The Jewish spirit can infect non-Jews, but the Aryan spirit only lives in Aryan bodies. Never forget this concept….
In other words, not all Aryan bodies possess the Aryan spirit but all Aryan spirits possess Aryan bodies. Furthermore, all Jewish bodies possess the Jewish spirit but not all Jewish spirits possess Jewish bodies.
This must never be stressed enough. Jews are the spiritual enemy of all non-jews, even nogs, spics, and asians. The very idea that they are not a race utterly crushed by now is something I still can't wrap my head around to this day.
Isaiah Perry
It is because the modern age has helped them. It has enabled them. It's all a part of this cycle. Have you had a chance to read any of Evola, user?
I wanna humor this faggot and at least see what he says. As if there is any enemy greater than the Jew.
Chase Martinez
daily reminder jesus is jewish
Colton Sanchez
There is no such thing as a "Jewish body" because most Jews are medieval converts who wanted to be able to practice usury. This is a hoax they perpetuate to try to make the world identify with them.
Thomas Lopez
Zachary King
Let "Aryan" = A, "Spirit" = S, "Body" = B, "¬" = Not, "n→m" = if n then m, "Jew" = J, "Hnm" = n has m, "∃" = There Exists and "∀" = For All. I presume all the other symbols of first order logic used here will be understood, just laying out some of them for a refresher. Just jewgle "logic" for the rest.
∀x∀y[(Ax & Sx) → ((By & Hxy) → Ay)]
Someone else do the Jewish one.
Brandon Howard
Come ON, Master Race! All that advanced DNA and you can't even master a basic subject like first order symbolic logic? Such Aryan stock as yours should have dominated this simple exercise!
∀x∀y[(Jx & Sx) → (By → ◇Hxy)]
Alexander Cruz
Exactly. Christcucks eternally BTFOd
Found the kike!
Thanks for this!
Eli Rivera
Just trying to light a fire unter ze non-studious "muh dna laurels" normie fags. DEVELOP YOURSELVES!!!
Nicholas Watson
Log off from your terminal immediately and report to your supervisor, we at JIDF think you are a saboteur.
Bentley Anderson
Nothing triggers me more than the cowards who are still pushing this idea of expelling the jews to some other place on the map, like hundreds of times before. These "people" are, as a collective, engaged in the genocide of us, as a collective. They want all Europeans dead and are already far along in the process of realizing it. And these white traitor scum just want to pick them up move them elsewhere?
If someone is in your house raping and slaughtering your kids, are you going to call the cops and ask them to "come and take this intruder back to his place please"???
I'm so dismayed by the lack of intellectual vigor being displayed by the posters on these sites. It is almost as if… as if they were possessed by x, such that (Jx & Sx).
Just having fun with it, mein neger. Proceed with your thesis, work out its metaphysical implications, and let's see if the logical analysis comports?
Wyatt Mitchell
I suspect that the reason is that:
For all those "Aryan" bodies involved in passively accepting (or actively promoting) their own genocide (and those of other Aryan bodies), they do not possess Aryan spirits, or rather are not possessed BY such, according to the OP's theory. SHOULD you be pissed at them? Or rather, shouldn't we be dismayed that HUMANOID bodies possess such vulnerability to Jewish Spiritual influence?
John Cook
Bump to further assert OPs statement. There are no good jews. None will be allowed to stay. Any that stay will weasel their way into procreation with a white and it will just cascade from there.
theory-crafting here, not being serious What if a jew were to pull the trigger on Netanyahu or Soros or whichever influential jew? Could they stay and just have their tubes tied or something? end theory craft
Lucas Morris
Should be: ∀x∃y[(Jx & Bx) → ((Jy & Sy) & Hyx)]
I would say no, because if it is a female, then it's primary value is reproduction, and greatest remaining threat is sexual allure, and while that may have served a good purpose in executing a malicious J-fiend, it does not make "SFR" (safe for the Reich) PER SE. I propose a special utopia for non-enemies of the Reich who are capable of being of service to it, who are benign to it. They may be incapable of possessing Aryan Spirits, but should be rewarded for substantive services.
Logan Williams
You remember what happened to the good terminator at the end of Terminator 2?
Luke Walker
Assuming they have spirits. They and the entities they answer to come from the void and spread corruption and decay everywhere they go in the material and spiritual realms.
Christopher Stewart
It sounds untenable for a few reasons. First, it precludes the possibility of using all resources available for Victory by disincentivizing a significant pool of such which might otherwise potentially exist if meaningful quid-pro-quo were available. Another reason is that it is not even necessarily the case that a pure Aryan body is necessary to sustain Aryan Spirit Habitability. If it turns out that a truly Aryan Spirit could inhabit an x% non-Aryan body, then that is what really matters. If it turns out that the admixture is antipathetic to social/sexual/reproductive hygiene nontheless, then they should be allowed at LEAST sterility in paradise after their services rendered.
Tyler Hernandez
Hi kikes
I wonder how many of yall faggots are famous
Benjamin Morris
Mind you, paradise excluded from direct community with the Reich, but protected from foreign influences as a protectorate that otherwise shall see to its own development, but not be allowed to go beyond any limits set by Reichpolicy. And one must not forget that in fact, many specimens were considered sufficiently pure to remain in the 3rd Reich and exist as an equal citizen (with all sorts of provisions and exclusions, no doubt). It is not as if this is a new conjecture.
What I say is that these earthly bodies are in fact NOT permanent Aryan Vessels in the FIRST place. They had an optimal form when first deployed here, not to simply LIVE here, but to conquer this world. To conquer JEHOVAH WORLD for the Aryan Empire. But that has not taken place. And one must realize that it was due to pacification IN THE FIRST PLACE that this happened. One cannot afford to decide prima facie on the body's PURITY anymore, ANYWAY. Not in most cases. There is a "core" in this regard, and even then, they must be ensured not to have non-Aryan spiritual contamination (most seem to have various degrees of this!). This is a sticky issue. It is almost as if the majority of "Aryans" are, body notwithstanding, LARPING, whilst many are simply traitors, many no doubt with actual Jew-Demon spirits within them. So this is not a cut-and-dried matter, not precisely. Can't "kill everything non-White and preserve everything White" mentality. That wouldn't have worked even back in the 1930s, less so now. Better to simply ask oneself this: "Does policy X truly help obtaining Goal X?" and "Does policy Y NOT truly harm Goal X?" If x really helps, but only if it really helps, implement it. If y does not harm, and really does not harm, then don't be a stickler about it beyond necessary provisions. This could hardly be the time to sperg about things in an inefficient way.
Ryan Brown
Ya I don't understand that shit either.
I think the vulnerability aspect rose out of the modern era. It's a symptom in a way
I'm not sure about having any "pity-Jews" as I like to call them. Even if they were sterilized, their parasitic spirit could take over and infect others again.
You're getting spirit and soul confused. Jews do not have souls but they do have spirits. Read Elders of the Black Sun on their concept of the Mind/Spirit/Soul.
You are extremely intellectual and further conversation with you about other topics would be truly invaluable. If you don't feel odd about emailing me or if you'd rather a different avenue, please do tell.
Tyler Morgan
One must also remember how the 3rd Reich ended. Clearly mistakes were made.
Ryan Adams
Yes, indeed, we can learn from the positive and the negative of the Third Reich but we must never ignore one or the other.
Kevin Williams
I don't wish to meet anyone from this site, or any other internet venue, tbph. The internet is a very tainted phishing scheme that has exponentially accelerated the process of Jewification of the West as could nothing else, though if it, itself, were not in their power, it could have been a miracle cure, instead. So I disdain direct human interaction which starts with any electronic medium.
But I lurk around here a lot, and I comment a lot, and the likelihood that I will be detected (by you, at least) is not insignificant. I tend not to make untermench-tier comments and aim for high-spirited koncept. My greatest hatred is for pettiness and hypocrisy, as well as shallow-spirited, lowlives (especially White, because such a treachery, and it is a sad day when I meet more "decent" Jews than truly decent Whites).
THE PROBLEM is that the internet is rigorously controlled by a central manipulation that seeks to sculpt interactions according to an agenda that can "buffer" interactions to such a degree that we are actually interacting with ECHOES of one another, not one another, and these can be edited so many ways… They can bring anyone together and split anyone apart… I think the maximum value of the internet, to be safe, is to download and upload content, nothing more. Networking must always be grassrooted and analog at the beginning, or else it will not proceed well.
Of course. My only point here is something which I think dovetails in with what was said by:
which is that there has been a long decline in the PROTOTYPE of Aryan bodies, though least so in Europe. I do not think that there is an iron-clad Spiritual compatibility rule that has been properly ironed out by anyone, and "playing it safe" may end up being playing it stupid if one insults the Spirit with unwarranted presumption. You can't simply win this war by looking in the mirror and vainly projecting onto your phenotype (or family tree/genotype). I look at this world as an entrapment scheme from the git-go. Everything and everyone is Jewing something or someone somehow, all through the kingdoms of life. This is a shit way to evolve "nobility". Aryans did NOT evolve here. This is Jehovah Planet/Plane/Dimension. This is HIS world we are here to conquer or destroy in the trying, or DIE. Otherwise, there will be perversion and deformation!
The only question remains are the thresholds. How much and in what way, and how can one decide such matters ad hoc? I just don't think we are looking at very good results if we go by the specimens we have today.Something isn't right here, doesn't add up. For example. If we assess the conditions in ZOG WORLD, we have to ask ourselves what the hell happened so that IRAN, "mutt-reduced-Aryan"-land, can actually and at substantive risk to itself literally exist as a sworn enemy of Israel and yet the "pure Aryan remant"-lands have been so cucked that they "literally can't even" uncuck themselves. This is more than a "symptom". I think we have a situation of severe spiritual taint that will not be remedied by simply a reorganization of bodies.
In other words, why the fuck can't the "Aryans" actually fucking "Aryan"? Excuses are shit. I want results. And if it Spirit is involved, then it has been dented in hard in exactly all the places where it should have been strongest (where it admittedly WAS just 90 years ago). The data doesn't correlate very well between the "Aryan bodies" and the "Aryan Spirit" in a way that explains well how so many 99%-ers (say) can be so limp compared to so many 85%-ers or whatever.
Oliver Torres
It sounds like OP is saying that Aryan spirit is weaker than Jewish spirit. Sounds like bullshit to me. Non-Aryans may not be able to purely embrace Aryan spirit because it is not native to them (the same could be said that Aryans on some level resist Jewish spirit's influence on them, deep down, no matter how much a shill they become they could be fixed) but I believe we have influenced others with our spirit.
How else do we explain that some blacks can use language or computers or operate a firearm? We are the whole reason they have culture at all, so obviously our spirit is infectious too. They can't perfectly manifest our spirit (just like Jews will always be the best at Jewing) but both opposing forces are infectious.
Michael Price
With society as it is, probably, yeah. Otherwise I'd probably be sent to jail the rest of my life if I harmed the intruder, so taking them alive gives me a better chance of avoiding punishment in the legal system.
If this means they do end up killing my kids, the sympathy I will get as a brooding father will get me lots of pussy and I will end up impregnating more white women than I otherwise would.
Jonathan Edwards
It's part of human evolution. In order for mankind to ascend it needs to be able to leap over the jewish hurdle.
Caleb Sullivan
I do not agree that the Aryan Essence, if you will, is bodily (nor is ANY essence), and nor do I think it is found in the intelligence (and I have plenty of that enough, but so did von Neumann, a Hungarian Jew that could surely equal von Braun). It is something about a sense of FREEDOM FROM this material plane and a WILL OVER it, but also it has a sense of beauty, justice, proportion, and these things over time will always develop better methods of doing things, better ways of understanding things, and this includes any physical process to include development of technology.
It is a SPIRITUAL Essence. It doesn't have to operate in a SPECIFIC materialization, and this planet is just another mode of that. The Essence dominates the mode, the mode simply articulates the Essence.
If I came to this planet and saw Europids acting like niggers and Afro-blacks acting like civilized intelligent, courageous people, which do you think I'd call "Aryan"? I'm not saying that is a likely occurrence per se, but taking it as an instance of what I mean, even if "per impossible", of the difference between Essence and Mode in a material realm (in which the Spirit is active, NOT the body. The Body is a VESSEL). It is entirely conceivable that an ENTIRE RACE found on a planet such as this can become degraded to the point of being incapable of hosting the Aryan Spirit/Will, though it is not so clear that this process could work the other way, that a race could EVOLVE here that would be capable of hosting such a Noble thing. If there were nothing to substantively lose, but only something to gain, that doesn't sound like "war" to me, and it doesn't sound like the history of this world. (and if THAT weren't the case, then this is the biggest fuck up of a "cake walk" that can be imagined).
So I say, walk the Aryan walk, or stfu about your genetics, because that's like boasting about your IQ but you don't produce crap with it.
Sebastian Bailey
WRONG. There are good Jews: the dead ones.
Yet, Jews, even Ashkenazi, can be identified genetically. Your tricks don't work here, Shlomo.
Camden Brooks
What do you think of Bobby Fischer? (His mother is a Jewess)
For example, I know things about the internet, and the people around me in this "SCIF" from some reality TV show, that would not seem likely for the average White who is cucked TFO in this country to ever know. I am a living beacon of Consciousness, surrounded by Traitors and Cowards, MOST OF THEM WHITE. I'm in a node of this area that is Jew and minority heavy, but that is a matter of course. This "SCIF" is an office building with some shops in it, some offices business some government. The types I see in here, some look quite "Aryan" (chuckles), but their aura, conduct, and likely reasons for being here are ANYTHING but Aryan. If they are waiting "on their laurels" for an ideal environment, then they are pathetic. I am like a lightning rod in a thunderstorm, and their pussies by comparison. They seem like they want JC to come, or AH to come and save them, they don't seem like they understand there is a TIME TO DIE. They want to "live forever" and be comfy, they don't want to fight, they don't even want to LIVE or even FEEL GOOD. They want to BE ACCEPTED. And who rules that game? The Jew, and lower, tribe-based individuals (not individual based tribes).
What I'm saying is that this IS "Jew World". They actually are NATIVES and Aryans ARE NOT. AND THAT IS WHY THIS SUBDOMINANCE HAS OCCURRED. Given too much time dallying around, Aryans (like any other entity) wore out the readiness of their body vessels to obey their spirits, and became "grounded" and more "native" to this plane.
I think the whole materialist position of "evolving into Aryan" is utter bullshit. And to have been able to do that HERE is the worst bullshit ever concocted.
I think Ripley had it right. "I think we should leave and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure". If the heroes of the Reich would do it, even if only as a last resort, then perhaps that is the necessary recourse even now, perhaps now more than ever, before all there is left is "South Africa" everywhere. Otherwise, Mr. and Mrs. Aryan, you better get your heads out of your Jew-phones and "get busy" turning out some new tricks and inventions, if that's what being Aryan is. I think rather it is an uncompromising fighting spirit that would rather die than yield its superior values. At that rate, spear-chuckers in Africa or face-flayers from Mexico are "more Aryan" in their will power. Where is the WILL POWER in the FUBAR BOOMERS, for example? Symptoms "schmymptoms". I'm looking for Causes, not effects.
The only way this is savable is if the 3rd Reich really did get its act together down, or "over" in transantarctica, or Aldebaraan has sent imminent reinforcements, or else perhaps Lord Shiva is about to pummel this realm into oblivion. Any of those sound good, but working with the cuckoids I see around me, I'm not inspired, not even "Aryan Inspired".
Robert Hughes
I understand where you're coming from and respect that decision to refrain from communication on here. Hopefully I'll run in to your replies more then haha.
You're getting 'Mind' and 'Spirit' confused here.
No… To be an "infection" it would have to be bad or cause harm. You can't have a "good" infection so by using infection in the realm of the Aryan Spirit is grossly invalid and doesn't follow logic.
No you misunderstood wholly, I'm saying that the Aryan spirit is for Aryan bodies ONLY. It is the strongest and thus you must have the strongest vessel to carry it. Only Aryan blood can carry that most high spirit. Hopefully this clears up any misunderstandings.
Either satire or you're fucked up dude.
Haha of course, how could I forget!
Yes, him as well as Otto Weininger (who killed himself because he couldn't bear to be a Jew) are rather interesting cases but it's such a statistical impossibility as well as the unpredictability of the Jewish spirit, that it's a safer bet to say that there are no good Jews.
Chase Martinez
Source. Besides some (((MSM))) article saying so.
Benjamin Russell
t. alt-kiker Haha good parody.
Grayson Thompson
It is a fact that he is hated extremely by his kin, hopefully this source helps. Just found it rather quickly
Julian Nguyen
He's not in the proper Jew spirit, not compared to Kasparov. Who really "wants" to be a Jew? I don't think Jews even "want" or are "glad" to be Jews. They seem "stuck" with it and their only comfort is that they are likely to rule over this realm if not for the Aryans. So I think that they would be much happier, and without even a "Jew Consciousness" per se, if they had no rivals in this realm. I actually think they were "meant" to rule this realm by ordination of this realm's "Spiritual Ruler" (YHWH) who had that plan screwed up when Aryans came yee-hawing in and fucking shit up. ARYANS are the invaders HERE, JEWS were comfy and "on track" for evolving into top tier YHWH clay until that was disturbed by the Aryan Arrival.
But now, YHWH has a NEW PLAN. To INTEGRATE Aryan Genetics (what's left of them) INTO the Jew as they Ashkenazify Europe and then Mongreloid any others who won't submit. That's what happens when you let miscegenation happen over thousands of years (genetic and cultural), they evolve, adapt, and develop immunities and counter immunities. I would give Fischer at least a happy pasture to do his thing in without breeding, including a Japanese waifu if he wants, just for being so bad ass and anti-Jew, and also for transcending "encyclopedia" chess and moving into "random piece" chess, aka "Fischer Random".
Eh not really ywhw does not consider them his chosen anymore in the new covenant.
Alexander Thompson
Sage for blackpill blog, but I need to tell this and you guys are the only ones who might understand my pain and sense of helplessness >My daughter is patterning herself after my wife (ie. sitting around all fucking day on her phone or watching shitty (((television))) programs. The kind that feature horrible women screaming at each other or normalization of degeneracy >Goes into her room, comes back out and makes herself some dinner. Entire time, she's watching some TV show on her phone that involves a motherfucking lesbian couple attempting to adopt a teenage fucking girl! My daughter and my wife are fully under juden influence, and I don't know how to get them out of it. Trying to talk to either of them about stuff, even on the basic, non-naming level is met with a wall of resistance that is completely nonsensical. I am full of impotent rage. Tolerating my wife's weakness is one thing, but my daughter's makes me want to kill myself. She has a feminist teacher at school who she won't identify to me, because she knows what I'll do. She's got friends who are complete fucking idiot hysterical young women, all trying to outdo each other in how (((sophisticated))) they are. She's got a youth group leader who is a fucking college millennial. She's not going to come back to me at 18 ready to gas. She's going to come back to me with fucked-up piercings, dyed hair, and any number of "experimenting" experiences under her belt.
Some of you will lambaste me for not controlling her, but I have no idea how to without her pushing back even harder. Her mother and every other fucking female in her life is enabling this shit. I wish I was dead. Part of me wants to kill myself so I can't watch it happen.
Wife got home while I was typing this. How do I explain to the woman I love that she is helping wreck our daughter for life? How do I tell her that I'm one cunt-hair away from killing myself over her and her fucking Real Housewives of Blank retardation? That I'd rather see the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET burned to a nuclear crisp than spend one more day watching (((them))) destroy us?
Trump's let us down, the Frogs are almost certainly going to let us down, and the next Great White Hope will also let us down. DotR is not coming, and if we can't put down the evil that has come for us, then maybe we don't deserve to be the top of the foodchain, anymore.
Be real with her and show her the consequences on the path is going. I already convinced some of my family members that hitler did nothing wrong and what caused it are jews, Show her behind the curtain and the jew's motivation take away her phone if given the chance and tv and teach her real life skills. Also don't send her into (((public))) school.
Samuel Baker
There are a lot of good Jews out there and even minorities. If you all just understood where they were coming from, you could all join forces and destroy the Zionists.
Roosh V is a good example of a based Arab. He is very wise and has helped many people out. I would say he is the one of the founders of the Alt-Right like Milo, Cernovich, and Richard Spencer.
Young women when hit with the Commie kike laser beam are some of the hardest to bring out of their brainwashing. I have faith that they'll listen to what you're saying although it might take a constant bashing them over the head for the next year or so (I've had to do the same to some of my family).
Your son might be able to get through to your daughter too if they're closer. Just don't give up and do something brash like taking yourself out, we need as many comrades as possible for the future and your life is priceless.
This. There are no good Jews. Sanctions should be lifted from Iran and placed onto Israel, all 4 million White South Africans should be given refugee status with compensation, and Jews throughout the West should be taken out of all positions of power.
Matthew Morgan
Thanks, guys. I'm feeling a little less gun-to-the-heady at the moment. I'm still fucking enraged at the (((usual suspects))), though.
I had thought about my son trying to get through to her, but she just starts yelling over him the way she does to me, and he doesn't care enough about her to bother. That's not to say he doesn't love her in the family way, but you can love someone very much and still not want to deal with their shit.
Daily reminder, hicks aren't actually white, they are part Indian. Don't listen to Hicks.
Luis Butler
I'm a bradpittmovie years older than you and face a similar issue, my early doors boomer Mother and late stage boomer wife both hiss at me like they were fucking cats when I mention anything derogatory about the kikes or suggest that niggers need to be killed to tidy up society. I'd leave non-violent members of all ethnicities alone but society would be run with an iron white fist until non-whites disrespecting white society learned some fucking manners but my women never get to hear that part of the conversation, their minds are set in stone.
Now, I deserve a good Zig Forums kicking (deferred until gentler times, preferably) for using the phrase `not all jews are bad' when putting my belief across to my Mum but I could see something approaching hate in her eyes the last time I saw her so I'm done trying to include either of them in my thinking from here on out. My advice to you is to stop trying to influence them on the truth of things, accept they are going to be a hindrance to any plans you have (at least you have a son onboard, you have an outlet, many of us don't except for Zig Forums) and prepare accordingly. Tell the females in your tribe they need to organise their own hygiene products because shit will fall over soon and you ain't forking out for tampax. You will do your best to look after them but they will probably get you killed by screaming when silence is called for or they will endanger all of you by opening the door to some zombie holding a hungry baby so invest in a taser to stop them.
no you fucking don't and you need to find another catchall phrase for your frustrations because there are fragile bastards reading who might think that is the only option. Suicides have to start the process all over again and, as there are numerous undiscovered tribes, it might take you many generations before you are even Aboriginal tier again. For goodness sake, don't diddle kids or you are coming back as a jew and those bastards can only be released from that burden by Christ himself.
No, he hasn't. Trump has managed to get numerous things done despite the subterfuge in his own party, the disgraceful DNC shenigans, deep state niggers, kike false flags, paid filth larping as concerned members of the public and the ubernigger in the room, the MSM. Never in recorded history (or at least for the duration of this post) has an American president been so assailed from every direction. It sure isn't easy maintaining a belief in the man, I can ignore the shills and the obvious kikes but to constantly see Zig Forums anons trash everything he does as a salve to jewish interests (it may well be but done for good* reason) even knocks me sideways on occasion. History is on Zig Forums's side, I've seen "Zig Forums is always right" enough times to know I might be standing here with my pants around my ankles and autists checking my arse for acne but I've climbed aboard the Trump Train and I'm here until it derails. I've come to the conclusion Trump is drawing things out deliberately for two reasons, to cut out any escape loopholes and for the sheer pleasure of humiliating his opposition as much as he can. I believe in him enough to offer my services as an executioner. If the President is interested and as soon as your Justice system is righted, I'm prepared to shoot whomever to death for their crimes against humanity as long as you get me to where they are and hand me the means necessary to do the job. No charge but breakfast would be appreciated.
*sure it sucks, but if Trump (and jews he personally selected) manage to get just one filthy hand from around society's neck…we can concentrate on eradicating 3 dot journalism.
random thought: if Trump eventually gets around to the dual citizenship question (oh so cancerous) and gets to pass a law forbidding it, could anons trust any jew prepared to forego israeli citizenship to remain in political office?
William Sanders
Were in this together user, I am willing to help a fellow lad out, also I know what your going through, I am a miserable sack of shit right now, knowing the truth and the redpill progress has not been to kind to me, still able to move forward. Hopefully this all pays out in the end. Hail victory.
Isaiah Ward
If possible try to send her to cuck Zig Forums and that good old traditions is hip and new hell she will probably fall for it or try to argue with them and will be shamed and destroyed for her kind of thinking and don't send her here since she isn't ready to know the horrors or ideologies or to accept fascism, and natsoc espically natsoc and old germany how an ideal society should look or even at other older civilizations for that matter. But remember do not go right on ahead and send her to 4 Zig Forums right away since I dont want to indirectly fuck up or make your life even more hell than it already is these are options you have to think hard. You also have to know that women do not think the same way men do, since women brains don't develop after the age of 16, and are very emotional beings, but try to get her off the electric jew and when done redpilling her on the basic levels, teach her how to cook and other real life skills then find a like minded individual that can take care of her and provide for her and have a lot of white babies. Good luck user your gonna need it as for me? Im already pretty miserable even if I convinced a lot of people waking up in commiefornia waiting shit to go down waking up and seeing degenerates. Fuck I cant even converse or talk to people properly anymore… Though playing vidya helps me calm me down when home and gives me time to think and also watch hitler speeches and other inspiration. It's honestly hell all around.
James Martinez
Kek I didn't even notice that. That's great haha
Caleb Reed
Jews are targeted by people who hate honesty, because Jews are more honest than people of other religions. Their virtue is unbelievable; thing is, it's mostly real. They know what it's like to be targeted by all the world and forced into perfection or else. They know how to be visible, invisible, good, or evil. They know how to build a community that still functions under pressure, and how to exist productively in a society that can't stand them.
I don't hate antisemites, but I feel a tremendous disdain for them. Jews know how to choose to be good. Learn from them.
Jeremiah Scott
Kike is a kike.
Kayden Mitchell
Seriously, conservatives complain so much of being put down and hated. It's like… Look at Judaism. Look at its history. Look at what pressures under which Jews have yet managed to have careers and families. Look at what hell they clawed through to have wealth, again and again. They didn't get that by being some hideous manipulator conspiracy. They did get it by some amount of alternative institution construction, but even that itself is a testament to a functioning community. Learn from them. Quit complaining and start paying attention.
Jose Gutierrez
You just need to not arbitrarily hate people. The world will rally to you if you're willing to be honest and kind. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you like. In a world that has constantly hated them en masse, the Jewish superpower has been being good to those close to them. They've made friends. They've had actual integrity. They've been people who prove themselves under heaven.
For that, they've been successful, despite all adversity.
Juan Gray
When you look at what historically happens to Jews in warzones, I think you'll understand. It's common human psychology that people bind together in disasters. It's not unique to any tribe of people to shelter strangers or find shelter among them. What is unique to one tribe is that they've found such ironclad ties among the last fraction of the public that even in ages when humanity bound together far more radically among primitive ancestral ties, Jews singly and in groups still found people who would die shielding them.
Because they were good to people. Because they didn't deserve the arbitrary religious hatred and scapegoating. Because there have always been a substantial fraction of humanity that values something more highly than beating their neighbors into one choir and hurting anyone who doesn't line up on cue. It's kind of the story of history.
Nathan Cook
Antisemitism is this absurdity that needs to die out. If you've got a gripe with an individual Jew, have a gripe with an individual Jew. If you've got a gripe with an organization that is mostly or entirely Jewish, have a gripe with that organization. If you've got a gripe with the government of freaking Israel, have a gripe with the government of freaking Israel. But don't go around saying it's because they're Jews. If Judaism is operating some global conspiracy, they're not doing a very good job.
Look, if you see a social group that binds together so tight, it sometimes protects scoundrels among its number, the correct answer is not to dispatch scoundrels to harry it. All that does is teach them to bind still tighter again. There's a lot of trust involved in a social group letting itself hang separately, and we all generally *want* social groups to let each other hang separately. It's such a pain to police a solidarity subculture that sometimes it comes down to hoping they'll ruin themselves and each other just by being subcharismatic. So if you're really afraid of this-or-that loyalty cluster…
I don't know man, try outdoing it. Not as the scary organization you think it might be, but as a bunch of good people the people in the scary organization might want to join. Because where people flow, information flows, resources flow, power flows. If you're afraid of a group try being somewhere members of that group might like to go. If you can't pierce their veil and it all comes down to a long-term charisma contest, being the better group is what wins whether you get defectors or not.
My IP timed out, but you can all tell by the writing who this is. Come around already, do you get it? Be virtuous not because you have to be, not because someone might punish the contrary, but because doing so works better.
Jason Sullivan
Nah fuck off. Kikes are backstabbing lying bastards, I assume you never met one or a kike your self.
THis is so important to remember. My father married a jewess and lost all that he could have become. He is a fat closed minded good goy now. The jew must be avoided at all costs. They divide us from our true allies
Cooper Powell
Damn brother, I can only imagine having a kike that close to me. Best of luck to you!!
Caleb Robinson
Ever try this? Having a gripe with one jew very quickly turns into many jews having a gripe with you. Then you have a real gripe with many and you're back to being an antisemite.
You might even be well meaning, but you're wrong. You're gullible, and probably try to always see the best in people. That's a good trait to have, but unfortunately it's can be taken advantage of. I hate jews because they take advantage of people like you.
Michael Turner
The problem with this is you have to be exposed to them to really understand them. I've spent considerable time with them. They have good points but I don't talk about that here because it isn't relevant to the fact we're in a cultural struggle with them for our existence and self-determination. I have a fair sense of how their perspective is so different from ours and I understand how they can see some things as neutral or virtuous that we see as reprehensible. I have a grasp on some of the things they do without having self-awareness of. They are so different from us and like any puzzle you have to really wrap your head around it before you can solve it. Just getting pissed and yanking on the pieces gets you nowhere.
All that time I was around jews and was accepted almost as one of them, and here I am a full 1488 oven salesman in my heart (power level appropriately hidden, but my eyes are wide open).
I think there's value in what you're saying. Maybe some folks should be kept away from them while others should engage and learn how to fight them in their own elements. I don't think there's a blanket statement about what's the right or wrong approach here, maybe everyone should just try to fight in the way they can personally be most effective.
All of this right here. Antisemitism isn't posited from the non-jewish perspective, it's done so from the jewish side. An antisemite is a person that the jews hate, everything else is post-factor rationalization.
Charles Nelson
What about David Cole? The jew that worked with Ernst Zundel to expose the lies surrounding auschwitz? He and ernst made a pretty long in depth video where they went to the camp and filmed everything that was bull shit. The dude fell under attack so much that he had to change his name.
Jacob Turner
Don't get me wrong, I know where you're coming from. Fuck Ben Shapiro for example, or any other jew that pretends to be on the right but is still kosher enough to not be silenced for their beliefs. However, it's a bit untrue to say there are no good jews, I was partially redpilled by at least one.
Jaxon Reed
It' like Jesus, they want to take credit for your beliefs.
Ethan Rodriguez
I'm sorry maybe you missed a part of the text. Let me help you: THERE ARE NO GOOD JEWS.
Kayden Taylor
In all fairness, I know why my kind hates you, "people". At the moment, I live in a white majority country that has no minorities of any kind, other than I and it feels like shit. People look at me as if I was wrong and It makes me want to harm them, or at least their children. Perhaps I'll shoot up a school or something. IDK. But this way of living drives me mad. Enough is enough I'd say.
Blake Evans
Levi Collins
sharper than David's star nigga
Jace Foster
There are no good anti-semites. There aren't many anti-semites at all. They're not everywhere, lurking in every closet. You don't need to fear the anti-semite conspiracy.
No, really. Antisemitism sucks. People shouldn't organize around that. Those last virtuous people who shield Jews - they have friends, and their friends have friends, and so on. You split society like that, you end up in chaos. Let people be unpopular without targeting them for hatred. Success as a culture is dependent on questionables being tolerated long enough to find truth.
(I'm the only person with no friends, and if you organize against me I'll show you what happens to a society that organizes such asymmetries of force! Or rather, you'll show yourself. It'll be fun - for me.)
Brandon Parker
JAM is an anti racist nigger/jew I'm sorry to tell you. The "movement" is full of jewish agents.
Brayden Perry
He's actively shilling, obviously
Jordan Fisher
Alexander Baker
Classic JAM. Do you have any more of these? I used to have a collection, sadly all lost.
Adam Brooks
Dont bother with this on here. These retards actually believe every single jew is born evil. I mean how else do you justify all those innocent children starved, tortured and killed in the holocaust
Landon Rivera
Carson Clark
Jaxson Williams
David Cole still believes that Holocaust happened. He said it is only 3 million. Then again, would you buy a pile of shit from a kike at full price or buy the same pile of shit from another kike at 50% discount, or not buy anything at all?