Russia is setting up a strategic airbase on an island belonging to Venezuela in the Carribean Sea.
What is Zig Forums's thoughts on this development?
I think Venezuela's people are about to get armed by some "interested parties".
Russia is setting up a strategic airbase on an island belonging to Venezuela in the Carribean Sea.
What is Zig Forums's thoughts on this development?
I think Venezuela's people are about to get armed by some "interested parties".
Stop colonizing brown people
Rule 4. Fuck off. Nothing can stop WWIII, and no one will fight back against it.
Why would we "fight against it", when WWIII is the only chance we have of realistically cleansing our lands of DinDo's, (((THEM))), and OP's?
Nobody sane enough believes slavs are the real enemy.
two jews or retarded shitskins post into a thread
no, wait
Good. Death to America tbh fam
America no longer exists. it has been replaced by a Shadow, the 7th Floor Group, a Deep State. since the American govt no longer exists, all treaties are null and void. so the Monroe Doctrine no longer exists either. by the way, this also means that Fort Ross CA reverts back to its pre-1838 ownership, before it was gifted to the former USA. Fort Ross is now territory of the Russian Federation, and Putin will be well within his rights to send tens of thousands of Russian soldiers to protect Fort Ross while the citizens of the region hold a referendum and vote to join the Russian Federation.
Are you retarded? The US violated the Doctrine dozens of times before
Okay, global report.
Global report.
We don't, you shitskins are the ones who won't fuck off out of White countries where you claim to be oppressed.
WWI for example
Cold war is over and 19th century called. You have to go back.
That would also mean USA should give Florida back to Spain
Good. American cannot sustain a wartime status in its current condition.
Bring the rain Ivan, and aim for the coastal urban centers.
I hope I don't wind up amongst the dead, but if I do… What better way to die?
You didn't even copy paste an article converting Russia violating the doctrine, or even a link to an article!
We're looking at the end:
The sooner the Zionist States of America collapse the better, without the jewish world police maybe the rest of the world has a chance to start a RaHoWa without the thread of America nuking them for declaring war on Israel.
If only we lived in a sane world.
muh bahday iz reday
The ancient stature of not letting them get involved in their hemisphere as long as they don't get involved in ours?
If you wan't to invoke that, the US will need to lose its bases and branches in Europe, Japan, Aus and many other countries in the Eastern hemisphere, first and foremost.
I feel bad for slavs, I want to live in peace with them, but many of them are communists and always have been, and follow communist laws and orders.
while I pity them, if shit gets hot they get shot
I think Russia is taking more bites than they can chew, and they are just posturing.
How is that different from Americans?
How fucking Jewish are you to shamelessly invoke “MUH MONROE DOCTRINE” when NATO and USA have permanent military bases and nuclear arms within a popsicle stick length of Moscow on the world map?
Fugg you
Whites tend to live mostly outside of the cities, which are the major targets for nukes.
The most useless of whites also tend to live in cities, due to their inherent fear, and cattle-like instincts that tell them there's "sfety in numbers."
Nuclear strikes would incinerate non-whites, Jews, and the useless white race-traitors, for the most part.
The radiation from this destruction would dissipate over time, but those in the rural and suburban areas that did not know how to survive it, as well as the weak, would all perish.
The whites left standing would be the strongest, most resilient, and most intelligent of the species. A few generations of culling the genetic mutations later, and whites would be even more supermensch than they are now.
Even if the cost of this war would be generations of strife and suffering, and a long climb back to normalcy, it would still be preferable to a world governed by the hated Jew, and polluted by their dark golems.
So, by all means, launch it all. Whites will survive. We've survived everything.
The venezuelans agreed to the airbase you moron.
Russia isnt cololizing them.
Russia knows that that even if they gave us everything we wanted, our media would still demonize them. So why would they bother?
They should bother less about making stupid geopolitical moves, more about improving their economy and nation.
True. But I think that applies to every country.
By the way, you've got that reversed.
The U.S.S.R. no longer exists, so any treaties made with the U.S.S.R. are null and void.
We had weak presidents that claimed they would still abide by those treaties, but there is no legal reason we have to.
We can build orbiting nuclear platforms, for instance, no treaty with the old regime is valid (although we have agreements not to through the UN, which is something we could leave in a day, if we made that decision…and we should).
We could build bunker-buster nukes, and make the entire world's nuclear survival plans obsolete. We could do a shitload of things that our previous treaties with the U.S.S.R. forbids.
russia just wants leverage. they are paranoid about countries like poland and ukraine and they are couple of generations behind the us in technology. this is why russia allying itself with (((China))) even though they despise them.
Russia is actually ahead in some areas.
Like those Buk Missiles they used to take out that plane over Ukraine?
We have no equivalent to that. Which I think is why they chose to use it.
The Monroe Doctrine rested on the ideology of Manifest Destiny. If we don't have that, we don't have the Monroe Doctrine.
It's a replay of the Turkish Missile Crisis of JFK's admin. Basically the US fucked with Russia by doing flights over airspace of the ukraine, so Russia fucks back with supersonic maneuvers over the Caribbean. And, just as in the TMC in the 60s, the US backed down behind the scenes somehow, hid it from the mushrooms here in the States, and subsequently claimed that the Russians, who pulled out after they got what they wanted, were the ones who 'really' backed down.
Those TU-160s are some serious shit. Better all-around than the B1, longer range, faster and higher flight speed, less tonnage of ordinance but better ordinance (nuclear, cruise missiles, etc).
This is all an extension of the Kerch provocation by the Jews in the ukraine, and by Poroshenko, who is fifth in election polling and will probably go to prison once he's out of office. I knew when the US did their flyover that the Russians would respond, it was only a question of how. I personally thought they'd just have one of their nuclear subs pop up unexpectedly in the international waters near the Gulf of Mexico, but this is better - more visible.
Expecting that word means the same thing over there that it does here. Fuck, 1/3 of White Americans are communist in that they unironically support the Marxist parties of Dems, Greens, or Socialists here, while CPUSA is vanishingly small. Meanwhile, "Communist" parties in much of the former USSR are simply the pro-Russian parties.
The Slavs are the good guys. To the extent that there are any bad guys among the Whites, it's the Anglos who seem to fall in line with the role of Shabbos Goyim most easily, and our task is not to fight them so much as to wake them up. Fuck, Putin just praised a memorial to Solzhenitsyn and said that all the kids should read his books; may I remind everyone that '200 Years Together' doesn't need a Russian translation as it was originally written in Russian?
Before that, the Spanish-American War.
please save us, russia
whites will be 52% in a year and well be south africa in 40 years
QTDDTOT, nigger.
I want those girls to march right into my bedroom
Hey retard brainlet did you know that the US has over 800 fully manned/armed military bases worldwide? This even includes (formerly)"neutral" countries.
Can you say ZOG colonization?
Amerikike ZOG global police presence is 100x worse than fucking Russia already.
We certainly shall see if that really going to happen because we all know how well it went back in WW2. Remember how American involvement in war was encouraged and how media fought against everyone who tried to oppose it, to a degree that lives of those people were ruined forever most of the time? Just like they fuck over with people who oppose their degeneracy lifestyle or destruction of remnants of Western civilization. Not to mention that when shit like happens on daily basis and no one is trying to do something about it this is uncertain for whom majority of people going to fight in the war assuming it going to happen. I'm not even sure that Europe will fight against America and its masters aside from Germans probably who are fed up with this shit and even begun shitstorm after that shitskin killed someone.
The day you joined the war against Axis was the day when America has died and people lost their power over their country. Perhaps it would be better if American lands along with kikes would be nuked to death and if American soldiers who sold their soul and fight for (((them))) would be slaughtered by Europeans and Asians on their territories too, this 100% could solve majority of problems we have today without any "if" or "maybes". This may be radical but I'm fine with everything as long as it stops the leak of this cancer.
This place is a shithole colonized by Ivan and his fuck wit friends
Its a place holder pic, are you Ukrainian or what?
Ukraine is a member of EU, NATO, has UZA ZOG military base(prob includes missile defense), after the civil war it has a Jew dictator, kosherite jew bandit squads and it's just next door to Russia. Meanwhile this faggot OP is talking about the Monroe doctrine, which nobody gives a fuck about now. (((Nobody))) has given a fuck about that shit ever. It's all apart of the arbitrary rules that they make other nations follow on threat of sanctions meanwhile they sit there and VETO anull their own exact same rule breaking.
how can that be true if jews control everything?
Bring the fire that cleanses the filth.
Oh shit. I dubbed a nukular war by accident.
glownigger detected
Most probably in exchange for money or something.
Since their "communism work guys" government has put the country in shambles.
You mean the good goys, amirite?
You're doing it wrong
Nope, you dubbed degenerates
he knows the kike-lover in chief will never seal the southern border so Putin is exploiting that as a possible egress to in send troops and tanks. It's pretty much a home run stretch for him.
checked. hopefully it lands in Washington dc
Hasn't Cuba been a violation of the Monroe doctrine since the commie revolution nya?
you're site sucks
I pray for the Venezuelan people.
If the cold war is starting up I hope we at least get some cool air raid siren systems like the boomers got. Though fear it will just be some faggot smartphone crap.
This is good.
This means that American force projection is coming to an end.
The power of the gun is literally the only thing holding this polyglot diverse hellhole together.
balkanization is coming
How can a country balkanize when, the majority of fighting age men are homeless? 2008 shouldn't be the Great Recession, in the future it will be known as the Final Cessation.
sorry what? ukraine is not nor ever will be a member of nato. if ukraine were to join nato russia would straight up invade it and nato wouldnt do shit about it.
Generally, people without much to lose make the best soldiers.
and this isn't going to be a peaceful balkanization either. The country is too divided, and the three major racial groups want completely different things for the country.
kind of sad, but nothing lasts forever, I suppose
Shitskins overwhelmingly live in the big cities that don't produce their own food. They can't secede; or they could, but there's nothing preventing America from re-taking them by force. There's the black belt, but that's also where the most racially aware and proud of their heritage and identity whites live. Then there's a small strip of Southern Texas that's majority mexican, but mexico is compared to the US a military non-entity, and they couldn't feasibly help separatists there.
Oh, and white people can win conflicts against shitskins outnumbered 1 to 100, I refer you to history. So, no. I say it's a nice cleaning operation if the shit ever hits the fan, only balkanization if you allow white people to become a tiny 20% minority and large swaths of the country start belonging to specific ethnicities in decades and centuries to come. Which is also unlikely the way the wind is blowing.
Either it's a nice cleanisng operation
Damn, last sentence is an obvious formatting error.
but our destiny already manifested. sweet columbia nigga. it ruled by black people now did u notice? "14th amendment city" basically
Oil dutch disease. And even with problems, noone votes on opposition there.
and start eradicating them, I agree, shlomo
(((kikes))) have failed to control everything. There is always freedom. ==(((they))) are dead.== ==(((kikes))) are dead.==
We are Free.
get fucked anglokike
actually the bolsheviks fucked up on that one because they dissolved the russian tsardom and made all agreements and deals null and void to avoid paying russias international debt back to the banks.
thats also why the allies invaded russia in 1918.
no because it was cubans revolting against a foregein (US) puppet goverment.
this was happening within the americas making monroe doctrine irrelevant
Sorry my nigger
I wont do it again homie
that was before russia ruined the yinon plan in syria
the problem is that even if whites establish an ethnostate in agrarian ares the govt thats gonna want to keep power is gonna invade them to keep the cities from starving to death.
Motherfucker, I posted this two days ago and did not recieve a reply for quite some time. I work, I play, I go outside often.
Pretty presumptious of you to think I need to bunker up to use the chans.
I will do better making a thread next time.
You kvetch harder than the kikes over a nothing burger.
unironically this tho, it has been the anglo policy since the 1800s
You would prefer going out like as a wisp of carbon?
You have truly taken the black pill then.
Half the time people shut them all off because of those stupid ass amber alerts
We will be needing those sirens because our shitty system has used the smartphone alerts too many times to cry wolf.
Sir, you are all over the place in this thread.
You go from trying to be a total edgelord to trying to have a discussion with me.
You went in the wrong order you fucking moron. You give people the Honey and then you spray people with the Vinegar.
Why bother even posting as if you want a discussion? I hardly want to have one with you knowing how erratic your posting is.
ID's are a wonderful thing
Can't archive on this comp for some reason:
The bombers are returning to Russia. More importantly, any of this posturing is just to get some leeway from the US. Basically sacrificing diplomatic standing in exchange for strategic concessions.
Both the US and Russia are not capable of actually facing each other down. Russia knows that taking a mile can give them an inch. Same shit we always do.