How is this being slid so quickly?
That's why. It will get struck down by SCOTUS because of based cuckservative Roberts.
Gotta love the ACA.
Be me. Age 54. Saved, saved, saved and made good money. Have $2.5 million in brokerage & IRAs. $450K house paid off. $200K in online bank. Live on $6K / month.
Laid off this year with 7 months severance and health care, ran out this month. Only bring in $63K in income from brokerage investments. $900K cash / investments post-tax.
As of 1/1/2019 $63K in income for 2 qualifies for 12% tax bracket. In bottom 2 brackets no income tax on capital gains (70% of income). $63K income for 2 also qualifies for 100% subsidy on ACA, saving us $1100 / month.
WIN WIN. I didn't make the rules.
Oh, well that makes sense.
salt incoming
Seems all legislation recently isn't from congress but the bench. Why even bother being a democratically elected officially when you can be an appointed judge interpreting laws however you see fit?
Agreed. This is why the jewdiciary needs to be knocked down a few pegs; although, it is nice to see some action by Republican "activist" judges for a change. I was beginning to think they didn't exist.
This ruling didn't legislate at all like the fag marriage ruling. It's not telling states that they must do something, it's telling states and the feds that they can't - force citizens to - do something.
If the government does something on this scale which is unconstitutional and then puts it into action, and then runs it for 4 years, there should be hundreds of executions.
And then suddenly twitter leftists no longer support judicial dictatorship.
Fuck you, exiled kang nigger.
I need high quality health insurance. ACA never made that happen, and neither does the status quo. Good riddance to both. Bring on the WOW Signal.
It's a literal Boomer user.
Show TempleOS VB install or GTFO.
About time conservative judges started taking names like their counterparts who have been very activist since Trump's election.
What is this, a lolberg board now? You want to save the currency with entitlement reform like some looter? Fine, but prepare your angus for the genetic refuse of the third world, you turds.
Checked, nobody declared that lefties could be the only activist judges. Whether or not it's valid the challenge will tie up the opponent's resources making them unable to devote them to other areas.
This is the ultimate development of Alinskyism, the right learned how to fight the same battle.
TempleOS works best on bare metal, nobody does proper PC speaker emulation any more.
He's 54, he's Gen X. I'm 65. I'm a late boomer.
Please get your terminology right. I hate the laxity of you young fellows.
It's a useful Zeitgeist.
This is how the Balkanization will occur, through judicial decisions as circuit courts start heading in different directions.
The plans for Balkanization will be headed off by the military, the NSA has everything anybody ever said to another person for two generations unless they did it mouth to ear, naked, in the middle of a field at midnight. They will aggressively pursue the integrity of the nation as they should.
Traitors will hang but it's going to get even wackier before it happens.
Even if Trump only has two more years, he's got the senate; how many more federal court judges can he get in?
Zig Forums is not your blog you fucking faggot. No one gives a shit.
Sounds perfectly fine to me.
Pic related
And he can push core right wing judges, even if those cucks Romney, Murkowski and Collins throw a fit. Good opportunity to also replace aging Thomas with equally right wing conservative.
Trump NEEDS to put in hard right activist judges. Playing fair will only get us killed. We're in a culture war right now.
He's X, you dumbfucks.
As I recall, one appointed judge has already betrayed Trump.
I don't really care about losing the part about giving health insurance to poor people for free.
But this part…
That part should have been law since forever. It has always been evil and corrupt as shit that health insurance companies could deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions. That's pretty much the only part of the whole thing that I cared about.
Gen x and boomer niggers like you belong on a cross. Go blogpost on reddit.
It begins.
shit, meant for
Free alpha launching in 47 days.
Ah wrong thread.
Statistically the only good generations are X and Z. Millennials are either as pozzed or more than their Boomer parents. Everything from trannies, niggerloving, and SJW bullshit started with them.
As before the plans for Balkanization come from Britain, will be initiated by States, and quashed by the Federal Government.
I've been saying this for years
Wrong, it's the same with the Boomers, they are simply extremely apt to soak up the prevailing brainwashing of the time. Boomers went from beating up fags to marrying them, same as millennials, and they can be made to burn the flag or burn a Jew all by the magic of Talmudvision and social media.
They don't stand on any firm ground, whatever the media input stream tells them is their footing is their footing. They are weak and don't count for shit.
More or less. Seems that every other generation is pozzed.
dup btfo
Judges are basically feudal lords handing out decrees whenever they see fit.
Took over 5 years to determine that it's illegal. LOL I hate this world.
You have to ask?
Better here than being a HRC or Bernie supporter.
Last night when I read that I thought for a moment it said "OBAMA DEAD" and I was like
Fuck you, you selective fag. I read EVERYTHING.
And now begins the other bought-out-son-of-a-federal-bitch-judge to counter it. Same thing everyday.
OFF TOPIC: Why are there no Starbucks in Israel?
This is because the fucking kikes are feeding old fucks like this poster comfort to prevent them from revolting, since they are needed for young whites to not get fucking slaughtered when they resist white genocide.
Does anybody truly buy this "millions of poor people will lose their healthcare!" shit? I made only $1000 or so over the poverty level annually the last couple of years, and I was not eligible for ACA. Instead, I paid a hefty tax penalty due to not being able to afford health insurance. People like me are applauding the idea of this garbage being taken down. Do these people truly believe what they say, or are they trying to push a narrative? If it's the latter, nobody is buying it.
It took 9 YEARS for a federal judge to say that.
wtf, how do they get away with this shit.
fuck fuck fuck Sorry for duplicate posting mods. I fucked up. polite sage for error.
No worries, a different federal judge will counter it soon.
But you didn't even sage?
Judges apparently run everything. Unless we get a true /ourguy/ Trump can get a star of david tattooed on his forehead, I'm still voting for him.
Zig Forums has always known this, never believed Trump was legit /ourguy/ but was always sensible enough to not wait for Hitler.
This and Kavanaugh (yeah I know not perfect, but damn sure not something Hillary would have cursed us with) proves that in addition to sniffing out the chosen, is another case of pol is always right.
I'm loving the salt. It's fucking exquisite. Just wonderful. fucking shadilay.
No, it was challenged immediately, but Roberts cucked and called it a tax, making it legal. Now that the mandate is gone, it's not a tax anymore, and thus it was again immediately challenged.
What would America now be like had HRC been elected, I mean selected, do you think?
That thought makes me want to cry. A true hellscape beyond belief. Total and complete wish for death, but can't have it, demoralization torture.
They would have destroyed our families right before our eyes. When we were almost there I was full-time emergency memeing to stop that nightmare. That period of time was the tip of the spear for civilization. With no irony memewar vets saved the world.
I was so stressed since the primaries. Election night; I didn't even watch. Woke up seeing Trump won. I cried tears of joy.
Stop getting tricked by the illusion of choice
As a leaf I'm laughing. Jugears scammed you and gave a winfall to (((insurance companies))). Here the government may have waiting times with single payer but they will not let them forget that government is head kike and thus no $50,000 bedpans.
I don't really understand why the deep state, Jews, Satan, etc. just didn't capitulate to Trump. 8 years of Trump then he's gone. Why this constant fighting, media war? This is what they wanted, I suppose. Everyone at odds with everyone and no one even thinks about looking behind the veil. I just think the Jews would have gained more if they acted like Trump was good.
Fuck off. I know the deal.
Remember when Canadian-born Ted Cruz tried to get the GOP nomination? Remember how the constitution says you're supposed to be native born to be president?
They were legit writing articles openly about how they should use the levers of power to seek and destroy anyone who was backing Trump, to make an example of what happens to people who rebel against the progressive machine. Obama was using the IRS, spying on us, working with the media, hitting us in stealth, all kinds of insane abuses of power.
Anybody who thinks you wouldn't feel it day to day with Madam President Hillary Clinton is out of their ever loving fucking mind.
He's like 50 but he sounds nasal and whiny just like Ben Shapiro.
What a poignant question.
I voted for Benjamin Netanyahu in the last election. He was born in Pennsylvania.
checked and fair enough. our shit is fucked. Free speech gun rights, presumption of innocence. It's all fucked up.
But that does NOT mean Hillary Clinton would be the same as it is now. You're crazy if you think that crew wouldn't be doing unimaginable horrible shit to us if they got into power.
It could be so SO much worse. If you didn't see the handwriting on the wall with that I'm not going to argue about it. This is all hypothetical anyway so I'm not going to try to convince you, but that's the trajectory I saw.
sage for off topic.
hillary was never an option. if she were she'd be president. it's pretty simple logic
Remember how DAS RAYCISS and how Obongo got to be King Nigger anyway? Niggers are unconstitutional.
Nigger, stop being retarded, she would have won if not for Trump.
fcuking filtered. I'm too busy getting salt and jacking off with my enemies tears for this. nonsense.
meant for
incoming salt
ty user this is good salt
Not enough, my man.
Why didn't you lie and say you had insurance, there's no way for them to check. And they only way they could ever collect is if you are owed a refund.
Gee I wonder if they will be moving to Mexico or Africa?
Okay let's keep it coming then. There's just so much damn salt. kek We probably need some reddit and tumbr salt too.
none of the sideshow matter, you think when the browns take over (very soon) you will want to goto the hospital? fuck trump, fuck obamacare, fuck brown people
I'm unable to work due to a severe spinal injury, does this mean i'm fucked now or something? someone redrocket me on this