Feminist vs (((Feminist)))
I don't know the context. Please make a better thread next time
Read the link and the headline. Feminists have had enough of kikes.
Here's another one from (((Levin))):
Oy vey.
Women are highly evil and defective beings.
This information can be found in pretty much any pre-feminist religion, culture and philosophy.
Women's liberation is the #1 threat to all civilizations by far, and has always been.
You have to go back
How how about more ideas encouraging D&C between kiked affinity groups, botanon?
Women have always been segregated and confined. It's only kikes who encourage men interacting with women, women's opinions in society and women having any rights.
You're nothing but a sick feminazi bastard who needs to be sliced in half and thrown into a sewer.
Another death-deserving feminazi
Sounds like some dumb white women invited a bunch of hotep niggers and got accidentally redpilled.
Until they realize that kikery is what initially spawned feminism, they are still living in the cave.
Feminists are kikes. ALL OF THEM. They are simply trying to usurp more power from rival kikes.
Sage for lesbian kike shill thread
Fuck off back to kikechan moshe.
My dude, you have not lived until you've been the only man at a sky-clad Wiccan ceremony.
The reddit spacing in this thread is disturbing.
Enjoy your herpes.
Wtf I love destroying the most vital fabric of society now
Witch roasties can still be smart and use condoms. How many niggers are wiccans?
You're all shit. You're all kikes. Fuck all femshits. There is no masculism, nigger. You are cancer.
Well then you must be happy that they're infighting then…
Who's the nigger?
it's not even bait anymore, you faggots are getting boring and predictable
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually **** her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to **** her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
And the kike mods just let these retards run rampant over the board.
Sure thing TORpedo. Kys.
See, you don't have to worry about that,
People don't tend warm up to you if you don't recognize them principally as a person with agency, rather than a role to be played in the set-piece of your life.
You aren't the type to have a family; not a stable one.
The way you conceptualize women precludes you having a relationship with one.
You're probably potent in the sense that you might fuck a sprog into a woman, but with that sort of attitude, you'd never stick around long enough to do much raising; either you'd take off or she'd get shot of you.
Why the reddit spacing? We have covered this, ad nauseum………
They're told to just come in here and shit up the board, all the real shills either got redpilled or left.
why do the shills always sage. This is an important crack in the coalition of the fringes.
There is no coalition to be had. Feminists are as much the enemy as the kikes that created them.
Literal copypasta
Ratajkowski: "‘Insane’ to Say Women Can’t Be Sexy and a Feminist."
Pretty much sums it up, Women are Insane.
Women Rationalize in their minds they are right, means in their minds they are not Irrational, which means then, they are Insane.
Look at muh Rings; pic related
This thread is nothing but shills shilling shills and faggots from reddit. Good God.
It always comes down to brown people taking the jews to task for what they've done. No matter how good the jew is at wrestling white people down, as soon as they hit a nonwhite person they loose their powers because italians, spics and nigs don't put up with their bullshit at all.
The WM will burn down just like OWS, BLM and Hilary '16 did. After an initial surge, members will peel off then run away as technical arguments over their codex get nasty and turn into a he-said-she-said fight between "racists" and "antisemites". Trump's recent decision to ban criticism of Israel on college campuses only makes this worse because Muslim women aren't putting up with that shit and they won't put up with it at all within feminist movements they belong to.
It demonstrates the limits of a big tent policy, because instead of uniting against Trump the (((leaders))) of it are forced to accept that Trump is right on some issues (Israel) as a means to discredit their non-jew critics, who then walk away. It burns itself down.
They aren't nazis, they just know the truth. It's very obvious that there's Jewish favoritism and that you're penalized for not worshiping them.
Why does you pict have the name Adonai in it?
You probably missed a few threads that you didn't copypasta this kike/faggot D&C into.
LOL they're eating themselves
Right. Doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate this.
kill all women
That's like saying communist vs (((communist))), sure, some of them aren't jewish, I guess.