FAGS upset over new video game which sees Jesus, Hitler, Trump killing FAGS
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Is the game available for download yet? I checked it out last week and they were only releasing a small number of downloads for their alpha.
easly GOTY material
We need a racist rimworld with RTS elements or something
whats the name of the game? I'm sorry but i don't want digital stds from visiting a faggot website
We already have that. It’s called “kill all nonwhites in the game.” If you install the psychology mod, it adds faggots which you can also kill.
Nothing wrong with getting rid of disease.
Thank you kind sir. The name is better than expected
Goy of the year?
All I want is an Holocaust simulator and you have to manage the ovens. You have to meet quotas, manage the concentration camps, throw Jews into ovens, and run the gas chambers. Like a Holocaust themed prison simulator.
Only the fact is, the game needs to be made with realism in mind. You have to kill 6 million in a record amount of time from a population that isn't even that high, with pesticide that has to be heated dropped down solid concrete beams. The end game always, for every player, is that they lose and come short of the goal by several million every single time.
OMG who is this guy? Does he have a channel? I'm subscribing. Does he have a twitter? I'm following. Fuck Trump. This guy's got my 2020 vote. If anyone can save us it's the guy in this video.
No Mike Pence
No buy
Fake quote. He never said that. He denies the holocaust in his book, but never said that.
Reminder that jews invented the narrative that Mike “Israel should dictate US policy” Pence hates fags in order to get people to ignore that he is a kike shill.
the absolute state of whignat creativity
Also kill yourself for shilling your game.
But in the end everyone still agrees that you managed it regardless of the odds
lel. and it should have a death counter that starts and stays at 6,000,000 regardless of how many you've killed
Hitler's bff Roehm was a homo
What does the Q stand for in CY+3?
Can't keep up with all that bullshit.
It's actually a snide way of saying "P" (pedophilia)
Shitty honeypot video game made my lib fags to frame those “evil Nazis online”..
And either y’all are falling for it, or it’s just reddit fags going along with it
"Queer". Yes, it's unironic.
Based gahoole
games are art, so this is clearly protected by the first amendment, right? i mean, its not like theyre doing something uncontitutional, like not baking a cake celebrating something they find abhorrent.
/tv/ cant raid for shit
hitler had a boipussy and eva braun was a cover
Reminder that Codemonkey personally endorses posts like this on Zig Forums, which is actually just /intl/ now
Reminds me of that law & order episode with the nazis and the dad’s kid is showing two of the detectives an online game where you kill niggers and jews in nyc.
Nah, it would be better if you reached ~100,000 and the game concludes every time with "congratulations, you killed 6,000,000 jews!"
Capitalism is an important tool for getting around the 1st and enforce ZOG hegemony. Deny access, deplatform, deincentivise, demonetize, etc.
Why are they lumping Hitler in with this filthy heeb and heeb golem?
based and cringe
Mein negger, rimworld Is good shit, just make your own non degenerate colony policies and download the ww2 uniforms mods and you have an instant Zig Forums
Angry Goy?
Yeah, and make it based on real physics, so it's impossible to gas 6 million jews in 5 years.
A Holocaust vidya would have two game modes:
"Simulation" where you have realistic physics, limited resources and historically accurate 1940s technology, and are given the (impossible) task of physically removing 6 million in the allotted time.
And "Sandbox" where you get infinite resources, various methods of gassing, electrified floors, burning pits, Dr. Mengele's lab, bear+eagle cages, masturbation machines, trained rape dogs, chambers with moving knives, lethal air pumps, drowning pools and holocoasters to play with.
nice cody shirt faggot
Oh man I want to play this game so bad…
I keep seeing this spammed every thread. Do you have any chat logs or anything or is it just the fact we basically have no moderation?
and the impossibility of the cleanup of the 36,000,000 pounds of ash.
have a (you)
Ohhhh right…because the kikes think anything older than 3YO can be married and fucked…unless it is European then it can be fucked but it has to be murdered afterwards…even if you rape it…because you had sex with it…and it 'got you into trouble'
It is an appropriate reflection of our real world experience.
whom is he?
Meh, did we expect a different reaction? If you fags end up buying it at least try to hide your payment info in case its a shitty honeypot. Bitcoin, ((((paypal)))), use whatever will hide your identity from where you are purchasing it.
here is your fucking video game nigger
This is how fortunes are made 2019, tad mad.
how about you go make one faggot
=F5 for respect=
saved this thread tbh
working on it
My fortune is my honor.
My prize is my people.
The (((writer))) of the article is
aka Bill Browning
Resides in D.C. with his most likely
AIDS ridden boyfriend.
D.O.B 10/8/1972
Registered Democrat
(aka he is a Fag Toddler Fucker)
1901 Wyoming NW Ave, APT 38
Washington, DC 20009-5073
(317) 222-1754 - LandLine
Owner of:
Bilerico Media LLC
1831 Belmont Road Nw 103
Washington, DC 20009
On November 8th 2000 William Browning registered ""
Registrant Email:
[email protected]
Creation Date: 08-nov-2000
Update Date: 03-oct-2012
Domain is now for sale
(I guess nobody gave a fuck)
La creatura…
Full holocaust logistics simulator or bust.
Bump worthy. Good game website. Game will be free and probably retarded, but funny.
It will probably be considered a crime to own it…I hope they hurry the fuck up!
47 days to alpha launch. Looking forward to it.
Funny how Muslims supposedly believe in Jesus knowing he is the Messiah, a much greater role than poohammad, yet you never hear about one killing some motherfuckers over defaming Jesus.
This. Where's the moeshit visual novel where you raise happy White daughterus to propagate the race?
I like that the game triggers sodomites, but white men should stop wasting time playing video games which are designed to be addicting.
Hitler killed Röhm in the night of the long knights you tricky little jew.
But I thought they loved private industry? What happened? If it's okay for twitter to mass ban people fro wrong-think, then certainly it's okay for this guy/these guys to release a game independently based on their views?
They love the good goyim and hate the bad goyim, true for both public and private entities.
Shut it, fag, video games increase testorones.
this shit screams democrat-made
Well if some lefty rat made it, that'd be funny, because all it's going to do is give us something to play, and give centrists more of a reason to be annoyed by left-wing talking points as journalists bitch and moan.
Absolutely correct and based
does the blood splatter give player The Aids?
Pic related; Homo Sgt from recent shit movie
Poor guy. Just minding his own business and some dumb fag fucks it up.
Nice post, made my morning.
What is this song called, Ive been looking for it but don't have much to go on.
how about this one?
Shit, just realized that was the Gif and not the webm version. It goes something like "Let me take you to a little place called auschwitz, its shower time little judenstine"
This game doesn't sound like a kike cashgrab at all, I'm sure it's not going to be a clickbait titled mediocre shooter.
QA for rulers, dowels, and baseball bats.
Trusting the plan, boomer.
A lot of this holohoax shit sounds like a Shriners initiation, TBH.
Where do you think you are sweetie? This is the disinformation hub of the Internet.
As for demographics, there's a couple things no one mentions. Firstly, the birthrate of Jewry was lower in 1930 than the white birthrate is today. Secondly, there were massive waves of immigration, not only before 1933, but from 1933-45, to the Interior of Russia, to Israel, the USA, and to temporary intermediary countries like Iran, Algeria and Morocco, Argentina. Thirdly, the numbers were inflated in the first place, probably intentionally so, and so using the World Almanac or the Jewish Encyclopedia is just accepting the falsified stats, when we have much better revisions of those stats in retrospect. There were nowhere near 18 million Jews in the world in 1939, it was closer to 14 million, and on the decline. Probably a little less than 1 million Jews died in the war, as Allied soldiers and as prisoners starving in the concentration camps. 300k of that number are known to have died from disease under German wardenship, demonstrated by the Red Cross stats crossreferenced with the numbers kept by the Third Reich itself. The rest of the 'missing' Jews after the war were immigrants that weren't tallied—after 1945 Jews were the #1 nationality of illegal immigrants and many illegals were teeming into British/UN Palestine as well—intermarried into the Soviet populations and listed any spawn as 'Russian' or 'Ukrainian' or 'Polish'—the majority of immigrants to Israel in the last two decades come from Slavic countries, demonstrating that they never actually lost their Jewishness, they just lied to census takers—or they just didn't have any kids because, as said, their birthrates were dismally low, and still are today in the Diaspora.