How much control does Opus Dei have within the church and how much control do they have within governments? The Work is one of the most powerful organizations in the world. Preaching the values of Zig Forums and working to bring down the Jesuit plague that has kept the church weak and liberalized. It is your duty, in order to achieve the world you wish to see, to join The Work and help to bring about real change.
So the Jews can have power using their religion as a means of achieving that power, but I'm crazy for believing that Catholics can have power using their religion as a means of achieving that power?
Aiden Scott
Yes because it's only Jews. Jesuits are crypto jews
Cooper Anderson
OH sorry I finished reading your post. Everything is controlled opposition. If it isn't it's susceptible Any real power against (((them))) will be decentralized. Just look at the yellow vests
Parker Anderson
OD has complete and total delusions of grandeur. They tried to recruit me a number of years back, and it's nothing more than a loosely associated group of people who like to do some charity work and advnce church positions. Nothing more radical than a standard nonprofit.
Grayson Bennett
It is susceptible. However, The Work has means to root out Jesuit, and other, infiltrators, as we have before. The power that faith has is important and the changes I'm sure you and I wish to see in the world will be impossible without faith. The Jew use their faith to achieve their power. They have also used it to warp the minds of faithful Christian, ie the Jesuit. Political power is no match against faith. If, however, there were a group of people opposed to the Jews who also operated under faith they would stand a chance to make real change. Sometimes it is necessary to play the games of the enemy. That is the purpose of The Work.
Jose Parker
Basically the only institution or thing that DOESN'T have control in 'your government' is YOU.
Nathan Garcia
The Work vets members. Remaining a faithful member has rewards.
Nathan Reyes
This attitude is why you won't achieve anything. Someone has to have control and why can't that person be you. Seize control if you don't have it.
Liam Edwards
I think I misread what you typed. Yes unfortunately you are only one person and will never be important enough alone to have real control. Aligning yourself with like minded individuals will grant you control.
William Carter
Nice larping, fag.
Aaron Powell
NBD. Do you understand the occult meaning of the symbol you used in your OP?
Joshua Miller
What organizations are you a part of? What groups are you aligned with? What are you doing to bring about change besides posting in an echo chamber? Why, when some one gives you a way to make change, do you blow it off? Might it be because you want to reap the rewards without putting in the effort. You simply wish to carry on and let someone else do the work and so to make yourself feel better you pretend everyone and everything is against you or fake.
I believe it was used to represent the sun or a sun god at some point. Though that is not what it means to The Work.
Nicholas Morris
You posted a picture of a Jesuit. I'm going to assume you are not Catholic and do not fully understand what I'm trying to say.
Angel Bennett
I'm on the board of a multi million dollar non profit. I didn't join OD because I have an intense dislike for phony theatrics. You obviously know nothing about OD and just read some shitty jpg about them and thought it would be fun to LARP.
Benjamin King
Said the literal cuck that prays to invisible sky wizards over the future of his race and a thousand years old book.
Sage motherfucker!
Ethan Richardson
You didn't join but some how know enough about them to say that I'm larping? You can see why that might not be the best point of argument?
Easton Martinez
I do and good fucking lack with that, and I ain't even sarcastic.
Josiah Watson
Ok, thanks for sharing what you know of the symbol…I am always curious if people understand the old meanings of the Teth or not. It is the oldest symbol in the world and it has acquired many 'meanings' over the ages but there is only one true ancient meaning. You know, symbols have power…it is always good to understand as much as you can when you use one or brand yourself with it.
Jeremiah Wilson
I seem to have touched a nerve. I don't care what you do, but don't claim I have no initiative when I am doing something. Maybe it's not the right way, maybe it is all a joke like you believe, but it is something. Importantly, for the majority of people who come to Zig Forums, it is more than they do. Change doesn't happen just because you will it.
Eli Anderson
You're posting on Zig Forums's most neonazi board to drum up support for what is essentially a fraternal organization but which also figures prominently in retarded conspiracy theories. You are 100% a larping faggot.
Christopher Rivera
Aligning yourself with like minded people is the most important thing an individual can do. That is how you achieve change. A lot of the ideas that the majority of people on Zig Forums claim to have are shared with The Work. Why wouldn't we drum up support here?
Jace Green
Symbols have the power you give them I believe. A man can hold a cross but it is only a piece of wood unless that man gives it meaning.
James Wilson
A lot of people here also claim to have been abducted by reptilians. OD recruits in the real world by going after talented individuals. They contacted me when I was in grad school at an ivy league. Recruiting from fucking 8 chan is retarded.
Blake Reed
The Work recruits pretty aggressively. With the controversy around the heritic "pope" and the Jesuit infiltration we have a need for members. Namely members who share our core beliefs. There has been a problem with laymen joining only to hold Jesuit beliefs. What better place to find members than online? We aren't just recruiting from here. Clearly you have no intention of helping us, so there is no point in continuing to argue. However there may be someone who sees this thread and is interested, so I feel it necessary to explain why I made this post and why The Work is attempting to recruit people from Zig Forums.
Zachary Martin
I would like to add that there is more to this than recruitment. Simply having support from people outside of the church will help. Having people recognize our name and see it in a good light and not the light of the conspiracies is extremely important at the moment.
Carson Ross
Lol ok. So if you're recruiting whats your contact info?
Opus Dei has all the best connections to big businesses here, if you go though one of their unis without being a shit stirrer, you're guaranteed to land a well paid job.
Owen Campbell
Again I'm not going to argue with but will respond for the benefit of others.
We will not leave contact info here. Anyone who reads the OP will easily be able to find our website with a quick Google search. You yourself admit that there are some people here that may abuse contact info if it were provided.
Church politics are just that, politics. Why would a group dedicated to traditional Catholic values support a pope who is a progressive Jesuit and a heritic at that? Actions speak louder than words. The Work has done nothing to support the "pope" and has actively worked against him multiple times.
Jeremiah Allen
Roman Catholicsm is repackaged talmudism, you nitwit. It conforms 100% with the rebellious jews of the Old Testament, complete with faggot priests draped in pagan garb and bowing to statues while lusting for gold.
Dylan Harris
Lol, so OD publically loves the pope but lets its retarded low level recruiters go across the internet and trash him and all Jesuits. Sure thing, retard.
Aiden Bennett
Not true friend. Symbols are fundamental to the fabric of the universe. They have power beyond what you impart because they are universal in a way that you and your understanding is not. They do not require your permission or understanding to be universally recognized and understood…thus they are beyond the 'perception' of the individual.
Ryan Young
I think I see the problem. What does it feel like to pretend to walk in his light but live a life of sin Jesuit?
James Edwards
Don't get me wrong, I do identify as a Christian as an ethnic pride thing and out of gratitude towards it for helping us retain our identity in hard times and assisting in liberating us from those times, and I honestly think you were cool back in the witch hunting, the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades but don't pat yourself on the back. If you want me to reluctantly start taking the cuckshed you call Vatican seriously better show some results of your super seekrit clubs unfucking your own shit.
Would not >>>Zig Forums be more appropriate for your cuckscription cuckmpaign?
Charles Rogers
Have you lost your fucking mind? The kikes slaughtered 100 million of our people in the 'inquisition' before 1850 AD. Do you think we would have a 'population problem' if we had those people and their offspring back alive? This is just as rational is saying that "as a Russian, I am really grateful for the Bolshevik slaughter of my people by the kikes." Or "as a Ukrainian I am really grateful for the jews leading role in the Holodomor."
Now I KNOW that Europeans have lost their FUCKING minds completely.
Ethan James
prove it moshie or just post one example of the catholic church or opus dei doing anything of any signifigance that does not align with the NWO
At present, there are Cooperators of Opus Dei who are Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, (((Jewish))), (((Moslem))), and Buddhist, as well as people who have no religion.
Oliver Morales
Catholicism is not Christianity in the slightest. It doesn't one the Bible in the same way that the "Eastern Orthodox" church does. Regardless, it's all bullshit anyways. If there really was a God, why would God allow so much evil in this world (**rael)?
Kayden Peterson
Muslims and kikes are not my people, Mehmoishe. The Inquisition was a necessary measure for securing the Reconquista and kikes sure love to bash it in every instance it's brought up.
Henry Hughes
Of course! The Christian Russians and Ukrainians also deserved and needed the kikes slaughter of their people as well. I really hear you bro. The kikes in their various disguises have murdered over 1 billion people on this planet who, doubtlessly, all deserved and needed to be killed by them. Still not understanding who has you in its grip, eh? Well, it takes time and a lot of research. If you ever get the opportunity I highly recommend that you read the "letters smuggled out of the inquisition"…most of the slaughtered were completely innocent (nothing gives the kikes a BIGGER hard on that torturing and ritually sacrificing the innocent; children in front of their parents; wives in front of their husbands) of the crimes they were accused of by the 'kikel/circle/church'. I would think that someone of even average intelligence would begin to see the repeating patterns in the methods and means of slaughter that the kikes employed on our people over the 6,000 year span that they have destroyed the planet and her people. But IDK, these events all have the exact same 'thematic' telltale signs that clearly indicate that they are inextricably separable from each other in terms of their function and techniques employed.
Are you telling me that you don't have the capacity for pattern recognition when it comes to the actions of the Bolshevik tortures and the Semitic 'inquisition'. They are the SAME THING…ALMOST EXACTLY. Sure they 'titled' it differently but they are not different in character, product or style.
Easton Barnes
Organized religion has one purpose historically and one purpose forever, to control. Anyone attached to organized religion likely has nefarious goals in mind no matter how much they want to pretend to be doing good. You can take a turd and make the grandest Greek or Roman statue ever seen, but its still made of shit.
With each passing day it becomes more and more obvious that you'd have to be a fool to not see it with all the corruption and degeneracy. Even Hinduism and Buddhism have been affected post-WW2. Not to mention the ties between Secret Societies and Religion go back since before written history. Secrecy kills civilizations and almost never advances it unless you're of the spiritual persuasion that rise and falls of civilization is necessary to slowly raise the consciousness of humanity, which part of me finds to be bullshit quite honestly.
Julian Rogers
That all sounds dandy but it's wrong. Jews do not use faith. They subvert and corrupt the other faiths. The Talmudic text is clearly an affront to all that is spiritual but itself is a symptom of evil; removing the Talmud or the "faith" of the jews won't do anything. The jews that have any faith aren't jews (at best they call themselves Messianic jews)
Faith is no match against corruption, subversion, etc. At least when it's organized. In fact, faith can never really be organized as that is only a hindrance. The spirit of god must be awakened in individuals regardless of creed, faith, ideology, etc.
But okay, let's supposed this "Work" is some magical text that if everyone read they would know exactly what to do. Don't we have enough of those? As corrupt as they are, even the bibles are ignored today. Let's work on popularizing better translations before trying to get esoteric or something like that.
And if you just wanted woke people to get together, what would the fucking point of that be? We need them as spread out as possible to make sure the spheres of influence are all encompassing. Keeping them together only makes it easier to take out more than one at once. There is no possibility of division if even in complete isolation, we are all unified. Get woke. Once you have that understanding then there is no reason for back up, support, cooperation. Enlighten the masses, that's the only job.
Unless you wanted to amass an army or something. What's the goal again?
Camden Young
Jesuits are based.
Jacob Russell
Leo Zagami claims to be a member of Opus Dei who has betrayed them and gone public
Born Into Illuminati, Italian Aristocrat Goes Public About Opus Dei, Jesuits and Vatican NWO Connections
Leo Zagami knows his life is in danger, but Illuminati insider who broke away from Satanism wants to warn Americans about the "evil enemy" destroying freedom.
Leo Lyon Zagami of Sicily knows he is risking his life to rebel against Satanism and bringing to light what he knows about the evil Vatican-led Illuminati.
And Zagami isn't your typical Illuminati researcher, but someone born into the satanic New World Order by his aristocratic bloodlines, his mother being related directly to the famous Queen Mother (Lyon Family) and his father being the son of the Marchesa Di Gregorio, one of the most prestigious noble families of Sicily in charge for many centuries of the Sicilian Knights of Malta.
"That means I'm technically a Sicilian Don and a Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire and a person protected by their own Vatican secret constitutions, so they can't touch me," said Zagami from his home in Norway, adding it is no longer safe to live in Italy after he recently broke away from the satanic clutches of his former Illuminati masters.
"And that's the reason why I'm going to be making many more revelations (God permitting) until the time comes for the return of our only true Grand Master and the fall of Rome and the Anti-Christ when the terrible judge will be upon them with no mercy as the Malachi Prophecies tell us."
Zagami claims to have a boat load of inside information about influential members of the Illuminati on both sides of the Atlantic, information if revealed that could rock the very foundations of Satanism controlling the Vatican, the U.S. and Italy.
After breaking ties with the American Illuminati in 2003 and the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge (Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis in June of 2006 after a secret Conference in San Cerbone, Zagami had this to say about the Jesuit and Opus Dei connection to the Illuminati and Freemasonry.
"I had a close encounter a big friend of the Jesuit in Rome, a guy called Alberto Moscato who is a 33rd degree Mason in charge of the satanic activities of the Ordo Templi Orientis in Italy," added Zagami.
"And obviously being active in the Illuminati Rites of Freemasonry contact had to be made but I was always very skeptical of them as they are dangerous and I was closer to the Opus Dei at the time but some interesting episodes occurred and I know many of the characters who serve them like slaves.