New study mapping moral concerns onto somatic sensations. Apparently conservatives feel purity violations in the head and the gut, liberals feel them in the heart and the vagina.
New study mapping moral concerns onto somatic sensations. Apparently conservatives feel purity violations in the head and the gut, liberals feel them in the heart and the vagina.
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NPCs aren't real, its a Jewish Psyop to demoralize whites
You know the NPC meme is extremely successful when you got heebs like this sliding threads. In to the oven you go.
saged, reported and globally reported for pedophilia
dude chakras
physical correlations of hierarchy of needs
woke people already know about this. nice to see the science catching up
Blue team NPCs be like "vote for Hillary"
Red fteam NPCs be like "Vote for Trump"
Hard to know which retarded status quo supporting group to side with…
Wtf are you on about?
Is this a bot?
i guess feminism really is a giant shit test
That's cool. I've been experimenting with my own mind, trying to differentiate parts and when they are active. Creating a correlation between thoughts and part of mind is very rough going. Maybe these people have a more discerning approach. It would be amazing to be able to determine a person's class of thought by their choice of words.
NPC was a pre-existing and very common idea. The meme itself gave it a humorous name that made NPCs feel bad.
it's not actually pedophilia if the little boy has reached puberty.
They're obviously experiencing moral outrage through their genitalia. Seriously.
What is seen here is the conservative is responding to moral threats with crown(spirit), throat(communication), and gut(willpower) chakras, and the liberal responds with vision(psychic), heart(compassion), and reproduction(creation) chakras. It's as plain as ♂️ and ♀️.
so they keep pushing because it gets them off?
Bernout NPCs be like "if I trash Hilldog and Bad Orange Man, maybe I can finally get my gibsmedats like I was promised"
Yes. Why do you think they import rapists?
Reminder that you are not on reddit and no one here supports Donald “my entire family is jewish” Trump.
Please fuck off from this board
I think it's more a correlation between area of mind and body. They use a particular area of mind that also stimulates their genitals, to conduct their NPC thinking. This results in subconscious choice of sexual imagery to express themselves.
b e e p
b o o p
i a m r e a l
Or something like that. I don't fucking know how brains work.
I have to filter this blatant stupidity. You don't speak for the entirety of Zig Forums, and real Zig Forums users fucking know that.
Biological weapons require fewer resources to monitor, and if you give them a job they even provide a return.
These are Jews we are talking about. No qualms about human trafficking in that crowd.
If he is against you promoting ZOG then he does speak on our behalf
Why would any single red-pilled user approve of you jews/MAGApede spastics spamming up the board with pro-conservative jew poison?
Stop derailing with Trump shit. You're free to support him or not. If you're worried about 2020 then create a thread on who you should support for that election.
Real Zig Forums users will say there is nor "our." You're not from here. go the fuck back.
You're right. The I assisted the shills in derailing.
It's no fucking wonder you shitbrain niggers need gibs to live. It's time to end the artificial life support that keep genetic turds like you alive, right now.
No we don't. Stop shilling for your kike stooge.
Real pol/aks wouldn't spend a second pretending that voting for neocon jews is some kind of solution to our jewish problem
You're in the wrong thread.
Like this guys says, niggers are a weapon. Kikes feed them and they flood the world. Kikes stop feeding them and they die. What these NPC, genital thinking, useful idiots do is coincidental to the kikes' plan with the niggers.
Lurk for another ten years you fucking fag.
Someone needs to remind the shills that over 95% of jews in politics are registered democrats. Every jew on the supreme court is a democrat. It's pretty obvious which part is the chosen party to introduce bolshevism.
Shut up, it's just two factions of kikes arguing over who gets to have us for lunch. The diaspora and their niggerous pets or the Zionists and their doomsday fantasies. Either way you're voting for anti-Whites who will spend the majority of their time kissing up to that 4%. And you haven't had anyone to point to to prove that wrong in a long time.
What about the other "x%" registered as neoConservative politicians?
Are you saying that Trump's entirely jewish cabinet and financial backers represent just 5% of the jews?
No. It can be used jokingly to reinforce the soyboy stereotypes of lefty "males." I don't see how this could ever turn into a popular meme though.
How are red-team NPCs any less faggy and retarded than blue-team NPCs?
Great OP, almost applied. Duck off a water's back.
Everyone responding to me is filtered. Funny. Shills are literally sitting here monitoring the thread now that the topic of Trump has been introduced. By them, of course. Fucking sub-humans…
Both parties were chosen, but only one party advertises it. Voting won't solve this problem.
Duality is a kike figment.
Then they will attempt to argue, "what about the horrors under the sea, that flip and flp sex?" We are mankind. Nature has told faggots their genes are not good for the world. Yet, the mass of ants, niggers and semites keep dicking away. All while they prop up charities to save flora and fauna.
Being a conservative isn't a meme. You're horseblind as niggers in Africa getting wheat dropped on them every go around by the UN. While there are commercials on television for (((Russian Jew))) charities. Now that the window is shifting they are scrambling wherever they can.
Nope, only one party is chosen, just like in 1917 Russia. The Democrat party is to be transformed into the "social democrat" party, which is a long way of saying the bolshevik party. That's why all high seats of power in this country held by jews are registered democrats. Republicans are the lame duck party, the democrat party is the chosen bolshevik party. I will always vote against that.
(((12553402))) shill monitoring the thread responds to my comment immediately, in spite of being filtered. Gotta maintain that faux consensus, am I right?
It certainly is time for peace on Earth. Look upon those that despise it, much like beauty in art. Never forget they despise you for being. All you have to do is look at the asian lands of how they cat around. Except nobody likes kikes.They put it in their golems.
The first post was not kike free.
How does one manage to filter IDs yet still be able to read those subsequent posts by those you claimed you filtered?
Answers written on a Republican party pamphlet..
Hey shills, let's go look at this wiki together:
The findings are pretty interesting. In particular:
1) Conservatives primarily feel violations of caring in their heads, while liberals also feel it in their heart…while their nerves "deactivate" all over.
2) As the OP said, conservatives feel purity violations primarily in their head, but liberals also feel them in the head (just less). Conservatives also feel purity violations in their crotch areas, just a bit less. However, for conservatives, their nerves "deactivate" all over their limbs as well. Liberals seem to feel purity violations down through most of their organs, and surprisingly quite a bit in their hands.
3) Overall, both groups seem to have moral violations felt primarily in the head and heart, with the exception of purity violations, which are also felt in the gut.
4) Authority violations for both groups are felt in the hands, chest, and head. For Liberals, it is also felt in the feet.
I don't think this can be memed like the NPC meme. However, there was a similar study that said that conservatives feel stronger disgust than liberals do, and this could probably go on the pile of "biological differences between conservatives and liberals" papers - of which we have seen not so many, but there are definitely more than a few.
It strikes me that there might be a fundamental, not easily changed factor that separates conservatives and liberals. It may not simply be ideological - there may be something very real that separates liberals and conservatives, and it may be something that can be investigated. The r/K theory meme may be a little off, but if it is off, it may only be off in the specifics, and the fundamental idea that the differences between liberals and conservatives is biological may be something that needs to be investigated further.
Funny, they're nearly all democrats. Even "independent" Kike Sanders joined his fellow bolsheviks when it came time to try to introduce "democratic socialism" to the greater masses.
Oh, and remember the newly elected brown jew over in Cali pushing for "democratic socialism." All of these jews pushing for "democratic socialism" are (((coincidentally))) democrats.
No, it is not interesting. It's simply setting up kike duality. This hand or that hand haggling, not just with Man but with God.
I'm tired of your shit. You're looking through it in how you have been groomed.
Are you seriously implying republicans are anti-jewish?
The only thing I see coming out of this is making fun of the effeminate soyboy nature of the lefty male. Nothing like a bit of shaming.
Another normal day on Zig Forums I guess.
Could be something to look into. What about fundamental liberals who are ideologically conservative? AKA the most frustrating people to talk to in the world short of Jews.
Nothing you've said is wrong but you type like a fucking retard without any focus. Please at least learn how to keep everything in one post.
I'm confused are you saying that red-team jews are ourguys in opposition to the blue-team jews?
You do realise that the neo-con jews in the Republican party are actively seeking to destroy white homelands hand-in-hand with their neoliberal jew counterparts
When can i order my Donald Trump sex doll?
Fuck you, fuck everyone. This is not your home, nor is where this rocket with Man upon it.
It's cool over here, the camps weren't even on the same continent. While in Europe the allies blew rails willy nilly going to the frontlines and camps. A fight NONE of them should have been in to begin with, and by proxy they killed a bunch of kikes that would have been going elsewhere.
You're an idiot. I'm not implying anything. What I say is what I mean. Put words in someone else's mouth. Filtered.
Non-argument. Disprove my theory that the democrat party is the chosen party to be converted into the bolshevik party. It aligns perfectly with Russia 100 years ago. Perfectly. Rhetoric and all.
See and
They think it overshadows the Holodomor still.
Why would I speak to someone who has never been drafted let alone been pushed into a war,.
These faggots that are now creating a vicious cycle. A many boys that come home that are shunned at home.
Either 60 IQ posting or bot posting. Filtered.
You can't see why you even exist.
Made this thread for posts like
Instead I get schizophrenics arguing about Trump like and
You shut your niggerbrain. You have two hours now.
You have two hours for them. The ones that died in folly. The ones that survived and took them months to pupate after coming home from Vietnam.
I didn't want to, but I also can't let shills shit up the board if I see it.
This is the state of absolute cowards. That won't as they should rather be in another nation.
You brush your lip and listen to this man.
You're not fooling anyone you don't have two hours in your life.
I remember a while back, there were a series of those posts. Do you happen to have the others?
He's just saying that all the jewish politicians judges and financial backers are democrats
You're just being immature here btw
So are the jews appointed by Trump also democrats?
What about the jews in his family.
responding to the pointing of jews surrounding him with pointing at other jews is simply devoid of logic. please seek help
I'm also a Trump supporter and think he's doing some sort of hilarious juggling act but there are lots of jews that aren't democrats, obviously
Wow the person having a schizophrenic breakdown actually posted some good material
anyways guys, personally speaking the only way to make sense of this is by talking about chakras. interesting term these scientists have come up with "somatosensory experience" but no one knows what the hell that means. there's only one thing left to do
The soyboys must ==ALIGN THEIR CHAKRAS==
This can only be done through ==WEAPONIZED AUTISM== and I would imagine class of thought more as 'current state of chakras'
but maybe I'm wrong and reverse engineering 'classes of people' into ideologies and how they relate to 'somatic sensations' is the way to go
I would imagine this applies mostly to NPCs as people who think for themselves tend to have more personal ideologies that don't correlate as much as any label/indoctrination
Gentlemen, the meme was already made years ago…
This is a nigger-tier argument.
What does "vast majority" mean again? Who elected jews to the supreme court, and what party do/did they affiliate with? See
No, I'm pointing out that the democrat party is the one filled to the brim with jews. The democrat party is the one filled with jews pushing for "democratic socialism." The democrat party is the one using the same rhetoric used by bolsheviks in Russia. The democratic party is the one protecting communist groups like antifa, which originated in Germany 100 years ago, and was connected to jewish communists who pushed for communism in Russia, Germany, and other parts of Europe.
Nice deceptive rhetoric you fucking piece of trash. Lots doesn't mean much. Percentages mean everything. Fuck "lots." The vast majority of them are democrats. That is a fucking fact. I don't care what "lots" means.
so only democratic jews are bad?
What the hell are you even trying to say anymore man?
So how will voting for the "lame duck" solve any problems?
Look we all know Trump isn't a real Republican. He's gonna legalize weed any second now
This fucking old school new york democrat is a fucking madman
New information is assimilated to existing images.
A veritable smorgasbord of logical fallacies. Congrats.
His entire family is Jewish
The 3 jews on the supreme court are democrats, put there by democrats.
It won't, but it'll hopefully keep the bolsheviks from entering office. Want change? Get the fuck off Zig Forums and go do something. Don't tell me not to try to prevent the worst possible thing from happening though "cuz twump habs jews in fambly!"
jej Fuck off, Trumpnigger
What third world country did they hire you from, monkey? Go shill for democrats on reddit. Filtered.