Strzok got very defensively angry during a public hearing where a republican Congressman started to ask questions about 302s. Flynn talked about crimes from people that they would not want to prosecute. like shady shit he saw working for the Obama admin. Essentially what ended up happening is that due to the prosecutorial misconduct of not filling out and filing a 302 within 72 hours of the interview results in the rest of the case dying.
(((Mueller))) and the (((Clintons))) are fucked
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Did Q predict this?
They changed the 302s and probably destroyed any evidence of the originals or their editing process. Mueller also wiped Strzok's phone personally.
Don't post until it does.
so its an interview of an interview? the fuck
(((kimberly strassel)))
MOSSADniggers are shitting themselves.
Stupid smocker Papadop is running his mouth again, claiming he's running in 2020. Already attracting more FBI attention:
And last week Simona (Mrs Papa) tried to finger puppet a message of "you deserve so much better than him" to herself, but she forgot to switch her accounts and ended up tweeting to herself from the same account. She was so humiliated she deleted her twitter account. I give them 3 months until a divorce.
Clown car WH.
"George Papadopoulos’ wife deletes Twitter account after embarrassing herself in self-congratulatory tweet "
She sent it to her husband, LARPing as an user, chiding him for being an idiot She forgot to log into the sock puppet account.
But yeah, let's all assume they're all Q10 Mensa ICs.