Rand Paul Has Senate Block Billion Dollar Arms Sale to Saudis
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Well done!
Good shit
I'm happy seeing Ry Dawson's efforts finally paying off. One his last video, he pretty much said that his new platform is running; anyone has more info on that?
Let's hope this goes through
why would zog-senators block that? except to appease anti-semites
As a hispanic libertarian I support this man.
Rand Paul 2020.
Take note edgy nazis this is how you win people. Hitler's soul is weeping looking at yall today.
But then again, I wouldn't be surprised if half the "nazis" here are kikes trying to create a boogieman
I wish Rand were 8 inches taller so that he would be a viable prez candidate… everyone wants a big daddy
Isn’t he blocking Israeli handouts too?
Small favors - but a real gain. Kudos.
If manlets could become taller through wishes there would be no more manlets.
Honestly, I voted for Trump, but only because Ron Paul wasn't running.
I don't dislike Trump, and he has at least tried to do many of the things we elected him to do. Fucking Jews, like his kike lawyers, and his blind loyalty to them, his daughter, and his son in law Kushner, will be his downfall.
wow, good news for once
the problem is the second when it looks like Rand Paul might actually have some power is the second he will cuck out
As long as it means nothing there will always be a Senator Rand Paul.
Being short, I would wish for better people to talk to first.
Rand Paul should have been president
Good. Now he should push the senate to give up all aid to Israel as well
Yemen is saudi arabias afghanistan, except the saudi army has shit weapons, their soldiers are basically goat herder mercenaries, have no discipline and the saudi leadership are all related by family yes, before they where married
Stfu beaner faggot
Like not locking up Hillary or not building a wall, or freeing criminal negroes from jail or handing over all your hard earned tax dollars to isreal et cetera…
I’d say it’s more like 3 out of 4.
Easy to spot with the D&C , Blackpilling , Zognald bullshit that reached it’s zenith on the run up to the Midterms
Its a strange one because if Trump had done this everyone would call him a Russian shill for handing the Russians trillion dollar Saudi arms contracts. Which will really help the Russian economy at the moment (and hurt the US economy).
Saudis are crypto jews, how do people still not know this?
((( )))
jews btfo
Trump btfo
Many of the kikels in my neighborhood have pro-Saudi bumper stickers. I'm grateful for Mr. Paul's work.
There seems to be a full on economic attack on the Saudis right now. The journalist thing seems like a justification for all this, especially with the high likelihood of it being carried out by jews. Their stocks crashed, Canada is considering a similar arms deal cancellation, Qatar left OPEC, Trump announcing the Syria troop withdrawal (maybe). There's some kind of political realignment happening and we are only getting snippets of info on it, and Rand's recent small victories is just another little part of it or possibly only incidental.
I just contacted Rand Paul. You guys should all do the same. Zig Forums memed Trump into the white house, we can do the same for Rand. We need to advise Rand and his team on how to be strategic, learn from his father's failures and from Trump's successes.
I would create my own thread but the kikes running this board won't let Tor users start new threads. If someone else wants to create a thread focused on this, please do. And if someone wants to post this on halfchan please do, with Trump being a cuck for Israel and banning bump stocks there's less MAGAtards on half/pol/ and Rand is getting more popular there again.
Since there is no email address on Rand's website, I filled out the volunteer form (I just put 'Rand for president' as name and '[email protected]' as email) at
I sent the following message:
Rand: If you want to become president of the United States, you can, and you will have a lot of support. But you have to be strategic.
The reason your father failed to win is not because the people of the United States do not share his values. Rather, it is because people like yourself and your father are a threat to the establishment because you value liberty. Because of this, the establishment sought to censor and smear your father to prevent him from winning.
You need to learn from this. You can also learn from Trump's victory. Love Trump or hate Trump, he did one thing very well: He was hated by the establishment and still managed to force the media to pay attention to him.
While your father was controversial, he was not aggressive. This allowed the mainstream media (servants of the establishment) to censor him.
This is what Trump did differently, and why Trump won: He was not only controversial, but we was aggressive. He forced the media to pay attention to him through a combination of controversy and aggressiveness.
Your values will resonate with the American people more than Trump's ever will. Learn from your father's mistakes, and from Trump's successes. Be uncompromising, controversial, AND aggressive. Do this in a way that will force the media to talk about you and not censor you. And get internet communities to support you, considering how much that helped Trump. Trump wouldn't have won without 4chan and Reddit promoting him through memes.
Show confidence and assertiveness, rally people behind you, especially young people, and you can win the White House no matter how hard the establishment tries to stop you.
Its a shot against trump and his hand picked crypto.
Open borders Rand? No thanks.
Either trump gets it done or else..
Rand is against open borders.
Trump won because he was a ZOGbot. Ron lost because he wasn't a ZOGbot. You want Rand to learn from that? Fuck off.
No more getting involved in shitskin affairs.
They want nukes. This of course does not site well with Israel.
For example, at least two U.S. journalists and a U.S. humanitarian worker – recall, even if Khashoggi’s parts are stitched back together he is not a U.S. citizen – were killed in a short space of time a few years back by the Islamic State (IS). These killings occurred at a time when Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, and Kuwait were all supporting IS by allowing their young males to join its ranks to, and by sending donations to IS from both public and private coffers. Do you recall the ardor with which a unanimous Senate pushed the Obama administration to stop selling arms to the Saudis and the Gulf’s other tyrants? Do you remember how our NATO allies also stridently urged us to do so, and did so themselves? Do you recall how the U.S. and Western media demanded punishment of the Arab tyrants? For that matter, do you remember that the united Senate demanded the obliteration of the Kingdom after about 20 of its nationals – acting on the education they received in the Kingdom – killed nearly 3,000 Americans in 2001. If you do, you are hallucinating. None of those things occurred.
Why, then, is almost all of the U.S. Senate so intent on attacking Saudi Arabia and American workers with heavy sanctions over the death of the non-U.S. citizen, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-mujahedin, buddy-of-Osama journalist Khashoggi? Simple, really. Saudi Arabia is still the headquarters of militant Sunni Islam – and especially the militarily inclined Salafist sect — and the Kingdom’s private- and religious-sectors still are the source of much of its funding. The current Saudi crown prince is unlikely to be able to tame the Salafist movement, but the timing of when it ends his tenure is hard to calculate. One knowable thing, however, is that the longer MBS holds power and pushes his so-called reform agenda, the more violent and religiously radical will be the forces that over throw him and try to rule the country.
In other words, a near-term overthrow of MBS probably would result in Saudi Arabia slipping back into the characteristics that marked the nation before the Crown Prince rose to power, a condition which Israel had learned to live with. A significantly longer, anti-Crown Prince campaign, however, would bring the Salafi militants to the fore, and, when successful, they most likely would put power in the hands of someone whose religiosity, patience, ruthlessness, and worldview resemble those of Osama bin Laden.
Now, what country would greatly and justifiably prefer a near-term reversion to the kind of regime that governed Saudi Arabia for decades before MBS? The answer is, of course, Israel, a nation and people wise enough to know that Arabs are not the stuff of which stable democracies are made. They also are wise enough to know that a prolonged campaign against the Crown Prince’s rule might well yield a religious Saudi Sunni/Salafist regime, one as, or more militant and stubborn than the Shia regime in Iran. In essence, for Israel, it is better to take the Saudi devil you have long known, the one who could count on the West to come to its defense as long as it tolerated Israel.
Another reason, perhaps a stronger one, for Israel’s preference for the good-old Saudi regime is the Crown Prince’s November, 2018, decision to build a nuclear research reactor in the Kingdom. The Crown Prince and his advisers appear to have decided that it was not enough to count on the willingness of the Pakistanis’ to come to their rescue with the nuclear weapons the Kingdom helped fund.
The default consensus in Israel and the West may well be that MBS’s construction of a nuclear reactor is due his regime’s fear of Iran, and there is some truth to that. But the view from the Israeli government must be focused on both Israel’s national security and the unavoidable conclusion that a long MBS tenure could yield, at its end, both a Saudi nuclear arsenal and a bin Laden-like leader, or worse a leader like IS chief Abu Omar al-Bahgdadi. This credible threat certainly will move Israel to act in ways that are aimed to make sure MBS remains on the throne for the shortest possible time.
Now this is a shitty attempt at shilling
You're like a woman. You have to go and announce your designated protected class hoping that people will flock to you and praise you for being 'ours.' Fuck off back to Reddit, this is an imageboard, no one does or should care about your fucking ethos – that's the point of anonymity.
Oh also