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Where can I get mines?
No, seriously, why aren't we doing this? Why isn't there a MASSIVE drug trade to Africa with the express purpose of only breaking even, because you're selling enough to each of them to kill them?
Article related.
The only whites in a position to do this are the western intelligence agencies, and they are shitlibs of the first order.
In fact the U.S. military and CIA have spent the last 18 years making sure opiates flow in the opposite direction.
Lethal dose of fentanyl is about 2 milligrams. Apparently, wholesale cost of fentanyl is about 50 cents for 1/20th of that (according to wikipedo); a lethal dose of fentanyl thus costs $10. Apparently, it is not difficult to acquire this much fentanyl.
It's entirely feasible to do this, and it's entirely feasible to make a minor profit doing so. You would want to start out dealing around ghettos/etc. before scaling up to towns, as Ameriniggers actually have money (which you can extract), but after a few years of building up it is entirely possible that one could eliminate a non-negligible portion of niggers in this fashion as an individual - say, 10 a year for a person doing this as a hobby (2 niggers every day, for about 5 days), and 500 a year (2 niggers every day, for 250 days) for someone who has devoted most of his free time to it for the entire year.
I can imagine someone making a weak career out of this - $10 Fentanyl doses sold for $15 each. If you make a sale an hour and work for 10 hours, you have $50/day. Assuming you live in a van - you would need to, as you'd be needing to move from town to town regularly to keep the cops off of you - you could make $12500/yr off of this (250 work days a year)…you live out of your van like a damn hippy and live off of takeout, and you could wipe out a solid 2,500 niggers a year, which is 0.25% of the nigger growth rate.
You'd only need 400 people doing exactly the above to keep the nigger population from growing for a year in the US. If you up your profit margins, you could live pretty reasonably.
ty user
That Toronto shooter and his brother were
planning on this.
tl;dr mudslimes are trying to weaponize opiates
Wasn't there some kebab arrested in Canada a few months ago with enough fentanyl to kill all of its population? It was hushed up immediately, but Zig Forums never forgets.
Speak of the devil.
Release it in nigger neighborhoods
"Good, we don't need their degenerate genes being passed on"
my mom used to grow those plants in our front lawn
As a lawfag I've known many potheads who are just find after they grow out of it, but cocaine or crack is something else entirely. Makes people stupid and stubborn and ultimately had to remove them from friendship (before they got to the stealing phase, which always happens to cokheads/crackheads).
This is just more scaremongering by the asshats that are selling those overdose kits to all the police departments across the country. It's a covert marketing campaign to jew more gubmint shekels.
It's no different than the ones that pushed body armor and tacticool mallcop bullshit to the fuzz during the Slick Willie years and after 911.
How old does a pothead have to be before you write them off as a lifetime druggie? I'm wondering if there's any hope for my ex. I dumped her because she refused to quit weed while we were trying to get pregnant. She's 24 now.
do people not realize this or something?
the lions share of current opiate overdoses yield autopsy reports of dope thats been cut with fentanyl
The point isn't that they're degenerates. The point is that our race is being targeted with fucking bioweapons.
If they're pulling this trick with illegal drugs, what other things are they doing legally we've yet to discover?
My friends never grew out of their addictive personalities once they dtarted injecting the marijuanas. I can’t recommend even trying the devil’s lettuce.
My ex went from medical marijuana (cancer) to mushrooms to acid
Sad. Many such cases.
My cousin got on the meth and he never came back.
indeed, and while i wont say that its inherently non-addictive like most drones, it is a valuable resource for those who are kicking heroin or pills. the only other alternatives are suboxone and methadone, both of which are just another facet of big-pharmas cock. its a way of ensuring that they never lose customers.
it (kratom tht is) should be regulated imo, but it should also be signalboosted and used in treating addiction. the amount of money that these corporations would lose from all of their life-long suboxone/methadone slaves switching over to natural alternatives cannot be understated.
if you wanna really bat the hive, attack them where it hurts: their wallet
opiods are a weapon, as well as a method of control. but also, they are one of the major cianigger fundraisers.
There was a Muslim in Toronto that was caught with 50kg of CARfentanyl, which is 1000x more potent than fentanyl. He had enough drugs to kill every single person in Canada and the US combined, and still enough left over to kill a small European country.
lemme guess…. they let him go?
Make it twenty a pop. ATMs and cashback machines dispense twenties for convenience, meaning you don't have to handle or deal with change and neither will your customers. You'll also be clearing twice as much as your estimates.
Yeah I have no problem with kratom. There's so little opiate agonist in it that it's self-limiting. The image is just a meme.
Suboxone is indeed a huge fucking scam and the docs with the lucrative licenses to prescribe it are practicing pharmaceutical usury. They should all be executed.
Suboxone IS a good drug for treating extremely severe addiction, if used properly. Just no one uses it properly, and it has some very bad side effects see also: Dylan Roof.
Methadone is the worst addiction treatment ever. It's for severe injury or chronic illness where you can't spend a lot of time monitoring the patient, or treating him with more expensive opiates. The Germans, in their infinite ingenuity, developed it for front line use in WW2. Desperate conditions are where it should stay.
Here's the archived thread, if anyone's interested.
I went through this with a friend.
Found out she and her boyfriend were smoking crack and, thinking I was somehow helping her, I confronted her about it.
Big mistake.
Can't go into specifics because I'd essentially be doxxing myself, but, she did some things that only make sense if she was trying to land me in the hospital, if not dead.
And the thievery part, too, plus a ton of other fuckery.
Fucking coke, man: not even once.
imo its the naloxone part of suboxone that makes it so valuable for anti-addiction
i remember, in my junky days, saving a kid who was ODing by placing a bit of a strip in his mouth. it immediately knocks all the other opiates off the receptors and puts them in precipitated w/ds
the problem i have with it is that its used for (((maintenance))). i dont care what anyone says, but putting an addict on a strongermuch longer halflife, too, more difficult to kick substance, then telling them to keep taking it for years and years is beyond just irresponsible, its malicious
good analogy tbh
Hmm… I wonder what his plan was… Surely it was nothing too dangerous or we would know about it, after all the government wouldn't lie to us! :^)
I think this fentanyl plan is lacking a delivery system, a vector.
I dunno know about you, user, but after the first fifty or hundred reports on the radio, TV and web about people in my town dying of sudden fentanyl ODs, only to be followed into the grave by First Respoonders who showed up to sort out the patient and then touched his property, I'd buy myself some rubber gloves.
DARPA recently published a short paper about their biological warfare research efforts, DARPA expressed concern that in the near future biological WMD's can be produced and deployed by both "state and non-state actors" , but beyond that a big message of the report is that DARPA is focusing BIGTIME on developing delivery systems. (They're exploring '2 step' systems using insects or plants to deliver the molecular warhead.)
Toronto's Danforth shooter was an ISIS terrorist. His brother had slipped into a coma (from which he will never recover) the week before. Police and fire department workers found him sleeping on top of a stash of enough Carfentanil to poison 2.3 billion people to death. Trace powder from the stash under his bed poisoned him.
Canada only has a population of 36 million.
No why would even the most insane drug dealer in Canada want 2.3 trillion fatal hits of Carfentanil under his bed?
When you've got a drug that's the texture of talcum powder and it's so powerful that one tiny little powder fleck will send a policeman inhaling it into a coma he could die from and the fire department has to come in and wear full SCUBA hazmat suits to dispose of it as an immense environmental hazard, then you have a weapon. dump a kilo of that talcum powdered Carfentanyl into an HVAC system intake for a big arena or a shopping mall or a school and you have a mass death catastrophe on your hands that makes Jonestown look like a day at the park.
Haha…good story.
I have my own stories about the cocaine madness I witness in Vancouver starting around '74. Many of you here hate boomers and I don't blame you; the religion of "hipness" those spoiled arrogant brats brought in has pretty much ruined society. Of course Gen X brought that religion to a new level of madness but that's another story.
Cocaine is the murder drug.
I never thought I'd know so many people that got murdered till the cocaine plague really hit critical mass by the early 80's, though the vogue for cocaine started around me in the early 70's.
Women and fags…women and fags…they love cocaine. And fuckers give it to them to get what they want. It's the quid pro quo for the hip lifestyle.
Fentanyl laced cocaine is becoming a thing
I am generally very against drugs but kinda this. At least those hallucinogens have a "deprogramming" effect on the brain and if used properly can be antidote to the bluepill.
DARPA is what happens when evil is considered a trait to be utilized
true but it's also worth noting that the homosexual revolution appeared in exactly the same time and place as the first mass usage of LSD was being promoted; San Francisco in the mid to late sixties.
There's a lot of good reasons to suspect that hallucinogens and their "deprogramming" effect lead people to lose their morale and become sexual degenerates and perverts.
What the shit?
fucking kike bullshit
They used Valium suspended in an aerosol because they thought the honestly probably mossad terrorists were going to just blow everybody up when they told them to fuck themselves.
Gotta give some thought to actually placing your orders, collecting and such, user.
Seems sound on paper and it's not a bad idea, the fatal flaw is the ordering process: unless you're buying off a local source you will need to use some form of either online or telecommunication and once the pattern makes itself known (dead niggers, absolutely Hail-Worthy Chad rolling through town) then you bring the heat.
Max Keiser says it all in this vidya..8:04 mark
Yeah, no user. The kikes have REPEATEDLY pulled that attempt. Take a good look at Wiemar Vienna and Berlin. They even had transfaggotry going on.
LSD is a psychedelic, and the "hallucinations" are more akin to trance effects until you get to high dosages. It is very effective for deprogramming though, but I admit it works better on smarter people who are already inquisitive, than the dumb as rocks individuals.
Not from hallucinogens and psychedelics. The types prone to that degeneracy seek out euphoriants and stimulants, IE meth and heroin. Mostly meth.
If you want to keep abridged on DARPA, just watch INNOCENTIVE! DARPA regularly posts up bounties for solutions to technical problems there.
Good for her. No wonder she dumped you.
Akuamma. It's way better for withdrawal than Kratom and no LD50.
Flouride, petroleum based neurotoxins used as food coloring, nerve gas being sprayed in neighborhoods at levels high enough to kill cats and small dogs with the supposed purpose of kilning mosquitoes **to prevent a disease at lower rates of occurrences than risk of death from reaction to the pesticide.), hormone disruptors in fucking EVERYTHING, and then EM radiation.
It's not even just the opiate overdoses. These spics kikes chinks and niggers, are cutting ALL of the drugs with fent, even if it would make no damned sense to do it. They'll cut cocaine with fucking fent.
Always makes me raise an eyebrow when the usage of terms seems to get weaker and weaker.
"Massacre" used to imply hundreds, or thousands of people. Now 2-3 people die and it's called a massacre, and everyone who was within a 1km radius of the event are called survivors.
Yeah, the kikes have actually been changing the legal definitions. Back during that mexican swine flu nonsense, pumped up on the media to sell (((flu shots))) and other quackery, the CDC actually changed the definition so the small outbreak could be listed as an epidemic.
Why is part of this blacked out?
Makes sense, at first I used to see it as pussification of the masses or an overhype of said pussies to remain relevant. Nowadays I see it as a far more calculated initiative.
I'll name a big one that for some reason people sometimes can't get behind… Plastic! Nothing is MORE Jewish as a product than this fucking shit. Oil, and it's many plastic byproducts as well as the pseudo plastics produced by non-oil. Not only is it cheap for them to produce. But it's been effectively put into home because of mom and her Tupperware. We can also thank war as another reason of why we have it still in our lives today.
Aha!! I'm only kidding, as, with all respect to truth and honesty. The only one truly responsible here is the Jew.
But seriously, anons, nothing is more Jewish as a product than plastic. It corrupts everything it leaches into and throws the system it leached into in disarray. Pills have the same effect as studies are coming out showing how pills (such as SSRI inhibitors or agitators for those who use pills to treat their anxiety or their inability to focus,) destroy or alter the behavior of some animals to the point of aggression or some lameness resulting in death.
Some of us have known for a long while the long term repercussions for such things. But truly you have no idea the scope of the damnation. Until you have thought about it in the grand scheme VS the here and now. We have been sentenced to death for our ignorance and in some instances, our inaction.
Those numbers can not possibly be right. That's way too high.
I missed this post first time through, but 12551643 drew me back to it. Truly horrific.
Even back in the mid seventies I was cynically amused by all the people around me that were so fucking fussy about everything they ate and drank; it all had to be organic and pure to the nth degree but then they'd snort cocaine, saying it was "the Champagne of drugs". Try telling them that it was all fabricated in portable filthy old swimming pools in the depths of the Amazon forest by illiterate meztisos with xylene and kerosine and quicklime with monkeys falling out of the trees from the fumes and rotting in the coca leaf mash and they'd look at me like I was the retard that farted at the party (well I WAS the retard that farted at the party).
It was odd to me how quickly cocaine was adopted by the masses, particularly by women and men trying to get in said women's panties.
I'd be curious to see what the actual (not the publicised but the actual) toxicity of fentanyl is. And no - not curious enough to try though:
1) We know for a fact that most of the media, even most scientific journals are full of shit
2) we know that depending on the agenda or stage of (((their))) plan, you would hear some retarded numbers from law enforcement. Seriously if what they were saying is true then some stupidly low amount of milligrams and you're supposed to be able to achieve an even dispersion in whatever batch of drugs you're adding it to (this is niggers mind you, in a backroom lab without proper measuring equipment).
3) between the hype around fentanyl, and the supposed influx of it and its toxicity - why are we not seeing more murders and deaths.
Seriously for all intents and purposes are we to assume that no one has accidentally inhaled this shit? are we to assume that a heap of bad guys have just had this stuff sitting on the shelf as a fucking paperweight? Something is bullshit; and I don't know if its an overhype of toxicity, or an overexaggeration of the amount that's in the country or the amount of people that have it and use it.
Shady stuff.
And the FDA is going to approve a drug that's 500 times more potent. marketwatch.com
Hello Wizard. Hows your wife?
Not under a rock I assure you, I did a bit of (seriously brief) digging and I'm seeing a lack of the quantities that are inflicting these deaths.
The whole reason for my post
(and pretty much a rant) was more about how it doesn't seem to add up. Fentanyl being in a particulate state if it were released into the atmosphere could be fatal if the exposure levels that make it fatal/toxic are to be believed.
By that logic, all it would take is something to the effect of slapping a dusty carpet outside and your whole neighbourhood has kicked the bucket.
PO box would probably work for that
Thinking about it, it could work.
When I was thinking about it before, all I'm thinking is that unless you're staying in the same state you're going to keep up multiple identities, car registrations, PO Boxes, personas. At some stage some common pattern will appear; whether it be the shipper, or the plates on the van etc. and at that point that's where they catch you.
I always theorized if one were diabolical enough to wear the guise of a high functioning addict, get some fentonyl on the reg but never use it yourself it could be used a weapon. Either for a mass act of terror or as a way to serial on some dumb people. Only confirmed my suspicions.
Exactly; that's why the Danforth St shooter's brother went into a coma. He was sleeping with a big package of it under his bed. The fumes got him. You don't need a particularly elaborate delivery model. Dump some into an HVAC system in a busy mall or better yet at a packed music concert in a hockey arena. An easy 30-50k kills for whatever faction desires it.
Of course. (((They))) are trying to kill off as much of the German descended parts of the country as they can. Thanks for the upload, user.
if you're only doing it for about a year, you can just avoid going back to any city twice
pick a new state every week and you can easily cover the whole lower 48 and DC in a year
just don't hit up states that share borders in consecutive weeks…go totally random
also, use more than one vehicle if you can
simply switching between 2 or 3 vehicles will make it much harder to find you
rental cars and rvs would be useful, but beaters with heaters would be less traceable
also, if a few dozen or a few hundred people are doing this at the same time, it will make it really fucking hard to find the anons behind it
I'll believe you, user - without the research I'm having a stupid moment.
Also, checked with respect.
jay-z concert or cardiB or whatever the latest nigger shaking their ass on stage is playing would all be nig central
also, basketball games
niggers don't do opiates you idiot
This. Blacks et al specifically target white populations with opiates. It's an actual thing.
so spike some newports and toss them in the hood
Can I start a rumor that organized crime in Japan is getting into-
Pretty sure Newports are already toxic… same with Kool's. Former Smoker
Imagine just getting a quadcopter or something and attaching a sifter or something to the bottom of it so that when it flies through the sky, the air pressure forces the drugs out of the basket. You'd literally rain invisible death onto a crowded area with a kilo of carfentanil ($3.5k) and a few hundred dollar hobby toy. You'd just need a chemical suit and roof access to an apartment or something.
I was even thinking a big WWF smackdown whatever…those things are jam packed full of obnoxious retards we could well do without.
Haha what planet do you live on?
Heroin and other opiates have a long, devastating history within the Black community. The drug has always found a home in poor, urban neighborhoods. Harlem, New York - historically known for its African-American population - is a prime example of this.
During the Harlem Renaissance, the neighborhood was a hotbed of heroin use. There is a common misconception that the rampant drug use was caused by jazz culture, since Jazz was huge in Harlem and many musicians were addicts. However, the bigger reason was the Italian Mafia.
The Genovese Family, one of the Five Families of the Mafia, had a strong presence in upper Manhattan. In particular, the 116th Street Crew ran Harlem. Led by Ciro Terranova, 116th did three things well: sell heroin, run numbers rackets, and sell artichokes (long story, but Terranova was known as "The Artichoke King" because of a clever racket he had of buying cheap artichokes in California and selling them in New York for a massive markup to local vendors).
Heroin use in Harlem remained high even through The Great Depression. It dipped during WWII because international drug trafficking became difficult, yet it rose again in the 1950's.
The 1960's and 1970's were another period during which heroin became rampant in Harlem. Much of the drug dealing was run by The Council, a crime syndicate consisting of seven of the most notorious kingpins in New York:
Guy Fisher (former owner of the Apollo Theater)
Frank James
Ishmael Muhammed
Thomas Foreman
Wallace Rice
Jazz Hayden
Nicky Barnes (the leader of The Council)
You would want to get a rock tumbler or something and let it run for a long time to evenly disperse it, assuming you want the junkies to live longer.
The numbers probably are too high - they don't account for the amount of effort that you'd have to expend not getting caught, the upcharge you'd have to pay for getting the fentanyl in a safe fashion, the possibility that niggers might just not like the idea of fentanyl…etc.
It's a purely paper exercise. Given that a couple hundred pounds could wipe out a non-negligible population, it's worth keeping in mind that this is the type of thing we should expect someone to do eventually. That someone might not even be on our side - it's entirely possible that some nigger (CIA or otherwise) might get the idea to sell lethal doses of fentanyl to whites.
You can buy identities off of homeless people. Have them open a bank account and pay them $500 cash. Run all your transactions through Joe Skidrow's bank account Bonus if you can pay them to get a driver's licence or ID card. This has been going on for years.
I've met many vegan cigarette smokers. "But it's Drum!" Yeah, and it's tobacco.
Don't be a loser druggie, problem solved.
10-20-30-40 years later, no thanks dump them, not worth the wait.
100 years ago the 'opiate crisis' was with laudanum which was a big hit with housewives.
whatever keeps the kitchen clean
If you were trying to get pregnant before getting married, you're not responsible enough to have kids. You dodged a bullet, and hopefully you've learned something from it.
Not true. The Stonewall Riots are most commonly attributed as the start of the degenerate's rights movement, and that was in Greenwich Village New York, aka kike central. Kinsey, the Rockefeller funded propagandist for faggotry that preceded Stonewall by more than a decade, mostly got his "research" from Chicago gay bars. Before that there was Hollywood, which often had kike directors selecting male stars based on willingness to suck circumcised dick. There's rumors that many famous Hollywood actors started out as gay prostitutes, like Clark Gable, James Dean, and John Travolta. Concurrent with that you had the open degeneracy of the Weimar Republic, and well before that you had gay cults like Skull and Bones, Kabbalistic cells, and the Catholic Church.
Long story short, it's the kikes, it's what they do. There's an old quote from Tacitus (I think) describing their conduct in the Jewish War, saying they liked to dress in women's clothes and proposition themselves to the Roman soldiers, then rush and stab with hidden knives; they'd cry piteously when defeated, rely on pity and use underhanded methods to gain power, and rape and kill mercilessly once they got the upper hand. It's behavior that's so old that it must be genetic, it's way too consistent to be taught.
LSD was tried out in San Francisco by the CIA in Operation Midnight Climax, wherein they ran a brothel that lured in Russian sailors and secretly drugged them in order to get them to talk. It was one of the many things that fell under MKULTRA, and it was basically seeing if they could use drugs to manipulate people into mind controlling them, turning them, or giving up truthful info involuntarily. All the gay shit preceded that, and from what I've heard, was not really relevant to that operation.
Don't forget ecstacy.
Don't do drugs, kids.
Lol, Richard Wagner once called jews the "plastic demon of decomposition".
You've got a point, the numbers they describe are like nerve agent levels of bad. It would be unsafe to even transport that without a rubber suit, yet they're somehow smuggling it in without either getting noticed or dying in droves. Maybe it's like swine flu, an overblown risk meant to spread panic.
This is dumb. 8% is not a significant enough number to justify adding an expensive (as it would be if that was the reason, instead of the exact opposite: increasing profit) biological agent to an illicit drug product. Even if you say it's even higher in the scandinavian or aryan population (the article don't say how much higher), I doubt it would be past 16%. I would give it credit if it was found that 80+% of whites could be affected, but as it is it's just not credible. 8% of an already small percentage of whites that do use drugs is fucking nothing and if you waste you money in a competitive drug market by buying additional expense to negatively affect your consumer base on purpose, you are going to get out of business.
Now, if it was a gene, as I said, that affected a significant part of the consumer market you want to target, and if said consumer market was a significant part of your population, then you might have a good plan on your hands. As such, this plan would work better on niggers if you could find a viable genetical target and agent to exploit, one that would not make them even more niggers, but instead made long acting damage that would not show in short periods of exposition but when discovered it would already be too late.
A lot of these brainlets were prescribed opiates, it's not 100% their fault.
So much drug disinfo in this thread… it's hilarious.
Pretty good, been busy though.
It's pretty much just baby meth anyhow.
They'll need a better definition then. The shit the schools push on them for the kikes, is worse than what's on the streets from a health perspective. They take something natural and innocuous may as well be coffee+sinus relief as a tea like ephedra which has far fewer side effects and without the addictive potential, and then turn it into meth.
You pretty much described "bath salts"…
It's everywhere, it's what happens when you make something illegal.
Ornamental poppies are a fairly common garden flower. There's many different varieties, but very few are actually useful for real drug production.
Care to point them out and say the right thing with proof?
Yeah, but the ones planted most in the 50s were variations of the oriental red (mostly color variants) that can be harvested for opium. As a result, and that they grow like weeds, these tend to be rather common still. Funny part is how few addicts associate the plant with their drug, though perhaps that's the depressing part, given that this is a result of the kike's perversion as well.
Generally speaking, Erowid is the best source out there. The information is laid out relatively raw, and there are large numbers of user reports of personal experiences… more often the bad ones, than the good. The information is equally useful to those on all sides of the issue, well, other than the pharmakike of course, that relies upon ignorance.
Yeah, that's definitely the entry to the rabbit hole for most people. Excellent resource. The experience reports are presented in a very non-bias way. It's like… this person took this drug, this stuff happened and often times the report will talk about addiction etc. In all seriousness, go read the section on Heroin, if you get through that and you still want to try it ur fucking fucked in the head.
Generally speaking, people are already fucked in the head when they try heroin. It's either because they got hooked on the pharmakike and couldn't afford the pills anymore, and resort to heroin out of desperation, or they're so sick of living it doesn't matter to them anymore if they can just feel something different for a moment…. though there's always the retarded college kids who "try everything in college" and then wind up a junkie on the street when their grades flop.
severed arteries are lethal in jews.
You know… I had the opportunity to speak with a Heroin addict. I asked them… if somebody could give the high, without the risk of overdose, would you be into it? They're response: "No… I like that feeling of being on the edge."
Don't do drugs.
If a large batch of that were accidently dumped into the ocean what would happen?