe everything, another group of people will be offended that I would dare describe a group that they disagree with politically as "freedom-fighters" Thirdly, some of the organizations I analyze will be Marxists. Some will be Islamic. Some may even be Zionist. And some will be other political philosophies that we hold in contempt and scorn. I am not a marxist. I despise jewish-Marxism. But since I am analyzing non-state resistance organizations, several Marxist ones will be included. ITTs I will be focusing on methods and strategy, not morality. Talking about an organization is not an endorsement. Lastly, and this is the most triggering; I will be analyzing organizations based on the assumption that they actually existed. If you believe that this organization or that are a hoax and are angry that I don't address this, this isn't the thread for you. If everything is a conspiracy, then there is no way to analyze it logically.
The PIRA or 'Provos' as we endearingly call them represent the only significant example of working class White men that engaged in a significant armed struggle against a powerful industrialized country and fought them to a stand-still. It has been said that the Provos did not win but neither did they lose. In fact, they caused serious damage to the London government (and the city itself as it happens) and despite all the resources that the British threw at them, hundreds of millions of dollars in men, tanks, informants, bribery, helicopters, military bases, secret police, assassinations, counter-terrorism, political-terrorism, and vehicles, the PIRA not only maintained their war but eventually started hitting back so hard that it forced the London government to negotiate a settlement to "end" the war. Thus, they are one of the four organizations that I believe we can learn the most from.
No analysis is complete without a little background. Ireland has a long history of fighting the English. Even in the 18th century, the predecessors of the IRA, Sinn Fein, and the Irish national government had secret meetings in barnhouses, inns, and homes. And honestly we could talk about Irish resistance back to the days of Oliver Cromwell and long before if we wished to. However, the original IRA we're talking about grew out of the men who participated in the Easter Rising of 1916 against the British and later the War of Irish Independence in 1919. This revolt succeeded in forcing the British to grant Ireland home rule and then independence. There was however, a worm in the apple. The peace treaty that ended the Independence War left the London government with control of Northern Ireland and several ports. The IRA was split between those who accepted the treaty and those who wanted to continue the war against Britain. What happened was a civil war which the anti-treaty faction lost. The reason for this defeat was, simply put; the IRA underestimated the capabilities of the new government and attempted to fight a conventional war before they were ready to. This civil war, by the way, is one of a small handful of true civil wars. Meaning that ethnic conflict played no role in it. The war was waged entirely over political differences, not ethnic domination masked by communism, Christianity, or some other amorphous wordist disagreement. Speaking of political ideology, the earlier struggles were expressly nationalist in nature and for a brief period, the IRA (or at least factions within the movement) flirted with Fascism and National Socialism. This expressed itself most famously in the Blue-Shirts, pic related. However, gradually the intellectual leaders fell under the influence of Marxism as that was popular at the time. By the 1950s, the IRA had a distinctly Marxist flavour. Notably though, the jews never managed to seize control of the organization and leadership remained in the hands of misguided White men.
In the 1960s, the IRA began increasing its activities to defend the Irish minority in Northern Ireland and attempt to drive out the British and unite Ireland by force. They began conducting raids across the border and attacking infrastructure and police. This campaign failed completely and the IRA was driven back. This failure is in large part the fault of the marxist mentality of the IRA's leadership. These men failed to comprehend the obvious ethnic nature of their own struggle and thus focused on actions they thought would win over non-Irish working class men. This left the Irish abandoned and unprotected from the British without winning over a significant number of non-Irish recruits. In addition, the Marxist leadership had chosen to follow the Maoist plan of avoiding the cities and focusing on driving the security forces from the countryside. This works well in the Third World but has been proven ineffective for an industrialized state. Shortly after this failure, in 1969 the nationalist factions of the IRA (consisting of much of their working class rank and file members) split with the marxist leadership and founded the Provisional-IRA. This nationalist splitter organization would go on to drag the London government to the negotiating table…
The situation in Northern Ireland at this time had deteriorated into serious ethnic conflict between the Protestant British majority and the Catholic Irish minority. Riots, arson attacks, and beatings were increasingly common and the Irish longed for a paramilitary organization to protect them. It should be noted that at this time, many members of the Dublin government were sympathetic to the PIRA's cause and much material and money was surreptitiously donated to the PIRA by friendly agents. This helped offset the losses in manpower and weapons suffered during the Border Campaign of 1956 to '62. As we shall see, few things are more beneficial to a guerrilla struggle than a friendly government on the border of the region they operate in or sympathetic public servants in their area of operation. Another source of weapons and money came from Irish nationals in the USA. Everything from disassembled rifles, ammunition, to even detonation devices (often smuggled in toy trains through airport security) were smuggled into Ireland from supporters in the USA and then stored in weapons caches throughout the borderlands. Finally, one unlikely source of support came from none other than Muammar Gaddaffi of Libya. Gaddaffi detested the British and viewed anything that hindered and harmed the London government and its allies as a good thing. The enemy of my enemy is my friend would accurately describe his view of the PIRA. He thus supplied many complex weapons systems to the IRA through sea-lane smuggling operations. His most significant contributions were money, semtex, RPG-Ls, mines, anti-aircraft weapons, and AK-47s. Lots of them. After the 1986 bombing of Libya, Gaddaffi sent even more weapons to the Provos. In addition, the PIRA had serious contact with various Palestinian resistance organizations. To what extent they collaborated is relatively unknown but it did exist.
The PIRA began their campaign almost immediately after splitting with the marxist leadership. Conducting beatings and assassinations of British Loyalists deemed a threat to the nationalists and blowing up buildings associated with them. This lead to numerous civilian casualties. Of course, Loyalist paramilitaries struck back and killed Irish civilians and suspected nationalist supporters in retaliation. Always bear in mind that throughout this war, Loyalist forces had their own paramilitaries that engaged in terrorist attacks of their own. The PIRA also targeted economic targets and infrastructure. Also, numerous ambushes and attacks on police and soldiers forced the government to implement martial law in some areas in 1970 and raided Irish neighborhoods to seize weapons. These often led to gunbattles as the Provos and their sympathizers were to be found everywhere. They also began interning suspected Irish dissidents without trial. Speaking of the military, the London government, realizing the threat posed by the PIRA had dispatched the army to restore order in Ulster. Police units were no longer able to effectively patrol the Irish areas due to attacks by the PIRA. It was no secret that the provos had informants everywhere, especially in the Catholic zones. Even children would throw rocks at the police in some areas and entire sections of city became army no-go zones where the military would have to escort the police just to enter, most notably the city of "Free Derry." Naturally, all of this heavy handedness in the military response only drove up support for the PIRA. One of the primary objectives of acts of terrorism against a government is to provoke the establishment to retaliating against the population and thus alienating the public. 1970 saw the introduction of one of the hallmarks of modern asymmetric warfare; the car-bomb. The first car bomb attack was merely a boobytrapped car in South Armagh that killed 2 RUF officers. Later, car bombs took on a life of their own as a primary means of bomb delivery. South Armagh would eventually turn into a near county-wide no-go zone for security forces. One of many regions that the PIRA was able to effectively drive out government forces.
From 1970 to 1972, literally tens of thousands of sniper attacks, assassinations, car bombs, IED attacks, shootings, and sectarian terrorist attacks killed hundreds of PIRA fighters, security forces, and Loyalist paramilitary fighters. Nevermind massive economic disruption due to the war. This violence compelled the British to conduct massive counter-terrorism campaigns and used frequent ceasefires to get informants to infiltrate the PIRA. This soon paid off as the URC began arresting thousands of PIRA members, often using torture to elicit names and information from prisoners. This began to seriously harm the insurgency and the Provos were forced to adopt the Cell Strategy, a term that is often thrown around here. These cells consisted of around 6 men, give or take depending on circumstances. The nominal leadership of the PIRA was the Chief of Staff. This body only met twice during the entire war. However, they managed to exert great control of the cells indirectly and ceasefires were almost always respected and observed. Also of note, in some regions such as South Armagh, the PIRA operated on a much larger level and fielded full militias. These brigades operated semi-openly and these areas were effectively a state within a state.
By the late 70s the British government still was unwilling to negotiate a withdraw from Northern Ireland. This despite massive economic disruption in Ulster and hundreds of high profile attacks including the downing of an army helicopter in 1978. It became clear to the PIRA leadership that in order to force the British to withdraw, they would need to bring the war to London. As early as 1973 in fact, PIRA units had been dispatched to carry out bombings and assassinations in London. However these were not well thought out campaigns and target selection was rather indiscriminate. This changed in 1982 when the PIRA detonated a car bomb during a military parade, killing 11 soldiers and also a bunch of horses. It turned out to be a public relations nightmare as the backlash against them was strong. Not so much for the 11 dead men or the 11 now fatherless families… but mostly due to the soppy pictures of dead horses published in tabloid magazines. Oh No! Muh Optics! This convinced the team in charge of operations in England to go dormant for a time and change tactics. They would not conduct another attack until 1984 when they bombed a hotel where fiercely anti-PIRA Prime Minister Margarite Thatcher was staying. The attack was among the most sophisticated terrorist actions in history. PIRA men knew several months beforehand that Thatcher would be staying at this hotel and one of their members rented a room one floor above the room Thatcher was expected to stay in. He carefully pried up a panel on the bathtub in the hotel and placed a bomb timed to go off in exactly one month at 2:54 AM. The timer was created using a video-recorder and it allowed a detonation to be delayed for up to 48 days. The explosive itself was a mere 20 to 30 pounds of Frangex. Being the Iron Lady, Thatcher somehow managed to survive the blast that killed 5 conservative party members. Had Thatcher been in the bathroom when the bomb went off, she would absolutely have been killed.
Fun fact, the Provo who planted the bomb was named Patrick Magee. Patty Magee. A name so sickeningly Irish that merely saying it aloud causes you to start craving cabbage & beef, Guinness beer, and then convert to Catholicism. Anyway, Patty Magee was arrested later due to a single fingerprint left on a paper that he signed in to the hotel with. Since he had a criminal record, his fingerprint was identified. Wear gloves.
Meanwhile back in Ulster, the war continued to intensify. Mortar attacks and car bombings were racking up a massive toll on bodies and Pounds. Police compounds were bombed, army convoys were ambushed, banks were burned, and civilians killed. Too, the sectarian minded paramilitaries engaged in tit for tat religious violence. In particular, several Loyalist groups targeted Catholic civilians in an attempt to ignite a religious war. These were repaid in kind with massacres of the families of those who perpetrated the killings. Around this time, another weapon in asymmetric warfare was introduced; the suicide car-bomb. Unlike Islamic SVBIEDs, the PIRA would kidnap and hold the families of security forces and force the father to drive the car bomb to its intended target (usually army checkpoints) before remotely detonated it.
Coeval with this development, several other attacks against politicians and military were conducted on mainland Britain and yet nothing they did caused the government to engage in serious negotiations with the PIRA. Then they changed target selection and in the early 90s, began detonating massive car bombs at financial buildings such as; The 1992 bombing of the Baltic Exchange Building in the city of London. This caused £1 billion in damages and killed 3 people. The Staples Corner bombing only a few hours later on Staples Corner London. This collapsed several buildings and killed no people. The 1993 Bishopsgate bombing in the city of London. This caused over £2 billion in damages and killed one idiot journalist. The 1993 bombing of a gas storage facility in Warrington. The 1994 Heathrow Airport attacks where the Provos, over the course of a week fired a dozen mortar rounds onto the tarmac of the Heathrow Airport. This disrupted airtraffic and caused unknown economic damage. The 1996 Canary Wharf bombing in London. This caused £100 million in damages and killed 2 people. The Manchester bombing which killed no one and caused over £1 billion in damages. Not to mention the dozens of other bombings and mortar attacks targeting politicians and financial targets.
Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, the situation for the government had deteriorated to the point where several army helicopters had been shot down by the rebels and PIRA personnel were able to conduct operations in South Armagh virtually unchallenged by the security forces. This gave others in the struggle a base of operations from which to seek shelter or plan other attacks against the government. In addition to the violence, a curious episode occurred in 1992 where the Provos were compelled to conduct a purge within their own ranks. An organization within the armed struggle called the Irish Peoples Liberation Organization were deemed unreliable due to their religiously oriented nature of sectarian violence and their engaging in drug trafficing and rape as a means of conducting the war. In one night, the Provos assassinated their leaders and systematically crippled their organization. And when I say crippled I mean that many of the serious offenders had their legs and arms broken with bats and crowbars. Survivors who were willing were conducted into other units but the IPLO was effectively destroyed as a political entity.
In 1997, a ceasefire was reached with the London government and negotiations began that led to the Good Friday Agreement. This treaty was satisfactory for most of the PIRA though not all as it left Northern Ireland separated from Ireland. However, the agreement freed all the PIRA prisoners, put Sinn Fein (the political wing of the PIRA) into power in Ulster, and gave the Irish Catholics numerous affirmative action tire protections and benefits over the Protestant British. Never underestimate the fact that there is now a 50% Catholic quota for the new police force in Ulster. That is power because now the men who were bombing Loyalist pubs and banks 20 years ago are in the police force. Think about that. And though Northern Ireland remains disunited from the "homeland," all the Irish areas of Northern Ireland are run by Sinn Fein now anyway and if and when the demographics favour the Irish, the government has stipulated that they can just vote to secede. Which, honestly is kind of meaningless tat considering the London government doesn't respect voting or democracy. But that's an entirely different thread for another day.
We could argue over whether they "won" but the fact remains that these bastards went up against an industrialized capitalist democracy and smashed their fingers over and over and over until the central government essentially paid them off like the French did to get the Vikings off their back. That demonstrates that they did not lose. It would be like George Bush negotiating with Osama Bin Ladeen to grant Al-Qaeda power in Saudi Arabia, released all the POWs from Gitmo, and ensured that his men could join the Saudi Army if they wished. That's mighty impressive, inn'it?
As I have said before, I believe that the most significant aspect of this war was the PIRA's decision to take the war out of Northern Ireland and start targeting London financial institutions. That is playing the smart game. The political elite know that a few dozen men could cause billions of dollars in damage and put corporations out of business with just a few hundred dollars worth of explosives. They certainly don't want you to know that though. The London government did not care all too much about the war in Northern Ireland. What got their attention was the thought of the war drifting to London's financial district.
In addition, their policy of calling ahead to avoid civilian casualties was very intelligent. Note that the attacks I listed from 1992 to 1997 in England barely killed anyone. This is no coincidence. The PIRA planned out their attacks very carefully to avoid mass casualties. This was to avoid handing the government a propaganda weapon against them. This was a hard lesson learned from cold experience. In 1987 the PIRA bombed a police parade in Enniskillen and killed a bunch of retired police and a pregnant woman. This attack seriously harmed their public relations that means their ability to recruit and interact with the public. The elites do not give a rat's shit about dead civilians. If you could see into their souls when they cry crocodile tears over victims of terrorism, you would see absolutely nothing. What gets them into a cold sweat is the thought of an important bank being incinerated or an oil refinery going up in smoke. That is the only language that they understand. It behooves us to comprehend this fact and never kidd ourselves into believing that the elites give a damn about dead soldiers. Especially the jews who view dead White soldiers as a good thing.
Finally, their policy of engaging in the Long War approach is important. Asymmetric warfare is a long term investment. The government of course does not like it when its important infrastructure is destroyed and its helicopters are shot down. Thus their primary goal is to make a revolt die quickly. The longer it drags on, the more likely one of their banks or corporate media headquarters will be blown up by an intelligent revolutionary.
Well, that about does it for the PIRA. Please feel free to add or share knowledge on this topic.
Lastly, all you Loyalists out there who are angry that I gave the Provos the time of day; while I can't take back what I wrote, I will be giving the British Loyalist paramilitaries their own thread and their own analysis. And this will be of course from their perspective. Same as here. We all have our biases. However, I will be giving them roughly the same treatment that I have given to the PIRA so just stay calm and carry on.
Here is a disclaimer I am not responsible for your actions. Zig Forums is a board of peace. Here is this thread's theme music. (vid) Here is the TLDR; The IRA blew sum ppl up and got sum stuff And I'm done.
Joshua Richardson
Lot of brits claim the modern IRA are a cucked commie group, is this true?
Andrew Morales
War of Independence/Civil War no, Troubles era yes.
Cooper Russell
The IRA as it currently exists is a criminal gang. IRA in name only. Ireland as it currently exists has two lefty parties with the same goals and ideals, and every alternative party which gets airtime is even further to the left. There is no party politician today which will put the needs of the Irishman before the needs of the EU, and the system is set up in such a way that if you're not part of a party then you get fuck all power.
Caleb Anderson
This thread is gold, thank you for the effort, OP. Lookin forward to more
Aiden Ward
Nice work OP. Though I can hardly commend all the acts of the IRA, I think it prudent that if we ever wished to emulate them (in minecraft) we have this vast source of knowledge to draw from, especially regarding the financial war and the elites.
Leo Hughes
Why did they change?
Owen Cox
The Provisional IRA did absolutely nothing wrong.
They're Brits trying to shit on the Irish who fight back, like they've always done.
Matthew Gomez
Yes and no. The IRA are Marxists, the Provisional IRA who split from the "original" IRA were nationalists with socialist leanings. But don't call them "national socialists" or they freak out because And such poppycock.
This is to be expected considering that the Provo's leadership was closely related to the 1960s IRA Marxists. But to ignore the distinct split between them and the Marxists is dishonest. Another thing to consider is that the political wing of the PIRA is Sinn Fein. While virtually all of the nationalists supported them in 1998, there are many veterans who claim that Sinn Fein betrayed them by not pushing for full independence. Indeed, Sinn Fein appears to be collaborationists with the (((System))) now and they do sell out Irish interests to serve the jew and to serve Brussels. How ironic.
I believe that one of the biggest lessons we can learn from the Good Friday Agreement is that we will need to religiously police our non-violent wing (in minecraft) to keep them honest. The Purge that the Provos did in 1992 should have been done on Sinn Fein as well to weed out collaborationists. On the flip side, I have heard plenty tell that Sinn Fein gave loads of cushy government jobs to PIRA veterans after the war. So it's not like they didn't gain something for their struggles… at least, not the leadership.
But that's the trouble with the long war. People get tired and the longer it goes on, the more likely someone will settle for less.
Thanks, fellas. And I agree completely. Waging guerrilla war against the minecraft mobs will be very difficult. The path to victory, in my mind is to take out the redstone conductors that supply the enemy's bases with electricity. Then they will be dealing with their pet golem running amok, causing billions of emeralds of damages while we sit cozy in our dirt hovels.
Interesting and high quality thread, thank you OP. I didn't know much about the IRA before thanks to (((education))) but I will pick up a book on the subject.
Isaac Hernandez
you should read "fry the brain: the art of guerilla sniping" it has a chapter on the IRA
Isaiah Nelson
Can't you also acid wash your finger prints? Or fuck with it by creating scar tissue? (Both of these things being dangerous as shit.) It would at least be less conspicuous then going everywhere with a pair of gloves on.
Ayden Jackson
Sure, but I imagine that this would hurt. A better method would be to use some sort of plastic finger covers. Hypothetically speaking, I may have found it useful to wear latex clear plastic gloves while putting up pro-White posters.
Cooper Jones
Thanks for making this thread OP, here's the first chapter of Fry the Brain to get anons interested in this topic.
Great work OP. Thank you for the information. Slight off topic: for anyone interested in pizzagate, the IRA (possibly the PLO exclusively) were amongst the sickest fucks, at least as bad as the elite today. I'm saying not just kiddie fuckers but pimping out and/or sodomisizing their own children. My sources lack depth but maybe someone else can add to this. Is it possible the PLO emigrated to England? Were they friendly with Anglo kikes?
Thomas Brown
Great thread OP, and looking forward to the follow-up thread on the Provos. New here. I was a 4chan poster for years now, but that place has been totally overrun with garbage threads for ages now. So far I have read two high quality posts on this board, feels good again!
Caleb Bailey
The IRA were always cucked glorified terrorists, targeting mostly kids and women for ez attacks. There's a reason they're called the niggers of Europe
Thankyou and it may be awhile before I address the UDF and other Loyalist paramils (I presume that's what you meant). Mostly because I kinda want to get a Yugoslavia civil war thread going since that's what I've been reading about lately. Also, last time I followed up my IRA thread with an ETA one since they compliment each other. At least, in my mind they do.
But I will get to them because they were very interesting and also forced the central government to cuck to them using violence and economic terrorism.
The IRA were literal Marxists who had to resort to killing kids and off duty soldiers because every time they actually tried to fight the British army or UVF/UDA, they'd get fucked.
Nolan Rivera
Good stuff OP
This post in particular really highlights what is the most important thing to take away from the IRA's acts during the trouble: targeting police and soldiers is largely pointless and targeting civilians hurts more than helps; the best target to go after is infrastructure and wealth
Will you, at some point, have a thread about Mao? I recall my old world history teacher used to call him the most successful terrorist in history and a lot of his tactics are still used by terrorists today
Read the thread
Kevin Brooks
Whether or not the IRA was a marxists organization is somewhat irrelevant to the information being presented in the thread. The real takeaway here is the tactics and strategies they implemented in order to gain political power.
Isaac Davis
Your knowledge won't be forgotten user. Another good song for the thread, even if Irish plans out of breeding themselves northern Ireland shall fail, the music itself was absolutely worth all the struggle.
iirc Mao said that in order to fight a guerrilla war successfully you need support of at least 1/3 of the population. Mind you, Mao isn't the most reliable source of information so he may be full of shit in this instance.
Jacob Sullivan
I could agree about support but I'm curious about the actual number of fighters, people ready to commit to action or even die for the movement. In blackpill threads people often mention that we already lost because whites are dying out and there is not enough people to put up a good fight. I always disagree because in my opinion, supported by nothing but brief knowledge of history, even one percent of population ready to go out and do what's needed would be virtually existential threat to any government. Of course it all depends on various circumstances like support of army and people but I wonder what kind of percentage would be enough to become a threat
Ryan Edwards
You know, I probably should because I myself like quoting him. I tend to try to keep my focus on European conflicts because China 80 years ago is a different animal than W Europe and America in the late 20th century. Then again, he won his war so clearly he knows his stuff. And I do love his quote about fish and the sea. I will consider it. Last time I had a thread for miscellaneous non-White organizations. Maybe I'll break it up by geography and devote one for China. What a fucking mess that conflict was, lemme tell ya…
Glad to contribute to our collective knowledge.
That is a good question. First off, the PIRA only had about 100 -300 men in active "service" at any given time. And most of these were either in South Armagh trumping around gunning down British convoys or serving as support roles. They had a few thousand others who served as direct informants and in supplying weapons, money, vehicles & transportation, and of course sending messages around. But the real question is; What percentage of the population at large needs to support the cause that the rebels are fighting for to succeed. And this is up for serious debate since the population is the sea in which a guerrilla must operate. This is where he gets information, recruits, and support. One popular opinion is 3% fighters, 10% active support, 30% passive support. This of course comes from the American Revolution. And this seems to be the minimum requirement for a "terrorist" organization to transcend into a real guerrilla fighting force.
Of course, it's much better if your support base is concentrated in one geographic area. One of the main reasons that the Provos were able to trump around in the open in County Armagh is because their support base there was like 100%. The British infiltrated units all around Northern Ireland but never were able to seriously infiltrate the South Armagh brigades for long. Informants usually ended up face down with their hands tied behind their backs.
Landon Brown
This is correct. 20 men could shut down all major US cities and cause 100 billion dollars of damages if they knew what they were doing.
Justin Myers
Maybe it takes 1/3rd of the population in Asian countries, but Europeans are a very different people.
Luis Barnes
I'd say USA is not going to be too bad in that case. Whites could fight themselves slice of the country even if they're down to 20%. What worries me is social changes that's been taken in recent decades. All of those Irish boyos knew each other, they shared a guinness every now and then, bars were perfect information exchange hubs. If you needed to form a cell of 6 men you just created one with people you knew and drink for most of your life. Now
Easton Phillips
upload pdf you man mad
Luis Sanders
Hey paddyposter, glad to have you back after that recent thread on violence deficits. Should make sure to archive your threads so we can track all the different movements being analyzed
Hunter Taylor
Seems like a dumb question, but was it just from timing their attack to where no one would be in the buildings, or did they literally call ahead. The latter seems like it would be counterproductive since government forces would all over the place
Adam Anderson
The greatest achievement of the jew is not his corruption of our political elites or his opening of our borders. The kikes greatest achievement is how they have destroyed our ability to think together and collaborate as White men, even though we are a persecuted minority in our own homelands. That is true 4th generation warfare and by God the kikes really have done a number on us.
And yet… for all their billions, for all their media monopoly and political trickery, White men seem to be rekindling our natural ethnocentrism. It's damn slow but as our situation becomes increasingly obvious and the media jews are screeching about our impending destruction as a race, White men are starting to think long-term again. Women too now that the (((feminists))) are throwing White women under the bus in favour of Tyrone, Muhammad, and "Jennifer" the transexual freak.
They literally called ahead. In fact, many of their later attacks were conducted in broad daylight so that people would answer their phones and clear out. Sometimes this didn't happen at night, hence the drop in casualties. The reason they called the places directly (oh & btw, the Manchester bomb had a two hour delay) was because the Provos frankly didn't trust the cops. They always suspected that the police would delay telling the public to evacuate so as the get a large death toll for the media. And there are some suspicious instances of the police telling people to go somewhere where a bomb was set to go off.
Grayson Stewart
Could you elaborate further on that point? I think I get what you're saying but the "rule the countryside" approach seems to be Zig Forums's consensus for strategy so seeing a thorough breakdown of why that is a losing strategy would be immensely beneficial.
Kevin Sanders
Sure. First off, the IRA's border campaign in general was an attempt to seize control of the farmlands and backroads from the government. Then use this as a base of operations to launch a conventional war to capture the cities (which of course would already be revolting as the brave proletariat threw off the shackles of the imperialistic capitalistic racist empire!!!1) This worked for Mao because China was a war torn shithole. However, the IRA were dealing with a fully industrialized capitalist monstrosity. Which btw, is EXACTLY what Marx claimed would be ideal for communist revolution, yet the opposite has proven true. Only third world shitholes experience "communist ""revolutions""" but now I'm getting off track. Ignore this So wherever the IRA attacked, they were never able to gain control of anything for long. When they blew up an army barracks, the Brits just sent another platoon to pacify the area. Meanwhile, they generally refused to attack the cities. In part because they figured that once they seized the countryside, they'd seize the cities later, so why bother? But also because they had this idiotic idea that they could get the British workers to revolt and join their Irish comrades. So they avoided cities. Why is this dumb? Because cities are where the economic center of the beast lies. Only by crippling the enemy's economic base can you force him to start negotiating. In China this was irrelevant because cities were as poor as the countryside. But Belfast is no Luoyang. Even if the IRA had managed to keep control of the backroads and farmlands, as the PIRA eventually managed to do in South Armagh, the state simply wouldn't care too much.
Modern armies are expensive things. Keeping them in operation requires far more resources than a band of guerrillas needs. Thus, the weakness of the current regime is in its need for these resources. To defeat them, one must strike at the source of their economy. That is where the IRA failed.
Christian Wilson
IMHO the single most important lesson to learn from IRA is that you should never feel discouraged by being overwhelmingly outnumbered. it takes a helluva lot less fighters than you imagine to put a dent in the Universe and topple an Evil Empire. the IRA never had more than a dozen fighters in the UK mainland. the IRA never had more than 1,200 soldiers with guns at any given moment. that's all it takes to win a guerilla war is 8 villages, give or take (assume 160 people in each village.)
Harold Covington was on the right track as far as back of the napkin counter-revolution logistics when he stated his goal was recruit 1,000 good white men, broken down into building blocks of 3-man cells of "trouble trios." if 1,000 IRA soldiers can bleed the British Empire into capitulation, imagine how little it will take to "pull it" on the US Govt?
that's why the (((glow niggers))) are so afraid of the Right Wing Death Squads. they know only too well just how fragile and indefensible their facade really is, and just how slight of a gust of guerilla wind it would take to huff and puff and blow their house down.
that strategy is exactly what ISIS did in Syria/Iraq. and it worked at first. at its peak, ISIS controlled territory was larger than England + Ireland + Scotland. the peak population of the Caliphate was bigger than the population of Canada.
ISIS repeatedly used the strategy of storming a city and broadcasting vicious executions and an overwhelming show of force, then quickly retreating and leaving only a few dozen or hundreds of fighters on basically a suicide mission to force the Govt to siege and destroy the city down to the very last ISIS fighter.
meanwhile, at the same time tens of thousands of Govt soldiers were surrounding the city and attacking, ISIS would launch another bedouin raid and storm a nearby city. this tactic was described in the ISIS book Management of Savagery as a way to D&C the military, by always moving your attacks to force the Govt to spread its resources thin and to thereby create the propaganda illusion that the Govt is unable to defend its territory. that illusion creates legitimacy for you in the eyes of the local population, who see that you can defend the city, whereas the Govt cannot.
The jews would be the British Army. This was a highly unique situation.
Luke Foster
Well other than the Army the Goal of an Guerrilla isn't to hold an Building, a Position or Land. So Numbers doesn't matter as long as the Guerrilla avoid big and long fight with the enemy. The Goal is to strike enemy at a vulnerable spot and then to disappear. The wound which the Guerrilla inflicts isn't a military one but a political one. Military victories only count for the Guerrilla to boost moral.
Indeed. One of the key benefits of this is being done right now in Afghanistan where the Taliban is entering regions once thought safe from them. Once they do so, informants who have been quietly biding their time come out and point out the homes of those who have supported the government and they are beaten, shot, lynched, or beheaded. And while the Taliban will not be holding these territories for long, it sends a message that no matter how safe you think you are, they can come and reap bloody vengeance against anyone who collaborates with the American puppet government. Once potential collaborators feel that the government cannot protect them, even for just a brief period, from the insurgents, then they will quietly withdraw their support from the state.
This is a Whitepill indeed. The hardest part of this struggle is getting that first 1000 men. If and when White men start to organize into cells and striking at the System and those traitors to their race who collaborate with it, then it will all be downhill from there. Once the ball starts to roll, it will not stop due to the simple inertia of it. People will begin to withdraw from the System once they realize that it will not protect them, this loss of support will force them to take drastic actions to continue to survive, this will alienate the public and cause more recruits to drift over to our side, which will in turn conduct more strikes against the System. Obviously, we will need to be smart and not go burning down any churches or school busses, but this system is so rotten that it can be utterly destroyed.
That's not the post I was thinking of, but yes, I'd take it if you don't mind.
Isaac Jackson
Christian Richardson
It's pretty sad to be sure. I've chatted with people who supported them back in the day and I've asked, "So, you guys fought for Irish independence from London, but now Ireland is controlled from Brussels. How's that sit with you?" And I have never received a straight answer. In their hearts they know it's wrong but they cannot wrap their minds around the idea that there could possibly be a non-British foe. Always police your leaders. Selling out must become unprofitable.
Levi Thomas
When it was nice and empty I asked my local Irish pubkeeper (I have an actual Irish pub with an actual Irish owner in my area) how many million refugees Ireland could handle and he actually struggled to say that "they're people too." I just looked long and hard at him and he hasn't taken it up with me since, but I can tell by his banter that he has been thinking about the issue.
Was the IRA just a commie trick? Are the Irish so up their own asses with malice for the Eternal Anglo that they can't tell they dug their own graves? Surely the last full blooded Irishman will be a poet and will write a tear jerking line or two about it.
Justin Jenkins
Reminder Zig Forums was shut down by fed disruption shills and you should assume peaceful speech is a death sentence, step it up to the next level of dissidence.
::sigh:: You know, you could say that I'm a guerrilla warfare junkie. Some might even call me our resident expert on the various little resistance groups that tramp around our lands. At least post 1900. And I honestly, the question you have posed would take hours to answer as it's kind of profound. Post 1917, there have been a lot of guerrilla organizations in Europe and America and southern Africa. And I will be analyzing a lot of them. One thing that we will encounter over and over and over again is the theme of marxism used as a ideological screen to justify nationalism. Why this is so, is happenstance and opportunity. Marxism has been popularized by the international jew and the "success" of the USSR. Fascism has not. Open nationalism has not. If the FLNC or ETA had openly embraced National Socialism as their ideological basis for their struggle, they would not just have been fighting France and Spain respectively. The entire world would have descended upon these little guerrilla groups to crush them. Secondly, Marxism has created for itself the theme of anti-imperialism. And since most rebel organizations have fought against what they consider illegitimate empires, Marxism appeared a natural ideology to adopt. I too dislike imperialism. I see no reason for Europeans to rule over each other. I suspect you may feel the same. And ironically, the largest empire of the 20th century was the USSR. However, the Marxists and their jewish leaders are masters of deception and propaganda. So the "anti-imperialist" rebels of the 20th century adopted the most imperialistic ideology ever devised because it appeared to be the opposite of what it truly is. Finally, due to the massive propaganda of the last 80 years, National Socialism has always been depicted as the "ruling imperialists", the bullies, & the tyrants, despite the fact that it's literally the exact opposite and no one is more bullied by the establishment than we are. And people fighting the "establishment" have been trained to call their opponents "Natsies" or fascists. So why not take the "opposite" ideology, Marxism? Oh and also, by larping as Marxists, terrorist organizations could often get free goodies like soviet weapons and cash. Though in reality, geopolitics determined who got what, not ideology.
And yet, for all that most of the lower ranking, working class PIRA, and even IRA, ETA, and FLNC fighting men are simply nationalistic patriots fighting for their homeland and maybe a little socialism after they win. They're not the disgusting little ideological Marxist zealots you meet in college campuses, as tenured professors, or throwing bricks through windows in Portland. They're simply working class men who want ethnic independence from forces that they regard as invaders and oppressors. Unfortunately, a lot of these men claim to believe in communism and some even think that they do. But they don't live by their creed.
As for the Irish, well, they really do have some sort of mental barrier to not hating the English. They have fought them so long that it's inconceivable to them that there might be other forces out there that seek to exploit and oppress them. And yet I am getting the feeling that this is changing. The old guard is dying and all the old IRA and PIRA supporters are hitting the retirement homes or have sold out to the System. And younger men have access to the internet and thus see the wider world. Their working class communities are beginning to be flooded with these aggressive African invaders. And all the honeyed-lies of the Marxists are revealed as rotting poison. I do not expect openly National Socialist IRA rebels any time soon. But there's something in the air. The winds are shifting and you can really feel a change in the political atmosphere. The working class IRA men and women openly proclaim that their leaders betrayed them. And the Irishman is starting to feel the pain inflicted upon him by these multiculturalist kikes.
It was tactical retreat for the British, that in fact, for all practical purposes, kept control over Ireland, just not in name.
The Brits paid off and armed a part of the Irish nationalist to do their bidding. They didn't do it so explicitly, of course, but in result. The British are very experienced in colonial matter and always preferred to rule by proxy. Most of India was no British colony but ruled by "independent" rulers (groomed in Oxbridge, Sandhurst), the British themself controlled only some critical infrastructure and choke points.
They didn't expect to have to fight their own, really clever from the British. In my opinion, the Irish still haven't understand what happened, that they are independent in name only. Most Irish are under remote control of London, consuming British news, are dependent on them economically.
Loyalist terrorists were nothing but British government death squads, manned and supported by police and army (special forces), guided by the British secret services. Tactics were adapted from British anti-Maoist fight in Malaya. It was part of demoralizing campaign towards the Irish, part "Operation Phoenix" eliminating of all suspicious subjects. That was not possible with above surface, legal means, so the British conducted their "Operation Condor" with "plausible deniability" of loyalist terrorists.
Eli Richardson
No guerilla army fights a regular army in the open, that would be pretty stupid. Robin Hood is for children and Hollywood.
That is limited resource and demoralizing them is paralysing their overlords.
Same category as police and soldiers. A strike against energy supply or communication, that includes transport can be devastating. That is the reason it is the US military preferred targeting, useless against primitive adversaries like Vietcong and Taliban.
Easy target with often devastating (for the civis) result. Leadership normally in (((western democracies))) don't care for one bit, but the measures taken in response might play in the hand of the guerilla; 3D chess, Sun-Tzu or psycho stuff.
Mao and Castro, both were a tinny group in relation to the population. That too
It is not the number but the efficiency in fighting. If they are able to keep in check large numbers of adversaries and paralyse administration (government loosing "mandate of heaven", loosing face and no longer are the default power in state) they win. See
It can not stressed enough, collabos are the weak point of any regime. A regime can not protect anybody it needs to exist, a wisdom ETA used to its advantage (forcing the Spanish to waste police force to protect insignificant local politicians). The police force and their families did become a target of ETA too, forcing them to live isolated in barracks.
Brandon Thomas
The excessive individualism has always been a problem here. It has been blown out of proportion in recent decades though.
The whole "brits out, blacks in" thing always irritated the piss out of me.
Interesting thread OP. I figure this is a good a thread as any to ask- Anybody have any pdfs on Michael Collins or Eamon De Valera?
Grayson Lewis
Don't use acid. Use a base like NaOH, used in drain cleaner. Just a little bit of diluted base rubbing between the fingertips, gives a soapy feeling and dissolves the top of the skin. Test the result and don't over do it or there will be no skin left.
Crazy glue coating, not rubbed between the finger tips. Dries quick and a dry distorted surface remains. Crazy glue can be removed with acetone.
Today there might be the problem of leaving DNA traces.
Angel White
Ha, I have a solution to that. Simply go to a barber shop and pilfer some hair. Disperse it in places that you… er… conduct political activism in. Of course, one must keep everything one does as clean as possible. No unnecessary contact with anything.
You and I would get along, comrade. Very few people even know of the ETA let alone their tactics. Indeed, isolating the regime from the public is among the goals of the revolutionary. The acme of asymmetric warfare would be a situation where the police feared to leave their barracks and allowed the rebels to administer justice unchallenged. This the PIRA managed to do very effectively in some areas. Their constant attacks upon police barracks forced them to fortify them and hide from the public they were supposed to be policing. As we know, once the state loses the perception of monopoly on violence, it ceases to be legitimate in the people's eyes.
Oliver Brooks
Ireland is extremely cucked. Since adopting Satanist/Saturnian Jew-Christianity, then surrendering to the Vatican. Then getting conquered by the English. Then, a long time later pushing the English out. Then surrendering to a worse master, the EU, and welcoming the Niggers and Muslims in and being the proudest of cucks. I'm Irish and the state of Modern Ireland disgusts me. At least the old cuckery did not permanently destroy the Irish people. The new cuckery is auto-genocide nya~ meguca.org/nya/ SIEG HEIL NYA
Swedes and Irish were neutral and had no colonies in WW2 and they still view Hitler as the devil… they believe the (((bank))) owned media, the greatest of cucks, I am not proud of this aspect of my heritage nya~
A cap for you mobile niggers, so you can share it easily. So in short, they're MINOs. That makes sense, whenever I hear about them and it isn't loud british screeching, it's usually about their love and loyalty to their nation; not something I usually associate with socialist organizations.
Never forget the IRA was a commie front group. Notice how they disappeared without soviet backing. Without a patron state no revolutionary movement has ever been successful
Austin Allen
Never forget Ireland was left with only fags and cucks after 1860. the real Irish fled or died. Calling what remains there Irish is like going to a reservation to experience true Arapaho culture.
That was essentially Azov, but everyone too gay to see that. In all its for the best because mainstream nationalism like on here seems to have a lot of faggots and retards that poison the movement.
Great thread. I'm specifically interested in things like how they got started off, and how they interacted with the legal/above ground elements and how they helped eachother. These seem important. Most people are interested in the sexy conflict and explosions but at the end of the day, getting the people together and getting them supplied with networks of people money and resources are the deciding factor in weather or not any group, peaceful or not, ends up doing something or ends up being a jerk-off
Pretty much, yes. Especially with the Provos. Don't get me wrong, they do envision an Irish-Socialist state. If you mention that they're nationalists who want (Irish) National Socialism, they get all befuddled. But it is what it is. Their socialism is a bit confused, but it isn't really all too important to them as you'd think. If you asked most of them whether they wanted a socialist state or a united Ireland, you know which one they'd pick.
Okay, so first of all, the USSR did not provide any meaningful material support for the Provisional IRA. Even the "original" IRA never received a single gun so far as we know, from the USSR and at most received several thousand dollars for information on the British military. But the PIRA didn't receive squat from the Soviets. Their largest suppliers of arms were compatriots in the USA, Libya, and sympathetic government and army officials who lost track of certain weapons. Secondly, did it never occur to you that maybe I actually knew of the Marxist sympathies of the 'original' IRA? I mean, I wrote all this history and analysis of them and mentioned it several times in my OP so don't you think that maybe I knew that already? You're probably the 12th person to remind me that the IRA were Marxists. Thirdly, You know, this is actually an interesting topic of intense debate even in academia. Can a revolutionary organization overthrow a government without a patron state? There are examples of this occurring without (significant) foreign support. However, many scholars on the subject such as professor Alan Dershowitz (and yes, I know he is a jew. You don't need to inform me of who is a communist and who is a jew) maintain that this is impossible in a 21st century context. And we could argue for hours if you like. I would actually really enjoy that as I'm not allowed to talk about terrorism and revolution with many of my associates. But suffice it to say that I disagree. The reason why so many revolutionary organizations have foreign backers is because it's easy to accomplish. There are dozens of competing global factions that rejoice at the opportunity to fund rebels in other countries. And even today, the kikes are not the only powerful scumbags at the top of the roost. But the support that these organizations receive is simply money, information, weapons, and sometimes bases to operate such as during the Rhodesian Bush War. And I'll gladly admit; states are wonderful at providing these things. But they do not have a monopoly on them. It is very possible for a revolutionary organization to get information, money, and weapons from other non-state actors. This is done all the time and not talked about. Yes, it's more difficult. Yes, it's risky. But it is far from impossible.
Owen Walker
This is an excellent critique. I shall devote more time on my next analysis on just this subject. With the Provos, they already had an organization going into the conflict and I figured that it would be tedious to talk about how the original IRA organized because it was so long ago. But the short of it is that the Irish had had extra-legal organizations that met in secret for decades. This formed the political backbone of the future Irish state and had legitimacy in the eyes of the Irish themselves. This is critical to the success of a revolutionary organization. This is the difference between simply being hunted terrorists, hated by all and a full fledged guerrillas capable of conducting massive attacks upon the regime and even holding territory. I will get into this subject a lot when I talk about everyone's favourite teeshirt; Che Guevara
Anthony Scott
three posts, all shit-tier blackpill posts Sure activates my almonds, you disgusting kike
Mason Edwards
Imo the clearest lesson from the IRA is that limited counter insurgency campaigns do not work.
James Moore
That's relieving to hear. The last I heard, Ireland had become much like the rest of Europe, what with the Abortion vote. Knowing that some people over there still care is enough to cheer me up. Again, this thread was a delight to read. Looking forward to your next post.
that irishman meme is from a heeb on leftypol who tried to shut down the discussion on jew dominated media, finance and goverment institutions by saying
Justin Kelly
I figure I'll post in this thread since it's about the Irish and paramilitary groups in Ireland. But a few days ago a small, elderly and Irish family was evicted from their house and had their farmland repossessed due to unpaid mortgages. The bank decided to employ an allegedly UVF-affiliated security firm who proceeded to beat the residents of that house quite severely while making jokes about the catholic heritage of the residents before dragging the residents out of the house and physically throwing them off the premises. This firm then began guarding that farmhouse on behalf of the bank. Further, this UVF-affiliated security firm was allegedly escorted to the farmhouse by the Irish police, the Gardai. The reason I am posting this, however, is because of the events that took place early this most recent Sunday morning. Some 70+ men armed with bats broke down the door to that farmhouse with a chainsaw and beat the fuck out of the occupying security guards in retaliation. Perhaps you mightn’t think this a just retaliation, as indeed the man who previously lived in the house did not pay his mortgage. But I think this is evidence that the Irishman has not yet surrendered entirely and there might yet be hope if such a large group for such a small area ( population of around 800 people in that area ) can quickly ready themselves and strike back after only a few days. I've probably missed a few things in this post that I meant to send, but whatever.
Chase Hall
butthurt hibernian detected
Dominic Rogers
The Hibernian conspiracy is a meme you dipshit.
Jack Davis
Of course it's a meme, that's not the point. Is it TRUE, that's the important question. Personally, I don't think the Hibernian hypothesis holds any water.
William Nelson
Lots of feels not allot of facts to support your counters here. Post examples or facts.
Blake Russell
The origin of the IRA takes books. But since you want themes. There was high level memes like the Illuminati Thomas Paine romantic themes, poets and rabble rousers, many failed and aborted uprisings. Using sports and cultural clubs as recruitment/cover. But ultimately it was having a financial and military support of the real Irish who fled. The plastic paddies who voted for the EU, mass Pollock invasion, abortion, and a queer street shitter as a leader prove the point of the Irish as an extinct race.
Blake Davis
can't even speak their own language. michael collins and others wrote about how they were going to bring back the irish language….ugh never gonna happen. irish today cannot speak irish because they were genocided by english, who did the same to scotland, and wales, by the way.
Robert Foster
And the Aryans genocided the fuck out of the earlier Europeans which is why almost all of us speak PIE languages natively. Cry more you little cunt.
Dylan Cooper
Actually there is something to it. Irish in the US have willingly worked with the Jews to take over the US