Former staffer on Celebrity Apprentice throws away restrictive NDA and drops dime on Trump's long time Adderall habit.
Explains the "WITCH HUNT!" outbursts and the constant sniffing during public appearances.
Former staffer on Celebrity Apprentice throws away restrictive NDA and drops dime on Trump's long time Adderall habit.
Explains the "WITCH HUNT!" outbursts and the constant sniffing during public appearances.
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thanks cnn
what the heck is
Excellent research and citation, OP. Very believable. Next time, try it without 5 black dicks in your mouth, and you may do even better!
Bump because you're not on reddit and your ZOG emperor has no power here.
How does that explain the sniffing? Only absolute tards snort crushed up amp pills full of filler. You eat that shit, user.
About 25% of america is on amp. Nothing wrong with it. Meth was created in Germany, and the Wehrmacht was big on amphetamines, and for good reason, they make you alert, focused, and ready to fuck, which is great for repopulating the white race. All in moderation. It's part of why the German military crushed it on the battlefield vs all the drunk brits, french, and russians.
Btw OP is a nigger.
Trump is too obese to be a speed freak.
Just because you hate trump doesn’t mean that you should believe every article written by a turd-world website. Provide something believable, at least.
Proven false. Kill yourself.
Just because you love trump doesn't mean you have any right to post here.
Adderall is great
Did you took it from reddit, OP?
Posting in a deranged lefty shill thread.
nu/pol/ thread
The only thing pol was right about is telling the niggers how to turn the alter on, but that was probably the cunt sitting behing me.
Not a nigger, nor a tranny. How about you losers leave you mom's bedrooms and actually do something?
MK Ultra?
user, I'm in YOUR mom's bedroom. She says don't come home for a few hours.
he's into blow, or he used to be
It's a really annoying situation. Hypnosis to create alters, and all sorts of bullshit. Ever CI and cop I run across seems to already know.
is there anything he hasn't been accused of yet ??
Guess I'm on adderall too.
I just ignore every story about Trump because I cannot trust any of them to be true.
Doesn't Adderall just make it easier to complete dull ardous tasks? I can't imagine real estate being very exciting.
Nice product placement.
Do you mean "mom's basement?" You fucking retard. Probably a woman too.
>>>Zig Forums
You're a lying jew. Kys fgt.
Are they good to bring on a date?
He's projecting his own incestuous behavior onto others.
Google "idiot".
Someone said it so therefore it is automatically true. Just like when I fathered OP and let his cuck "father" raise him to be the faggot we all know today.
Nothing wrong with a little panzerschocolade!
Mkay deepstate fag
nah man, definitely not a hebrew, listen the guy has taste, did you know there is a museum of his clothing in Trump tower?
Good joke, OP. Suck less cock next time.
me, i prefer Modafinil to Addy. Addy makes me angry and wears off too rapidly and its up then down crash feels like shit. and Addy is to addictive. Mod on the other hand is a smooth and long ride with no negative side effects and no addiction, just 18 hours of sperg focus so i can amplify my weaponized autism.
They stopped early on.
Author is Dustin Rowles. He also writes for Salon. The comedian in question only just made his account this month, so already suspicious. I call bullshit.
So fat "fuck the minorities" Ford didn't year uppers?
by the way, this book "Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich" is pretty interesting and explains all of the meth being used by the Wermacht.
I think the 1488D chess shit is bullshit but there must be something about Trump I don't realize for all these shills to still be going crazy about him.
I don't like Trump much anymore but still think is retarded.
I miss when shills at least tried
Most of the people you see speeding through Walmart on scooters at 2.48713 m.p.h. …. are on fucking Adderall right there.
This is*
This thread is also pretty retarded so I'm saging it.
He's both far too fat and far too alive to have a long running amphetamine habit. Amphetamines demolish your appetite and are hard on the heart.
He also doesn't have blown pupils.
You can't have TWO SCOOPS and be amped up at the same time Jews. Pick one.
Disabuse yourself of the notion that this is a recent revelation. We've known about his speed addiction since at least the late 80s.
Half the fucking jewnited states of weimerica is on some form of big pharma concoction, especially goyerall. Not me, though.
damn bro you have links … well that doesnt prove jack shit
youre fired
Imagine what those jowels would look like without all that go in the go-kart.
This is fucking retarded. There's literally no benefit to snorting adderall. Get the fuck out of here.
I too have a reliable source, he tells me Trump is actually Santa Claus
I think Chelsea Clinton is associated with the Daily Beast. Can someone else confirm?
The source of his high energy isn't aderall, its a lifetime of nofap.
Based and speedpilled
Him being a Jew puppet is more of a concern.
definitely was just germany using amphetamines yep
What? What are you even trying to say?
Fuck off yid. Guy doesn’t even drink coffee. I’m not buying it. Character assasination is a kike action.
Those are ecstasy eyes, adderal would make them small
Junkies exist because of the kikes. Take out the kikes, and junkies wouldn't be enabled.
Trump should run with this. It might get him all the black voters he couldn't get by trying to actually help niggers. Just like grab them by the pussy.
why the fuck do you care?
Because fuck you, that's why.
Tha fuck…
This shid should not exist.
lol the poo shitposter reveals himself
Adderall ruined my University education. First two years I was doing great but by third and fourth year was easily eating 1-200mg over 24hrs, failing exams and shit because I wasn't actually studying or eating/sleeping properly. I really want to get my masters but unsure how to because my GPA suffered quite a bit. Thank KEK i graduated at all. Haven't touched that shit in 3 years partially because I wanted to get my life on track thanks to Zig Forums and embracing national socialism.
It reminds me of how prescription opiates were easily available early 00's then dea clamped down and addicts turned to heroin. Methamphetamine is sort of a similar situation where you have swaths of students hooked on prescription amphetamine salts, and I can see people turning to it if doctor cuts them off. However stimulants are sort of forgiving to an addict in that it doesn't cause the same sort of withdrawals/pain and is much easier to kick cold turkey. You just sleep for days when you run out. Luckily I live on east coast and I never had access to meth like it's available west of Appalachia
Seriously though its crazy how much Adderall flows through schools. Half the pharmacy students were on that shit.