I hope this isn't considered a blog post, but only encourage anons to research Jewish spirituality so they might understand why our Enemy does what he does. If this thread has no value to you then mods should anchor it or delete.
Why do Jews repeatedly use the figure six-million? The answer is found in Jewish mysticism. In Hebrew, like most other ancient languages, every letter has a corresponding number. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph (a) and represents the number 1. The second letter, Bet (b) signifies 2, and so forth. Every Hebrew word can be translated into a numerical sum and Jews believe words sharing the same values share a mystical connection. This philosophy is called Gematria and actually originates with the Aryan language of Sanskrit (Jews steal everything).
The number 6,000,000 is comprised of the number 6 followed by 6 zeros which when reduced returns the value of 6.
6,000,000 in Jewish mysticism is another way of writing 666. Why is 666 important? Again, we must look at Jewish gematria.
According to Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), 666 is the number of the Evil Intelligence of the Sun whose name is Sorat (or Sorath) and contains the value 666. If for the Aryan the spirit or Intelligence of the Sun symbolizes nature and light, the Evil Intelligence or spirit represents the unnatural and dark. It is by searching this reversal of reason that Jews seek to find power.
In Kabbalah, the sum of numerical values of Aïn-Soph (166, "absolute emptiness") and Kether (500, "absolute unity") gives 666. Emptiness and Unity can only co-exist if matter or Something-ness becomes Nothing-ness. And so in 666 we find the foundation of anti-Cosmic philosophy.
Because Talmud is based in Torah and Kabbalah we also find the 6 gorillion meme in it's pages.
We can delve further into the topic of Kabbalah but this should be enough information to redpill you on why Jews use 6,000,000.
Not sure if related, but six is also the only number in which the sum and product of its denominators are equal. It is an ancient 'holy number', 3+2+1 = 3x2x1 These words may be wrong I haven't touched math in a long time
Ryder Carter
Do you have any hard sources for mainstream jews accepting Kabbalah teachings into their lives, or sources which show jews are raised on Kabbalah and numerology from a young age?
Jackson Young
Absolutely related. Pythagorean number magic heavily influenced Kabbalistic gematria. Using your example the Aryan magician or mystic might say but the Jew distorts this in Kabbalah and he says >Because the sum and product are equal, above is the below The Jew's philosophy meshes above with below and results in the Sabbatean belief that the physical must be destroyed to realize the supranatural.
According to Rabbinic Tradition, the Jew must accomplish a few things before he may even study Kabbalah, such as being at least 30 years of age. But because Talmud is grounded in the Kabbalistic interpretation of Torah, and because the majority of religious Jews abide by Talmud, most Jews adopt Kabbalistic philosophy without realizing.
Do you have any proof that the average German was a paid-up Nazi and fully understood and subscribed to everything all of their leaders said? Or maybe human societies are made up of different people in hierarchy?
Henry Miller
This is a kike, folks. Take a good look at this and stop and think for a moment. OP doesn't need to provide evidence for an argument he never made. Nothing about said argument would be remotely relevant regardless. This is an extremely obvious bait to derail the conversation towards an irrelevant shit-flinging contest.
Good shit, OP. That image needs about 6 million more pixels though.
Good stuff OP. This is an important topic. The more you understand about your enemy the better you can predict their actions or mess with their heads. Gematria is great for psyops and fun to reclaim. You should also be running most names and words that you're suspicious of through a gematria calculator to see if any obvious shit pops up, because they pick their names that way and signal each other.
Besides that, numerology is frankly quite beautiful sometimes. It's a shame the kikes had to steal and pervert it. For example the Pythagorean labyrinth, entered by taking three hundred steps total: 108 steps widdershins, then the same again in the opposite direction, then retrace your steps halfway, then half that back again, then three more steps to the arch. The mathematical fractals stemming from this one sequence alone are nothing short of divine, reflecting trinity, the pentagon, the opened cube, the tree of life in both its branches and its roots, and the exquisite holographic nature of reality itself.
I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3 I have too many, I give up… :^3
Fuck look how thick the shills are all over this one. Good job OP.
Thomas Miller
6 * 6 * 6 = 216 These jews once made this movie once, I don't know how well it follows (((their))) Orthodox though.
Nicholas Brown
This is a lot of disinformation. This is a good introductory resource on Kabbalah. The six million figure derives from the number of souls believed to exist in all of Israel: 600,000, identical to the number present at Mt Sinai during the Revelation of the Torah to Moses. The Zionists like Herzl were mostly secular, and they needed a way of getting the Orthodox Jews of the Pale of Settlement to move to Israel in the early 20th century. They believed that the Messiah had to emerge and lead them to Israel, but Kabbalah provided an alternate answer: 6 million Jews would die in a Holy Pogrom of sorts, and this would constitute a redemption. Binah, the third sefirah on the Tree of Life, is known as the Mother, because souls derive from her. She is also known as Return, and the number 6 is related to her through gematria (which is nigger-tier magic and Talmudic rabbis were always wary of it because it can be used to justify nearly any presupposed conclusion). Anyways, the Jews declared the State of Israel in the year 5708 (1948), 708 corresponding to a word in the Torah, teshuvah, meaning return. The context of this word is in the discussion of the Jubilee Years that occurred in the Land of Israel every 50 years. The Israeli government is currently celebrating a 'Jubilee Year'. >jubilee-years.gov.il Look at the dates: 1897 (First Zionist Congress of Herzl the 'Father of Zionism'), 1917 (Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild), 1947 (UN Declaration of independent Israel), 1967 (Six Day War for capture of Jerusalem).
The Jews that come to this board love to use gematria as a fancy hand wave to lead you down some rabbit hole. Things really aren't as complicated as they like to make it seem and all of their prophecies, including the Holocaust one, are self-fulfilling ones.
Eli Lopez
redemption from what?
Grayson Ward
I see this mentioned extremely rarely in the context of jewish gematria and the 6mil / 6k / 6 figure so I wanted to add.
The Jewish calendar goes from the year 0 to the year 6000. We are currently in the Jewish year 5778 or 5779 I believe. The messiah must have arrived before the year 6000. What exactly happens at 6k is a matter of debate, some state the calendar starts going backwards toward 0. The year 6k in conventional chronology is the year 2240.
Zachary Richardson
- six million died so we can go to israel again! - actually in aushwitz 1mln died, not 4mln, so it comes up to 3mln - shut up